Nexuiz 1.3 FAQ


How do I install Nexuiz?

Just unzip the file. You can do this with any archive program (like 7zip). It's very important to remain the directory structure while unpacking (in WinZip this option is called "Use folder names"). The directory structure should look like this afterwards:

|-- data
|   |-- data*.pk3
|-- *.exe
|-- *.dll
`-- nexuiz-linux-*

When I start Nexuiz all I see is a black screen with some checkered squares

This happens when the engine can't load the data*.pk3 file. The reasons could be:

  1. you unpacked the zip file without folder names (see How do I install Nexuiz?)
  2. on Linux: the current directory is not your Nexuiz/ folder (see How can I place a shortcut to Nexuiz on my Linux desktop?)
  3. your download might be corrupted

The sound is broken, it crackles and stutters

Try run nexuiz-sdl.exe (on Windows) or nexuiz-linux-686-sdl (on Linux). This version usually performs better on newer sound cards than nexuiz.exe/nexuiz-linux-686-glx.

When I join a server or after a map change I see nothing but a black screen, but I can still move and shoot

This is probably because you don't have the map, that's running on the server. There is no map/content download in Nexuiz at the moment so you have to get the map the old fashioned way. Most servers will have a download URL in their name or welcome message. There is also a wiki page dedicated to new maps.

Server setup

How do I start a server?

There's a tutorial on how to setup up an dedicated server in this forum post.

Which ports do I have to open in firewall/forward from my router to run a server?

The default port is 26000 UDP. You can change that by starting Nexuiz with nexuiz-sdl.exe -port <port> (on Windows) or nexuiz-linux-686-sdl -port <port> (on Linux). To add the command line argument on Windows, create a new shortcut to nexuiz-sdl.exe and right click on it. Select properties and -port <port> in the "Target:" line. Be sure that the "Start in:" line contains the full path to your Nexuiz folder and clock "OK".

General questions

How do I install new maps?

Maps usually ship as *.pk3 file. All you have to do is to copy this file to your Nexuiz/data/ directory.

How can I place a shortcut to Nexuiz on my Linux desktop?

Before you can create a desktop/menu item you have to create a little shell script. Open a text editor (like gedit or kate) and paste the following lines:

cd /path/to/Nexuiz		# replace this with the full path to your Nexuiz folder
./nexuiz-linux-686-sdl "$@"	# or ./nexuiz-linux-x86_64-sdl if you're using an AMD64/EM64T distributions
Save this in your Nexuiz directory as Now you have to make this file executable by opening a xterm/konsole and typing:
cd /path/to/Nexuiz
chmod a+x
Finally you can add the file to your desktop like any other program.

How do I open the console?

Press [shift]+[escape]. To close it press [escape]

What console commands/variables are there?

You can get a list of variables by entering cvarlist on the console. cmdlist will give you a list of available commands. An annotated version of that output can be found at the Nexuiz wiki.

How can I speed up my frame rate?

The greatest performance boost can be achieved by turning off dynamic lights and shadows. Bloom is also quite resource intensive. On older graphics cards or on-board/notebook chips with little video ram you can try to lower the texture resolution. To do this open the console and type gl_picmip #; r_restart (where # is a number between 0 and 10, 0 is the highest quality).

How can I activate colors in my name?

Colors can be used in nicknames and chat messages by typing ^ followed by a number between 0 and 9.

code color  
^0 black  
^1 red  
^2 green  
^3 yellow  
^4 blue  
^5 aqua  
^6 pink  
^7 white  
^8 light grey  
^9 dark grey  

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