// DO NOT modify the contents of this file, or you will risk incompatibility with the game engine. entity self; entity other; entity world; float time; float frametime; float force_retouch; string mapname; float deathmatch; float coop; float teamplay; float serverflags; float total_secrets; float total_monsters; float found_secrets; float killed_monsters; float parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10, parm11, parm12, parm13, parm14, parm15, parm16; vector v_forward, v_up, v_right; float trace_allsolid; float trace_startsolid; float trace_fraction; vector trace_endpos; vector trace_plane_normal; float trace_plane_dist; entity trace_ent; float trace_inopen; float trace_inwater; entity msg_entity; void main (void); void StartFrame (void); void PlayerPreThink (void); void PlayerPostThink (void); void ClientKill (void); void ClientConnect (void); void PutClientInServer (void); void ClientDisconnect (void); void SetNewParms (void); void SetChangeParms (void); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void end_sys_globals; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .float modelindex; .vector absmin, absmax; .float ltime; .float movetype; .float solid; .vector origin; .vector oldorigin; .vector velocity; .vector angles; .vector avelocity; .vector punchangle; .string classname; .string model; .float frame; .float skin; .float effects; .vector mins, maxs; .vector size; .void() touch; .void() use; .void() think; .void() blocked; .float nextthink; .entity groundentity; .float health; .float frags; .float weapon; .string weaponmodel; .float weaponframe; .float currentammo; .float ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells; .float items; .float takedamage; .entity chain; .float deadflag; .vector view_ofs; .float button0; .float button1; .float button2; .float impulse; .float fixangle; .vector v_angle; .float idealpitch; .string netname; .entity enemy; .float flags; .float colormap; .float team; .float max_health; .float teleport_time; .float armortype; .float armorvalue; .float waterlevel; .float watertype; .float ideal_yaw; .float yaw_speed; .entity aiment; .entity goalentity; .float spawnflags; .string target; .string targetname; .float dmg_take; .float dmg_save; .entity dmg_inflictor; .entity owner; .vector movedir; .string message; .float sounds; .string noise, noise1, noise2, noise3; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void end_sys_fields; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////