#define PFL_GROUNDSNAP 1 #define PFL_NOOPTIMIZE 2 #define PFL_SUBPATH3D 4 #define PT_QUICKSTAR 1 #define PT_QUICKBOX 2 #define PT_ASTAR 4 // FIXME NOT IMPLEMENTED //#define PATHLIB_RDFIELDS #ifdef PATHLIB_RDFIELDS #define path_flags lip #define path_subpathing_size autoswitch #define path_subpathing_bboxexpand welcomemessage_time #define path_next swampslug #define path_prev lasertarget #else .entity path_next; .entity path_prev; .float path_subpathing_size; .float path_subpathing_bboxexpand; .float path_flags; #endif #define pathlib_garbagetime 120 #define pathib_maxdivide 512 .float(vector start,vector end) path_validate; float pathlib_stdproc_path_validate(vector start,vector end) { tracebox(start, self.mins, self.maxs, end, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(vlen(trace_endpos - end) < 32) return 1; return 0; } vector pathlib_groundsnap(vector where) { float lsize; lsize = vlen(self.mins - self.maxs) * 0.25; traceline(where + ('0 0 1' * lsize) ,where - '0 0 10240',MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); return trace_endpos + ('0 0 1' * lsize); } entity pathlib_createpoint(entity parent,entity next,entity first,vector where) { entity point; point = spawn(); point.classname = "path_node"; if(first) point.owner = first; else { point.classname = "path_master"; point.owner = point; } if(parent) point.path_prev = parent; if(next) { point.path_next = next; } else point.classname = "path_end"; if (point.owner.path_flags & PFL_GROUNDSNAP) where = pathlib_groundsnap(where); setorigin(point,where); return point; } /* float pathlib_scoresubpath(vector start,vector point,vector end,float minstep) { float dist_stp,dist_pte,dist_total; dist_stp = vlen(start - point); if(dist_stp < minstep) return 100000000; dist_pte = vlen(point - end); dist_total = dist_stp + dist_pte; return -1; } */ vector pathlib_subpath_quickbox(entity start,vector vcrash,entity end,float maxsize) { float step; float pathscore; float pathscore_best; float dist; vector bestpoint,point; float zmin,zmax; vector box; pathscore_best = 0; step = vlen(self.maxs - self.mins) * start.owner.path_subpathing_bboxexpand; if(start.owner.path_flags & PFL_SUBPATH3D) { zmin = maxsize * -1; zmax = maxsize; } else { zmin = 0; zmax = 1; } for(box_z = zmin; box_z < zmax; box_z += step) for(box_y = -maxsize; box_y < maxsize; box_y += step) for(box_x = -maxsize; box_x < maxsize; box_x += step) { point = vcrash + box; if(start.owner.path_flags & PFL_GROUNDSNAP) point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) { dist = vlen(start.origin - point); if(dist > step) { pathscore = 1 / (dist + vlen(point - end.origin)); if(pathscore > pathscore_best) { bestpoint = point; pathscore_best = pathscore; } } } } if(pathscore_best != 0) return bestpoint; return start.origin; } vector pathlib_subpath_quickstar(entity start,entity end,float gridsize) { vector point, best_point; float score, best_score; vector dir_end; dir_end = normalize(end.origin - start.origin); dir_end_x = dir_end_x * -1; makevectors(dir_end); best_score = 0; score = 0; best_point = start.origin; // Forward point = start.origin + v_forward * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Forward-right point = start.origin + (v_forward + v_right * 0.5) * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Forward-left point = start.origin + (v_forward - v_right * 0.5) * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Right point = start.origin + v_right * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Left point = start.origin - v_right * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Back point = start.origin - v_forward * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Back-right point = start.origin - (v_forward + v_right * 0.5) * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); // Back-left point = start.origin - (v_forward - v_right * 0.5) * gridsize; point = pathlib_groundsnap(point); if(self.path_validate(start.origin,point)) score = 1 / vlen(point - end.origin); if(score < best_score) { best_point = point; best_score = score; } //te_lightning1(world,start.origin,point); return(best_point); } float pathlib_path(entity start,entity end,float pathing_method) { vector vcrash; vector subpath_point; entity subpoint; // Fail. if(start.cnt > pathib_maxdivide) { bprint("To many segments!\n"); return 0; } if(self.path_validate(start.origin,end.origin)) return 1; vcrash = trace_endpos; switch(pathing_method) { case PT_QUICKSTAR: subpath_point = pathlib_subpath_quickstar(start,end,start.owner.path_subpathing_size); break; case PT_QUICKBOX: subpath_point = pathlib_subpath_quickbox(start,vcrash,end,start.owner.path_subpathing_size); break; case PT_ASTAR: dprint("Pathlib error: A* pathing not implemented!\n"); return 0; default: subpath_point = pathlib_subpath_quickstar(start,end,start.owner.path_subpathing_size); dprint("Pathlib warning: unknown pathing method, using quickstar!\n"); break; } if(subpath_point == start.origin) return 0; // Fail. subpoint = pathlib_createpoint(start,end,start.owner,subpath_point); subpoint.cnt = start.cnt +1; start.path_next = subpoint; end.path_prev = subpoint; if(self.path_validate(start.origin,end.origin)) return 1; return pathlib_path(subpoint,end,pathing_method); } void pathlib_path_optimize(entity start,entity end) { entity point,point_tmp; float c; point = start.path_next; while(point != end) { ++c; if(c > 5000) { dprint("pathlib_path_optimize runaway!\n"); return; } point_tmp = point; point = point.path_next; if(self.path_validate(point_tmp.path_prev.origin,point_tmp.path_next.origin)) { point_tmp.path_next.path_prev = point_tmp.path_prev; point_tmp.path_prev.path_next = point_tmp.path_next; remove(point_tmp); } } } void pathlib_deletepath(entity start) { entity e; e = findchainentity(owner, start); while(e) { e.think = SUB_Remove; e.nextthink = time; e = e.chain; } } //#define DEBUGPATHING #ifdef DEBUGPATHING void pathlib_showpath(entity start) { entity e; e = start; while(e.path_next) { te_lightning1(e,e.origin,e.path_next.origin); e = e.path_next; } } void path_dbg_think() { pathlib_showpath(self); self.nextthink = time + 1; } #endif /** Pathing from 'from' to 'to' **/ entity pathlib_makepath(vector from, vector to,float pathflags,float subpathing_size, float subpathing_bboxexpand,float pathing_method) { entity e_start,e_end; if(!self.path_validate) self.path_validate = pathlib_stdproc_path_validate; if(subpathing_size < 10) subpathing_size = 500; if(subpathing_bboxexpand < 1) subpathing_bboxexpand = 1; if(pathflags & PFL_GROUNDSNAP) { from = pathlib_groundsnap(from); to = pathlib_groundsnap(to); } e_start = pathlib_createpoint(world,world,world,from); e_start.path_flags = pathflags; e_start.path_subpathing_size = subpathing_size; e_start.path_subpathing_bboxexpand = subpathing_bboxexpand; e_start.owner = e_start; e_end = pathlib_createpoint(e_start,world,e_start,to); e_start.path_next = e_end; e_start.cnt = 0; if(!pathlib_path(e_start,e_end,pathing_method)) { bprint("Fail, Fail, Fail!\n"); pathlib_deletepath(e_start); remove(e_start); return world; } pathlib_path_optimize(e_start,e_end); #ifdef DEBUGPATHING e_start.think = path_dbg_think; e_start.nextthink = time + 1; #endif return e_start; } /* .entity goalcurrent, goalstack01, goalstack02, goalstack03; .entity goalstack04, goalstack05, goalstack06, goalstack07; .entity goalstack08, goalstack09, goalstack10, goalstack11; .entity goalstack12, goalstack13, goalstack14, goalstack15; .entity goalstack16, goalstack17, goalstack18, goalstack19; .entity goalstack20, goalstack21, goalstack22, goalstack23; .entity goalstack24, goalstack25, goalstack26, goalstack27; .entity goalstack28, goalstack29, goalstack30, goalstack31; */ #define node_left goalstack01 #define node_right goalstack02 #define node_front goalstack03 #define node_back goalstack04 #define node_open goalstack05 #define node_closed goalstack06 #define node_blocked goalstack07 float pointinbox(vector point,vector box,float ssize) { return 0; } #ifdef DEBUGPATHING /* TESTING */ void pathlib_test_think() { pathlib_showpath(self.enemy); self.nextthink = time + 0.5; } void pathlib_test_dinit() { entity path; entity end; if(self.target == "") { bprint("^1 ==== ERROR: pathlib_test with no target. ====\n"); remove(self); return; } end = find(world,targetname,self.target); if(!end) { bprint("^1 ==== ERROR: pathlib_test with no valid target. ====\n"); remove(self); return; } setsize(self,'-50 -50 0','50 50 50'); path = pathlib_makepath(self.origin,end.origin, PFL_GROUNDSNAP,500,1.25,PT_QUICKSTAR); if(!path) { bprint("^1 ==== ERROR: pathlib_test pathing fail ====\n"); remove(self); return; } self.enemy = path; self.think = pathlib_test_think; self.nextthink = time + 0.5; } void spawnfunc_pathlib_test() { self.think = pathlib_test_dinit; self.nextthink = time + 2; } #endif