]> icculus.org git repositories - divverent/nexuiz.git/blob - data/qcsrc/server/mode_onslaught.qc
handle self/oself CORRECTLY this time
[divverent/nexuiz.git] / data / qcsrc / server / mode_onslaught.qc
2 .string target2;
3 .float iscaptured;
4 .float islinked;
5 .float isshielded;
6 void() onslaught_updatelinks =
7 {
8         local entity l, links;
9         local float stop, t1, t2, t3, t4;
10         // first check if the game has ended
11         dprint("--- updatelinks ---\n");
12         links = findchain(classname, "onslaught_link");
13         // mark generators as being shielded and networked
14         l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator");
15         while (l)
16         {
17                 if (l.iscaptured)
18                         dprint(etos(l), " (generator) belongs to team ", ftos(l.team), "\n");
19                 else
20                         dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is destroyed\n");
21                 l.islinked = l.iscaptured;
22                 l.isshielded = l.iscaptured;
23                 l = l.chain;
24         }
25         // mark points as shielded and not networked
26         l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint");
27         while (l)
28         {
29                 l.islinked = FALSE;
30                 l.isshielded = TRUE;
31                 dprint(etos(l), " (point) belongs to team ", ftos(l.team), "\n");
32                 l = l.chain;
33         }
34         // flow power outward from the generators through the network
35         l = links;
36         while (l)
37         {
38                 dprint(etos(l), " (link) connects ", etos(l.goalentity), " with ", etos(l.enemy), "\n");
39                 l = l.chain;
40         }
41         stop = FALSE;
42         while (!stop)
43         {
44                 stop = TRUE;
45                 l = links;
46                 while (l)
47                 {
48                         // if both points are captured by the same team, and only one of
49                         // them is powered, mark the other one as powered as well
50                         if (l.enemy.iscaptured && l.goalentity.iscaptured)
51                         if (l.enemy.islinked != l.goalentity.islinked)
52                         if (l.enemy.team == l.goalentity.team)
53                         {
54                                 if (!l.goalentity.islinked)
55                                 {
56                                         stop = FALSE;
57                                         l.goalentity.islinked = TRUE;
58                                         dprint(etos(l), " (link) is marking ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point) because its team matches ", etos(l.enemy), " (point)\n");
59                                 }
60                                 else if (!l.enemy.islinked)
61                                 {
62                                         stop = FALSE;
63                                         l.enemy.islinked = TRUE;
64                                         dprint(etos(l), " (link) is marking ", etos(l.enemy), " (point) because its team matches ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point)\n");
65                                 }
66                         }
67                         l = l.chain;
68                 }
69         }
70         // now that we know which points are powered we can mark their neighbors
71         // as unshielded if team differs
72         l = links;
73         while (l)
74         {
75                 if (l.goalentity.team != l.enemy.team)
76                 {
77                         if (l.goalentity.islinked)
78                         {
79                                 dprint(etos(l), " (link) is unshielding ", etos(l.enemy), " (point) because its team does not match ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point)\n");
80                                 l.enemy.isshielded = FALSE;
81                         }
82                         if (l.enemy.islinked)
83                         {
84                                 dprint(etos(l), " (link) is unshielding ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point) because its team does not match ", etos(l.enemy), " (point)\n");
85                                 l.goalentity.isshielded = FALSE;
86                         }
87                 }
88                 l = l.chain;
89         }
90         // now update the takedamage and alpha variables on generator shields
91         l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator");
92         while (l)
93         {
94                 if (l.isshielded)
95                 {
96                         dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is shielded\n");
97                         l.enemy.alpha = 1;
98                         l.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
99                         l.bot_attack = FALSE;
100                 }
101                 else
102                 {
103                         dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is not shielded\n");
104                         l.enemy.alpha = -1;
105                         l.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
106                         l.bot_attack = TRUE;
107                 }
108                 l = l.chain;
109         }
110         // now update the takedamage and alpha variables on control point icons
111         l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint");
112         while (l)
113         {
114                 if (l.isshielded)
115                 {
116                         dprint(etos(l), " (point) is shielded\n");
117                         l.enemy.alpha = 1;
118                         if (l.goalentity)
119                         {
120                                 l.goalentity.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
121                                 l.goalentity.bot_attack = FALSE;
122                         }
123                 }
124                 else
125                 {
126                         dprint(etos(l), " (point) is not shielded\n");
127                         l.enemy.alpha = -1;
128                         if (l.goalentity)
129                         {
130                                 l.goalentity.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
131                                 l.goalentity.bot_attack = TRUE;
132                         }
133                 }
134                 l = l.chain;
135         }
136         // count generators owned by each team
137         t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = 0;
138         l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator");
139         while (l)
140         {
141                 if (l.iscaptured)
142                 {
143                         if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM1) t1 = 1;
144                         if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM2) t2 = 1;
145                         if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM3) t3 = 1;
146                         if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM4) t4 = 1;
147                 }
148                 l = l.chain;
149         }
150         // see if multiple teams remain (if not, it's game over)
151         if (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 < 2)
152                 dprint("--- game over ---\n");
153         else
154                 dprint("--- done updating links ---\n");
155 };
157 void() onslaught_generator_think =
158 {
159         local float d;
160         local entity e;
161         self.nextthink = ceil(time + 1);
162         if (cvar("timelimit"))
163         if (time > cvar("timelimit") * 60 - 60)
164         {
165                 // self.max_health / 300 gives 5 minutes of overtime.
166                 // control points reduce the overtime duration.
167                 sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/onslaught/generator_decay.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
168                 d = 1;
169                 e = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint");
170                 while (e)
171                 {
172                         if (e.team != self.team)
173                         if (e.islinked)
174                                 d = d + 1;
175                         e = e.chain;
176                 }
177                 d = d * self.max_health / 300;
178                 Damage(self, self, self, d, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, self.origin, '0 0 0');
179         }
180 };
182 void() onslaught_generator_deaththink =
183 {
184         local vector org;
185         if (self.count > 0)
186         {
187                 self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
188                 self.count = self.count - 1;
189                 org = randompos(self.origin + self.mins + '8 8 8', self.origin + self.maxs + '-8 -8 -8');
190                 pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_generator_smallexplosion"), org, '0 0 0', 1);
191                 sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
192         }
193         else
194         {
195                 org = self.origin;
196                 pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_generator_finalexplosion"), org, '0 0 0', 1);
197                 sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/weapons/rocket_impact.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
198         }
199 };
201 void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) onslaught_generator_damage =
202 {
203         if (damage <= 0)
204                 return;
205         if (attacker != self)
206         {
207                 if (self.isshielded)
208                 {
209                         // this is protected by a shield, so ignore the damage
210                         if (time > self.pain_finished)
211                         if (attacker.classname == "player")
212                         {
213                                 play2(attacker, "sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav");
214                                 self.pain_finished = time + 1;
215                         }
216                         return;
217                 }
218                 if (time > self.pain_finished)
219                 {
220                         self.pain_finished = time + 5;
221                         bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator under attack!\n");
222                         play2team(self.team, "sound/onslaught/generator_underattack.wav");
223                 }
224         }
225         self.health = self.health - damage;
226         // choose an animation frame based on health
227         self.frame = 10 * bound(0, (1 - self.health / self.max_health), 1);
228         // see if the generator is still functional, or dying
229         if (self.health > 0)
230                 bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator has ", ftos(floor(self.health)), " health remaining\n");
231         else
232         {
233                 if (attacker == self)
234                         bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator spontaneously exploded due to overtime!\n");
235                 else
236                         bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator destroyed by ", ColoredTeamName(attacker.team), "!\n");
237                 self.iscaptured = FALSE;
238                 self.islinked = FALSE;
239                 self.isshielded = FALSE;
240                 self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; // can't be hurt anymore
241                 self.event_damage = SUB_Null; // won't do anything if hurt
242                 self.count = 30; // 30 explosions
243                 self.think = onslaught_generator_deaththink; // explosion sequence
244                 self.nextthink = time; // start exploding immediately
245                 self.think(); // do the first explosion now
246                 onslaught_updatelinks();
247         }
248 };
250 // update links after a delay
251 void() onslaught_generator_delayed =
252 {
253         onslaught_updatelinks();
254         // now begin normal thinking
255         self.think = onslaught_generator_think;
256         self.nextthink = time;
257 };
259 /*QUAKED onslaught_generator (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64)
260 Base generator.
262 onslaught_link entities can target this.
264 keys:
265 "team" - team that owns this generator (5 = red, 14 = blue, etc), MUST BE SET.
266 "targetname" - name that onslaught_link entities will use to target this.
267 */
268 void() onslaught_generator =
269 {
270         if (!g_onslaught)
271         {
272                 remove(self);
273                 return;
274         }
275         local entity e;
276         precache_model("models/onslaught/generator.md3");
277         precache_model("models/onslaught/generator_shield.md3");
278         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/generator_decay.wav");
279         precache_sound("sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav");
280         precache_sound("sound/weapons/rocket_impact.wav");
281         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/generator_underattack.wav");
282         if (!self.team)
283                 objerror("team must be set");
284         self.colormap = 1024 + (self.team - 1) * 17;
285         self.solid = SOLID_BSP;
286         self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
287         self.max_health = self.health = 3000;
288         setmodel(self, "models/onslaught/generator.md3");
289         //setsize(self, '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64');
290         setorigin(self, self.origin);
291         self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
292         self.bot_attack = TRUE;
293         self.event_damage = onslaught_generator_damage;
294         self.iscaptured = TRUE;
295         self.islinked = TRUE;
296         self.isshielded = TRUE;
297         // spawn shield model which indicates whether this can be damaged
298         self.enemy = e = spawn();
299         e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
300         e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
301         e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
302         setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/generator_shield.md3");
303         //setsize(e, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 128');
304         setorigin(e, self.origin);
305         e.colormap = self.colormap;
306         e.team = self.team;
308         // use our "target"s (spawn points linked to generator for Morphed..)
309         activator = self;
310         SUB_UseTargets();
312         self.think = onslaught_generator_delayed;
313         self.nextthink = time + 0.2;
314 };
316 void(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) onslaught_controlpoint_icon_damage =
317 {
318         entity oself;
319         if (damage <= 0)
320                 return;
321         if (self.owner.isshielded)
322         {
323                 // this is protected by a shield, so ignore the damage
324                 if (time > self.pain_finished)
325                 if (attacker.classname == "player")
326                 {
327                         play2(attacker, "sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav");
328                         self.pain_finished = time + 1;
329                 }
330                 return;
331         }
332         if (time > self.pain_finished)
333         if (attacker.classname == "player")
334         {
335                 play2team(self.team, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_underattack.wav");
336                 self.pain_finished = time + 5;
337         }
338         self.health = self.health - damage;
339         self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health;
340         self.pain_finished = time + 1;
341         // colormod flash when shot
342         self.colormod = '2 2 2';
343         if (self.health < 0)
344         {
345                 sound(self, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
346                 pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_controlpoint_explosion"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
347                 bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " ", self.message, " control point destroyed by ", ColoredTeamName(attacker.team), "\n");
348                 self.owner.goalentity = world;
349                 self.owner.islinked = FALSE;
350                 self.owner.iscaptured = FALSE;
351                 self.owner.team = 0;
352                 self.owner.colormap = 1024;
353                 onslaught_updatelinks();
355                 // Use targets now (somebody make sure this is in the right place..)
356                 oself = self;
357                 self = self.owner;
358                 activator = self.owner;
359                 SUB_UseTargets ();
360                 self = oself;
362                 remove(self);
363         }
364 };
366 void() onslaught_controlpoint_icon_think =
367 {
368         self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
369         if (time > self.pain_finished + 1)
370         {
371                 self.health = self.health + self.count;
372                 if (self.health >= self.max_health)
373                         self.health = self.max_health;
374         }
375         self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health;
376         // colormod flash when shot
377         self.colormod = '1 1 1' * (2 - bound(0, (self.pain_finished - time) / 10, 1));
378 };
380 void() onslaught_controlpoint_icon_buildthink =
381 {
382         local entity oself;
384         self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
385         self.health = self.health + self.count;
386         if (self.health >= self.max_health)
387         {
388                 self.health = self.max_health;
389                 self.count = self.count * 0.2; // slow repair rate from now on
390                 self.think = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_think;
391                 sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_built.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
392                 bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " captured ", self.owner.message, " control point\n");
393                 self.owner.iscaptured = TRUE;
394                 onslaught_updatelinks();
396                 // Use targets now (somebody make sure this is in the right place..)
397                 oself = self;
398                 self = self.owner;
399                 activator = self;
400                 SUB_UseTargets ();
401                 self = oself;
402         }
403         self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health;
404         // colormod flash when shot
405         self.colormod = '1 1 1' * (2 - bound(0, (self.pain_finished - time) / 10, 1));
406 };
408 void() onslaught_controlpoint_touch =
409 {
410         local entity e;
411         if (other.classname != "player")
412                 return;
413         // if there's already an icon built, nothing happens
414         if (self.goalentity)
415         {
416                 dprint("a\n");
417                 return;
418         }
419         // shielded points are definitely off-limits
420         if (self.isshielded)
421         {
422                 dprint("b\n");
423                 return;
424         }
425         // check to see if this player has a legitimate claim to capture this
426         // control point - more specifically that there is a captured path of
427         // points leading back to the team generator
428         e = findchain(classname, "onslaught_link");
429         while (e)
430         {
431                 if (e.goalentity == self)
432                 {
433                         dprint(etos(e), " (link) connects to ", etos(e.enemy), " (point)");
434                         if (e.enemy.islinked)
435                         {
436                                 dprint(" which is linked");
437                                 if (e.enemy.team == other.team)
438                                 {
439                                         dprint(" and has the correct team!\n");
440                                         break;
441                                 }
442                                 else
443                                         dprint(" but has the wrong team\n");
444                         }
445                         else
446                                 dprint("\n");
447                 }
448                 else if (e.enemy == self)
449                 {
450                         dprint(etos(e), " (link) connects to ", etos(e.goalentity), " (point)");
451                         if (e.goalentity.islinked)
452                         {
453                                 dprint(" which is linked");
454                                 if (e.goalentity.team == other.team)
455                                 {
456                                         dprint(" and has a team!\n");
457                                         break;
458                                 }
459                                 else
460                                         dprint(" but has the wrong team\n");
461                         }
462                         else
463                                 dprint("\n");
464                 }
465                 e = e.chain;
466         }
467         if (!e)
468         {
469                 dprint("c\n");
470                 return;
471         }
472         // we've verified that this player has a legitimate claim to this point,
473         // so start building the captured point icon (which only captures this
474         // point if it successfully builds without being destroyed first)
475         self.goalentity = e = spawn();
476         e.owner = self;
477         e.max_health = 1000;
478         e.health = e.max_health * 0.1;
479         e.alpha = e.health / e.max_health;
480         e.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
481         e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
482         setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_icon.md3");
483         setsize(e, '-32 -32 -32', '32 32 32');
484         setorigin(e, self.origin + '0 0 96');
485         e.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
486         e.bot_attack = TRUE;
487         e.event_damage = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_damage;
488         e.team = other.team;
489         e.colormap = 1024 + (e.team - 1) * 17;
490         e.think = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_buildthink;
491         e.nextthink = time + 0.1;
492         e.count = e.max_health / 50; // how long it takes to build
493         sound(e, CHAN_BODY, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_build.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
494         self.team = e.team;
495         self.colormap = e.colormap;
496 };
498 /*QUAKED onslaught_controlpoint (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 0) (32 32 128)
499 Control point.  Be sure to give this enough clearance so that the shootable part has room to exist
501 This should link to an onslaught_controlpoint entity or onslaught_generator entity.
503 keys:
504 "targetname" - name that onslaught_link entities will use to target this.
505 "target" - target any entities that are tied to this control point, such as vehicles and buildable structure entities.
506 "message" - name of this control point (should reflect the location in the map, such as "center bridge", "north tower", etc)
507 */
508 void() onslaught_controlpoint =
509 {
510         local entity e;
511         if (!g_onslaught)
512         {
513                 remove(self);
514                 return;
515         }
516         precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_pad.md3");
517         precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_shield.md3");
518         precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_icon.md3");
519         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_build.wav");
520         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_built.wav");
521         precache_sound("sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav");
522         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav");
523         precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_underattack.wav");
524         self.solid = SOLID_BSP;
525         self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
526         setmodel(self, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_pad.md3");
527         //setsize(self, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 8');
528         setorigin(self, self.origin);
529         self.touch = onslaught_controlpoint_touch;
530         self.team = 0;
531         self.colormap = 1024;
532         self.iscaptured = FALSE;
533         self.islinked = FALSE;
534         self.isshielded = TRUE;
535         // spawn shield model which indicates whether this can be damaged
536         self.enemy = e = spawn();
537         e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
538         e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
539         e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
540         setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_shield.md3");
541         //setsize(e, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 128');
542         setorigin(e, self.origin);
543         e.colormap = self.colormap;
544         onslaught_updatelinks();
545 };
547 void() onslaught_link_delayed =
548 {
549         self.goalentity = find(world, targetname, self.target);
550         self.enemy = find(world, targetname, self.target2);
551         if (!self.goalentity)
552                 objerror("can not find target\n");
553         if (!self.enemy)
554                 objerror("can not find target2\n");
555         dprint(etos(self.goalentity), " linked with ", etos(self.enemy), "\n");
556 }
558 /*QUAKED onslaught_link (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
559 Link between control points.
561 This entity targets two different onslaught_controlpoint or onslaught_generator entities, and suppresses shielding on both if they are owned by different teams.
563 keys:
564 "target" - first control point.
565 "target2" - second control point.
566 */
567 void() onslaught_link =
568 {
569         if (!g_onslaught)
570         {
571                 remove(self);
572                 return;
573         }
574         if (self.target == "" || self.target2 == "")
575                 objerror("target and target2 must be set\n");
576         self.think = onslaught_link_delayed;
577         self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
578 };