void casingtouch() { PROJECTILE_TOUCH; if (other.solid == SOLID_BSP) if (vlen(self.velocity) >= 50) if (time >= self.attack_finished_single) { string s; float f; f = floor(random() * 3) + 1; if(self.state == 1) s = strcat("weapons/casings", ftos(f), ".wav"); else if(self.state == 2) s = strcat("weapons/steel", ftos(f), ".wav"); else s = strcat("weapons/brass", ftos(f), ".wav"); sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, s, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } self.attack_finished_single = time + 0.2; //self.touch = SUB_Null; // one tink is enough //self.dest = self.origin - self.groundentity.origin; }; void casingthink() { local float p; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { // just keep the yaw angle self.angles_x = 0; self.angles_z = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_ONGROUND; self.nextthink = time + 0.5; } p = pointcontents(self.origin); if (p == CONTENT_SOLID || p == CONTENT_LAVA || p == CONTENT_SKY) { removedecor(self); return; } if (time > self.cnt) { self.nextthink = time; self.alpha = self.alpha - frametime; if (self.alpha < 0.0625) removedecor(self); } }; // knock loose the casing when disturbed void casingknockedloosefunc() { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND); self.avelocity = randomvec() * 300; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.touch = casingtouch; }; void SpawnCasing(vector org, vector vel, float randomvel, vector ang, vector avel, float randomavel, float casingtype) { local entity e; if (cvar("temp1") & 2048) return; e = newdecor(); e.isdecor = TRUE; e.alpha = 1; e.state = casingtype; //e.forcescale = 15; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; e.velocity = vel + randomvec() * randomvel; e.angles = ang; e.avelocity = avel + randomvec() * randomavel; e.nextthink = time; e.think = casingthink; e.touch = casingtouch; //e.knockedloosefunc = casingknockedloosefunc; e.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; e.createdtime = time; if (casingtype == 1) { setmodel (e, "models/casing_shell.mdl"); // precision set above e.cnt = time + 30; // bias to make these be considered more important than other things e.createdtime = time + 1; } else if (casingtype == 2) { // FIXME: this is not used and not precached, uncomment if you need it //setmodel (e, "models/casing_steel.mdl"); // precision set above e.cnt = time + 10; } else { setmodel (e, "models/casing_bronze.mdl"); // precision set above e.cnt = time + 10; } if (maxclients == 1) e.cnt = time + 3000; setsize (e, '0 0 -1', '0 0 -1'); setorigin (e, org); };