float GAME_DEATHMATCH = 1; float GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH = 2; float GAME_DOMINATION = 3; float GAME_CTF = 4; float GAME_RUNEMATCH = 5; float GAME_LMS = 6; float GAME_ARENA = 7; // client counts for each team float c1, c2, c3, c4; // # of bots on those teams float cb1, cb2, cb3, cb4; float g_domination, g_ctf, g_tdm; float audit_teams_time; void TeamchangeFrags(entity e) { if(e.classname == "player") { // reduce frags during a team change DistributeFragsAmongTeam(e, (e.clientcolors & 0x0F) + 1, 1 - cvar("g_changeteam_fragtransfer") / 100); } } string TeamName(float t) { // fixme: Search for team entities and get their .netname's! if(t == COLOR_TEAM1) return "Red Team"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM2) return "Blue Team"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM3) return "Pink Team"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM4) return "Yellow Team"; return "Neutral Team"; } string ColoredTeamName(float t) { // fixme: Search for team entities and get their .netname's! if(t == COLOR_TEAM1) return "^1Red Team^7"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM2) return "^4Blue Team^7"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM3) return "^6Pink Team^7"; if(t == COLOR_TEAM4) return "^3Yellow Team^7"; return "Neutral Team"; } string TeamNoName(float t) { // fixme: Search for team entities and get their .netname's! if(t == 1) return "Red Team"; if(t == 2) return "Blue Team"; if(t == 3) return "Pink Team"; if(t == 4) return "Yellow Team"; return "Neutral Team"; } void dom_init(); void ctf_init(); void runematch_init(); void tdm_init(); void(entity pl) LogTeamchange = { string str; if(!cvar("sv_eventlog")) return; if(pl.playerid < 1) return; str = strcat(":team:", ftos(pl.playerid), ":"); str = strcat(str, ftos(pl.team)); GameLogEcho(str, FALSE); } void ResetGameCvars() { cvar_set("g_tdm", "0"); cvar_set("g_domination", "0"); cvar_set("g_ctf", "0"); cvar_set("g_runematch", "0"); cvar_set("g_lms", "0"); cvar_set("g_arena", "0"); cvar_set("teamplay", "0"); cvar_set("exit_cfg", ""); } void ActivateTeamplay() { float teamplay_default; teamplay_default = cvar("teamplay_default"); if(teamplay_default) cvar_set("teamplay", ftos(teamplay_default)); else cvar_set("teamplay", "3"); } void InitGameplayMode() { float fraglimit_override, timelimit_override; VoteReset(); game = cvar ("gamecfg"); // load game options // game cvars get reset before map changes // then map's cfg sets them as desired // FIXME: also set a message or game mode name to print to players when the join // set both here, gamemode can override it later timelimit_override = cvar("timelimit_override"); fraglimit_override = cvar("fraglimit_override"); if(game == GAME_DOMINATION || cvar("g_domination")) { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_DOMINATION; cvar_set("g_domination", "1"); ActivateTeamplay(); fraglimit_override = cvar("g_domination_point_limit"); gamemode_name = "Domination"; teams_matter = 1; } else if(game == GAME_CTF || cvar("g_ctf")) { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_CTF; cvar_set("g_ctf", "1"); ActivateTeamplay(); fraglimit_override = cvar("g_ctf_capture_limit"); gamemode_name = "Capture the Flag"; teams_matter = 1; } else if((game == GAME_RUNEMATCH || cvar("g_runematch")) && !cvar("g_minstagib")) { game = GAME_RUNEMATCH; cvar_set("g_runematch", "1"); if(cvar("deathmatch_force_teamplay")) ActivateTeamplay(); fraglimit_override = cvar("g_runematch_point_limit"); gamemode_name = "Rune Match"; if(cvar("teamplay")) teams_matter = 1; else teams_matter = 0; } else if(game == GAME_DEATHMATCH || game == GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH || cvar("g_tdm")) { if(!cvar("deathmatch")) cvar_set("deathmatch", "1"); if(game == GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH || cvar("g_tdm") || cvar("deathmatch_force_teamplay")) { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH; gamemode_name = "Team Deathmatch"; ActivateTeamplay(); teams_matter = 1; cvar_set("g_tdm", "1"); } else { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_DEATHMATCH; gamemode_name = "Deathmatch"; teams_matter = 0; } fraglimit_override = cvar("fraglimit_override"); } else if(game == GAME_LMS || cvar("g_lms")) { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_LMS; cvar_set("g_lms", "1"); fraglimit_override = cvar("g_lms_lives_override"); if(fraglimit_override == 0) fraglimit_override = -1; gamemode_name = "Last Man Standing"; teams_matter = 0; lms_lowest_lives = 999; } else if(game == GAME_ARENA || cvar("g_arena")) { ResetGameCvars(); game = GAME_ARENA; cvar_set("g_arena", "1"); fraglimit_override = cvar("g_arena_point_limit"); maxspawned = cvar("g_arena_maxspawned"); if(maxspawned < 2) maxspawned = 2; arena_roundbased = cvar("g_arena_roundbased"); gamemode_name = "Arena"; teams_matter = 0; } else { // we can only assume... ResetGameCvars(); gamemode_name = "Deathmatch"; teams_matter = 0; } /* else if(game == GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH) { if(!cvar("deathmatch")) cvar_set("deathmatch", "1"); //if(!cvar("teamplay")) // cvar_set("teamplay", "3"); ActivateTeamplay(); fraglimit_override = cvar("fraglimit_override"); }*/ // enforce the server's universal frag/time limits if(!cvar("g_campaign")) { if(fraglimit_override >= 0) cvar_set("fraglimit", ftos(fraglimit_override)); if(timelimit_override >= 0) cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(timelimit_override)); } if (game == GAME_DOMINATION)//cvar("g_domination")) dom_init(); else if (game == GAME_CTF)//cvar("g_ctf")) ctf_init(); else if (game == GAME_RUNEMATCH)//cvar("g_runematch")) runematch_init(); else if (game == GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH)//cvar("g_runematch")) tdm_init(); // those mutators rule each other out if(cvar("g_minstagib")) { cvar_set("g_instagib", "0"); cvar_set("g_rocketarena", "0"); } if(cvar("g_instagib")) { cvar_set("g_minstagib", "0"); cvar_set("g_rocketarena", "0"); } if(cvar("g_rocketarena")) { cvar_set("g_instagib", "0"); cvar_set("g_minstagib", "0"); } registercvar("_motd", ""); registercvar("_mutatormsg", ""); cvar_set("_motd", wordwrap(cvar_string("sv_motd"), 50)); cvar_set("_mutatormsg", wordwrap(cvar_string("g_mutatormsg"), 50)); g_domination = cvar("g_domination"); g_ctf = cvar("g_ctf"); g_tdm = cvar("g_tdm"); } string GetClientVersionMessage(float v) { local string versionmsg; if (v == 1) { versionmsg = "^1client is too old to get versioninfo.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nUPDATE!!! (http://www.nexuiz.com)^8"; // either that or someone wants to be funny } else if (v != cvar("gameversion")) { if(v < cvar("gameversion")) { versionmsg = "^3Your client version is outdated.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nPlease update!!!^8"; } else { versionmsg = "^3This server is using an outdated Nexuiz version.\n\n\n ### THIS SERVER IS INCOMPATIBLE AND THUS YOU CANNOT JOIN ###.^8"; } } else { versionmsg = "^2client version and server version are compatible.^8"; } return strzone(versionmsg); } void PrintWelcomeMessage(entity pl) { string s, mutator, modifications, padding; /*if(self.welcomemessage_time < time) return; if(self.welcomemessage_time2 > time) return; self.welcomemessage_time2 = time + 0.8; */ if(self.classname == "observer") { if(cvar("g_lms") && self.frags <= 0 && self.frags > -666) return centerprint(self, strcat(newlines, "^1You have no more lives left\nwait for next round\n\n\n^7press attack to spectate other players")); else if(cvar("g_lms") && self.frags == -666) return centerprint(self, strcat(newlines, "^1Match has already begun\nwait for next round\n\n\n^7press attack to spectate other players")); } else if(self.classname == "spectator") { if ((cvar("g_lms") && self.frags < 1) || cvar("g_arena")) return centerprint(self, strcat(newlines, "spectating ", self.enemy.netname, "\n\n\n^7press attack for next player\npress attack2 for free fly mode")); else return centerprint(self, strcat(newlines, "spectating ", self.enemy.netname, "\n\n\n^7press jump to play\n^7press attack for next player\npress attack2 for free fly mode")); } if(self.welcomemessage_time2 > time) return; self.welcomemessage_time2 = time + 1.0; if(cvar("g_campaign")) { centerprint(pl, campaign_message); return; } if(cvar("g_minstagib")) mutator = "^2Minstagib ^1"; else if(cvar("g_instagib")) mutator = "^2Instagib ^1"; else if(cvar("g_rocketarena")) mutator = "^2Rocketarena ^1"; else if(cvar("g_nixnex")) mutator = "^2No Items Nexuiz ^1"; if(cvar("g_midair")) { // to protect against unheedingly made changes if (modifications) { modifications = strcat(modifications, ", "); } modifications = "midair"; } if(cvar("g_vampire")) { if (modifications) { modifications = strcat(modifications, ", "); } modifications = strcat(modifications, "vampire"); } if(cvar("g_laserguided_missile")) { if (modifications) { modifications = strcat(modifications, ", "); } modifications = strcat(modifications, "laser-guided-missiles"); } local string versionmessage; versionmessage = GetClientVersionMessage(self.version); s = strcat(s, newlines, "This is Nexuiz ", cvar_string("g_nexuizversion"), "\n", versionmessage); s = strcat(s, "^8\n\nmatch type is ^1", mutator, gamemode_name, "^8\n"); if(modifications != "") s = strcat(s, "^8\nactive modifications: ^3", modifications, "^8\n"); if((self.classname == "observer" || self.classname == "spectator") && self.version == cvar("gameversion")) { if(!cvar("g_arena")) s = strcat(s,"^7\n\n\npress jump to play\npress attack to spectate other players\n\n"); else if(player_count < 2 && arena_roundbased) { s = strcat(s, "\n\n\n^1waiting for second player to start match^7\n\n"); } else { s = strcat(s, "\n\n\n"); if(champion) s = strcat(s, "^7current champion is: ", champion.netname, "\n\n"); s = strcat(s,"^7press attack to spectate other players\n\n"); } } s = strzone(s); if (cvar("g_grappling_hook")) s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8grappling hook is enabled, press 'e' to use it\n"); if (cvar_string("_mutatormsg") != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8special gameplay tips: ^7", cvar_string("_mutatormsg")); } if (cvar_string("_motd") != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8MOTD: ^7", cvar_string("_motd")); } s = strcat(s, "\n"); if(cvar("fraglimit")) { padding = ""; if(cvar("timelimit")) padding = " "; // " minutes" s = strcat(s, "\n^8frag limit: ^7", cvar_string("fraglimit"), padding); } if(cvar("timelimit")) s = strcat(s, "\n^8time limit: ^7", cvar_string("timelimit"), " minutes"); s = strzone(s); centerprint(pl, s); //sprint(pl, s); strunzone(s); } void SetPlayerColors(entity pl, float _color) { /*string s; s = ftos(cl); stuffcmd(pl, strcat("color ", s, " ", s, "\n") ); pl.team = cl + 1; //pl.clientcolors = pl.clientcolors - (pl.clientcolors & 15) + cl; pl.clientcolors = 16*cl + cl;*/ float pants, shirt; pants = _color & 0x0F; shirt = _color & 0xF0; if(teamplay) { setcolor(pl, 16*pants + pants); } else { setcolor(pl, shirt + pants); } } void SetPlayerTeam(entity pl, float t, float s, float noprint) { float _color; if(t == 4) _color = COLOR_TEAM4 - 1; else if(t == 3) _color = COLOR_TEAM3 - 1; else if(t == 2) _color = COLOR_TEAM2 - 1; else _color = COLOR_TEAM1 - 1; SetPlayerColors(pl,_color); if(!noprint && t != s) { //bprint(strcat(pl.netname, " has changed to ", TeamNoName(t), "\n")); bprint(strcat(pl.netname, "^7 has changed from ", TeamNoName(s), " to ", TeamNoName(t), "\n")); } if(t != s) LogTeamchange(pl); } // set c1...c4 to show what teams are allowed void CheckAllowedTeams () { string teament_name; float dm; entity head; // if(!dom && !ctf) // dm = 1; c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; cb1 = cb2 = cb3 = cb4 = 0; if(g_domination) teament_name = "dom_team"; else if(g_ctf) teament_name = "ctf_team"; else if(g_tdm) teament_name = "tdm_team"; else { // cover anything else by treating it like tdm with no teams spawned dm = cvar("g_tdm_teams"); if(dm < 2) error("g_tdm_teams < 2, not enough teams to play team deathmatch\n"); if(dm >= 4) { c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0; } else if(dm >= 3) { c1 = c2 = c3 = 0; } else// if(dm >= 2) { c1 = c2 = 0; } return; } // first find out what teams are allowed head = find(world, classname, teament_name); while(head) { if(!(g_domination && head.netname == "")) { if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { c1 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { c2 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { c3 = 0; } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { c4 = 0; } } head = find(head, classname, teament_name); } } // c1...c4 should be set to -1 (not allowed) or 0 (allowed). // teams that are allowed will now have their player counts stored in c1...c4 void GetTeamCounts(entity ignore) { entity head; // now count how many players are on each team already // FIXME: also find and memorize the lowest-scoring bot on each team (in case players must be shuffled around) // also remember the lowest-scoring player head = find(world, classname, "player"); while(head) { if(head != ignore)// && head.netname != "") { if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { if(c1 >= 0) { c1 = c1 + 1; cb1 = cb1 + 1; } } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { if(c2 >= 0) { c2 = c2 + 1; cb2 = cb2 + 1; } } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { if(c3 >= 0) { c3 = c3 + 1; cb3 = cb3 + 1; } } if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { if(c4 >= 0) { c4 = c4 + 1; cb4 = cb4 + 1; } } } head = find(head, classname, "player"); } } // returns # of smallest team (1, 2, 3, 4) // NOTE: Assumes CheckAllowedTeams has already been called! float FindSmallestTeam(entity pl, float ignore_pl) { float totalteams, smallestteam, smallestteam_count, balance_type; totalteams = 0; // find out what teams are available //CheckAllowedTeams(); // make sure there are at least 2 teams to join if(c1 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c2 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c3 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(c4 >= 0) totalteams = totalteams + 1; if(totalteams <= 1) { if(g_domination) error("Too few teams available for domination\n"); else if(g_ctf) error("Too few teams available for ctf\n"); else error("Too few teams available for team deathmatch\n"); } // count how many players are in each team if(ignore_pl) GetTeamCounts(pl); else GetTeamCounts(world); // c1...c4 now have counts of each team // figure out which is smallest, giving priority to the team the player is already on as a tie-breaker smallestteam = 0; smallestteam_count = 999; // 2 gives priority to what team you're already on, 1 goes in order // 2 doesn't seem to work though... balance_type = 1; if(balance_type == 1) { if(c1 >= 0 && c1 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 1; smallestteam_count = c1; } if(c2 >= 0 && c2 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 2; smallestteam_count = c2; } if(c3 >= 0 && c3 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 3; smallestteam_count = c3; } if(c4 >= 0 && c4 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 4; smallestteam_count = c4; } } else { if(c1 >= 0 && (c1 < smallestteam_count || (c1 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ) ) { smallestteam = 1; smallestteam_count = c1; } if(c2 >= 0 && c2 < (c2 < smallestteam_count || (c2 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM2) ) ) { smallestteam = 2; smallestteam_count = c2; } if(c3 >= 0 && c3 < (c3 < smallestteam_count || (c3 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM3) ) ) { smallestteam = 3; smallestteam_count = c3; } if(c4 >= 0 && c4 < (c4 < smallestteam_count || (c4 == smallestteam_count && self.team == COLOR_TEAM4) ) ) { smallestteam = 4; smallestteam_count = c4; } } return smallestteam; } float JoinBestTeam(entity pl, float only_return_best) { float smallest, selectedteam; // don't join a team if we're not playing a team game if(!cvar("teamplay") && !g_domination && !g_ctf) return 0; // find out what teams are available CheckAllowedTeams(); if(cvar("g_domination")) { if(cvar("g_domination_default_teams") < 3) c3 = 9999; if(cvar("g_domination_default_teams") < 4) c4 = 9999; } // if we don't care what team he ends up on, put him on whatever team he entered as. // if he's not on a valid team, then let other code put him on the smallest team if(!cvar("g_campaign") && !cvar("g_balance_teams") && !cvar("g_balance_teams_force")) { if( c1 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM1) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c2 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM2) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c3 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM3) selectedteam = pl.team; else if(c4 >= 0 && pl.team == COLOR_TEAM4) selectedteam = pl.team; else selectedteam = -1; if(selectedteam > 0) { if(!only_return_best) { SetPlayerColors(pl, selectedteam - 1); LogTeamchange(pl); } return selectedteam; } // otherwise end up on the smallest team (handled below) } smallest = FindSmallestTeam(pl, TRUE); if(!only_return_best) { TeamchangeFrags(self); if(smallest == 1) { SetPlayerColors(pl, COLOR_TEAM1 - 1); } else if(smallest == 2) { SetPlayerColors(pl, COLOR_TEAM2 - 1); } else if(smallest == 3) { SetPlayerColors(pl, COLOR_TEAM3 - 1); } else if(smallest == 4) { SetPlayerColors(pl, COLOR_TEAM4 - 1); } else { error("smallest team: invalid team\n"); } LogTeamchange(pl); if(pl.deadflag == DEAD_NO) Damage(pl, pl, pl, 100000, DEATH_TEAMCHANGE, pl.origin, '0 0 0'); } return smallest; } void SV_ChangeTeam(float _color) { float scolor, dcolor, steam, dteam, dbotcount, scount, dcount; // in normal deathmatch we can just apply the color and we're done if(!cvar("teamplay")) { SetPlayerColors(self, _color); return; } scolor = self.clientcolors & 0x0F; dcolor = _color & 0x0F; if(scolor == COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) steam = 1; else if(scolor == COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) steam = 2; else if(scolor == COLOR_TEAM3 - 1) steam = 3; else if(scolor == COLOR_TEAM4 - 1) steam = 4; if(dcolor == COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) dteam = 1; else if(dcolor == COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) dteam = 2; else if(dcolor == COLOR_TEAM3 - 1) dteam = 3; else if(dcolor == COLOR_TEAM4 - 1) dteam = 4; // remap invalid teams in dom & ctf /* if(cvar("g_ctf") && dteam == 3) dteam = 2; else if(cvar("g_ctf") && dteam == 4) dteam = 1; else if((cvar("g_domination") && cvar("g_domination_default_teams") < 3) || (cvar("g_tdm") && cvar("g_tdm_teams") < 3)) { if(dteam == 3) dteam = 2; else if(dteam == 4) dteam = 1; } else if((cvar("g_domination") && cvar("g_domination_default_teams") < 4) || (cvar("g_tdm") && cvar("g_tdm_teams") < 4)) { if(dteam == 4) dteam = 1; } */ CheckAllowedTeams(); if(dteam == 3 && c3 < 0) dteam = 2; if(dteam == 4 && c4 < 0) dteam = 1; // not changing teams if(scolor == dcolor) { //bprint("same team change\n"); SetPlayerTeam(self, dteam, steam, TRUE); return; } if(cvar("teamplay")) { if(cvar("g_campaign") || cvar("g_changeteam_banned")) { sprint(self, "Team changes not allowed\n"); return; // changing teams is not allowed } if(!cvar("g_campaign") && cvar("g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance")) { // only allow changing to a smaller or equal size team // find out what teams are available CheckAllowedTeams(); // count how many players on each team GetTeamCounts(world); // get desired team if(dteam == 1 && c1 >= 0)//dcolor == COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) { dcount = c1; dbotcount = cb1; } else if(dteam == 2 && c2 >= 0)//dcolor == COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) { dcount = c2; dbotcount = cb2; } else if(dteam == 3 && c3 >= 0)//dcolor == COLOR_TEAM3 - 1) { dcount = c3; dbotcount = cb3; } else if(dteam == 4 && c4 >= 0)//dcolor == COLOR_TEAM4 - 1) { dcount = c4; dbotcount = cb4; } else { sprint(self, "Cannot change to an invalid team\n"); return; } // get starting team if(steam == 1)//scolor == COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) scount = c1; else if(steam == 2)//scolor == COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) scount = c2; else if(steam == 3)//scolor == COLOR_TEAM3 - 1) scount = c3; else if(steam == 4)//scolor == COLOR_TEAM4 - 1) scount = c4; if(scount) // started at a valid, nonempty team { // check if we're trying to change to a larger team that doens't have bots to swap with if(dcount >= scount && dbotcount <= 0) { sprint(self, "Cannot change to a larger team\n"); return; // can't change to a larger team } } } } // bprint(strcat("allow change teams from ", ftos(steam), " to ", ftos(dteam), "\n")); if(cvar("teamplay") && self.classname == "player" && steam != dteam) { // reduce frags during a team change TeamchangeFrags(self); } SetPlayerTeam(self, dteam, steam, FALSE); if(cvar("teamplay") && self.classname == "player" && steam != dteam) { // kill player when changing teams if(self.deadflag == DEAD_NO) Damage(self, self, self, 100000, DEATH_TEAMCHANGE, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } } void ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam (float source_team) { float smallestteam, smallestteam_count, steam; float lowest_bot_score, lowest_player_score; entity head, lowest_bot, lowest_player, selected; smallestteam = 0; smallestteam_count = 999; if(c1 >= 0 && c1 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 1; smallestteam_count = c1; } if(c2 >= 0 && c2 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 2; smallestteam_count = c2; } if(c3 >= 0 && c3 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 3; smallestteam_count = c3; } if(c4 >= 0 && c4 < smallestteam_count) { smallestteam = 4; smallestteam_count = c4; } if(!smallestteam) { bprint("warning: no smallest team\n"); return; } if(source_team == 1) steam = COLOR_TEAM1; else if(source_team == 2) steam = COLOR_TEAM2; else if(source_team == 3) steam = COLOR_TEAM3; else if(source_team == 4) steam = COLOR_TEAM4; lowest_bot = world; lowest_bot_score = 9999; lowest_player = world; lowest_player_score = 9999; // find the lowest-scoring player & bot of that team head = find(world, classname, "player"); while(head) { if(head.team == steam) { if(head.isbot) { if(head.frags < lowest_bot_score) { lowest_bot = head; lowest_bot_score = head.frags; } } else { if(head.frags < lowest_player_score) { lowest_player = head; lowest_player_score = head.frags; } } } head = find(head, classname, "player"); } // prefers to move a bot... if(lowest_bot != world) selected = lowest_bot; // but it will move a player if it has to else selected = lowest_player; // don't do anything if it couldn't find anyone if(!selected) { bprint("warning: couldn't find a player to move from team\n"); return; } // smallest team gains a member if(smallestteam == 1) { c1 = c1 + 1; } else if(smallestteam == 2) { c2 = c2 + 1; } else if(smallestteam == 3) { c3 = c3 + 1; } else if(smallestteam == 4) { c4 = c4 + 1; } else { bprint("warning: destination team invalid\n"); return; } // source team loses a member if(source_team == 1) { c1 = c1 + 1; } else if(source_team == 2) { c2 = c2 + 2; } else if(source_team == 3) { c3 = c3 + 3; } else if(source_team == 4) { c4 = c4 + 4; } else { bprint("warning: source team invalid\n"); return; } // move the player to the new team SetPlayerTeam(selected, smallestteam, source_team, FALSE); if(selected.deadflag == DEAD_NO) Damage(selected, selected, selected, 100000, DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, selected.origin, '0 0 0'); m = "You have been moved into a different team to improve team balance\nYou are now on: "; if (selected.team == 5) m = strcat(m, "^1Red Team"); else if (selected.team == 14) m = strcat(m, "^4Blue Team"); else if (selected.team == 10) m = strcat(m, "^6Pink Team"); else if (selected.team == 13) m = strcat(m, "^3Yellow Team"); centerprint(selected, m); } // part of g_balance_teams_force // occasionally perform an audit of the teams to make // sure they're more or less balanced in player count. void AuditTeams() { float numplayers, numteams, average; if(cvar("g_campaign")) return; if(!cvar("g_balance_teams_force")) return; if(!cvar("teamplay")) return; if(audit_teams_time > time) return; audit_teams_time = time + 4 + random(); // bprint("Auditing teams\n"); CheckAllowedTeams(); GetTeamCounts(world); numteams = numplayers = 0; if(c1 >= 0) { numteams = numteams + 1; numplayers = numplayers + c1; } if(c2 >= 0) { numteams = numteams + 1; numplayers = numplayers + c2; } if(c3 >= 0) { numteams = numteams + 1; numplayers = numplayers + c3; } if(c4 >= 0) { numteams = numteams + 1; numplayers = numplayers + c4; } if(numplayers <= 0) return; // no players to move around if(numteams < 2) return; // don't bother shuffling if for some reason there aren't any teams average = ceil(numplayers / numteams); if(average <= 0) return; // that's weird... if(c1 && c1 > average) { bprint("Rebalancing Teams\n"); //bprint("Shuffle from team 1\n"); ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam(1); } if(c2 && c2 > average) { bprint("Rebalancing Teams\n"); //bprint("Shuffle from team 2\n"); ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam(2); } if(c3 && c3 > average) { bprint("Rebalancing Teams\n"); //bprint("Shuffle from team 3\n"); ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam(3); } if(c4 && c4 > average) { bprint("Rebalancing Teams\n"); //bprint("Shuffle from team 4\n"); ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam(4); } // if teams are still unbalanced, balance them further in the next audit, // which will happen sooner (keep doing rapid audits until things are in order) audit_teams_time = time + 0.7 + random()*0.3; } /*void(entity e, float first) UpdateTeamScore = { clientno = e.FIXME; if(first) { WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATENAME); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, clientno); WriteString (MSG_ALL, e.netname); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATECOLORS); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, clientno); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, e.b_shirt * 16 + who.b_pants); } WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_UPDATEFRAGS); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, clientno); WriteShort (MSG_ALL, e.frags + 10000); }; */ // code from here on is just to support maps that don't have team entities void tdm_spawnteam (string teamname, float teamcolor) { local entity e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "tdm_team"; e.netname = teamname; e.cnt = teamcolor; e.team = e.cnt + 1; }; // spawn some default teams if the map is not set up for tdm void() tdm_spawnteams = { float numteams; numteams = cvar("g_tdm_teams"); tdm_spawnteam("Red", 4); tdm_spawnteam("Blue", 13); }; void() tdm_delayedinit = { self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time; // if no teams are found, spawn defaults if (find(world, classname, "tdm_team") == world) tdm_spawnteams(); }; void() tdm_init = { local entity e; e = spawn(); e.think = tdm_delayedinit; e.nextthink = time + 0.1; };