OBJECTS= builddate.o chase.o cl_demo.o cl_input.o cl_main.o cl_parse.o cmd.o \ common.o console.o crc.o cvar.o fractalnoise.o gl_draw.o r_sky.o \ gl_rmain.o gl_rsurf.o host.o host_cmd.o image.o keys.o mathlib.o menu.o \ model_alias.o model_brush.o model_shared.o model_sprite.o net_dgrm.o \ net_loop.o net_main.o pr_cmds.o pr_edict.o pr_exec.o r_light.o \ sbar.o snd_dma.o snd_mem.o snd_mix.o sv_main.o sv_move.o \ sv_phys.o sv_user.o sv_light.o view.o wad.o world.o zone.o vid_shared.o \ palette.o r_crosshairs.o gl_textures.o gl_models.o r_sprites.o \ r_modules.o r_explosion.o r_lerpanim.o protocol.o fs.o ui.o \ portals.o sys_shared.o gl_backend.o cl_particles.o cl_screen.o cgamevm.o \ cgame.o filematch.o collision.o cl_collision.o matrixlib.o cl_video.o \ dpvsimpledecode.o wavefile.o meshqueue.o net_master.o r_shadow.o jpeg.o #K6/athlon optimizations #CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-march=k6 #686 optimizations (note: crashs on k6, works on athlon) #CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-march=i686 #generic (run on anything) CPUOPTIMIZATIONS= #note: #the -Werror can be removed to compile even if there are warnings, #this is used to ensure that all released versions are free of warnings. OPTIMIZATIONS= -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing $(CPUOPTIMIZATIONS) #OPTIMIZATIONS= -O6 -fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations $(CPUOPTIMIZATIONS) # -D WIN32 -D NDEBUG -D _WINDOWS -D _M_IX86 CFLAGS= -MD -Wall $(OPTIMIZATIONS) LDFLAGS= -mwindows -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -ldxguid -ldinput -lopengl32 -lcomctl32 -lwsock32 all: builddate darkplaces builddate: del builddate.o del builddate.d .c.o: gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c darkplaces: $(OBJECTS) vid_wgl.o sys_win.o snd_win.o net_bsd.o net_wins.o cd_win.o conproc.o gcc -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) clean: del darkplaces.exe del *.o del *.d .PHONY: clean builddate -include *.d