// NG Menu // cursor qh const string CURSOR_PATH = "gfx/cursor"; //"ui/mousepointer.tga"; string Cursor_Current; var void() Cursor_Animation = __NULL__; vector Cursor_Relative; vector Cursor_Position; vector Cursor_Speed = '1 1 0'; vector Cursor_Position; // will be adjusted to be in the current origin float Cursor_Transparency = 1.0; vector Cursor_Color = '1.0 1.0 1.0'; float Cursor_Scale = 1.0; float Cursor_Flag = 0; // center of the cursor vector Cursor_Offset = '0 0 0'; void() Cursor_Init; void() Cursor_Quit; void() Cursor_Display; void() Cursor_Hide; void() Cursor_Draw; void() Cursor_Update; void() Cursor_DefaultAnimation; void( vector pRelPos, string pText, vector pScale, vector pColor, float pAlpha, float pDrawFlag ) Cursor_PrintInfo;