// Property of Alientrap/AK // custom/joingame/joingame.qc //////////////////////////////////// // Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry ////// void() Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry_Update = { if( HostCache_ViewCount <= self.stepValue ) { self.flag = self.flag | FLAG_HIDDEN; return; } else if( self.flag & FLAG_HIDDEN ) self.flag = self.flag - FLAG_HIDDEN; if( Menu_HasRunFlag( self, RUNFLAG_CLIPPED ) ) return; Item_Button_Update(); }; void() Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry_Draw = { Item_Window_Draw(); Item_Button_Draw(); }; void() Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry_Spawn = { Item_Window_Spawn(); Item_Button_Spawn(); self.flag = self.flag | FLAG_HIDDEN; // we dont want to get this bloody hostcachestring warning if( self.flag & FLAG_NOSELECT ) self.flag = self.flag - FLAG_NOSELECT; self._draw = Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry_Draw; self._update = Item_Nex_HostCache_Entry_Update; }; //////////////////////////////////// // Item_Nex_HostCache_StringField //////// void() Item_Nex_HostCache_StringField_Update = { local float lMaxLen; if( HostCache_ViewCount <= self._parent.stepValue ) return; lMaxLen = floor( self.size_x / self.fontSize_x ); String_EntitySet( self, text, gethostcachestring( self._realValue, self._parent.stepValue ) ); if( lMaxLen < strlen( self.text ) ) String_EntitySet( self, text, strcat( substring( self.text, 0, lMaxLen - 3 ), "..." ) ); Item_Label_Update(); }; void() Item_Nex_HostCache_StringField_Spawn = { Item_Label_Spawn(); self._realValue = gethostcacheindexforkey( self.target ); self._update = Item_Nex_HostCache_StringField_Update; }; //////////////////////////////////// // Item_Nex_HostCache_ValueField //////// void() Item_Nex_HostCache_ValueField_Update = { if( HostCache_ViewCount <= self._parent.stepValue ) return; String_EntitySet( self, text, ftos( gethostcachenumber( self._realValue, self._parent.stepValue ) ) ); Item_Label_Update(); }; void() Item_Nex_HostCache_ValueField_Spawn = { Item_Label_Spawn(); self._realValue = gethostcacheindexforkey( self.target ); self._update = Item_Nex_HostCache_ValueField_Update; }; ////////////////////////////////// // Item_Nex_HostCache_Players /////// void() Item_Nex_HostCache_Players_Update = { local string lNum, lMax; if( HostCache_ViewCount <= self._parent.stepValue ) return; lNum = ftos( gethostcachenumber( SLIST_FIELD_NUMPLAYERS, self._parent.stepValue ) ); lMax = ftos( gethostcachenumber( SLIST_FIELD_MAXPLAYERS, self._parent.stepValue ) ); String_EntitySet( self, text, strcat( lNum, "/", lMax ) ); Item_Label_Update(); }; void() Item_Nex_HostCache_Players_Spawn = { Item_Label_Spawn(); self._update = Item_Nex_HostCache_Players_Update; };