/*********************************************** * * * FrikBot Fight Code * * "Because I ain't no Ghandi code" * * * ***********************************************/ /* This program is in the Public Domain. My crack legal team would like to add: RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH IS PROVIDING THIS SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DAMAGES. You accept this software on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless Ryan "FrikaC" Smith from any and all liability or damages to third parties, including attorney fees, court costs, and other related costs and expenses, arising out of your use of this software irrespective of the cause of said liability. The export from the United States or the subsequent reexport of this software is subject to compliance with United States export control and munitions control restrictions. You agree that in the event you seek to export this software, you assume full responsibility for obtaining all necessary export licenses and approvals and for assuring compliance with applicable reexport restrictions. Any reproduction of this software must contain this notice in its entirety. */ .entity avoid; float(entity e) bot_size_player = { local float sz; sz = e.health + e.armorvalue * e.armortype; if (e.weapon == 32) sz = sz + 60; else if (e.weapon == 64) sz = sz + 60; else if (e.weapon == 16) sz = sz + 50; else if (e.weapon == 8) sz = sz + 50; else if (e.weapon == 4) sz = sz + 40; else if (e.weapon == 2) sz = sz + 40; else if (e.weapon == 1) sz = sz + 10; else if (e.weapon == 4096) sz = sz - 50; if (e.items & 4194304) // Quad sz = sz + 200; if (e.items & 1048576) // Invul sz = sz + 300; if (e.items & 524288) // Invis sz = sz + 250; return sz; }; void() bot_dodge_stuff = { local entity foe; local float foedist, avdist, scandist, foesz, flen, tsz; local vector v; if (waypoint_mode > WM_LOADED) return; self.avoid = world; if (self.enemy) { v = self.origin - realorigin(self.enemy); foedist = vlen(v); foesz = bot_size_player(self.enemy); } else { foedist = 3000; foesz = 9999999; } avdist = 256; foe = find(world, classname, "grenade"); while(foe) { flen = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); if (flen < avdist) { avdist = flen; self.avoid = foe; } foe = find(foe, classname, "grenade"); } if (!self.avoid) { foe = find(world, classname, "missile"); while(foe) { if (foe.owner != self) { flen = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); if (flen < avdist) { avdist = flen; self.avoid = foe; } } foe = find(foe, classname, "missile"); } if (!self.avoid) { foe = find(world, classname, "spike"); while(foe) { if (foe.owner != self) { flen = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); if (flen < avdist) { avdist = flen; self.avoid = foe; } } foe = find(foe, classname, "spike"); } } } if (coop) { if (!self.enemy) { foe = findradius(self.origin, foedist); while(foe) { if(foe.flags & FL_MONSTER) { if(foe.health > 0) { flen = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); if (flen < foedist) { tsz = bot_size_player(foe); if (tsz < foesz) { if (fisible(foe)) { self.enemy = foe; foedist = flen; foesz = tsz; } } } } } foe = foe.chain; } } } else { foe = player_head; while(foe) { if(foe != self) { if (foe.modelindex != 0) { if (foe.health > 0) { if (!(teamplay && self.team == foe.team)) { flen = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); if (flen < foedist) { tsz = bot_size_player(foe); if (tsz < foesz) { if (fov(foe) || foe.b_sound > time || self.b_skill == 3) { if (fisible(foe)) { self.enemy = foe; foedist = vlen(foe.origin - self.origin); } } } } } } } } foe = foe._next; } } }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= weapon_range _x "sweet spot range" - try to maintain this range if possible _y minimum range bot can be to be effective (rl/gl) (move away) _z maximum range bot can be to be effective (lg/axe) (move in) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ vector(float wep) weapon_range = { if (wep == 4096) // IT_AXE return '48 0 64'; else if (wep == 1) // IT_SHOTGUN return '128 0 99999'; else if (wep == 2) // IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN return '128 0 99999'; else if (wep == 4) // IT_NAILGUN return '180 0 3000'; else if (wep == 8) // IT_SUPER_NAILGUN return '180 0 3000'; else if (wep == 16) // IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER return '180 48 3000'; else if (wep == 32) // IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER return '180 48 3000'; else if (wep == 64) // IT_LIGHTNING return '350 0 512'; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bot_weapon_switch Pick a weapon based on range / ammo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(float brange) bot_weapon_switch = { local float it, flag, pulse; local vector v; it = self.items & 127; while(it) { if ((self.ammo_rockets >= 1) && (it & 32)) { flag = 32; pulse = 7; } else if (self.waterlevel <= 1 && self.ammo_cells >= 1 && (it & 64)) { flag = 64; pulse = 8; } else if(self.ammo_nails >= 2 && (it & 8)) { flag = 8; pulse = 5; } else if ((self.ammo_rockets >= 1) && (it & 16)) { flag = 16; pulse = 6; } else if(self.ammo_shells >= 2 && (it & 2)) { flag = 2; pulse = 3; } else if(self.ammo_nails >= 1 && (it & 4)) { flag = 4; pulse = 4; } else if(self.ammo_shells >= 1 && (it & 1)) { flag = 1; pulse = 2; } else { if (pulse) self.impulse = pulse; return; } if (brange == -1) { if (pulse) self.impulse = pulse; return; } v = weapon_range(flag); if (brange < v_y || brange > v_z) it = it - flag; else { if (pulse) self.impulse = pulse; return; } } }; void() bot_shoot = { // quick little function to stop making him shoot the wrong way ! Argh local float g; g = angcomp(self.v_angle_x, self.b_angle_x); if (fabs(g) > 30) return; // argh, too far away g = angcomp(self.v_angle_y, self.b_angle_y); if (fabs(g) > 30) return; // not again! self.button0 = TRUE; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bot_fight_style This is the core of the bot's thinking when attacking an enemy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void() bot_fight_style = { local vector v, v1, v2, org; local float foedist, mysz, foesz; if (self.enemy.health <= 0) { self.enemy = world; return; } else if (!self.enemy.takedamage) { self.enemy = world; return; } else if (!fisible(self.enemy)) { self.enemy = world; return; } org = realorigin(self.enemy); makevectors(self.v_angle); // decide if I should shoot foedist = vlen(org - self.origin); v = weapon_range(self.weapon); if (foedist > v_y && foedist < v_z) { traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * v_z, FALSE, self); if (vlen(trace_endpos - (self.origin + self.view_ofs)) >= v_y) { // try to avoid shooting teammates if (trace_ent.classname == "player") if ((trace_ent.team == self.team && teamplay) || (coop)) return; bot_shoot(); } } else bot_weapon_switch(foedist); if (!(self.b_aiflags & (AI_PRECISION | AI_BLIND | AI_OBSTRUCTED))) { foesz = bot_size_player(self.enemy); mysz = bot_size_player(self) + 5; if (foesz > mysz) { if (teamplay) { if (random() < 0.02) { bot_start_topic(5); self.b_chattime = 1; } } return; } else if (mysz < 140) return; else if (self.avoid) { if (self.avoid.velocity) v = self.avoid.velocity; else v = normalize(self.avoid.origin - self.origin); v1_x = v_y; v1_y = v_y * -1; v2_x = v_y; v2_y = v_y * -1; foedist = vlen(self.avoid.origin - (self.origin + v1)); if (foedist < vlen(self.avoid.origin - (self.origin + v2))) frik_walkmove(v2); else frik_walkmove(v1); } else if (!self.enemy.flags & FL_MONSTER) { if (foedist + 32 < v_x) frik_walkmove(self.origin - org); else if (foedist - 32 > v_x) frik_walkmove(org - self.origin); else if (self.wallhug) frik_walkmove(v_right); else frik_walkmove(v_right * -1); } } else { foesz = bot_size_player(self.enemy); mysz = bot_size_player(self) + 5; if (foesz > mysz) return; else if (mysz < 140) return; self.keys = self.keys & 960; } };