/* =========================================================================== CLIENT WEAPONSYSTEM CODE Bring back W_Weaponframe =========================================================================== */ // VorteX: static frame globals float WFRAME_FIRE1 = 0; float WFRAME_FIRE2 = 1; float WFRAME_IDLE = 2; void(float fr, float t, void() func) weapon_thinkf; vector w_shotorg; vector w_shotdir; // this function calculates w_shotorg and w_shotdir based on the weapon model // offset, trueaim and antilag, and won't put w_shotorg inside a wall. // make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?) void(entity ent, vector vecs, float antilag, float recoil, string snd) W_SetupShot = { local vector trueaimpoint; traceline_hitcorpse(self, self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); trueaimpoint = trace_endpos; // if aiming at a player and the original trace won't hit that player // anymore, try aiming at the player's new position if (antilag) if (!trace_ent.takedamage) // shot would miss without antilag if (self.cursor_trace_ent) // but it HAD hit on the client if (self.cursor_trace_ent.takedamage) // and even something evil // if (trace_ent != self.cursor_trace_ent) // and it is different (redundant check, see takedamage) if (cvar("g_antilag")) trueaimpoint = self.cursor_trace_ent.origin; /* // don't allow the shot to start inside a wall local vector startorg; local vector idealorg; startorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs;// - '0 0 8'; idealorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + v_forward * vecs_x + v_right * vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z; traceline_hitcorpse (ent, startorg, idealorg, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); w_shotorg = trace_endpos; */ // all positions in the code are now required to be inside the player box w_shotorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + v_forward * vecs_x + v_right * vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z; w_shotdir = normalize(trueaimpoint - w_shotorg); if (!cvar("g_norecoil")) self.punchangle_x = recoil * -1; if (snd != "") sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, snd, 1, ATTN_NORM); if (self.items & IT_STRENGTH) if (!cvar("g_minstagib")) sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/strength_fire.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); }; void LaserTarget_Think() { entity e; vector offset; float uselaser; uselaser = 0; // list of weapons that will use the laser, and the options that enable it if(self.owner.laser_on && self.owner.weapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && cvar("g_laserguided_missile")) uselaser = 1; // example //if(self.owner.weapon == WEP_ELECTRO && cvar("g_laserguided_electro")) // uselaser = 1; // if a laser-enabled weapon isn't selected, delete any existing laser and quit if(!uselaser) { // rocket launcher isn't selected, so no laser target. if(self.lasertarget != world) { remove(self.lasertarget); self.lasertarget = world; } return; } if(!self.lasertarget) { // we don't have a lasertarget entity, so spawn one //bprint("create laser target\n"); e = self.lasertarget = spawn(); e.owner = self.owner; // Its owner is my owner e.classname = "laser_target"; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; // don't touch things setmodel(e, "models/laser_dot.mdl"); // what it looks like, precision set below e.scale = 1.25; // make it larger e.alpha = 0.25; // transparency e.colormod = '255 0 0' * (1/255) * 8; // change colors e.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION; // make it dynamically glow // you should avoid over-using this, as it can slow down the player's computer. e.glow_color = 251; // red color e.glow_size = 12; } else e = self.lasertarget; // move the laser dot to where the player is looking makevectors(self.owner.v_angle); // set v_forward etc to the direction the player is looking offset = '0 0 26' + v_right*3; traceline(self.owner.origin + offset, self.owner.origin + offset + v_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, FALSE, self); // trace forward until you hit something, like a player or wall setorigin(e, trace_endpos + v_forward*8); // move me to where the traceline ended if(trace_plane_normal != '0 0 0') e.angles = vectoangles(trace_plane_normal); else e.angles = vectoangles(v_forward); } float CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient() { self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner; if(other.classname == "spectator") if(other.enemy == self.owner) self.viewmodelforclient = other; return TRUE; } .string weaponname; void() CL_Weaponentity_Think = { self.nextthink = time; if (intermission_running) self.frame = WFRAME_IDLE; if (self.owner.weaponentity != self) { remove(self); return; } if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.model = ""; return; } if (self.cnt != self.owner.weapon || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag) { self.cnt = self.owner.weapon; self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex; self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag; if (self.owner.weaponname != "") setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/w_", self.owner.weaponname, ".zym")); // precision set below else self.model = ""; } self.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_LOWPRECISION; if (self.flags & FL_FLY) // owner is currently being teleported, so don't apply EF_NODRAW otherwise the viewmodel would "blink" self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_NODRAW); if(self.owner.alpha >= 0) self.alpha = self.owner.alpha; else self.alpha = 1; self.colormap = self.owner.colormap; self.angles = '0 0 0'; local float f; f = 0; if (self.state == WS_RAISE) f = (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time) / cvar("g_balance_weaponswitchdelay"); else if (self.state == WS_DROP) f = 1 - (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time) / cvar("g_balance_weaponswitchdelay"); else if (self.state == WS_CLEAR) f = 1; self.angles_x = -90 * f * f; // create or update the lasertarget entity LaserTarget_Think(); }; void() CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think = { self.nextthink = time; if (self.owner.exteriorweaponentity != self) { remove(self); return; } if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.model = ""; return; } if (self.cnt != self.owner.weapon || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag) { self.cnt = self.owner.weapon; self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex; self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag; if (self.owner.weaponname != "") setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision set below else self.model = ""; setattachment(self, self.owner, "bip01 r hand"); // if that didn't find a tag, hide the exterior weapon model if (!self.tag_index) self.model = ""; } self.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_LOWPRECISION; self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED)); // eat performance if(self.owner.alpha >= 0) self.alpha = self.owner.alpha; else self.alpha = 1; self.colormap = self.owner.colormap; }; // spawning weaponentity for client void() CL_SpawnWeaponentity = { self.weaponentity = spawn(); self.weaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.weaponentity.owner = self; self.weaponentity.weaponentity = self.weaponentity; setmodel(self.weaponentity, ""); // precision set when changed self.weaponentity.origin = '0 0 0'; self.weaponentity.angles = '0 0 0'; self.weaponentity.viewmodelforclient = self; self.weaponentity.flags = 0; self.weaponentity.think = CL_Weaponentity_Think; self.weaponentity.customizeentityforclient = CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient; self.weaponentity.nextthink = time; self.weaponentity.scale = 0.61; self.exteriorweaponentity = spawn(); self.exteriorweaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.exteriorweaponentity.exteriorweaponentity = self.exteriorweaponentity; self.exteriorweaponentity.owner = self; self.exteriorweaponentity.origin = '0 0 0'; self.exteriorweaponentity.angles = '0 0 0'; self.exteriorweaponentity.think = CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think; self.exteriorweaponentity.nextthink = time; }; float(entity cl, float wpn, float andammo, float complain) client_hasweapon = { local float itemcode, f; local entity oldself; if (wpn < WEP_FIRST || wpn > WEP_LAST) { if (complain) sprint(self, "Invalid weapon\n"); return FALSE; } itemcode = W_ItemCode(wpn); if (cl.items & itemcode) { if (andammo) { oldself = self; self = cl; f = weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO1); f = f + weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO2); self = oldself; if (!f) { if (complain) sprint(self, "You don't have any ammo for that weapon\n"); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } if (complain) sprint(self, "You don't own that weapon\n"); return FALSE; }; // Weapon subs void() w_clear = { if (self.weapon != -1) self.weapon = 0; if (self.weaponentity) { self.weaponentity.state = WS_CLEAR; // self.weaponname = ""; // next frame will setmodel it to "" when needed anyway self.weaponentity.effects = 0; } }; void() w_ready = { if (self.weaponentity) { self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY; weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_IDLE, 0.1, w_ready); } }; // FIXME: add qw-style client-custom weaponrating (cl_weaponrating)? float(entity e) w_getbestweapon {// add new weapons here if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_NEX, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_NEX; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_HAGAR, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_HAGAR; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_ELECTRO, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_ELECTRO; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_CRYLINK, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_CRYLINK; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_UZI, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_UZI; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_SHOTGUN, TRUE, FALSE)) return WEP_SHOTGUN; else if (client_hasweapon(e, WEP_LASER, FALSE, FALSE)) return WEP_LASER; else return 0; }; // Setup weapon for client (after this raise frame will be launched) void(float windex, string wname, float hudammo) weapon_setup = { self.items = self.items - (self.items & (IT_SHELLS | IT_NAILS | IT_ROCKETS | IT_CELLS)); self.items = self.items | hudammo; // the two weapon entities will notice this has changed and update their models self.weapon = windex; self.weaponname = wname; // might fire faster after switch self.attack_finished = min(max(time, self.attack_finished_old + 1), self.attack_finished); }; // perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here) float(float secondary, float attacktime) weapon_prepareattack = { if (!weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1 + secondary)) { self.switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(self); if (self.switchweapon != self.weapon) self.cnt = self.weapon; return FALSE; } // don't fire if previous attack is not finished if (self.attack_finished > time) return FALSE; // don't fire while changing weapon if (self.weaponentity.state != WS_READY) return FALSE; self.weaponentity.state = WS_INUSE; self.attack_finished_old = self.attack_finished; self.attack_finished = max(time, self.attack_finished + attacktime); return TRUE; }; void(float fr, float t, void() func) weapon_thinkf = { if (fr >= 0) { if (self.weaponentity != world) self.weaponentity.frame = fr; } if(self.weapon_think == w_ready && func != w_ready && self.weaponentity.state == WS_RAISE) { backtrace("Tried to override initial weapon think function - should this really happen?"); } if(cvar("g_runematch")) { if(self.runes & RUNE_SPEED) { if(self.runes & CURSE_SLOW) t = t * cvar("g_balance_rune_speed_combo_atkrate"); else t = t * cvar("g_balance_rune_speed_atkrate"); } else if(self.runes & CURSE_SLOW) { t = t * cvar("g_balance_curse_slow_atkrate"); } } // VorteX: haste can be added here self.weapon_nextthink = max(time, self.weapon_nextthink_lastframe + t); self.weapon_think = func; }; void(float spd, vector org) weapon_boblayer1 = { // VorteX: haste can be added here }; void(entity missile) W_SetupProjectileVelocity = { vector pvelocity; vector mdirection; float mspeed; float outspeed; float nstyle; vector mvelocity; vector outvelocity; if(missile.owner == world) error("Unowned missile"); pvelocity = missile.owner.velocity; mvelocity = missile.velocity; mdirection = normalize(mvelocity); mspeed = vlen(mvelocity); nstyle = cvar("g_projectiles_newton_style"); if(nstyle == 0) { // absolute velocity outvelocity = mvelocity; } else if(nstyle == 1) { // true Newtonian projectiles outvelocity = pvelocity + mvelocity; } else if(nstyle == 2) { // true Newtonian projectiles with automatic aim adjustment // // solve: |outspeed * mdirection - pvelocity| = mspeed // outspeed^2 - 2 * outspeed * (mdirection * pvelocity) + pvelocity^2 - mspeed^2 = 0 // outspeed = (mdirection * pvelocity) +- sqrt((mdirection * pvelocity)^2 - pvelocity^2 + mspeed^2) // PLUS SIGN! // not defined? // then... // pvelocity^2 - (mdirection * pvelocity)^2 > mspeed^2 // velocity without mdirection component > mspeed // fire at smallest possible mspeed that works? // |(mdirection * pvelocity) * pvelocity - pvelocity| = mspeed float D; float p; float q; p = mdirection * pvelocity; q = pvelocity * pvelocity - mspeed * mspeed; D = p * p - q; if(D < 0) { //dprint("impossible shot, adjusting\n"); D = 0; } outspeed = p + sqrt(D); outspeed = bound(mspeed * 0.7, outspeed, mspeed * 5.0); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else if(nstyle == 3) { // pseudo-Newtonian: outspeed = mspeed + mdirection * pvelocity; outspeed = bound(mspeed * 0.7, outspeed, mspeed * 5.0); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else if(nstyle == 4) { // tZorkian: outspeed = mspeed + vlen(pvelocity); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else error("g_projectiles_newton_style must be 0 (absolute), 1 (Newtonian), 2 (Newtonian + aimfix), 3 (pseudo Newtonian) or 4 (tZorkian)!"); //dprint("Adjusted from ", vtos(missile.velocity)); missile.velocity = outvelocity; //dprint(" to ", vtos(missile.velocity), "\n"); }