GAMEPLAY AND DESIGN------ - Adventure mode? - Finish complete song list MENU---- - Lan listing - Player model and skin selection - Player options (player name) - Replace Cursor graphics - Add menu music - Add deathmatch game options - Option to play music DEATHMATCH GAME OPTIONS---- - Instagib - Everyone starts with Nex gun, instagib. - DarkArena - Everything is completely dark. People can only see other people when they fire. - HeadHunter - Kills are only decided by how many heads the user picks up - Slowmo - Game is 1/2 the speed - Speedy - Game is 1.5X the speed - Grappling hook - Option to include the grappling hook in the game - Include powerups - - Strength Gain - Option for players to gain the strength powerup based on amount of kills in a certian time. POWERUPS---- - Strength - Player model turns completely white. This is alike to the painkiller powerup, the users screen with turn mostly white, they will be able to run twice as fast, their weapon will automaticly be a railgun which will gib anyone it touches (new particle effect for it). They have 100 health, or 15 seconds (if the 100 health is taken away the powerup is gone). This powerup can also be earned, with kills in a short amount of time. If the user gets about 8 kills in 13 seconds, this powerup is given to the user. - Speed - Player model turns completely yellow. The users view will turn blury, and the user will be able to run 2x as fast. - invincible - Player model turns completely red. Completely invincible from normal attacks. The users view will be tinted red. - Jetpack - Flying mode QC---- -Armor -When a grenade/rocket/hagar rocket is in the radius (close to it, not just a health of 1) of a explosion, it blows up to -Add crouching -Add animations (crouching (when crouch is added, this includes: duck duckwalk duckidle) , Add taunt, Add dying animations) -Add weapon animations -When dead, and not gibbed, leave corpse. Fade away corpse in 10 seconds -fix Teleporters -Spawning inside ground? -Electro secondary fire will be an explosion (using the DP fireball effect, with a blue skin) that will make everyone touched by it take 2x the damage normally taken for 0.4 seconds -crylink: lightning gun which can also slow enemies : continuous lightning beam, shots 1, speed instant, damage 20, radius 15, refire 0.1, 1 cell : fires special 'stun pulse' plasma bolt, speed 2000, damage 5, radius 100, refire 0.5, 10 cells, slows affected enemies to half speed for up to 1 second (based on proximity) -shotgun - secondary fire - auto 3 shots fired Effects--- - Laser, fire, and use the current explode effect - Nex (white trail, make the hit effect white also) - Electro secondary explosion (DP fireball effect, with blue skin) MAPS--- - nexdm01 needs to be a tiny bit faster (overall is good, but certain places are extremely slow) - nexdm03 needs to be a lot faster, overall - nexdm04, main room is to slow - nexdm05, sky needs to be added. Slow overall - nexdm06, replace crylink with nex gun - nexdm07, has stairs you can't walk on (you need to jump on it) - nexdm09, needs sky - nexdm10 lift needs to be replaced with a jumppad, more jumppads for faster map navigation - nexdm12, I am not sure about including this in Nexuiz. - nexdm15, add nexuiz weapon entities - nexdm16, not sure about including this one - nexdmbeta1, to dark - nexdmbeta2, not sure if it fits the nexuiz style AUDIO--- - Add ambient sounds 2D GRAPHICS------ - Change hud numbers to fit hud - Add the alpha channel to the min hud - Make nexuiz icon - Next/Prev button - New menu cursor - Slime and water textures 3D GRAPHICS---- - Add shaders - Make dpshaders for the laser-crylink-nex - Convert quake3 shaders for the evil textures to DPshaders. - Add powerup models with the DPshaders - New weapon models for Uzi-Hagar-Possibly grenade launcher (maybe use LD ash's grenade launcher for this?) - New effects for the laser, electro, crylink, nex and possbily the hagar explosion - Deluxe maps for the nexuiz levels - Lower "health 25" item so it actually hits the ground BOTS---- - Make waypoints for all levels - Animations for the bots - Personalitys for the bots (names for bots with certain models)