// Property of Alientrap/AK // options/sound.menu Item Window Sound { Item Layout Layout { pos '156 45' size '700 800' origin '280 0' alignment [AlignFirst] direction [Nex_DefaultVertDirection] Derive Nex_Option_Slider MusicVolume { text "Music Volume" target "::Data::Sound::CDVolume::Value" } Derive Nex_Option_Slider GameVolume { text "Game Volume" target "::Data::Sound::GameVolume::Value" } Derive Nex_Option_Slider AmbientVolume { text "Ambient Volume" target "::Data::Sound::AmbientVolume::Value" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch SwapStereo { text "Swap Stereo" target "::Data::Sound::SwapStereo::Switch" } Derive Nex_Void Seperator1 {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch SoundSpeed { text "Frequency" target "::Data::Sound::SoundSpeed::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch SoundChannels { text "Channels" target "::Data::Sound::SoundChannels::Switch" } Derive Nex_Void Seperator2 {} Derive PictureButton Apply { normal "$gfx/options_b_apply" action Nex_Action_Sound_Apply } Derive TextButton Reset { normal "Reset to default" init Nex_Action_ResetData target "::Data::Sound" } } }