.float scores[MAX_SCORE]; .float teamscores[MAX_TEAMSCORE]; .entity scorekeeper; entity teamscorekeepers[16]; string scores_label[MAX_SCORE]; float scores_flags[MAX_SCORE]; string teamscores_label[MAX_TEAMSCORE]; float teamscores_flags[MAX_TEAMSCORE]; float teamscores_entities_count; var .float scores_primary; var .float teamscores_primary; float scores_initialized; .float Version; .float(entity to) SendEntity; vector ScoreField_Compare(entity t1, entity t2, .float field, float fieldflags, vector previous) // returns: cmp value, best prio { if(fieldflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK < previous_y) return previous; if(t1.field == t2.field) return previous; previous_y = fieldflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK; if(fieldflags & SFL_DECREASING) previous_x = (t1.field - t2.field); else previous_x = (t2.field - t1.field); return previous; } /* * teamscore entities */ void TeamScore_SendEntity(entity to) { float i; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.team); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.teamscores[i]); } void TeamScore_Spawn(float t, string name) { entity ts; ts = spawn(); ts.classname = "csqc_score_team"; ts.SendEntity = TeamScore_SendEntity; ts.netname = name; // not used yet, FIXME ts.Version = 1; // immediately send, so csqc knows about the team ts.team = t; teamscorekeepers[t] = ts; ++teamscores_entities_count; } void TeamScore_Add(entity player, float scorefield, float score) { entity s; if(!scores_initialized) return; // FIXME remove this when everything uses this system s = teamscorekeepers[player.team]; if(!s) error("Adding score to unknown team!"); s.(teamscores[scorefield]) += score; s.Version += 1; } float TeamScore_Compare(entity t1, entity t2) { if(!t1 || !t2) return (!t2) - !t1; vector result; float i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) result = ScoreField_Compare(t1, t2, teamscores[i], teamscores_flags[i], result); return result_x; } /* * the scoreinfo entity */ void ScoreInfo_SetLabel_PlayerScore(float i, string label, float scoreflags) { scores_label[i] = label; scores_flags[i] = scoreflags; if(scoreflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) scores_primary = scores[i]; } void ScoreInfo_SetLabel_TeamScore(float i, string label, float scoreflags) { teamscores_label[i] = label; teamscores_flags[i] = scoreflags; if(scoreflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) teamscores_primary = teamscores[i]; } void ScoreInfo_SendEntity(entity to) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_SCORES_INFO); float i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, scores_label[i]); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, scores_flags[i]); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, teamscores_label[i]); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, teamscores_flags[i]); } } void ScoreInfo_Init(float teams) { scores_initialized = 1; if(teams >= 1) TeamScore_Spawn(COLOR_TEAM1, "Red"); if(teams >= 2) TeamScore_Spawn(COLOR_TEAM2, "Blue"); if(teams >= 3) TeamScore_Spawn(COLOR_TEAM3, "Yellow"); if(teams >= 4) TeamScore_Spawn(COLOR_TEAM4, "Pink"); entity si; si = spawn(); si.classname = "csqc_score_info"; si.SendEntity = ScoreInfo_SendEntity; si.Version = 1; } /* * per-player score entities */ void PlayerScore_SendEntity() { float i; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_SCORES); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, num_for_edict(self.owner)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.scores[i]); } void PlayerScore_Clear(entity player) { entity sk; float i; if(!teamscores_entities_count) { sk = player.scorekeeper; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) sk.(scores[i]) = 0; sk.Version += 1; } } void Score_ClearAll() { entity p, sk; float i; FOR_EACH_CLIENTSLOT(p) { sk = p.scorekeeper; if(!sk) continue; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) sk.(scores[i]) = 0; sk.Version += 1; } for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { sk = teamscorekeepers[i]; if(!sk) continue; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) sk.(teamscores[i]) = 0; sk.Version += 1; } } void PlayerScore_Attach(entity player) { entity sk; if(player.scorekeeper) error("player already has a scorekeeper"); sk = spawn(); sk.owner = player; sk.SendEntity = PlayerScore_SendEntity; player.scorekeeper = sk; } void PlayerScore_Detach(entity player) { if(!player.scorekeeper) error("player has no scorekeeper"); remove(player.scorekeeper); player.scorekeeper = world; } void PlayerScore_Add(entity player, float scorefield, float score) { entity s; if(!scores_initialized) return; // FIXME remove this when everything uses this system s = player.scorekeeper; if(!s) error("Adding score to unknown player!"); s.(scores[scorefield]) += score; s.Version += 1; } void PlayerTeamScore_Add(entity player, float pscorefield, float tscorefield, float score) { PlayerScore_Add(player, pscorefield, score); if(teamscores_entities_count) // only for teamplay TeamScore_Add(player, tscorefield, score); } float PlayerScore_Compare(entity t1, entity t2) { if(!t1 || !t2) return (!t2) - !t1; vector result; float i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) result = ScoreField_Compare(t1, t2, scores[i], scores_flags[i], result); return result_x; } void WinningConditionHelper() { float c; if(teamscores_entities_count) { float t; WinningConditionHelper_equality = 1; WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = 0; for(t = 1; t < 16; ++t) { c = TeamScore_Compare(teamscorekeepers[WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam], teamscorekeepers[t]); if(c == 0) WinningConditionHelper_equality = 1; else if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_equality = 0; WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = t; } } WinningConditionHelper_topscore = teamscorekeepers[WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam].teamscores_primary; WinningConditionHelper_winner = world; if(WinningConditionHelper_equality) WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = -1; } else { entity p; WinningConditionHelper_equality = 1; WinningConditionHelper_winner = world; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(p) { c = PlayerScore_Compare(WinningConditionHelper_winner.scorekeeper, p.scorekeeper); if(c == 0) WinningConditionHelper_equality = 1; else if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_equality = 0; WinningConditionHelper_winner = p; } } WinningConditionHelper_topscore = WinningConditionHelper_winner.scorekeeper.scores_primary; if(WinningConditionHelper_equality) WinningConditionHelper_winner = world; WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = -1; } } void Score_DebugPrint() { entity p, sk; float i, t; print("netname"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) print(":", scores_label[i]); print("\n"); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(p) { sk = p.scorekeeper; print(p.netname); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) print(":", ftos(sk.(scores[i]))); print("\n"); } print("teamname"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) print(":", teamscores_label[i]); print("\n"); for(t = 0; t < 16; ++t) { sk = teamscorekeepers[t]; if(sk) { print(ftos(t)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) print(":", ftos(sk.(teamscores[i]))); print("\n"); } } }