Item Layout Runematch { size '800 585' flag [FlagEmbedded] Item ScrollWindow ScrollWindow { size '780 585' flag [FlagEmbedded] Item Arrangement Arrangement { direction [Nex_DefaultVertDirection] alignment [AlignFirst] flag [FlagEmbedded] // hack to make the arrangement have a set width Item Window FixWidth { size '800 0' Derive Nex_Void Left { pos '0 0' size '400 0' } Derive Nex_Void Right { pos '400 0' size '400 0' } } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox TimeLimit { text "Time Limit Override (disable: -1)" // use the same one from the basic menu target "Data::Server::TimeLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RunematchFragLimit { text "Score Limit Override (disable: -1)" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RunematchFragLimit::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox PointAmt { text "Score per Rune" target "Data::Game::Runematch::PointAmt::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox PointRate { text "Rune Score Frequency" target "Data::Game::Runematch::PointRate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RuneRespawnTime { text "Rune Respawn Timer After Dropped" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RuneRespawnTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RuneShuffleTime { text "Rune Position Change Timer" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RuneShuffleTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox FragsKilledbyRuneholder { text "Frags When Holding Runes" target "Data::Game::Runematch::FragsKilledbyRuneholder::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox FragsKilledRuneholder { text "Frags for Killing Rune Holders" target "Data::Game::Runematch::FragsKilledRuneholder::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox FragsKillNoRunes { text "Other Frags (for non-rune kills)" target "Data::Game::Runematch::FragsKillNoRunes::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MaxRunesToDrop { text "Max Runes to Drop on Death" target "Data::Game::Runematch::MaxRunesToDrop::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorStrength {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StrengthDamage { text "Strength Damage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::StrengthDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StrengthForce { text "Strength Force" target "Data::Game::Runematch::StrengthForce::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox WeaknessDamage { text "Weakness Damage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::WeaknessDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox WeaknessForce { text "Weakness Force" target "Data::Game::Runematch::WeaknessForce::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StrengthComboDamage { text "Combined Damage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::StrengthComboDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StrengthComboForce { text "Combined Force" target "Data::Game::Runematch::StrengthComboForce::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorDefense {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DefenseDamage { text "Defense TakeDamage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::DefenseDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox VulnerDamage { text "Vulnerability TakeDamage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::VulnerDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox DefenseComboDamage { text "Combined TakeDamage" target "Data::Game::Runematch::DefenseComboDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorVampire {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox VampireDamage { text "Vampire Damage Absorb" target "Data::Game::Runematch::VampireDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox EmpathyDamage { text "Empathy Damage Take" target "Data::Game::Runematch::EmpathyDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox VampireComboDamage { text "Combined Absorb or Take" target "Data::Game::Runematch::VampireComboDamage::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorRegen {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RegenHP { text "Vitality Health" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RegenHP::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox VenomHP { text "Venom Health" target "Data::Game::Runematch::VenomHP::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RegenComboHP { text "Combined Health" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RegenComboHP::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RegenSpeed { text "Vitality Regenerate Speed" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RegenSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox VenomSpeed { text "Venom Degenerate Speed" target "Data::Game::Runematch::VenomSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RegenComboRegenSpeed { text "Combined Regenerate Speed" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RegenComboRegenSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox RegenComboDegenSpeed { text "Combined Degenerate Speed" target "Data::Game::Runematch::RegenComboDegenSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorSpeed {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedMoverate { text "Speed Move Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedMoverate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SlowMoverate { text "Slow Move Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SlowMoverate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedComboMoverate { text "Combined Move Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedComboMoverate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedAtkrate { text "Speed Attack Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedAtkrate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SlowAtkrate { text "Slow Attack Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SlowAtkrate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedComboAtkrate { text "Combined Attack Rate" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedComboAtkrate::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedJumpHeight { text "Speed Jump Height" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedJumpHeight::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SlowJumpHeight { text "Slow Jump Height" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SlowJumpHeight::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpeedComboJumpHeight { text "Combined Jump Height" target "Data::Game::Runematch::SpeedComboJumpHeight::Text" } Derive Nex_Line Seperator {} Derive TextButton Reset { normal "Reset to default" init Nex_Action_ResetData target "::Data::Game::Runematch" } } } Item VScrollBar Scroller { pos '780 0' size '20 100' target "##prev" } }