Item Layout Teamplay { direction [Nex_DefaultVertDirection] size '900 585' origin '450 0' alignment [AlignFirst] Derive Nex_Option_EditBox TimeLimit { text "Time Limit Override (disable: -1)" target "Data::Server::TimeLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox FragLimit { text "Frag Limit Override (disable: -1)" target "Data::Server::FragLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch DMForceTeamplay { text "Force Teamplay (TDM) in Deathmatch maps" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::DMForceTeamplay::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch TeamPlay { text "Teamplay Friendly Fire" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::TeamPlay::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch BalanceTeams { text "Auto-Balance Teams on Join" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::BalanceTeams::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch ForceBalanceTeams { text "Force Balanced Teams" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::ForceBalanceTeams::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch PreventTeamImbalance { text "Prevent Team-Imbalancing Switch" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::PreventTeamImbalance::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch BanChangeTeams { text "Changing team not allowed" target "::Data::Game::Teamplay::BanChangeTeams::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch TDM_NumTeams { text "Team Deathmatch (TDM) # of teams" target "Data::Game::Teamplay::TDM_NumTeams::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox ChangeTeamFragTransfer { text "Score Transfer % on Change Team" target "Data::Game::Teamplay::ChangeTeamFragTransfer::Text" } Derive Nex_Line Seperator {} Derive TextButton Reset { normal "Reset to default" init Nex_Action_ResetData target "::Data::Game::Teamplay" } }