// changes by LordHavoc on 03/29/04 and 03/30/04 at Vermeulen's request // merged player_run and player_stand to player_anim // added death animations to player_anim // can now spawn thrown weapons from anywhere, not just from players // thrown weapons now fade out after 20 seconds // created PlayerGib function // PlayerDie no longer uses hitloc or damage // PlayerDie now supports dying animations as well as gibbing // cleaned up PlayerDie a lot // added CopyBody .entity pusher; .float pushltime; void CopyBody(float keepvelocity) { local entity oldself; if (self.effects & EF_NODRAW) return; oldself = self; self = spawn(); self.enemy = oldself; self.lip = oldself.lip; self.colormap = oldself.colormap; self.iscreature = oldself.iscreature; self.angles = oldself.angles; self.avelocity = oldself.avelocity; self.classname = "body"; self.damageforcescale = oldself.damageforcescale; self.effects = oldself.effects; self.event_damage = oldself.event_damage; self.animstate_startframe = oldself.animstate_startframe; self.animstate_numframes = oldself.animstate_numframes; self.animstate_framerate = oldself.animstate_framerate; self.animstate_starttime = oldself.animstate_starttime; self.animstate_endtime = oldself.animstate_endtime; self.animstate_override = oldself.animstate_override; self.animstate_looping = oldself.animstate_looping; self.frame = oldself.frame; self.dead_frame = oldself.dead_frame; self.pain_finished = oldself.pain_finished; self.health = oldself.health; self.armorvalue = oldself.armorvalue; self.armortype = oldself.armortype; self.model = oldself.model; self.modelindex = oldself.modelindex; self.movetype = oldself.movetype; self.nextthink = oldself.nextthink; self.skin = oldself.skin; self.solid = oldself.solid; self.takedamage = oldself.takedamage; self.think = oldself.think; self.customizeentityforclient = oldself.customizeentityforclient; if (keepvelocity == 1) self.velocity = oldself.velocity; self.oldvelocity = self.velocity; self.fade_time = oldself.fade_time; self.fade_rate = oldself.fade_rate; //self.weapon = oldself.weapon; setorigin(self, oldself.origin); setsize(self, oldself.mins, oldself.maxs); self.prevorigin = oldself.origin; self.reset = SUB_Remove; Drag_MoveDrag(oldself, self); self = oldself; } void player_setupanimsformodel() { local string animfilename; local float animfile; // defaults for legacy .zym models without animinfo files self.anim_die1 = '0 1 0.5'; // 2 seconds self.anim_die2 = '1 1 0.5'; // 2 seconds self.anim_draw = '2 1 3'; // TODO: analyze models and set framerate self.anim_duck = '3 1 100'; // this anim seems bogus in most models, so make it play VERY briefly! self.anim_duckwalk = '4 1 1'; self.anim_duckjump = '5 1 100'; // zym anims keep playing until changed, so this only has to start the anim, landing will end it self.anim_duckidle = '6 1 1'; self.anim_idle = '7 1 1'; self.anim_jump = '8 1 100'; // zym anims keep playing until changed, so this only has to start the anim, landing will end it self.anim_pain1 = '9 1 2'; // 0.5 seconds self.anim_pain2 = '10 1 2'; // 0.5 seconds self.anim_shoot = '11 1 5'; // TODO: analyze models and set framerate self.anim_taunt = '12 1 1'; // FIXME? there is no code using this anim self.anim_run = '13 1 1'; self.anim_runbackwards = '14 1 1'; self.anim_strafeleft = '15 1 1'; self.anim_straferight = '16 1 1'; self.anim_dead1 = '17 1 1'; self.anim_dead2 = '18 1 1'; self.anim_forwardright = '19 1 1'; self.anim_forwardleft = '20 1 1'; self.anim_backright = '21 1 1'; self.anim_backleft = '22 1 1'; animparseerror = FALSE; animfilename = strcat(self.model, ".animinfo"); animfile = fopen(animfilename, FILE_READ); if (animfile >= 0) { self.anim_die1 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_die2 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_draw = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_duck = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_duckwalk = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_duckjump = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_duckidle = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_idle = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_jump = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_pain1 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_pain2 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_shoot = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_taunt = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_run = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_runbackwards = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_strafeleft = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_straferight = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_forwardright = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_forwardleft = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_backright = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_backleft = animparseline(animfile); fclose(animfile); // derived anims self.anim_dead1 = '0 1 1' + '1 0 0' * (self.anim_die1_x + self.anim_die1_y - 1); self.anim_dead2 = '0 1 1' + '1 0 0' * (self.anim_die2_x + self.anim_die2_y - 1); if (animparseerror) print("Parse error in ", animfilename, ", some player animations are broken\n"); } else dprint("File ", animfilename, " not found, assuming legacy .zym model animation timings\n"); // reset animstate now setanim(self, self.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); }; void player_anim (void) { updateanim(self); if (self.weaponentity) updateanim(self.weaponentity); if (self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { if (time > self.animstate_endtime) { if (self.maxs_z > 5) { self.maxs_z = 5; setsize(self, self.mins, self.maxs); } self.frame = self.dead_frame; } return; } if (!self.animstate_override) { if (!(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) { if (self.crouch) setanim(self, self.anim_duckjump, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); else setanim(self, self.anim_jump, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else if (self.crouch) { if (self.movement_x * self.movement_x + self.movement_y * self.movement_y > 20) setanim(self, self.anim_duckwalk, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else setanim(self, self.anim_duckidle, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } else if ((self.movement_x * self.movement_x + self.movement_y * self.movement_y) > 20) { if (self.movement_x > 0 && self.movement_y == 0) setanim(self, self.anim_run, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x < 0 && self.movement_y == 0) setanim(self, self.anim_runbackwards, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x == 0 && self.movement_y > 0) setanim(self, self.anim_straferight, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x == 0 && self.movement_y < 0) setanim(self, self.anim_strafeleft, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x > 0 && self.movement_y > 0) setanim(self, self.anim_forwardright, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x > 0 && self.movement_y < 0) setanim(self, self.anim_forwardleft, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x < 0 && self.movement_y > 0) setanim(self, self.anim_backright, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else if (self.movement_x < 0 && self.movement_y < 0) setanim(self, self.anim_backleft, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); else setanim(self, self.anim_run, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } else setanim(self, self.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } if (self.weaponentity) if (!self.weaponentity.animstate_override) setanim(self.weaponentity, self.weaponentity.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } void SpawnThrownWeapon (vector org, float w) { if(g_pinata) { float j; for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { if(self.weapons & W_WeaponBit(j)) if(W_IsWeaponThrowable(j)) W_ThrowNewWeapon(self, j, FALSE, self.origin, randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 325'); } } else W_ThrowWeapon(randomvec() * 125 + '0 0 200', org - self.origin, FALSE); } void PlayerCorpseDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { local float take, save; Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16); // damage resistance (ignore most of the damage from a bullet or similar) damage = max(damage - 5, 1); save = bound(0, damage * cvar("g_balance_armor_blockpercent"), self.armorvalue); take = bound(0, damage - save, damage); if (save > 10) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/armorimpact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); else if (take > 30) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/bodyimpact2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); else if (take > 10) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/bodyimpact1.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); if (take > 50) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force * -0.1, 3, 1); if (take > 100) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force * -0.2, 3, 1); if (!(self.flags & FL_GODMODE)) { self.armorvalue = self.armorvalue - save; self.health = self.health - take; // pause regeneration for 5 seconds self.pauseregen_finished = max(self.pauseregen_finished, time + cvar("g_balance_pause_health_regen")); } self.dmg_save = self.dmg_save + save;//max(save - 10, 0); self.dmg_take = self.dmg_take + take;//max(take - 10, 0); self.dmg_inflictor = inflictor; if (self.health <= -75 && self.modelindex != 0) { // don't use any animations as a gib self.frame = 0; self.dead_frame = 0; // view just above the floor self.view_ofs = '0 0 4'; Violence_GibSplash(self, 1, 1); self.modelindex = 0; // restore later self.solid = SOLID_NOT; // restore later } } void ClientKill_Now_TeamChange(); void PlayerDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { local float take, save, waves, sdelay; if(!DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype)) { damage *= sqrt(bound(1.0, self.cvar_cl_handicap, 100.0)); if(self != attacker) damage /= sqrt(bound(1.0, attacker.cvar_cl_handicap, 100.0)); } Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16); if(g_arena) if(numspawned < 2) return; if (!g_minstagib) { save = bound(0, damage * cvar("g_balance_armor_blockpercent"), self.armorvalue); take = bound(0, damage - save, damage); } else { save = 0; take = damage; } if (save > 10) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/armorimpact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); else if (take > 30) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/bodyimpact2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); else if (take > 10) sound (self, CHAN_PROJECTILE, "misc/bodyimpact1.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // FIXME possibly remove them? if (take > 50) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force * -0.1, 3, 1); if (take > 100) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', force * -0.2, 3, 1); if (time > self.spawnshieldtime) { if (!(self.flags & FL_GODMODE)) { self.armorvalue = self.armorvalue - save; self.health = self.health - take; // pause regeneration for 5 seconds self.pauseregen_finished = max(self.pauseregen_finished, time + cvar("g_balance_pause_health_regen")); if (time > self.pain_finished) //Don't switch pain sequences like crazy { self.pain_finished = time + 0.5; //Supajoe if(sv_gentle < 1) { if (random() > 0.5) setanim(self, self.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); else setanim(self, self.anim_pain2, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); if(!DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_LASER) || attacker != self || self.health < 2 * cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_damage") * cvar("g_balance_selfdamagepercent") + 1) // exclude pain sounds for laserjumps as long as you aren't REALLY low on health and would die of the next two { if(self.health > 75) // TODO make a "gentle" version? PlayerSound(playersound_pain100, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); else if(self.health > 50) PlayerSound(playersound_pain75, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); else if(self.health > 25) PlayerSound(playersound_pain50, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); else if(self.health > 1) PlayerSound(playersound_pain25, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); } } // throw off bot aim temporarily local float shake; shake = damage * 5 / (bound(0,skill,100) + 1); self.v_angle_x = self.v_angle_x + (random() * 2 - 1) * shake; self.v_angle_y = self.v_angle_y + (random() * 2 - 1) * shake; } } else self.max_armorvalue += (save + take); } self.dmg_save = self.dmg_save + save;//max(save - 10, 0); self.dmg_take = self.dmg_take + take;//max(take - 10, 0); self.dmg_inflictor = inflictor; if(attacker == self) { // don't reset pushltime for self damage as it may be an attempt to // escape a lava pit or similar //self.pushltime = 0; } else if(attacker.classname == "player" || attacker.classname == "gib") { self.pusher = attacker; self.pushltime = time + cvar("g_maxpushtime"); } else if(time < self.pushltime) { attacker = self.pusher; self.pushltime = max(self.pushltime, time + 0.6); } else self.pushltime = 0; if (self.health < 1) { float defer_ClientKill_Now_TeamChange; defer_ClientKill_Now_TeamChange = FALSE; if(sv_gentle < 1) // TODO make a "gentle" version? { if(deathtype == DEATH_DROWN) PlayerSound(playersound_drown, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); else PlayerSound(playersound_death, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); } // get rid of kill indicator if(self.killindicator) { remove(self.killindicator); self.killindicator = world; if(self.killindicator_teamchange) defer_ClientKill_Now_TeamChange = TRUE; if(self.classname == "body") if(deathtype == DEATH_KILL) { // for the lemmings fans, a small harmless explosion pointparticles(particleeffectnum("rocket_explode"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); } } // become fully visible self.alpha = 1; // clear selected player display ClearSelectedPlayer(); // throw a weapon SpawnThrownWeapon (self.origin + (self.mins + self.maxs) * 0.5, self.switchweapon); // print an obituary message Obituary (attacker, inflictor, self, deathtype); race_PreDie(); DropAllRunes(self); if(self == attacker) kh_Key_DropAll(self, TRUE); else if(attacker.classname == "player" || attacker.classname == "gib") kh_Key_DropAll(self, FALSE); else kh_Key_DropAll(self, TRUE); if(self.flagcarried) { if(attacker.classname != "player" && attacker.classname != "gib") DropFlag(self.flagcarried, self, attacker); // penalty for flag loss by suicide else if(attacker.team == self.team) DropFlag(self.flagcarried, attacker, attacker); // penalty for flag loss by suicide/teamkill else DropFlag(self.flagcarried, world, attacker); } Portal_ClearAllLater(self); // clear waypoints WaypointSprite_PlayerDead(); // make the corpse upright (not tilted) self.angles_x = 0; self.angles_z = 0; // don't spin self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; // view from the floor self.view_ofs = '0 0 -8'; // toss the corpse self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // shootable corpse self.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; // don't stick to the floor self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND; // dying animation self.deadflag = DEAD_DYING; // when to allow respawn sdelay = 0; waves = 0; if(cvar("g_respawn_mapsettings")) { sdelay = cvar("g_respawn_mapsettings_delay"); waves = cvar("g_respawn_mapsettings_waves"); } if(!sdelay) sdelay = cvar(strcat("g_", GetGametype(), "_respawn_delay")); if(!sdelay) sdelay = cvar("g_respawn_delay"); if(!waves) waves = cvar(strcat("g_", GetGametype(), "_respawn_waves")); if(!waves) waves = cvar("g_respawn_waves"); if(waves) self.death_time = ceil((time + sdelay) / waves) * waves; else self.death_time = time + sdelay; if((sdelay + waves >= 5.0) && (self.death_time - time > 1.75)) self.respawn_countdown = 10; // first number to count down from is 10 else self.respawn_countdown = -1; // do not count down if (random() < 0.5) { setanim(self, self.anim_die1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); self.dead_frame = self.anim_dead1_x; } else { setanim(self, self.anim_die2, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); self.dead_frame = self.anim_dead2_x; } // set damage function to corpse damage self.event_damage = PlayerCorpseDamage; // call the corpse damage function just in case it wants to gib self.event_damage(inflictor, attacker, 0, deathtype, hitloc, force); // set up to fade out later SUB_SetFade (self, time + 12 + random () * 4, 1); // remove laserdot if(self.weaponentity) if(self.weaponentity.lasertarget) remove(self.weaponentity.lasertarget); if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { self.fixangle = TRUE; //msg_entity = self; //WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLE); //WriteAngle (MSG_ONE, self.v_angle_x); //WriteAngle (MSG_ONE, self.v_angle_y); //WriteAngle (MSG_ONE, 80); } if(g_arena) Spawnqueue_Unmark(self); if(defer_ClientKill_Now_TeamChange) ClientKill_Now_TeamChange(); if(sv_gentle > 0) { // remove corpse PlayerCorpseDamage (inflictor, attacker, 100.0, deathtype, hitloc, force); } } } float UpdateSelectedPlayer_countvalue(float v) { return max(0, (v - 1.0) / 0.5); } // returns: -2 if no hit, otherwise cos of the angle // uses the global v_angle float UpdateSelectedPlayer_canSee(entity p, float mincosangle, float maxdist) { vector so, d; float c; if(p == self) return -2; if(p.deadflag) return -2; so = self.origin + self.view_ofs; d = p.origin - so; // misaimed? if(dist_point_line(d, '0 0 0', v_forward) > maxdist) return -2; // now find the cos of the angle... c = normalize(d) * v_forward; if(c <= mincosangle) return -2; // not visible in any way? forget it if(!checkpvs(so, p)) return -2; traceline(so, p.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(trace_fraction < 1) return -2; return c; } void ClearSelectedPlayer() { if(self.selected_player) { centerprint_expire(self, CENTERPRIO_POINT); self.selected_player = world; self.selected_player_display_needs_update = FALSE; } } void UpdateSelectedPlayer() { entity selected; float selected_score; selected = world; selected_score = 0.95; // 18 degrees if(!cvar("sv_allow_shownames")) return; if(clienttype(self) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL) return; if(self.cvar_cl_shownames == 0) return; if(self.cvar_cl_shownames == 1 && !teams_matter) return; makevectors(self.v_angle); // sets v_forward // 1. cursor trace is always right if(self.cursor_trace_ent && self.cursor_trace_ent.classname == "player" && !self.cursor_trace_ent.deadflag) { selected = self.cursor_trace_ent; } else { // 2. if we don't have a cursor trace, find the player which is least // mis-aimed at entity p; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(p) { float c; c = UpdateSelectedPlayer_canSee(p, selected_score, 100); // 100 = 2.5 meters if(c >= -1) { selected = p; selected_score = c; } } } if(selected) { self.selected_player_display_timeout = time + self.cvar_scr_centertime; } else { if(time < self.selected_player_display_timeout) if(UpdateSelectedPlayer_canSee(self.selected_player, 0.7, 200) >= -1) // 5 meters, 45 degrees selected = self.selected_player; } if(selected) { if(selected == self.selected_player) { float save; save = UpdateSelectedPlayer_countvalue(self.selected_player_count); self.selected_player_count = self.selected_player_count + frametime; if(save != UpdateSelectedPlayer_countvalue(self.selected_player_count)) { string namestr, healthstr; namestr = playername(selected); if(teams_matter) { healthstr = ftos(floor(selected.health)); if(self.team == selected.team) { namestr = strcat(namestr, " (", healthstr, "%)"); self.selected_player_display_needs_update = TRUE; } } centerprint_atprio(self, CENTERPRIO_POINT, namestr); } } else { ClearSelectedPlayer(); self.selected_player = selected; self.selected_player_time = time; self.selected_player_count = 0; self.selected_player_display_needs_update = FALSE; } } else { ClearSelectedPlayer(); } if(self.selected_player) self.last_selected_player = self.selected_player; } .float floodcontrol_chat; .float floodcontrol_chatteam; void Say(entity source, float teamsay, string msgin, float floodcontrol) { string msgstr, colorstr, cmsgstr, namestr, fullmsgstr, sourcemsgstr, fullcmsgstr, sourcecmsgstr; float flood; entity head; if(Ban_MaybeEnforceBan(source)) return; if(!teamsay) if(substring(msgin, 0, 1) == " ") msgin = substring(msgin, 1, strlen(msgin) - 1); // work around DP say bug (say_team does not have this!) msgin = formatmessage(msgin); if(msgin == "") return; if(source.classname != "player") colorstr = "^0"; // black for spectators else if(teams_matter) colorstr = Team_ColorCode(source.team); else teamsay = FALSE; if(intermission_running) teamsay = FALSE; /* * using bprint solves this... me stupid // how can we prevent the message from appearing in a listen server? // for now, just give "say" back and only handle say_team if(!teamsay) { clientcommand(self, strcat("say ", msgin)); return; } */ if(cvar("g_chat_teamcolors")) namestr = playername(source); else namestr = source.netname; if(teamsay) { msgstr = strcat("\{1}\{13}", colorstr, "(^3", namestr, colorstr, ") ^7", msgin); cmsgstr = strcat(colorstr, "(^3", namestr, colorstr, ")\n^7", msgin); } else { msgstr = strcat("\{1}", namestr, "^7: ", msgin); cmsgstr = ""; } msgstr = strcat(strreplace("\n", " ", msgstr), "\n"); // newlines only are good for centerprint fullmsgstr = msgstr; fullcmsgstr = cmsgstr; // FLOOD CONTROL flood = 0; if(floodcontrol) { float flood_spl; float flood_burst; float flood_lmax; var .float flood_field; float lines; if(teamsay) { flood_spl = cvar("g_chat_flood_spl_team"); flood_burst = cvar("g_chat_flood_burst_team"); flood_lmax = cvar("g_chat_flood_lmax_team"); flood_field = floodcontrol_chatteam; } else { flood_spl = cvar("g_chat_flood_spl"); flood_burst = cvar("g_chat_flood_burst"); flood_lmax = cvar("g_chat_flood_lmax"); flood_field = floodcontrol_chat; } flood_burst = max(0, flood_burst - 1); // to match explanation in default.cfg, a value of 3 must allow three-line bursts and not four! // do flood control for the default line size getWrappedLine_remaining = msgstr; msgstr = ""; lines = 0; while(getWrappedLine_remaining && (!flood_lmax || lines <= flood_lmax)) { msgstr = strcat(msgstr, " ", getWrappedLine(82.4289758859709, strlennocol)); // perl averagewidth.pl < gfx/vera-sans.width ++lines; } msgstr = substring(msgstr, 1, strlen(msgstr) - 1); if(getWrappedLine_remaining != "") flood = 2; if(time >= self.flood_field) self.flood_field = max(time - flood_burst * flood_spl, self.flood_field) + lines * flood_spl; else flood = 1; } if(flood == 2) { if(cvar("g_chat_flood_notify_flooder")) { sourcemsgstr = strcat(msgstr, "\n^3FLOOD CONTROL: ^7message too long, trimmed\n"); sourcecmsgstr = ""; } else { sourcemsgstr = fullmsgstr; sourcecmsgstr = fullcmsgstr; } cmsgstr = ""; } else { sourcemsgstr = msgstr; sourcecmsgstr = cmsgstr; } if(source.classname != "player") { if(teamsay || (cvar("g_chat_nospectators") == 1) || (cvar("g_chat_nospectators") == 2 && !inWarmupStage)) teamsay = -1; // spectators } if(flood) print("NOTE: ", playername(self), "^7 is flooding.\n"); if(flood == 1) { if(cvar("g_chat_flood_notify_flooder")) sprint(self, strcat("^3FLOOD CONTROL: ^7wait ^1", ftos(self.flood_field - time), "^3 seconds\n")); else sprint(self, fullmsgstr); } else if(teamsay > 0) { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); if(sourcecmsgstr != "") centerprint(source, sourcecmsgstr); FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(head) if(head.team == source.team) if(head != source) { sprint(head, msgstr); if(cmsgstr != "") centerprint(head, cmsgstr); } } else if(teamsay < 0) { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(head) if(head.classname != "player") if(head != source) sprint(head, msgstr); } else if(sourcemsgstr != msgstr) { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(head) if(head != source) sprint(head, msgstr); } else bprint(msgstr); } float GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type) { if(type == "taunt") return VOICETYPE_TAUNT; if(type == "teamshoot") return VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER; return VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO; } string allvoicesamples; float GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound; float GetPlayerSoundSampleField_fixed; .string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type) { GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = 0; GetPlayerSoundSampleField_fixed = 0; switch(type) { #define _VOICEMSG(m) case #m: return playersound_##m; ALLVOICEMSGS #undef _VOICEMSG } GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = 1; return playersound_taunt; } .string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type) { GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = 0; GetPlayerSoundSampleField_fixed = 0; switch(type) { #define _VOICEMSG(m) case #m: return playersound_##m; ALLPLAYERSOUNDS #undef _VOICEMSG } GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = 1; return playersound_taunt; } void PrecacheGlobalSound(string samplestring) { float n, i; string s; tokenize_sane(samplestring); s = argv(0); n = stof(argv(1)); if(n > 0) { for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) precache_sound(strcat(s, ftos(i), ".wav")); // fteqcc sucks } else { precache_sound(strcat(s, ".wav")); } } void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f) { float fh; string s; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return; while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(tokenize_sane(s) != 3) { dprint("Invalid sound info line: ", s, "\n"); continue; } PrecacheGlobalSound(strcat(argv(1), " ", argv(2))); } fclose(fh); if not(allvoicesamples) { #define _VOICEMSG(m) allvoicesamples = strcat(allvoicesamples, " ", #m); ALLVOICEMSGS #undef _VOICEMSG allvoicesamples = strzone(substring(allvoicesamples, 1, strlen(allvoicesamples) - 1)); } } void ClearPlayerSounds() { #define _VOICEMSG(m) if(self.playersound_##m) { strunzone(self.playersound_##m); self.playersound_##m = string_null; } ALLPLAYERSOUNDS ALLVOICEMSGS #undef _VOICEMSG } void LoadPlayerSounds(string f, float first) { float fh; string s; var .string field; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return; while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(tokenize_sane(s) != 3) continue; field = GetPlayerSoundSampleField(argv(0)); if(GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound) field = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(argv(0)); if(GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound) continue; if(GetPlayerSoundSampleField_fixed) if not(first) continue; if(self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(strcat(argv(1), " ", argv(2))); } fclose(fh); } .float modelindex_for_playersound; void UpdatePlayerSounds() { if(self.modelindex == self.modelindex_for_playersound) return; self.modelindex_for_playersound = self.modelindex; ClearPlayerSounds(); LoadPlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds", 1); LoadPlayerSounds(strcat(self.model, ".sounds"), 0); } void GlobalSound(string sample, float chan, float voicetype) { float n; float tauntrand; string s; if(sample == "") return; tokenize_sane(sample); s = argv(0); n = stof(argv(1)); if(n > 0) sample = strcat(s, ftos(floor(random() * n + 1)), ".wav"); // randomization, fteqcc sucks else sample = strcat(s, ".wav"); // randomization switch(voicetype) { case VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER_ONLY: if(self.pusher) if(self.pusher.team == self.team) { msg_entity = self.pusher; if(clienttype(msg_entity) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { if(msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_MIN); else soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } } break; case VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER: if(self.pusher) if(self.pusher.team == self.team) { msg_entity = self.pusher; if(clienttype(msg_entity) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { if(msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_MIN); else soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } msg_entity = self; if(clienttype(msg_entity) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); } break; case VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO: FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(!teams_matter || msg_entity.team == self.team) { if(msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_MIN); else soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } break; case VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT: tauntrand = random(); FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if (tauntrand < msg_entity.cvar_cl_autotaunt) { if (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional >= 1) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, bound(ATTN_MIN, msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, ATTN_MAX)); else soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } break; case VOICETYPE_TAUNT: FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) { if (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional >= 1) soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, bound(ATTN_MIN, msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, ATTN_MAX)); else soundto(MSG_ONE, self, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } case VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND: sound(self, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); break; default: backtrace("Invalid voice type!"); break; } } void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, float chan, float voicetype) { string sample; sample = self.samplefield; GlobalSound(sample, chan, voicetype); } .float floodcontrol_voice; .float floodcontrol_voiceteam; void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg) { var .string sample; var float voicetype, ownteam; sample = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(type); if(GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound) { sprint(self, strcat("Invalid voice. Use one of: ", allvoicesamples, "\n")); return; } voicetype = GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(type); ownteam = (voicetype == VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO); float flood; float flood_spv; var .float flood_field; flood = 0; if(ownteam) { flood_spv = cvar("g_voice_flood_spv_team"); flood_field = floodcontrol_voiceteam; } else { flood_spv = cvar("g_voice_flood_spv"); flood_field = floodcontrol_voice; } if(time >= self.flood_field) self.flood_field = max(time, self.flood_field) + flood_spv; else flood = 1; if (msg != "") Say(self, ownteam, msg, 0); if (!flood) PlayerSound(sample, CHAN_VOICE, voicetype); }