// NG Menu // util/string.h // INFO: A function strzones all strings that are passed as params and strzones its return param if it // INFO: is a string (except if the function knows that the string passed is a zone string). // INFO: Generally, if you only call builtin functions, you can use a temp string // INFO: You should know that the VM has 16 temp string buffers, so if you could count how many it takes // INFO: before you have to strzone something // TODO: convert altstring and property string() String_Create; string( string pStr ) String_Zone; // use this for constants string( string pStr ) String_Normal; // strunzones pStr and returns a temp buffer version of it string( string pStr, string pSet ) String_Set; // copies pSet to a new strzoned string string( string pStr ) String_Free; string( string pStr, string pApp ) String_Append; string( string pStr, float pStart, float pLength ) String_Substring; void( entity pEntity, .string pField ) String_EntityCreate; void( entity pEntity, .string pField ) String_EntityZone; void( entity pEntity, .string pField, string pSet ) String_EntitySet; void( entity pEntity, .string pField ) String_EntityFree;