#define FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) for(v = world; (v = findflags(v, flags, FL_CLIENT)) != world; ) #define FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(v) FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) if(clienttype(v) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) string STR_PLAYER = "player"; #define FOR_EACH_PLAYER(v) for(v = world; (v = find(v, classname, STR_PLAYER)) != world; ) #define FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(v) FOR_EACH_PLAYER(v) if(clienttype(v) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) // change that to actually calling strcat when running on an engine without // unlimited tempstrings: // string strcat1(string s) = #115; // FRIK_FILE #define strcat1(s) (s) float logfile_open; float logfile; void(string s) bcenterprint { // TODO replace by MSG_ALL (would show it to spectators too, though)? entity head; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if(clienttype(head) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) centerprint(head, s); } void(string s, float check_dangerous) ServerConsoleEcho = { local string ch; if (checkextension("DP_SV_PRINT")) print(s, "\n"); else { localcmd("echo \""); if(check_dangerous) { while(strlen(s)) { ch = substring(s, 0, 1); if(ch != "\"" && ch != "\r" && ch != "\n") localcmd(ch); s = substring(s, 1, strlen(s) - 1); } } else { localcmd(s); } localcmd("\"\n"); } } void(string s, float check_dangerous) GameLogEcho = { string fn; float matches; if(cvar("sv_eventlog_files")) { if(!logfile_open) { logfile_open = TRUE; matches = cvar("sv_eventlog_files_counter") + 1; cvar_set("sv_eventlog_files_counter", ftos(matches)); fn = ftos(matches); if(strlen(fn) < 8) fn = strcat(substring("00000000", 0, 8 - strlen(fn)), fn); fn = strcat(cvar_string("sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix"), fn, cvar_string("sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix")); logfile = fopen(fn, FILE_APPEND); } if(logfile >= 0) fputs(logfile, strcat(s, "\n")); } if(cvar("sv_eventlog_console")) { ServerConsoleEcho(s, check_dangerous); } } void() GameLogInit = { logfile_open = 0; // will be opened later } void() GameLogClose = { if(logfile_open && logfile >= 0) { fclose(logfile); logfile = -1; } } float math_mod(float a, float b) { return a - (floor(a / b) * b); } void relocate_spawnpoint() { // nudge off the floor setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 1'); tracebox(self.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, self.origin, TRUE, self); if (trace_startsolid) { objerror("player spawn point in solid, mapper sucks!\n"); return; } } // NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION TOO OFTEN. // IT WILL MOST PROBABLY DESTROY _ALL_ OTHER TEMP // STRINGS AND TAKE QUITE LONG. haystack and needle MUST // BE CONSTANT OR strzoneD! float(string haystack, string needle, float offset) strstr = { float len, endpos; string found; len = strlen(needle); endpos = strlen(haystack) - len; while(offset <= endpos) { found = substring(haystack, offset, len); if(found == needle) return offset; offset = offset + 1; } return -1; } float NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES = 4; entity nearest_entity[NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES]; float nearest_length[NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES]; entity(vector point, .string field, string value, vector axismod) findnearest = { entity localhead; float i; float j; float len; vector dist; float num_nearest; num_nearest = 0; localhead = find(world, field, value); while(localhead) { if((localhead.items == IT_KEY1 || localhead.items == IT_KEY2) && localhead.target == "###item###") dist = localhead.oldorigin; else dist = localhead.origin; dist = dist - point; dist = dist_x * axismod_x * '1 0 0' + dist_y * axismod_y * '0 1 0' + dist_z * axismod_z * '0 0 1'; len = vlen(dist); for(i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { if(len < nearest_length[i]) break; } // now i tells us where to insert at // INSERTION SORT! YOU'VE SEEN IT! RUN! if(i < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) { for(j = NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES - 1; j >= i; --j) { nearest_length[j + 1] = nearest_length[j]; nearest_entity[j + 1] = nearest_entity[j]; } nearest_length[i] = len; nearest_entity[i] = localhead; if(num_nearest < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) num_nearest = num_nearest + 1; } localhead = find(localhead, field, value); } // now use the first one from our list that we can see for(i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { traceline(point, nearest_entity[i].origin, TRUE, world); if(trace_fraction == 1) { if(i != 0) { dprint("Nearest point ("); dprint(nearest_entity[0].netname); dprint(") is not visible, using a visible one.\n"); } return nearest_entity[i]; } } if(num_nearest == 0) return world; dprint("Not seeing any location point, using nearest as fallback.\n"); /* DEBUGGING CODE: dprint("Candidates were: "); for(j = 0; j < num_nearest; ++j) { if(j != 0) dprint(", "); dprint(nearest_entity[j].netname); } dprint("\n"); */ return nearest_entity[0]; } void() target_location = { self.classname = "target_location"; // location name in netname // eventually support: count, teamgame selectors, line of sight? }; void() info_location = { self.classname = "target_location"; self.message = self.netname; }; string NearestLocation(vector p) { entity loc; string ret; ret = "somewhere"; loc = findnearest(p, classname, "target_location", '1 1 1'); if(loc) { ret = loc.message; } else { loc = findnearest(p, target, "###item###", '1 1 4'); if(loc) ret = loc.netname; } return ret; } string(string msg) formatmessage = { float p; float n; string msg_save; string escape; string replacement; msg_save = strzone(msg); p = 0; n = 7; while(1) { if(n < 1) break; // too many replacements n = n - 1; p = strstr(msg_save, "%", p); // NOTE: this destroys msg as it's a tempstring! if(p < 0) break; replacement = substring(msg_save, p, 2); escape = substring(msg_save, p + 1, 1); if(escape == "%") replacement = "%"; else if(escape == "a") replacement = ftos(floor(self.armorvalue)); else if(escape == "h") replacement = ftos(floor(self.health)); else if(escape == "l") replacement = NearestLocation(self.origin); else if(escape == "y") replacement = NearestLocation(self.cursor_trace_endpos); else if(escape == "d") replacement = NearestLocation(self.death_origin); else if(escape == "w") { float wep; wep = self.weapon; if(!wep) wep = self.switchweapon; if(!wep) wep = self.cnt; replacement = W_Name(wep); } else if(escape == "W") { if(self.items & IT_SHELLS) replacement = "shells"; else if(self.items & IT_NAILS) replacement = "bullets"; else if(self.items & IT_ROCKETS) replacement = "rockets"; else if(self.items & IT_CELLS) replacement = "cells"; else replacement = "batteries"; // ;) } else if(escape == "x") { replacement = self.cursor_trace_ent.netname; if(!replacement || !self.cursor_trace_ent) replacement = "nothing"; } else if(escape == "p") { if(self.last_selected_player) replacement = self.last_selected_player.netname; else replacement = "(nobody)"; } msg = strcat(substring(msg_save, 0, p), replacement); msg = strcat(msg, substring(msg_save, p+2, strlen(msg_save) - (p+2))); strunzone(msg_save); msg_save = strzone(msg); p = p + 2; } msg = strcat(msg_save, ""); strunzone(msg_save); return msg; } /* ============= GetCvars ============= Called with: 0: sends the request >0: receives a cvar from name=argv(f) value=argv(f+1) */ void GetCvars_handleString(float f, .string field, string name) { if(f < 0) { if(self.field) strunzone(self.field); } else if(f > 0) { if(argv(f) == name) { if(self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(argv(f + 1)); } } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleFloat(float f, .float field, string name) { if(f < 0) { } else if(f > 0) { if(argv(f) == name) self.field = stof(argv(f + 1)); } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars(float f) { GetCvars_handleFloat(f, autoswitch, "cl_autoswitch"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_hidewaypoints, "cl_hidewaypoints"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_zoomfactor, "cl_zoomfactor"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_zoomspeed, "cl_zoomspeed"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction, "cl_playerdetailreduction"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_nogibs, "cl_nogibs"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_scr_centertime, "scr_centertime"); GetCvars_handleFloat(f, cvar_cl_shownames, "cl_shownames"); GetCvars_handleString(f, cvar_g_nexuizversion, "g_nexuizversion"); } float fexists(string f) { float fh; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return FALSE; fclose(fh); return TRUE; } void backtrace(string msg) { float dev; dev = cvar("developer"); cvar_set("developer", "1"); dprint("\n"); dprint("--- CUT HERE ---\nWARNING: "); dprint(msg); dprint("\n"); remove(world); // isn't there any better way to cause a backtrace? dprint("\n--- CUT UNTIL HERE ---\n"); cvar_set("developer", ftos(dev)); } void DistributeFragsAmongTeam(entity p, float targetteam, float factor) { float f; float d; float nTeam; entity head; if(!teams_matter) return; //if(p.frags < 0) //{ // p.frags = 0; // do not harm the new team! // return; // won't distribute negative scores //} if(p.frags == -666) return; f = ceil(factor * p.frags); p.frags = p.frags - f; nTeam = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if(head != p) if(head.team == targetteam) nTeam = nTeam + 1; if(nTeam == 0) return; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if(head != p) if(head.team == targetteam) { d = floor(f / nTeam); head.frags = head.frags + d; f = f - d; nTeam = nTeam - 1; } if(nTeam != 0) error("nPlayers in team changed!"); if(f != 0) error(strcat("There were ", ftos(f), " frags left. BAD!")); } string Team_ColorCode(float teamid) { if(teamid == COLOR_TEAM1) return "^1"; else if(teamid == COLOR_TEAM2) return "^4"; else if(teamid == COLOR_TEAM3) return "^6"; else if(teamid == COLOR_TEAM4) return "^3"; else return "^7"; } string decolorize(string s) { string out; out = ""; while(s != "") { float n; string ch1, ch2; n = 1; ch1 = substring(s, 0, 1); ch2 = substring(s, 1, 1); if(ch1 == "^") { n = 2; if(ch2 == "^") out = strcat(out, "^^"); else if(ch2 == "0") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "1") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "2") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "3") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "4") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "5") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "6") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "7") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "8") out = strcat1(out); else if(ch2 == "9") out = strcat1(out); else { n = 1; out = strcat(out, "^^"); } s = substring(s, n, strlen(s) - n); } else { s = substring(s, 1, strlen(s) - 1); out = strcat(out, ch1); } } return out; } #define strdecolorize(s) decolorize(s) #define strlennocol(s) strlen(decolorize(s)) #define CENTERPRIO_POINT 1 #define CENTERPRIO_REBALANCE 2 #define CENTERPRIO_VOTE 4 #define CENTERPRIO_NORMAL 5 #define CENTERPRIO_MAPVOTE 9 .float centerprint_priority; .float centerprint_expires; void centerprint_atprio(entity e, float prio, string s) { if(intermission_running) if(prio < CENTERPRIO_MAPVOTE) return; if(time > e.centerprint_expires) e.centerprint_priority = 0; if(prio >= e.centerprint_priority) { e.centerprint_priority = prio; e.centerprint_expires = time + e.cvar_scr_centertime; centerprint_builtin(e, s); } } void centerprint_expire(entity e, float prio) { if(prio == e.centerprint_priority) { e.centerprint_priority = 0; centerprint_builtin(e, ""); } } void centerprint(entity e, string s) { centerprint_atprio(e, CENTERPRIO_NORMAL, s); } void VoteNag(); // decolorizes and team colors the player name when needed string playername(entity p) { string t; if(teams_matter && !intermission_running && p.classname == "player") { t = Team_ColorCode(p.team); return strcat(t, strdecolorize(p.netname)); } else return p.netname; } // requires that m2>m1 in all coordinates, and that m4>m3 float(vector m1, vector m2, vector m3, vector m4) boxesoverlap = {return m2_x >= m3_x && m1_x <= m4_x && m2_y >= m3_y && m1_y <= m4_y && m2_z >= m3_z && m1_z <= m4_z;}; // requires the same, but is a stronger condition float(vector smins, vector smaxs, vector bmins, vector bmaxs) boxinsidebox = {return smins_x >= bmins_x && smaxs_x <= bmaxs_x && smins_y >= bmins_y && smaxs_y <= bmaxs_y && smins_z >= bmins_z && smaxs_z <= bmaxs_z;};