Random notes for Rambetter, don't expect to understand this: ============================================================ Brush 0 is the problem. Side 0 is the problem (under surf tri). Side 1 is the +y 4-face. Side 2 is the -x 4-face. Side 3 is the -y 4-face. side 4 is the +z tri. (6144, 16122) -> (6784, 16241) x "climb" of side 1 is 6784 - 6144 = 640. y "climb" of side 1 is 16241 - 16122 = 119. x/y "climb rate" of side 1 is 640 / 119 = 5.378151261. After clipping side 0 against side 1, we get ************ **** (-262144, -33762.8125) -> (262144, 63722) ************ The slope of that is (262144 + 262144) / (63722 + 33762.8125) = 5.378150571. (-262144, y) -> (6784, 16241) So (6784 + 262144) / (16241 - y) = 640 / 119 So y = 16241 - ((119 * (6784 + 262144)) / 640) = -33762.8 (6144, 16122) -> (262144, y) So (262144 - 6144) / (y - 16122) = 640 / 119 So y = 16122 + ((119 * (262144 - 6144)) / 640) = 63722 After clipping side 0 against side 1 should have ************ **** (-262144, -33762.8) -> (262144, 63722) ************