var float(string text, float handleColors) stringwidth; entity players; entity teams; float RegisterPlayer(entity player) { entity pl; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) if(pl == player) error("Player already registered!"); player.sort_next = players.sort_next; player.sort_prev = players; if(players.sort_next) players.sort_next.sort_prev = player; players.sort_next = player; return true; } void RemovePlayer(entity player) { entity pl, parent; parent = players; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl && pl != player; pl = pl.sort_next) parent = pl; if(!pl) { error("Trying to remove a player which is not in the playerlist!"); return; } parent.sort_next = player.sort_next; if(player.sort_next) player.sort_next.sort_prev = parent; } void MoveToLast(entity e) { other = e.sort_next; while(other) { SORT_SWAP(other, e); other = e.sort_next; } } // warning: Local "team" defined with name of a global // FU FTEQCC, .float team is a ENTVAR shitty piece of crap!!! float RegisterTeam(entity Team) { entity tm; for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) if(tm == Team) error("Team already registered!"); Team.sort_next = teams.sort_next; Team.sort_prev = teams; if(teams.sort_next) teams.sort_next.sort_prev = Team; teams.sort_next = Team; return true; } void RemoveTeam(entity Team) { entity tm, parent; parent = teams; for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm && tm != Team; tm = tm.sort_next) parent = tm; if(!tm) { print("Trying to remove a team which is not in the teamlist!"); return; } parent.sort_next = Team.sort_next; if(Team.sort_next) Team.sort_next.sort_prev = parent; } entity GetTeam(float Team, float add) { float num; entity tm; num = (Team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) ? 16 : Team; if(teamslots[num]) return teamslots[num]; if not(add) return NULL; tm = spawn(); = Team; teamslots[num] = tm; RegisterTeam(tm); return tm; } float stringwidth_oldfont(string text, float handleColors) { float i, len, ch, width; len = strlen(text); if(!handleColors) return len; width = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(substring(text, i, 1) == "^") { ch = str2chr(text, i+1); if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ++i; else ++width; } else ++width; } return width; } void CSQC_CheckEngine() { /* registercvar("csqc_flags", "0"); csqc_flags = cvar("csqc_flags"); */ csqc_flags = 0; if(checkextension("DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE")) { stringwidth = stringwidth_engine; sbar_font = FONT_USER+1; sbar_bigfont = FONT_USER+2; csqc_flags |= CSQC_FLAG_READPICTURE; } else { stringwidth = stringwidth_oldfont; sbar_font = FONT_DEFAULT; sbar_bigfont = FONT_DEFAULT; } } vector Sbar_GetFontsize() { if(csqc_flags & CSQC_FLAG_READPICTURE) { vector v; v = stov(cvar_string("sbar_fontsize")); if(v_x == 0) v = '8 8 0'; if(v_y == 0) v_y = v_x; v_z = 0; return v; } return '8 8 0' ; } float Sbar_GetWidth(float teamcolumnwidth) { if(csqc_flags & CSQC_FLAG_READPICTURE) { float f; f = stof(cvar_string("sbar_width")); if(f == 0) f = 640; if(f < 320) f = 320; if(f > vid_conwidth - 2 * teamcolumnwidth) f = vid_conwidth - 2 * teamcolumnwidth; return f; } return 640; } float PreviewExists(string name) { float f; string file; if(cvar("cl_readpicture_force")) return false; file = strcat(name, ".tga"); f = fopen(file, FILE_READ); if(f >= 0) { fclose(f); return true; } file = strcat(name, ".png"); f = fopen(file, FILE_READ); if(f >= 0) { fclose(f); return true; } file = strcat(name, ".jpg"); f = fopen(file, FILE_READ); if(f >= 0) { fclose(f); return true; } file = strcat(name, ".pcx"); f = fopen(file, FILE_READ); if(f >= 0) { fclose(f); return true; } return false; }