float turret_tag_setup(float linked) { vector v; float f; // Laters dooz if(linked) return 0; f = gettagindex(self,"tag_head"); v = gettaginfo(self,f); v = v + self.origin; setorigin(self.tur_head,v); f = gettagindex(self.tur_head,"tag_fire"); v = gettaginfo(self.tur_head,f) + (self.tur_head.origin - self.origin); v_y *= -1; self.tur_shotorg = v; f = gettagindex(self.tur_head,"tag_aim"); v = gettaginfo(self.tur_head,f) + (self.tur_head.origin - self.origin); self.tur_aimorg = v; return 1; } float turret_tag_fire_update() { vector v; float f; f = gettagindex(self.tur_head,"tag_fire"); v = gettaginfo(self.tur_head,f) + (self.tur_head.origin - self.origin); v_y *= -1; self.tur_shotorg = v; f = gettagindex(self.tur_head,"tag_aim"); v = gettaginfo(self.tur_head,f) + (self.tur_head.origin - self.origin); self.tur_aimorg = v; return 1; } void FireImoBeam (vector start,vector end,vector smin,vector smax, float bforce,float f_dmg,float f_velfactor, float deathtype) { local vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir; local entity ent; dir = normalize(end - start); force = dir * bforce; // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later end = end + dir; // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made unsolid. // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later while (1) { tracebox(start, smin, smax, end, FALSE, self); // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1) break; if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) break; // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one trace_ent.railgunhit = TRUE; trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end; trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid; // stop if this is a wall // make the entity non-solid trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; } endpoint = trace_endpos; // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE); while (ent) { // restore their solid type ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup; ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE); } // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE); while (ent) { // get the details we need to call the damage function hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc; ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0'; ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT; ent.railgunhit = FALSE; // apply the damage if (ent.takedamage) { Damage (ent, self, self, f_dmg, deathtype, hitloc, force); ent.velocity = ent.velocity * f_velfactor; //ent.alpha = 0.25 + random() * 0.75; } // advance to the next entity ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE); } trace_endpos = endpoint; }