.entity movetarget; .float pausetime; .void() th_stand; .void() th_walk; .void() th_run; .float() th_missile; // LordHavoc: changed from void() to float(), returns true if attacking .void() th_melee; .void(entity attacker, float damage, float damgtype, string dethtype) th_pain; .void() th_die; .entity oldenemy; // mad at this player before taking damage entity newmis; // launch_spike sets this after spawning it // range values float RANGE_MELEE = 0; float RANGE_NEAR = 1; float RANGE_MID = 2; float RANGE_FAR = 3; float DMG_KNIGHT_MELEE_BASE = 0; float DMG_KNIGHT_MELEE_RANDOM1 = 3; float DMG_KNIGHT_MELEE_RANDOM2 = 3; float DMG_KNIGHT_MELEE_RANDOM3 = 3; .float show_hostile; // set to time+0.2 whenever a client fires a // weapon or takes damage. Used to alert // monsters that otherwise would let the player go float movedist; .float lefty; .float search_time; .float attack_state; float AS_STRAIGHT = 1; float AS_SLIDING = 2; float AS_MELEE = 3; float AS_MISSILE = 4; float SKILL4_MINALPHA = 0.4; float monsterwander; /* monsterwander = cvar("monsterwander"); // monsterwander is always on in skill 5 if (skill >= 5) monsterwander = TRUE; */ .float candrown; .void(vector org, float bodydamage, float armordamage, vector vel, float damgtype) bleedfunc; void(vector org, float bodydamage, float armordamage, vector vel, float damgtype) genericbleedfunc;