void onslaught_generator_updatesprite(entity e); void onslaught_controlpoint_updatesprite(entity e); void onslaught_link_checkupdate(); .entity sprite; .string target2; .float iscaptured; .float islinked; .float isgenneighbor_red; .float isgenneighbor_blue; .float iscpneighbor_red; .float iscpneighbor_blue; .float isshielded; .float lasthealth; .float lastteam; .float lastshielded; .string model1, model2, model3; void onslaught_updatelinks() { local entity l, links; local float stop, t1, t2, t3, t4; // first check if the game has ended dprint("--- updatelinks ---\n"); links = findchain(classname, "onslaught_link"); // mark generators as being shielded and networked l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator"); while (l) { if (l.iscaptured) dprint(etos(l), " (generator) belongs to team ", ftos(l.team), "\n"); else dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is destroyed\n"); l.islinked = l.iscaptured; l.isshielded = l.iscaptured; l = l.chain; } // mark points as shielded and not networked l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint"); while (l) { l.islinked = FALSE; l.isshielded = TRUE; l.isgenneighbor_red = FALSE; l.isgenneighbor_blue = FALSE; l.iscpneighbor_red = FALSE; l.iscpneighbor_blue = FALSE; dprint(etos(l), " (point) belongs to team ", ftos(l.team), "\n"); l = l.chain; } // flow power outward from the generators through the network l = links; while (l) { dprint(etos(l), " (link) connects ", etos(l.goalentity), " with ", etos(l.enemy), "\n"); l = l.chain; } stop = FALSE; while (!stop) { stop = TRUE; l = links; while (l) { // if both points are captured by the same team, and only one of // them is powered, mark the other one as powered as well if (l.enemy.iscaptured && l.goalentity.iscaptured) if (l.enemy.islinked != l.goalentity.islinked) if (l.enemy.team == l.goalentity.team) { if (!l.goalentity.islinked) { stop = FALSE; l.goalentity.islinked = TRUE; dprint(etos(l), " (link) is marking ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point) because its team matches ", etos(l.enemy), " (point)\n"); } else if (!l.enemy.islinked) { stop = FALSE; l.enemy.islinked = TRUE; dprint(etos(l), " (link) is marking ", etos(l.enemy), " (point) because its team matches ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point)\n"); } } l = l.chain; } } // now that we know which points are powered we can mark their neighbors // as unshielded if team differs l = links; while (l) { if (l.goalentity.team != l.enemy.team) { if (l.goalentity.islinked) { dprint(etos(l), " (link) is unshielding ", etos(l.enemy), " (point) because its team does not match ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point)\n"); l.enemy.isshielded = FALSE; if(l.goalentity.classname == "onslaught_generator") { if(l.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM1) l.enemy.isgenneighbor_red = TRUE; else if(l.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM2) l.enemy.isgenneighbor_blue = TRUE; } else { if(l.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM1) l.enemy.iscpneighbor_red = TRUE; else if(l.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM2) l.enemy.iscpneighbor_blue = TRUE; } } if (l.enemy.islinked) { dprint(etos(l), " (link) is unshielding ", etos(l.goalentity), " (point) because its team does not match ", etos(l.enemy), " (point)\n"); l.goalentity.isshielded = FALSE; if(l.enemy.classname == "onslaught_generator") { if(l.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM1) l.goalentity.isgenneighbor_red = TRUE; else if(l.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM2) l.goalentity.isgenneighbor_blue = TRUE; } else { if(l.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM1) l.goalentity.iscpneighbor_red = TRUE; else if(l.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM2) l.goalentity.iscpneighbor_blue = TRUE; } } } l = l.chain; } // now update the takedamage and alpha variables on generator shields l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator"); while (l) { if (l.isshielded) { dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is shielded\n"); l.enemy.alpha = 1; l.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; l.bot_attack = FALSE; } else { dprint(etos(l), " (generator) is not shielded\n"); l.enemy.alpha = -1; l.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; l.bot_attack = TRUE; } l = l.chain; } // now update the takedamage and alpha variables on control point icons l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint"); while (l) { if (l.isshielded) { dprint(etos(l), " (point) is shielded\n"); l.enemy.alpha = 1; if (l.goalentity) { l.goalentity.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; l.goalentity.bot_attack = FALSE; } } else { dprint(etos(l), " (point) is not shielded\n"); l.enemy.alpha = -1; if (l.goalentity) { l.goalentity.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; l.goalentity.bot_attack = TRUE; } } onslaught_controlpoint_updatesprite(l); l = l.chain; } // count generators owned by each team t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = 0; l = findchain(classname, "onslaught_generator"); while (l) { if (l.iscaptured) { if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM1) t1 = 1; if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM2) t2 = 1; if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM3) t3 = 1; if (l.team == COLOR_TEAM4) t4 = 1; } onslaught_generator_updatesprite(l); l = l.chain; } // see if multiple teams remain (if not, it's game over) if (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 < 2) dprint("--- game over ---\n"); else dprint("--- done updating links ---\n"); }; float onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(entity cp, float t) { if(t == COLOR_TEAM1) { if(cp.isgenneighbor_red) return 2; if(cp.iscpneighbor_red) return 1; } else if(t == COLOR_TEAM2) { if(cp.isgenneighbor_blue) return 2; if(cp.iscpneighbor_blue) return 1; } return 0; /* entity e; // check to see if this player has a legitimate claim to capture this // control point - more specifically that there is a captured path of // points leading back to the team generator e = findchain(classname, "onslaught_link"); while (e) { if (e.goalentity == cp) { dprint(etos(e), " (link) connects to ", etos(e.enemy), " (point)"); if (e.enemy.islinked) { dprint(" which is linked"); if (e.enemy.team == t) { dprint(" and has the correct team!\n"); return 1; } else dprint(" but has the wrong team\n"); } else dprint("\n"); } else if (e.enemy == cp) { dprint(etos(e), " (link) connects to ", etos(e.goalentity), " (point)"); if (e.goalentity.islinked) { dprint(" which is linked"); if (e.goalentity.team == t) { dprint(" and has a team!\n"); return 1; } else dprint(" but has the wrong team\n"); } else dprint("\n"); } e = e.chain; } return 0; */ } float onslaught_controlpoint_attackable(entity cp, float t) // -2: SAME TEAM, attackable by enemy! // -1: SAME TEAM! // 0: off limits // 1: attack it // 2: touch it // 3: attack it (HIGH PRIO) // 4: touch it (HIGH PRIO) { float a; if(cp.isshielded) { return 0; } else if(cp.goalentity) { // if there's already an icon built, nothing happens if(cp.team == t) { a = onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(cp, COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - t); if(a) // attackable by enemy? return -2; // EMERGENCY! return -1; } // we know it can be linked, so no need to check // but... a = onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(cp, t); if(a == 2) // near our generator? return 3; // EMERGENCY! return 1; } else { // free point if(onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(cp, t)) { a = onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(cp, COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - t); if(a == 2) return 4; // GET THIS ONE NOW! else return 2; // TOUCH ME } } return 0; } void onslaught_generator_think() { local float d; local entity e; self.nextthink = ceil(time + 1); if (cvar("timelimit")) if (time > cvar("timelimit") * 60 - 60) { // self.max_health / 300 gives 5 minutes of overtime. // control points reduce the overtime duration. sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/onslaught/generator_decay.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); d = 1; e = findchain(classname, "onslaught_controlpoint"); while (e) { if (e.team != self.team) if (e.islinked) d = d + 1; e = e.chain; } d = d * self.max_health / 300; Damage(self, self, self, d, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } }; void onslaught_generator_deaththink() { local vector org; if (self.count > 0) { self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.count = self.count - 1; org = randompos(self.origin + self.mins + '8 8 8', self.origin + self.maxs + '-8 -8 -8'); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_generator_smallexplosion"), org, '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } else { org = self.origin; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_generator_finalexplosion"), org, '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/weapons/rocket_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } }; void onslaught_generator_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if (damage <= 0) return; if (attacker != self) { if (self.isshielded) { // this is protected by a shield, so ignore the damage if (time > self.pain_finished) if (attacker.classname == "player") { play2(attacker, "sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav"); self.pain_finished = time + 1; } return; } if (time > self.pain_finished) { self.pain_finished = time + 5; bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator under attack!\n"); play2team(self.team, "sound/onslaught/generator_underattack.wav"); } } self.health = self.health - damage; // choose an animation frame based on health self.frame = 10 * bound(0, (1 - self.health / self.max_health), 1); // see if the generator is still functional, or dying if (self.health > 0) { float h, lh; lh = ceil(self.lasthealth / 100) * 100; h = ceil(self.health / 100) * 100; if(lh != h) bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator has less than ", ftos(h), " health remaining\n"); self.lasthealth = self.health; } else { if (attacker == self) bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator spontaneously exploded due to overtime!\n"); else { string t; t = ColoredTeamName(attacker.team); bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " generator destroyed by ", t, "!\n"); } self.iscaptured = FALSE; self.islinked = FALSE; self.isshielded = FALSE; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; // can't be hurt anymore self.event_damage = SUB_Null; // won't do anything if hurt self.count = 30; // 30 explosions self.think = onslaught_generator_deaththink; // explosion sequence self.nextthink = time; // start exploding immediately self.think(); // do the first explosion now onslaught_updatelinks(); } }; // update links after a delay void onslaught_generator_delayed() { onslaught_updatelinks(); // now begin normal thinking self.think = onslaught_generator_think; self.nextthink = time; }; string onslaught_generator_waypointsprite_for_team(entity e, float t) { if(t == e.team) { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-gen-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-gen-blue"; } if(e.isshielded) return "ons-gen-shielded"; if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-gen-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-gen-blue"; return ""; } void onslaught_generator_updatesprite(entity e) { string s1, s2, s3; s1 = onslaught_generator_waypointsprite_for_team(e, COLOR_TEAM1); s2 = onslaught_generator_waypointsprite_for_team(e, COLOR_TEAM2); s3 = onslaught_generator_waypointsprite_for_team(e, -1); WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(e.sprite, s1, s2, s3); if(e.lastteam != e.team + 2 || e.lastshielded != e.isshielded) { e.lastteam = e.team + 2; e.lastshielded = e.isshielded; if(e.lastshielded) { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '0.5 0 0'); else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '0 0 0.5'); else WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '0.5 0.5 0.5'); } else { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '1 0 0'); else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '0 0 1'); else WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_GENERATOR, '0.75 0.75 0.75'); } WaypointSprite_Ping(e.sprite); } } string onslaught_controlpoint_waypointsprite_for_team(entity e, float t) { float a; if(t != -1) { a = onslaught_controlpoint_attackable(e, t); if(a == 3 || a == 4) // ATTACK/TOUCH THIS ONE NOW { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-cp-atck-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-cp-atck-blue"; else return "ons-cp-atck-neut"; } else if(a == -2) // DEFEND THIS ONE NOW { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-cp-dfnd-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-cp-dfnd-blue"; } else if(e.team == t || a == -1 || a == 1) // own point, or fire at it { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-cp-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-cp-blue"; } else if(a == 2) // touch it return "ons-cp-neut"; } else { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) return "ons-cp-red"; else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) return "ons-cp-blue"; else return "ons-cp-neut"; } return ""; } void onslaught_controlpoint_updatesprite(entity e) { string s1, s2, s3; s1 = onslaught_controlpoint_waypointsprite_for_team(e, COLOR_TEAM1); s2 = onslaught_controlpoint_waypointsprite_for_team(e, COLOR_TEAM2); s3 = onslaught_controlpoint_waypointsprite_for_team(e, -1); WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(e.sprite, s1, s2, s3); float sh; sh = !(onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(e, COLOR_TEAM1) || onslaught_controlpoint_can_be_linked(e, COLOR_TEAM2)); if(e.lastteam != e.team + 2 || e.lastshielded != sh) { e.lastteam = e.team + 2; e.lastshielded = sh; if(e.lastshielded) { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '0.5 0 0'); else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '0 0 0.5'); else WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '0.5 0.5 0.5'); } else { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '1 0 0'); else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '0 0 1'); else WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.sprite, RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT, '0.75 0.75 0.75'); } WaypointSprite_Ping(e.sprite); } } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_onslaught_generator (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) Base generator. spawnfunc_onslaught_link entities can target this. keys: "team" - team that owns this generator (5 = red, 14 = blue, etc), MUST BE SET. "targetname" - name that spawnfunc_onslaught_link entities will use to target this. */ void spawnfunc_onslaught_generator() { if (!g_onslaught) { remove(self); return; } local entity e; precache_model("models/onslaught/generator.md3"); precache_model("models/onslaught/generator_shield.md3"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/generator_decay.wav"); precache_sound("sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav"); precache_sound("sound/weapons/rocket_impact.wav"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/generator_underattack.wav"); if (!self.team) objerror("team must be set"); self.team_saved = self.team; self.colormap = 1024 + (self.team - 1) * 17; self.solid = SOLID_BSP; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.lasthealth = self.max_health = self.health = cvar("g_onslaught_gen_health"); setmodel(self, "models/onslaught/generator.md3"); //setsize(self, '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64'); setorigin(self, self.origin); self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; self.bot_attack = TRUE; self.event_damage = onslaught_generator_damage; self.iscaptured = TRUE; self.islinked = TRUE; self.isshielded = TRUE; // spawn shield model which indicates whether this can be damaged self.enemy = e = spawn(); e.classname = "onslaught_generator_shield"; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE; setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/generator_shield.md3"); //setsize(e, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 128'); setorigin(e, self.origin); e.colormap = self.colormap; e.team = self.team; self.think = onslaught_generator_delayed; self.nextthink = time + 0.2; WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed(string_null, e.origin + '0 0 1' * e.maxs_z, self, sprite); WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(self.sprite, COLOR_TEAM2, SPRITERULE_TEAMPLAY); onslaught_updatelinks(); }; void onslaught_generator_reset() { self.team = self.team_saved; self.lasthealth = self.max_health = self.health = cvar("g_onslaught_gen_health"); self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; self.bot_attack = TRUE; self.iscaptured = TRUE; self.islinked = TRUE; self.isshielded = TRUE; self.enemy.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.think = onslaught_generator_delayed; self.nextthink = time + 0.2; } void onslaught_controlpoint_icon_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { entity oself; if (damage <= 0) return; if (self.owner.isshielded) { // this is protected by a shield, so ignore the damage if (time > self.pain_finished) if (attacker.classname == "player") { play2(attacker, "sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav"); self.pain_finished = time + 1; } return; } if (time > self.pain_finished) if (attacker.classname == "player") { play2team(self.team, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_underattack.wav"); self.pain_finished = time + 5; } self.health = self.health - damage; self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health; self.pain_finished = time + 1; // colormod flash when shot self.colormod = '2 2 2'; if (self.health < 0) { sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("onslaught_controlpoint_explosion"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); { string t; t = ColoredTeamName(attacker.team); bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " ", self.message, " control point destroyed by ", t, "\n"); } self.owner.goalentity = world; self.owner.islinked = FALSE; self.owner.iscaptured = FALSE; self.owner.team = 0; self.owner.colormap = 1024; onslaught_updatelinks(); // Use targets now (somebody make sure this is in the right place..) oself = self; self = self.owner; activator = self.owner; SUB_UseTargets (); self = oself; remove(self); } }; void onslaught_controlpoint_icon_think() { self.nextthink = time + 0.1; if (time > self.pain_finished + 1) { self.health = self.health + self.count; if (self.health >= self.max_health) self.health = self.max_health; } self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health; // colormod flash when shot self.colormod = '1 1 1' * (2 - bound(0, (self.pain_finished - time) / 10, 1)); }; void onslaught_controlpoint_icon_buildthink() { local entity oself; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.health = self.health + self.count; if (self.health >= self.max_health) { self.health = self.max_health; self.count = self.count * 0.2; // slow repair rate from now on self.think = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_think; sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_built.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team), " captured ", self.owner.message, " control point\n"); self.owner.iscaptured = TRUE; onslaught_updatelinks(); // Use targets now (somebody make sure this is in the right place..) oself = self; self = self.owner; activator = self; SUB_UseTargets (); self = oself; } self.alpha = self.health / self.max_health; // colormod flash when shot self.colormod = '1 1 1' * (2 - bound(0, (self.pain_finished - time) / 10, 1)); }; void onslaught_controlpoint_touch() { local entity e; float a; if (other.classname != "player") return; a = onslaught_controlpoint_attackable(self, other.team); if(a != 2 && a != 4) return; // we've verified that this player has a legitimate claim to this point, // so start building the captured point icon (which only captures this // point if it successfully builds without being destroyed first) self.goalentity = e = spawn(); e.classname = "onslaught_controlpoint_icon"; e.owner = self; e.max_health = cvar("g_onslaught_cp_health"); e.health = e.max_health * 0.1; e.alpha = e.health / e.max_health; e.solid = SOLID_BBOX; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_icon.md3"); setsize(e, '-32 -32 -32', '32 32 32'); setorigin(e, self.origin + '0 0 96'); e.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; e.bot_attack = TRUE; e.event_damage = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_damage; e.team = other.team; e.colormap = 1024 + (e.team - 1) * 17; e.think = onslaught_controlpoint_icon_buildthink; e.nextthink = time + 0.1; e.count = e.max_health / 50; // how long it takes to build sound(e, CHAN_TRIGGER, "sound/onslaught/controlpoint_build.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); self.team = e.team; self.colormap = e.colormap; }; /*QUAKED spawnfunc_onslaught_controlpoint (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 0) (32 32 128) Control point. Be sure to give this enough clearance so that the shootable part has room to exist This should link to an spawnfunc_onslaught_controlpoint entity or spawnfunc_onslaught_generator entity. keys: "targetname" - name that spawnfunc_onslaught_link entities will use to target this. "target" - target any entities that are tied to this control point, such as vehicles and buildable structure entities. "message" - name of this control point (should reflect the location in the map, such as "center bridge", "north tower", etc) */ void spawnfunc_onslaught_controlpoint() { local entity e; if (!g_onslaught) { remove(self); return; } precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_pad.md3"); precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_shield.md3"); precache_model("models/onslaught/controlpoint_icon.md3"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_build.wav"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_built.wav"); precache_sound("sound/weapons/grenade_impact.wav"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/damageblockedbyshield.wav"); precache_sound("sound/onslaught/controlpoint_underattack.wav"); self.solid = SOLID_BSP; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; setmodel(self, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_pad.md3"); //setsize(self, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 8'); setorigin(self, self.origin); self.touch = onslaught_controlpoint_touch; self.team = 0; self.colormap = 1024; self.iscaptured = FALSE; self.islinked = FALSE; self.isshielded = TRUE; // spawn shield model which indicates whether this can be damaged self.enemy = e = spawn(); e.classname = "onslaught_controlpoint_shield"; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE; setmodel(e, "models/onslaught/controlpoint_shield.md3"); //setsize(e, '-32 -32 0', '32 32 128'); setorigin(e, self.origin); e.colormap = self.colormap; waypoint_spawnforitem(self); WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed(string_null, e.origin + '0 0 1' * e.maxs_z, self, sprite); WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(self.sprite, COLOR_TEAM2, SPRITERULE_TEAMPLAY); onslaught_updatelinks(); }; void onslaught_controlpoint_reset() { if(self.goalentity && self.goalentity != world) remove(self.goalentity); self.goalentity = world; self.team = 0; self.colormap = 1024; self.iscaptured = FALSE; self.islinked = FALSE; self.isshielded = TRUE; self.enemy.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.enemy.colormap = self.colormap; self.think = self.enemy.think = SUB_Null; self.nextthink = 0; // don't like SUB_Null :P onslaught_updatelinks(); activator = self; SUB_UseTargets(); // to reset the structures, playerspawns etc. } float onslaught_link_send(entity to, float sendflags) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_RADARLINK); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); if(sendflags & 1) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.goalentity.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.goalentity.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.goalentity.origin_z); } if(sendflags & 2) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.enemy.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.enemy.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.enemy.origin_z); } if(sendflags & 4) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.clientcolors); // which is goalentity's color + enemy's color * 16 } return TRUE; } void onslaught_link_checkupdate() { // TODO check if the two sides have moved (currently they won't move anyway) float redpower, bluepower; redpower = bluepower = 0; if(self.goalentity.islinked) { if(self.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM1) redpower = 1; else if(self.goalentity.team == COLOR_TEAM2) bluepower = 1; } if(self.enemy.islinked) { if(self.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM1) redpower = 2; else if(self.enemy.team == COLOR_TEAM2) bluepower = 2; } float cc; if(redpower == 1 && bluepower == 2) cc = (COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) * 0x01 + (COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) * 0x10; else if(redpower == 2 && bluepower == 1) cc = (COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) * 0x10 + (COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) * 0x01; else if(redpower) cc = (COLOR_TEAM1 - 1) * 0x11; else if(bluepower) cc = (COLOR_TEAM2 - 1) * 0x11; else cc = 0; if(cc != self.clientcolors) { self.clientcolors = cc; self.SendFlags |= 4; } self.nextthink = time; } void onslaught_link_delayed() { self.goalentity = find(world, targetname, self.target); self.enemy = find(world, targetname, self.target2); if (!self.goalentity) objerror("can not find target\n"); if (!self.enemy) objerror("can not find target2\n"); dprint(etos(self.goalentity), " linked with ", etos(self.enemy), "\n"); self.SendFlags |= 3; self.think = onslaught_link_checkupdate; self.nextthink = time; } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_onslaught_link (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Link between control points. This entity targets two different spawnfunc_onslaught_controlpoint or spawnfunc_onslaught_generator entities, and suppresses shielding on both if they are owned by different teams. keys: "target" - first control point. "target2" - second control point. */ void spawnfunc_onslaught_link() { if (!g_onslaught) { remove(self); return; } if (self.target == "" || self.target2 == "") objerror("target and target2 must be set\n"); self.think = onslaught_link_delayed; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.SendEntity = onslaught_link_send; Net_LinkEntity(self); };