little faq for jump n bump on linux Q: -nosound option doesn't werk? A: we know, it will be fixed some day... (contributions welcome) Q: sound effects sound other than on the dos version! A: i know, the *plop* (if you kill some bunnies) comes too late (lagged) and sounds completely wrong too? there's sound effects missing if you are near the flies and if you jump into the water (the *splash* is missing) Q: can i do my own level? how? A: read the level creating document Q: do i need click each level one by one to save them? i want all of them? A: no just go into your jumpnbump directory into data there type wget --no-parent -r -l1 mv*.bz2 . rm -rf bunzip *.bz2 (oh well i didn't test it :) Q: my menuselector looks other than yours? A: that's probably because i have tkstep8.0 and changed the first line in jbrun.tcl to (wish8.0) Q: i want to do a link to your homepage? A: find banners here here and here add something like this to your homepage: