/* Property of Alientrap Singleplayer & Multiplayer menu */ /* template for map selection */ ///////////////////////// // map selection window // frame /*{ type ITEM_WINDOW name mapselection origin "0 30" // to allow easy editing of the posititons } { type ITEM_WINDOW name mapselection_frame parent mapselection origin "50 0" clip_pos "50 0" clip_size "500 1" init nex_xp_build_maplist } // label { type ITEM_TEXT name mapselection_label parent mapselection pos "50 -30" text "Map Selection" } // prev button { type ITEM_BUTTON name mapselection_prev parent mapselection picture "gfx/m_arrow" picture_selected "gfx/m_arrow" picture_pressed "gfx/m_arrow" color_selected "0.5 0.5 1" color_pressed "1 0.2 0.2" pos "0 43.5" size "50 50" action nex_xp_prev } // next button { type ITEM_BUTTON name mapselection_next parent mapselection picture "gfx/m_arrow_i" picture_selected "gfx/m_arrow_i" picture_pressed "gfx/m_arrow_i" color_selected "0.5 0.5 1" color_pressed "1 0.2 0.2" pos "550 43.5" size "50 50" action nex_xp_next } // template used to create the different pictures { type ITEM_PICTURE name mapselection_template_picture parent mapselection_frame picture "gfx/m_nomap" size "125 125" pos "-166 0 0" flag 256 action nex_xp_click } { type ITEM_TEXT name mapselection_template_text parent mapselection_frame text template alignment 1 font_size "13 13 0" pos "-110 0 0" flag 256 action nex_xp_click //size "100 13 0" } { type ITEM_RECTANGLE name mapselection_selsquare parent mapselection_frame color "0.9 0.9 0.6" //"^1 0.5 0.5" drawflag 2 //color "0.9 0.9 0" //alpha "0.2" size "1 1" } ////////////////////// // create game // multiplayer options (spawn server) { type ITEM_WINDOW name multiplayer_frame parent multiplayer origin "150 250" order 1 } // map selection { type ITEM_REFERENCE name multiplayer_mapselection parent multiplayer_frame link mapselection origin "-300 -225" draw nex_linkrelhack } // game name { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_gamename_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Server Name" pos "0 0 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name multiplayer_gamename_switch parent multiplayer_gamename_text pos "10 0 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT text "xxx-game (.)(.)" maxlen -1 refresh nex_mp_hostname } // max frags { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_maxfrag_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Frag Limit" pos "0 15 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name multiplayer_maxfrag_switch parent multiplayer_maxfrag_text pos "10 15 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 3 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxfrags } // max time { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_maxtime_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Time Limit" pos "0 30 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name multiplayer_maxtime_switch parent multiplayer_maxtime_text pos "10 30 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 3 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxtime } // max clients { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_maxclients_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Max Clients" pos "0 45 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name multiplayer_maxclients_switch parent multiplayer_maxclients_text pos "10 45 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 2 text "16" refresh nex_mp_maxclients } // max bots { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_maxbots_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Max Bots" pos "0 60 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name multiplayer_maxbots_switch parent multiplayer_maxbots_text pos "10 60 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 2 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxbots } ////// // Public Server //// // Text { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_publicserv_text parent multiplayer_frame text "Public Server" pos "0 75 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_TEXTSWITCH name multiplayer_publicserv_switch parent multiplayer_publicserv_text pos "10 75 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT text "'No''Yes'" value 1 switchchange nex_mp_publicserv } // start { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name multiplayer_start parent multiplayer_frame pos "0 105" flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK alignment 8 text "Start Game" action nex_mp_start }*/ // creategame map frame { type ITEM_WINDOW name creategame_map parent creategame clip_pos "0 0" clip_size "270 475" reinit nex_xp_enummaps } // << { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_map_prev parent creategame_map pos "0 0" size "22 11" text "<<" action nex_xp_prev } // map name { type ITEM_TEXT name creategame_map_name parent creategame_map pos "27 0" clip_pos "27 0" size "216 11" clip_size "216 11" font_size "11 11" text "Test" alignment 1 // ALIGN_CENTER } // >> { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_map_next parent creategame_map pos "248 0" size "22 11" text ">>" action nex_xp_next } // map picture { type ITEM_PICTURE name creategame_map_picture parent creategame_map pos "0 11" size "270 232" picture "gfx/m_nomap" } // info box { type ITEM_CUSTOM name creategame_map_info parent creategame_map clip_pos "0 243" clip_size "270 232" pos "0 243" size "270 232" flag 4 // no select drawflag 0 color "1 1 1" alpha 1 font_size "9 9" draw nex_draw_text } // creategame options frame { type ITEM_WINDOW name creategame_opt parent creategame origin "436 0" //270+175 clip_pos "270 0" clip_size "350 475" } ////// // Server Name //// // Text { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_server_name_text parent creategame_opt text "Server Name" pos "0 0 0" origin "0 0 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Editbox { type ITEM_EDITBOX name creategame_opt_server_name_edit parent creategame_opt_server_name_text //pos "10 0 0" pos "10 0 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT text "xxx-game (.)(.)" //please remove this somewhen - I dont have the power to ^_^ maxlen 15 refresh nex_xp_hostname } ////// // Game Mode //// // Text { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_gamemode_text parent creategame_opt text "Game Mode" pos "0 15 0" origin "0 15 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_TEXTSWITCH name creategame_opt_gamemode_switch parent creategame_opt_gamemode_text //pos "10 15 0" pos "10 0 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT text "'Deathmatch' 'Instagib' 'DarkArena' 'HeadHunter' 'SlowMo' 'Speedy' 'GrapplingHook'" value 0 switchchange nex_xp_gamemode } // max frags { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_maxfrag_text parent creategame_opt text "Frag Limit" pos "0 30 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name creategame_opt_maxfrag_switch parent creategame_opt_maxfrag_text pos "10 30 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 3 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxfrags } // max time { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_maxtime_text parent creategame_opt text "Time Limit" pos "0 45 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name creategame_opt_maxtime_switch parent creategame_opt_maxtime_text pos "10 45 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 3 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxtime } // max bots { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_maxbots_text parent creategame_opt text "Bot Count" pos "0 60 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name creategame_opt_maxbots_switch parent creategame_opt_maxbots_text pos "10 60 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 2 text "0" refresh nex_xp_maxbots } ////// // Skill Level //// // Text { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_skilllevel_text parent creategame_opt text "Skill Level" pos "0 75 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_TEXTSWITCH name creategame_opt_skilllevel_switch parent creategame_opt_skilllevel_text pos "10 75 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT text "'N00b' 'Normal' 'Hard'" value 1 switchchange nex_xp_skilllevel init nex_xp_skilllevel } // max clients { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_maxclients_text parent creategame_opt text "Max Clients" pos "0 90 0" //font_size "10 10 0" alignment 16 // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHTPOS flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK key nex_redirect_key } // Switch { type ITEM_EDITBOX name creategame_opt_maxclients_switch parent creategame_opt_maxclients_text pos "10 90 0" //font_size "10 10 0" flag 260 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK | FLAG_NOSELECT maxlen 2 text "16" refresh nex_xp_maxclients } // start { type ITEM_TEXTBUTTON name creategame_opt_start parent creategame_opt pos "0 115" flag 256 // FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK alignment 8 text "Start Game" action nex_xp_start } // multiplayer server list { type ITEM_WINDOW name serverlist } // link the background_rect { type ITEM_PICTURE name serverlist_background picture "gfx/m_slist_bg" parent serverlist } // info text 1 { type ITEM_TEXT name serverlist_info1 parent serverlist text "INFO TEXT 1" pos "0 20" size "1024 11" font_size "11 11" alignment 1 refresh slist_info1 flag 0 } { type ITEM_TEXT name serverlist_info2 parent serverlist text "INFO TEXT 2" pos "0 32" font_size "11 11" size "1024 11" alignment 1 refresh slist_info2 flag 0 } // clip rect for the slist { type ITEM_WINDOW name serverlist_cliprect parent serverlist flag 512 size "940 600" origin "50 50" } { type ITEM_CUSTOM name serverlist_slist parent serverlist_cliprect draw slist_draw init slist_init key slist_key refresh slist_refresh flag 256 //FLAG_AUTOSETCLICK font_size "11 11" // this specifies the text bar drawing behavior color "1 1 1" alpha 1 drawflag 0 //this specifies the selection bar drawing behavior color_selected "1 0 0" alpha_selected 0.2 drawflag_selected 0 }