float maxclients; // set by worldspawn code float numdecors; float maxdecors; .float createdtime; .void() th_gib; //void(vector org, entity en, vector dir, float splattype, float importance) newbloodsplat; //void(vector org, float bodydamage, float armordamage, vector vel, float damgtype) genericbleedfunc; // removes the oldest decors each frame to maintain a certain maximum decors void() decorframe = { local entity estart, e, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10; local float bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4, bt5, bt6, bt7, bt8, bt9, bt10, iterations; // numdecors is allowed to be bogus as long as it is >= the real number of decors // (but perfection is clearly preferable) if (numdecors <= maxdecors) return; // recount all the decors numdecors = 0; estart = e = findchain(classname, "decor"); while(e) { numdecors = numdecors + 1; e = e.chain; } if (numdecors <= maxdecors) return; // nothing to do // limit it to considering 10000 entities per frame, // otherwise it can cause a runaway loop error iterations = 0; while (numdecors > maxdecors && iterations < 10000) { iterations = iterations + 1; // find and remove the oldest decors (upto 10 at once) b1 = b2 = b3 = b4 = b5 = b6 = b7 = b8 = b9 = b10 = world; bt1 = bt2 = bt3 = bt4 = bt5 = bt6 = bt7 = bt8 = bt9 = bt10 = time + 10000; if (iterations > 0) estart = findchain(classname, "decor"); e = estart; while(e) { iterations = iterations + 1; if (e.createdtime < bt10) { if (e.createdtime < bt9) { if (e.createdtime < bt8) { if (e.createdtime < bt7) { if (e.createdtime < bt6) { if (e.createdtime < bt5) { if (e.createdtime < bt4) { if (e.createdtime < bt3) { if (e.createdtime < bt2) { if (e.createdtime < bt1) { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=b5;bt6=bt5; b5=b4;bt5=bt4; b4=b3;bt4=bt3; b3=b2;bt3=bt2; b2=b1;bt2=bt1; b1=e;bt1=e.createdtime; } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=b5;bt6=bt5; b5=b4;bt5=bt4; b4=b3;bt4=bt3; b3=b2;bt3=bt2; b2=e;bt2=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=b5;bt6=bt5; b5=b4;bt5=bt4; b4=b3;bt4=bt3; b3=e;bt3=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=b5;bt6=bt5; b5=b4;bt5=bt4; b4=e;bt4=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=b5;bt6=bt5; b5=e;bt5=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=b6;bt7=bt6; b6=e;bt6=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=b7;bt8=bt7; b7=e;bt7=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=b8;bt9=bt8; b8=e;bt8=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=b9;bt10=bt9; b9=e;bt9=e.createdtime; } } else { b10=e;bt10=e.createdtime; } } // failed all 10 slots e = e.chain; } // remove the oldest decors if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b1);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b2);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b3);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b4);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b5);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b6);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b7);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b8);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b9);} if (numdecors > maxdecors) {numdecors = numdecors - 1;remove(b10);} } }; entity() newdecor = { local entity e; numdecors++; e = spawn(); e.classname = "decor"; return e; }; void(entity e) removedecor = { numdecors--; remove(e); }; void(vector org, vector vel, float amount) blood = { te_blood(org, vel, amount); }; void(vector org, vector vel, float amount) spark = { te_spark(org, vel, amount); }; void(vector m1, vector m2, float vel, float amount) bloodshower = { te_bloodshower(m1, m2, vel, amount); }; void(vector org, float quad) bulletpuff = { if (quad) te_gunshotquad(org); else te_gunshot(org); }; void(vector org, float quad) nailpuff = { if (quad) te_superspikequad(org); else te_superspike(org); }; // used for various little bouncing debris to avoid getting stuck in the air void() DecorThink = { self.nextthink = time; self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND); if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_SOLID) removedecor(self); }; .float createdtime; void() InitDecors = { // different number of decors in multi-player (to avoid lag on modems) if (maxclients > 1) maxdecors = 32; else maxdecors = 100; // overridable by saved2 cvar on server console if (cvar("decors")) maxdecors = cvar("decors"); if (maxdecors < 1) maxdecors = 1; };