[resistance] # amount of resistance to provide at edges #strength=10 # resistance against other windows #windows=true [placement] # place windows where they were last #remember = yes [focus] # focus new windows when they appear #focusNew = yes # does focus follow the mouse pointer when it enters a window #followMouse = no # when no windows are left with focus, focus the last window on the desktop # to previously have focus #focusLast = yes # a special case of focusLast that applies when switching between desktops; if # set, the previously focused window on the desktop is focused when switching #focusLastOnDesktop = yes # shows a helpful dialog while cycling focus #cyclingDialog = yes [desktops] # The number of virtual desktops to use #number = 4 # A list of names for the desktops names = ("one" "two" "three" "four") [moveresize] # When true windows are moved opaquely, when false just an outline is shown # while they are moved #opaque_move = yes # When true windows are resized opaquely, when false just an outline is shown # while they are resized #opaque_resize = yes [theme] # the theme to display #theme = "operation" [dock] # The position on the screen to place the dock. Options are: # Floating - uses the floatingX and floatingY options to position itself # TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Right, BottomRight, Bottom, BottomLeft, Left # - the appropriate corner/edge of the screen #position = "TopLeft" # When position is "Floating", this specifies the x-coordinate to place the # the dock at. #floatingx = 0 # When position is "Floating", this specifies the y-coordinate to place the # the dock at. #floatingy = 0 # The stacking layer that the dock will be in. Options are: # Top - above all normal windows, same layer as panels # Normal - can be above and below normal windows # Bottom - below all normal windows #stacking = "Top" # When true, the dock will grow horizontally when dock apps are added to it, # otherwise it will grow vertically. #horizontal = no # When true, the dock will hide itself while the pointer is not over it, and # will show itself when the pointer is. #autoHide = no # The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding the dock when the pointer # leaves it, if the autoHide option is on. #hideTimeout = 3000 [keyboard] #kbind (Key [Key...]) Action [Parameter] kbind (F12) execute "xterm" kbind (A-Left) PreviousDesktopWrap kbind (A-Right) NextDesktopWrap kbind (A-1) Desktop 1 kbind (A-2) Desktop 2 kbind (A-3) Desktop 3 kbind (A-4) Desktop 4 kbind (C-A-1) SendToDesktop 1 kbind (C-A-2) SendToDesktop 2 kbind (C-A-3) SendToDesktop 3 kbind (C-A-4) SendToDesktop 4 kbind (C-S-x x) ToggleMaximizeFull kbind (C-S-x Up) ToggleMaximizeVert kbind (C-S-x Right) ToggleMaximizeHorz kbind (C-A-Left) MoveRelativeHorz -3 kbind (C-A-Right) MoveRelativeHorz 3 kbind (C-A-Up) MoveRelativeVert -3 kbind (C-A-Down) MoveRelativeVert 3 kbind (A-F4) Close kbind (W-D) ToggleDecorations kbind (A-Tab) NextWindow kbind (S-A-Tab) PreviousWindow [mouse] # the distance a drag must go before it is recognized #dragThreshold = 3 # the amount of time in milliseconds in which two clicks must occur to cause a # doubleclick event #doubleClickTime = 200 #mbind Context Event Button Action [Parameter] mbind Titlebar Drag Left Move mbind Handle Drag Left Move mbind Frame Drag A-Left Move mbind BLCorner Drag Left Resize mbind BRCorner Drag Left Resize mbind Frame Drag A-Middle Resize mbind Titlebar Click Left Raise mbind Titlebar Press Middle Lower mbind Handle Click Left Raise mbind Handle Press Middle Lower mbind Frame Click A-Left Raise mbind Frame Click A-Middle Lower mbind Titlebar Press Left Focus mbind Handle Press Left Focus mbind BLCorner Press Left Focus mbind BRCorner Press Left Focus mbind Maximize Press Left Focus mbind Maximize Press Middle Focus mbind Maximize Press Right Focus mbind Iconify Press Left Focus mbind Icon Press Left Focus mbind Close Press Left Focus mbind AllDesktops Press Left Focus mbind Shade Press Left Focus mbind Client Press Left FocusRaise mbind Client Press Middle Focus mbind Client Press Right Focus mbind Frame Press A-Left Focus mbind Titlebar DoubleClick Left ToggleShade mbind Titlebar Click Up Shade mbind Titlebar Click Down UnShade mbind Maximize Click Left ToggleMaximizeFull mbind Maximize Click Middle ToggleMaximizeVert mbind Maximize Click Right ToggleMaximizeHorz mbind Iconify Click Left Iconify mbind Icon DoubleClick Left Close mbind Close Click Left Close mbind Close Click Middle Kill mbind AllDesktops Click Left ToggleOmnipresent mbind Shade Click Left ToggleShade mbind Root Click Up NextDesktopWrap mbind Root Click Down PreviousDesktopWrap mbind Root Click A-Up NextDesktopWrap mbind Root Click A-Down PreviousDesktopWrap mbind Frame Click A-Up NextDesktopWrap mbind Frame Click A-Down PreviousDesktopWrap mbind Frame Click C-A-Up SendToNextDesktopWrap mbind Frame Click C-A-Down SendToPreviousDesktopWrap mbind Root Click Right ShowMenu "root"