/* ====================================== FrikBot X (Version 0.10.1) ====================================== This program is in the Public Domain. My crack legal team would like to add: RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH IS PROVIDING THIS SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DAMAGES. You accept this software on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless Ryan "FrikaC" Smith from any and all liability or damages to third parties, including attorney fees, court costs, and other related costs and expenses, arising out of your use of this software irrespective of the cause of said liability. The export from the United States or the subsequent reexport of this software is subject to compliance with United States export control and munitions control restrictions. You agree that in the event you seek to export this software, you assume full responsibility for obtaining all necessary export licenses and approvals and for assuring compliance with applicable reexport restrictions. Any reproduction of this software must contain this notice in its entirety. ====================================== These installation instructions only apply to Normal Quake (as does this entire file). For QuakeWorld, please refer to bot_qw.qc -------------------------------------- To install on a new mod, do all this: -------------------------------------- Place all included bot*.qc files in the subdirectory "frikbot" in your source folder, then... * Add the following lines to progs.src right after the defs.qc line frikbot/bot.qc frikbot/bot_way.qc frikbot/bot_fight.qc frikbot/bot_ai.qc frikbot/bot_misc.qc frikbot/bot_phys.qc frikbot/bot_move.qc frikbot/bot_ed.qc -------------------------------------- * Comment out the following functions in defs.qc sound, stuffcmd, sprint, aim, centerprint, setspawnparms WriteByte, WriteChar, WriteShort, WriteLong, WriteCoord WriteAngle, WriteString, WriteEntity -------------------------------------- * Add this to worldspawn() in world.qc, right at the very top, before InitBodyQue(); BotInit(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * add this line to StartFrame() in world.qc, at the very top BotFrame(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * Add these two lines to PlayerPreThink in client.qc at the very top if (BotPreFrame()) // FrikBot return; -------------------------------------- * Add this line to PlayerPostThink in client.qc at the very top if (BotPostFrame()) // FrikBot return; -------------------------------------- * Add the following line to the very top of Client Connect in client.qc ClientInRankings(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * Add these lines to the very top of ClientDisconnect in client.qc ClientDisconnected(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- */ void() bot_map_load = { // place your qc loaded waypoints here if (mapname == "mattrye1_nex") map_mattrye1_nex(); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Variables and shtuff bot.qc has become pretty much a header file for all variable in the bot... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ // ----- entity fields --- .float wallhug, keys, oldkeys, ishuman; .float b_frags, b_clientno, b_shirt, b_pants; .float priority, ai_time, b_sound, missile_speed; .float portal_time, b_skill, switch_wallhug; .float b_aiflags, b_num, b_chattime; .float b_menu, b_menu_time, b_menu_value; .float route_failed, dyn_flags, dyn_time; .float dyn_plat; .entity temp_way, last_way, phys_obj; .entity target1, target2, target3, target4; .entity _next, _last; .entity current_way; .vector b_angle, b_dest, mouse_emu, obs_dir; .vector movement, b_dir; .vector dyn_dest; .float search_time; .vector dest1, dest2; // --------defines----- //float SVC_UPDATENAME = 13; //float SVC_UPDATEFRAGS = 14; //float SVC_UPDATECOLORS = 17; // used for the physics & movement AI float KEY_MOVEUP = 1; float KEY_MOVEDOWN = 2; float KEY_MOVELEFT = 4; float KEY_MOVERIGHT = 8; float KEY_MOVEFORWARD = 16; float KEY_MOVEBACK = 32; float KEY_LOOKUP = 64; float KEY_LOOKDOWN = 128; float KEY_LOOKLEFT = 256; float KEY_LOOKRIGHT = 512; // these are aiflags for waypoints // some overlap to the bot float AI_TELELINK_1 = 1; // link type float AI_TELELINK_2 = 2; // link type float AI_TELELINK_3 = 4; // link type float AI_TELELINK_4 = 8; // link type float AI_DOORFLAG = 16; // read ahead float AI_PRECISION = 32; // read ahead + point float AI_SURFACE = 64; // point float AI_BLIND = 128; // read ahead + point float AI_JUMP = 256; // point + ignore float AI_DIRECTIONAL = 512; // read ahead + ignore float AI_PLAT_BOTTOM = 1024; // read ahead float AI_RIDE_TRAIN = 2048; // read ahead float AI_SUPER_JUMP = 4096; // point + ignore + route test float AI_SNIPER = 8192; // point type float AI_AMBUSH = 16384; // point type float AI_DOOR_NO_OPEN = 32768; // read ahead float AI_DIFFICULT = 65536; // route test float AI_TRACE_TEST = 131072; // route test float AI_CARELESS = 262144; // Electro - jumppads, bot doesn't have to touch this entity, only get close // these are flags for bots/players (dynamic/editor flags) float AI_OBSTRUCTED = 1; float AI_HOLD_SELECT = 2; float AI_ROUTE_FAILED = 2; float AI_WAIT = 4; float AI_DANGER = 8; // addition masks float AI_POINT_TYPES = 29152; float AI_READAHEAD_TYPES = 36528; float AI_IGNORE_TYPES = 4864; float WM_UNINIT = 0; float WM_DYNAMIC = 1; float WM_LOADING = 2; float WM_LOADED = 3; float WM_EDITOR = 4; float WM_EDITOR_DYNAMIC = 5; float WM_EDITOR_DYNLINK = 6; float OPT_SAVEBOTS = 1; float OPT_NOCHAT = 2; // -------globals----- float active_clients; float max_clients, real_frametime; float bot_count, b_options; float waypoint_mode, dump_mode; float waypoints, direct_route; float sv_friction, sv_gravity; float sv_accelerate, sv_maxspeed, sv_stopspeed; entity fixer; entity route_table; entity b_temp1, b_temp2, b_temp3; entity player_head, phys_head, way_head; float busy_waypoints; float saved_bots, saved_skills1, saved_skills2, current_bots; // -------ProtoTypes------ // external void() ClientConnect; void() ClientDisconnect; void() SetNewParms; // rankings float(float clientno) ClientBitFlag; float() ClientNextAvailable; void(float whichteam, float whatbot, float whatskill) BotConnect; void(entity bot) BotDisconnect; void(float clientno) BotInvalidClientNo; void(entity who) UpdateClient; // waypointing void() DynamicWaypoint; entity(vector org) make_waypoint; void() ClearAllWays; void() FixWaypoints; float() begin_route; void(entity this, float direct) bot_get_path; void() WaypointThink; entity(entity start) FindWayPoint; // physics & movement float(entity e) bot_can_rj; void() bot_jump; void() frik_bot_roam; float(vector weird) frik_walkmove; void() frik_movetogoal; void() frik_obstacles; float(float flag) frik_recognize_plat; float(vector sdir) frik_KeysForDir; void(vector whichway, float danger) frik_obstructed; void() SV_Physics_Client; void() SV_ClientThink; void() CL_KeyMove; // ai & misc string() PickARandomName; float(entity targ) fov; float(float y1, float y2) angcomp; float(entity targ1, entity targ2) wisible; float(entity targ) sisible; float(entity targ) fisible; vector(entity ent) realorigin; void(entity ent) target_drop; void(entity ent) target_add; void() KickABot; void() BotImpulses; void(entity targ, float success) bot_lost; string(float r) BotName; float(float v) frik_anglemod; void() bot_chat; void(float tpic) bot_start_topic; // editor stuffs void() bot_way_edit; void() bot_menu_display; // ----------Commands--------- void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) frik_sound = #8; void(entity client, string s) frik_stuffcmd = #21; void(entity client, string s) frik_sprint = #24; vector(entity e, float sped) frik_aim = #44; void(entity client, string s) frik_centerprint = #73; void(entity e) frik_setspawnparms = #78; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteByte = #52; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteChar = #53; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteShort = #54; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteLong = #55; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteCoord = #56; void(float to, float f) frik_WriteAngle = #57; void(float to, string s) frik_WriteString = #58; void(float to, entity s) frik_WriteEntity = #59; void(entity client, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6, string s7) frik_big_centerprint = #73; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Function redclarations. These allow function designed to work for clients (sprint, so forth) to mainly not complain when working with a bot Although these shouldn't be needed anymore, as the bots truly are clients now, if you don't stop the SZ_ buffer from filling up by disabling direct messages to the bots, it crashes quake :-( -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(entity client, string s) stuffcmd = { if (client.ishuman == 1) frik_stuffcmd(client, s); b_temp1 = player_head; while(b_temp1) { if (b_temp1.classname == "botcam") { if ((b_temp1.enemy == client) && b_temp1.ishuman) frik_stuffcmd(b_temp1, s); } b_temp1 = b_temp1._next; } }; void(entity e) setspawnparms = { if (e.ishuman == 1) frik_setspawnparms(e); else { b_temp1 = player_head; while(b_temp1) { if (b_temp1.ishuman) { frik_setspawnparms(b_temp1); return; } b_temp1 = b_temp1._next; } SetNewParms(); } }; void(entity client, string s) sprint = { if (client.ishuman == 1) frik_sprint(client, s); b_temp1 = player_head; while(b_temp1) { if (b_temp1.classname == "botcam") { if ((b_temp1.enemy == client) && b_temp1.ishuman) frik_sprint(b_temp1, s); } b_temp1 = b_temp1._next; } }; void(entity client, string s) centerprint = { if (client.ishuman == 1) frik_centerprint(client, s); b_temp1 = player_head; while(b_temp1) { if (b_temp1.classname == "botcam") { if ((b_temp1.enemy == client) && b_temp1.ishuman) frik_centerprint(b_temp1, s); } b_temp1 = b_temp1._next; } }; vector(entity e, float sped) aim = { e.missile_speed = sped; return frik_aim(e, sped); }; void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound = { frik_sound(e, chan, samp, vol, atten); if (samp == "items/inv3.wav") return; else if (e.classname == "player") e.b_sound = time + 1; else if (other.classname == "player") other.b_sound = time + 1; }; void(float to, float f) WriteByte = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteByte(to, f); }; void(float to, float f) WriteChar = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteChar(to, f); }; void(float to, float f) WriteShort = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteShort(to, f); }; void(float to, float f) WriteLong = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteLong(to, f); }; void(float to, float f) WriteCoord = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteCoord(to, f); }; void(float to, float f) WriteAngle = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteAngle(to, f); }; void(float to, string s) WriteString = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteString(to, s); }; void(float to, entity s) WriteEntity = { if ((to == MSG_ONE) && (msg_entity.ishuman != TRUE)) return; frik_WriteEntity(to, s); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bot Cam, see what the bot sees (or any other player) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ float() botcam = { if (self.classname != "botcam") return FALSE; setorigin(self, self.enemy.origin); self.items = self.enemy.items; self.weapon = self.enemy.weapon; self.weaponmodel = self.enemy.weaponmodel; self.currentammo = self.enemy.currentammo; self.weaponframe = self.enemy.weaponframe; self.ammo_shells = self.enemy.ammo_shells; self.ammo_nails = self.enemy.ammo_nails; self.ammo_rockets= self.enemy.ammo_rockets; self.ammo_cells = self.enemy.ammo_cells; self.view_ofs = self.enemy.view_ofs; self.health = self.enemy.health; self.armorvalue = self.enemy.armorvalue; self.dmg_take = self.enemy.dmg_take; self.dmg_save = self.enemy.dmg_save; self.dmg_inflictor = self.enemy.dmg_inflictor; self.punchangle = self.enemy.punchangle; self.deadflag = self.enemy.deadflag; msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE,5); WriteEntity (MSG_ONE, self.enemy); WriteByte (MSG_ONE, 10); WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.enemy.v_angle_x); WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.enemy.v_angle_y); WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.enemy.v_angle_z); self.modelindex = 0; self.impulse = 0; return TRUE; }; void() botcam_u = { // sloppy cycling code if (self.classname != "botcam") { self.enemy = player_head; } else { do self.enemy = self.enemy._next; while (self.enemy.classname == "botcam"); } if (self.enemy == self) { do self.enemy = self.enemy._next; while (self.enemy.classname == "botcam"); } self.classname = "botcam"; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; if (!self.enemy) { sprint(self, "No one left to track!\n"); msg_entity = self; WriteByte (MSG_ONE,5); WriteEntity (MSG_ONE, self); PutClientInServer(); return; } if (!self.enemy.ishuman) { self.enemy.dmg_take = 0; self.enemy.dmg_save = 0; } sprint(self, "Now tracking "); sprint(self, self.enemy.netname); sprint(self, "\n"); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stuff mentioned up top it just links the bot into the mod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void() ClientFixRankings = { local float cno; if (self.switch_wallhug > time) return; self.switch_wallhug = 0; b_temp2 = nextent(world); cno = 0; while (cno < max_clients) { if ((!b_temp2.ishuman) && (active_clients & ClientBitFlag(cno))) UpdateClient(b_temp2); cno = cno + 1; b_temp2 = nextent(b_temp2); } }; void() ClientInRankings = { local float cno; if (player_head) player_head._last = self; self._next = player_head; self._last = world; player_head = self; if (!self.phys_obj) { b_temp2 = phys_head; while (b_temp2 != world && b_temp2.owner != self) b_temp2 = b_temp2._next; self.phys_obj = b_temp2; } if (self.ishuman == 2) { self.ishuman = FALSE; return; } cno = self.colormap - 1; BotInvalidClientNo (cno); active_clients = active_clients | ClientBitFlag(cno); self.b_clientno = cno; self.ishuman = TRUE; self.switch_wallhug = time + 1; }; void() ClientDisconnected = { if (player_head == self) player_head = self._next; if (self._next) self._next._last = self._last; if (self._last) self._last._next = self._next; active_clients = active_clients - active_clients & ClientBitFlag(self.b_clientno); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BotPreFrame & BotPostFrame, used to make the bot easier to install -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ float () BotPreFrame = { if (self.b_clientno == -1) return TRUE; if (self.ishuman) { if (self.switch_wallhug) ClientFixRankings(); if (self.classname == "botcam") return TRUE; } if (self.b_frags != self.frags) { if (self.b_frags > self.frags) { if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENT_LAVA) bot_start_topic(10); else bot_start_topic(9); } else bot_start_topic(2); self.b_frags = self.frags; } DynamicWaypoint(); return FALSE; }; float () BotPostFrame = { if (self.b_clientno == -1) return TRUE; if (self.ishuman) { if (waypoint_mode > WM_LOADED) bot_menu_display(); BotImpulses(); if (botcam()) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bot Chat code The rest of this code is in bot_misc.qc -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(string h) BotSay = // simulate talking by composing a 'chat' message { WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 1); WriteString(MSG_ALL, self.netname); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 2); WriteString(MSG_ALL, h); }; void() BotSayInit = { WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 1); WriteString(MSG_ALL, self.netname); }; void(string h) BotSay2 = { WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, 2); WriteString(MSG_ALL, h); }; void(string h) BotSayTeam = { local entity t; if (!teamplay) return; t = player_head; while(t) { if (t.team == self.team) { msg_entity = t; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 1); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 40); WriteString(MSG_ONE, self.netname); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 8); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 2); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 41); WriteString(MSG_ONE, h); } t = t._next; } }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BotInit -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void() BotInit = { local entity ent, fisent; local float numents; // spawn entities for the physics ent = nextent(world); max_clients = 0; while(ent != world) { max_clients = max_clients + 1; ent = nextent(ent); } if (max_clients > 16) max_clients = 16; ent = nextent(world); fisent = world; while (numents < max_clients) { phys_head = spawn(); if (fisent) fisent._next = phys_head; phys_head._last = fisent; fisent = phys_head; ent.phys_obj = phys_head; phys_head.classname = "phys_obj"; phys_head.owner = ent; numents = numents + 1; ent = nextent(ent); } precache_model("progs/s_light.spr"); precache_model("progs/s_bubble.spr"); // the bots return! b_options = cvar("saved1"); if (coop || (b_options & OPT_SAVEBOTS)) { saved_bots = cvar("scratch1"); saved_skills1 = cvar("scratch2"); saved_skills2 = cvar("scratch3"); } cvar_set ("saved4", "0"); if (max_clients > 1) { localcmd("exec maps/"); localcmd(mapname); localcmd(".way\n"); waypoint_mode = WM_DYNAMIC; bot_map_load(); } else waypoint_mode = WM_LOADED; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rankings 'utilities'. Written by Alan Kivlin, this code just fools clients by sending precisely the same network messages as when a real player signs on to the server. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(entity who) UpdateClient = { WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATENAME); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, who.b_clientno); WriteString (MSG_ALL, who.netname); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATECOLORS); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, who.b_clientno); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, who.b_shirt * 16 + who.b_pants); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATEFRAGS); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, who.b_clientno); WriteShort (MSG_ALL, who.frags); }; float(float clientno) ClientBitFlag = { // bigger, but faster if (clientno == 0) return 1; else if (clientno == 1) return 2; else if (clientno == 2) return 4; else if (clientno == 3) return 8; else if (clientno == 4) return 16; else if (clientno == 5) return 32; else if (clientno == 6) return 64; else if (clientno == 7) return 128; else if (clientno == 8) return 256; else if (clientno == 9) return 512; else if (clientno == 10) return 1024; else if (clientno == 11) return 2048; else if (clientno == 12) return 4096; else if (clientno == 13) return 8192; else if (clientno == 14) return 16384; else if (clientno == 15) return 32768; return 0; }; float() ClientNextAvailable = { local float clientno; clientno = max_clients; while(clientno > 0) { clientno = clientno - 1; if(!(active_clients & ClientBitFlag(clientno))) return clientno; } return -1; }; void(entity e1, entity e2, float flag) DeveloperLightning = { // used to show waypoint links for debugging WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, 23); if (flag) WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, 6); else WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, 13); WriteEntity (MSG_BROADCAST, e2); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e1.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e1.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e1.origin_z); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e2.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e2.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, e2.origin_z); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Find Another Color Team finding code -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ float(float tcolor) FindAnotherColor = { local float bestbet, scolor, pcount, bestp; bestbet = -1; bestp = 16; while(scolor < 14) { if (scolor != tcolor) { b_temp2 = player_head; pcount = 0; while(b_temp2 != world) { if (b_temp2.team == scolor + 1) pcount = pcount + 1; b_temp2 = b_temp2._next; } if ((pcount < bestp) && pcount) { bestbet = scolor; bestp = pcount; } } scolor = scolor + 1; } if (bestbet < 0) { bestbet = tcolor; while (bestbet == tcolor) { bestbet = floor(random() * 13); } } return bestbet; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BotConnect and related functions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ entity(float num) GetClientEntity = { local entity upsy; upsy = world; num = num + 1; while (num > 0) { num = num - 1; upsy = nextent(upsy); } return upsy; }; void(float whichteam, float whatbot, float whatskill) BotConnect = { local float f; local string h; local entity uself; f = ClientNextAvailable(); uself = self; if(f == -1) { bprint("Unable to connect a bot, server is full.\n"); return; } // chat thing active_clients = active_clients | ClientBitFlag(f); bot_count = bot_count + 1; self = GetClientEntity(f); if (!saved_bots) bot_start_topic(1); self.b_clientno = f; self.colormap = f + 1; if (whatbot) self.netname = BotName(whatbot); else self.netname = PickARandomName(); // players can set skill all weird, so leave these checks in whatskill = rint(whatskill); if (whatskill > 3) whatskill = 3; else if (whatskill < 0) whatskill = 0; self.b_skill = whatskill; if (teamplay && !coop) { if (whichteam) self.b_pants = FindAnotherColor(uself.team - 1); else self.b_pants = uself.team - 1; self.b_shirt = self.b_pants; } self.team = self.b_pants + 1; UpdateClient(self); SetNewParms(); self.ishuman = 2; ClientConnect(); PutClientInServer(); // this is risky... could corrupt .way files if done wrong // If you're not the gambling type, comment this out f = ClientBitFlag(self.b_num - 1); current_bots = current_bots | f; if (self.b_num <= 8) saved_skills1 = (saved_skills1 & (65536 - (3 * f)) | (self.b_skill * f)); else { f = ClientBitFlag(self.b_num - 9); saved_skills2 = (saved_skills2 & (65536 - (3 * f)) | (self.b_skill * f)); } h = ftos(current_bots); cvar_set("scratch1", h); h = ftos(saved_skills1); cvar_set("scratch2", h); h = ftos(saved_skills2); cvar_set("scratch3", h); self = uself; }; void(entity bot) BotDisconnect = { local string h; local entity uself; uself = self; self = bot; bot_count = bot_count - 1; current_bots = current_bots - (current_bots & ClientBitFlag(self.b_num - 1)); h = ftos(current_bots); cvar_set("scratch1", h); ClientDisconnect(); if (self.b_clientno != -1) { // the bot's client number is not in use by a real player so we // must remove it's entry in the rankings // Quake engine sets all fields to 0, can only do the most important here self.b_frags = self.frags = 0; self.netname = ""; self.classname = ""; self.health = 0; self.items = 0; self.armorvalue = 0; self.weaponmodel = ""; self.b_pants = 0; self.b_shirt = 0; self.ammo_shells = self.ammo_nails = self.ammo_rockets = self.ammo_cells = 0; UpdateClient(self); active_clients = active_clients - (active_clients & ClientBitFlag(self.b_clientno)); self.b_clientno = -1; } self = uself; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BotInvalidClientNo kicks a bot if a player connects and takes the bot's space -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(float clientno) BotInvalidClientNo = { local entity bot; bot = GetClientEntity(clientno); if(bot.b_clientno > 0) { if (!bot.ishuman) { bot.b_clientno = -1; BotDisconnect(bot); active_clients = active_clients | ClientBitFlag(self.b_clientno); BotConnect(0, bot.b_num, bot.b_skill); return; } } }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Waypoint Loading from file -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void() LoadWaypoint = { local vector org; local entity tep; local float r; org_x = cvar("saved1"); org_y = cvar("saved2"); org_z = cvar("saved3"); tep = make_waypoint(org); r = cvar("saved4"); tep.b_aiflags = floor(r / 4); tep.b_pants = cvar("scratch1"); tep.b_skill = cvar("scratch2"); tep.b_shirt = cvar("scratch3"); tep.b_frags = cvar("scratch4"); }; void() bot_return = { if (time > 2) { if ((waypoint_mode == WM_DYNAMIC) || (waypoint_mode == WM_LOADED)) { // minor precaution if (saved_bots & 1) BotConnect(0, 1, saved_skills1 & 3); if (saved_bots & 2) BotConnect(0, 2, (saved_skills1 & 12) / 4); if (saved_bots & 4) BotConnect(0, 3, (saved_skills1 & 48) / 16); if (saved_bots & 8) BotConnect(0, 4, (saved_skills1 & 192) / 64); if (saved_bots & 16) BotConnect(0, 5, (saved_skills1 & 768) / 256); if (saved_bots & 32) BotConnect(0, 6, (saved_skills1 & 3072) / 1024); if (saved_bots & 64) BotConnect(0, 7, (saved_skills1 & 12288) / 4096); if (saved_bots & 128) BotConnect(0, 8, (saved_skills1 & 49152) / 16384); if (saved_bots & 256) BotConnect(0, 9, saved_skills2 & 3); if (saved_bots & 512) BotConnect(0, 10, (saved_skills2 & 12) / 4); if (saved_bots & 1024) BotConnect(0, 11, (saved_skills2& 48) / 16); if (saved_bots & 2048) BotConnect(0, 12, (saved_skills2 & 192) / 64); if (saved_bots & 4096) BotConnect(0, 13, (saved_skills2 & 768) / 256); if (saved_bots & 8192) BotConnect(0, 14, (saved_skills2 & 3072) / 1024); if (saved_bots & 16384) BotConnect(0, 15, (saved_skills2 & 12288) / 4096); if (saved_bots & 32768) BotConnect(0, 16, (saved_skills2 & 49152) / 16384); saved_bots = 0; } } }; void() WaypointWatch = { // Waypoint Baywatch local float bigboobs; local string h; if (max_clients < 2) return; if (waypoint_mode != WM_UNINIT) { bigboobs = cvar("saved4"); if (bigboobs != 0) { if ((bigboobs & 3) == 1) ClearAllWays(); else if ((bigboobs & 3) == 3) { FixWaypoints(); h = ftos(b_options); cvar_set("saved1", h); cvar_set("saved4", "0"); cvar_set("scratch1", "0"); waypoint_mode = WM_LOADED; return; } LoadWaypoint(); waypoint_mode = WM_LOADING; cvar_set("saved4", "0"); } } }; void() BotFrame = { local float num; // for the sake of speed sv_maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed"); sv_gravity = cvar("sv_gravity"); sv_friction = cvar("sv_friction"); sv_accelerate = cvar("sv_accelerate"); sv_stopspeed = cvar("sv_stopspeed"); real_frametime = frametime; // in NQ this is alright self = nextent(world); num = 0; while (num < max_clients) { if (self.ishuman == FALSE) { if (active_clients & ClientBitFlag(num)) { frik_obstacles(); CL_KeyMove(); SV_ClientThink(); SV_Physics_Client(); } } self = nextent(self); num = num + 1; } WaypointWatch(); if (saved_bots) bot_return(); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bot Impulses. Allows the player to perform bot related functions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void() BotImpulses = { local float f; if (self.impulse == 100) { f = cvar("skill"); BotConnect(0, 0, f); } else if (self.impulse == 101) { f = cvar("skill"); BotConnect(1, 0, f); } else if (self.impulse == 102) KickABot(); else if (self.impulse == 103) botcam_u(); else if (self.impulse == 104) bot_way_edit(); else return; self.impulse = 0; };