buttonsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/buttons scriptdir = $(libdir)/openbox/python includeotkdir = $(includedir)/otk pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig CXXFLAGS=$(XFT_CFLAGS) @CXXFLAGS@ \ -DBUTTONSDIR=\"$(buttonsdir)\" -DSWIG_GLOBAL # -DSWIG_GLOBAL means we don't have to link libswigpy cuz libotk will export # everything it would #INCLUDES= -I../src #noinst_LIBRARIES=libotk.a lib_LTLIBRARIES=libotk.la libotk_la_SOURCES=rendercontrol.cc truerendercontrol.cc surface.cc \ renderstyle.cc rendercolor.cc pseudorendercontrol.cc \ display.cc font.cc \ property.cc rect.cc screeninfo.cc \ timer.cc \ util.cc widget.cc focuswidget.cc \ button.cc eventhandler.cc eventdispatcher.cc ustring.cc \ label.cc focuslabel.cc application.cc appwidget.cc \ otk_wrap.cc includeotk_HEADERS=application.hh appwidget.hh assassin.hh button.hh \ display.hh eventdispatcher.hh eventhandler.hh \ focuslabel.hh focuswidget.hh font.hh label.hh otk.hh \ point.hh property.hh pseudorendercontrol.hh rect.hh \ rendercolor.hh rendercontrol.hh renderstyle.hh \ rendertexture.hh screeninfo.hh strut.hh surface.hh \ timer.hh truerendercontrol.hh ustring.hh util.hh widget.hh \ ../config.h libotk_la_LDFLAGS = $(XFT_LIBS) @LIBS@ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES= Makefile.in pkgconfig_DATA = otk.pc script_DATA = otk.py EXTRA_DIST = $(script_DATA) otk.pc: otk.pc.in @regex_cmd@ -e "s,\@prefix\@,$(prefix)," \ -e "s,\@version\@,$(VERSION)," \ @srcdir@/$^ > $@ distclean-local: rm -f *\~ *.orig *.rej .\#* otk_test: libotk.la otk_test.cc $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../src $(XFT_CFLAGS) -Wall -W -pedantic -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -o otk_test otk_test.cc $(XFT_LIBS) -L. -lotk @LIBS@ rendertest: libotk.la rendertest.cc $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../src $(XFT_CFLAGS) -Wall -W -pedantic -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -o $@ rendertest.cc $(XFT_LIBS) -L. -lotk @LIBS@ %.py: %_wrap.cc otk.i: $(wildcard *.hh) touch $@ %_wrap.cc: %.i swig $(filter -I%,$(CXXFLAGS)) -python -shadow -c++ -nodefault -o $@ $< # local dependencies