void info_player_start (void) { info_player_deathmatch(); } void info_player_deathmatch (void) { self.classname = "info_player_deathmatch"; relocate_spawnpoint(); } float spawn_allbad; float spawn_allgood; entity Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(entity firstspot, entity playerlist, float mindist, float teamcheck) { local entity spot, player, nextspot, previousspot, newfirstspot; local float pcount; spot = firstspot; newfirstspot = world; previousspot = world; spawn_allgood = TRUE; spawn_allbad = TRUE; while (spot) { nextspot = spot.chain; // count team mismatches as bad spots if (spot.team == teamcheck) { pcount = 0; player = playerlist; while (player) { if (player != self) if (vlen(player.origin - spot.origin) < mindist) pcount = pcount + 1; player = player.chain; } if (!pcount) { spawn_allbad = FALSE; if (newfirstspot) previousspot.chain = spot; else newfirstspot = spot; previousspot = spot; spot.chain = world; } else spawn_allgood = FALSE; } spot = nextspot; } // if we couldn't find ANY good points, return the original list if (!newfirstspot) newfirstspot = firstspot; return newfirstspot; } entity Spawn_RandomPoint(entity firstspot) { local entity spot; local float numspots; // count number of spots numspots = 0; spot = firstspot; while (spot) { numspots = numspots + 1; spot = spot.chain; } // pick a random one numspots = numspots * random(); spot = firstspot; while (spot.chain && numspots >= 1) { numspots = numspots - 1; spot = spot.chain; } return spot; } entity Spawn_FurthestPoint(entity firstspot, entity playerlist) { local entity best, spot, player; local float bestrating, rating; best = world; bestrating = -1000000; spot = firstspot; while (spot) { rating = 1000000000; player = playerlist; while (player) { if (player != self) rating = min(rating, vlen(player.origin - spot.origin)); player = player.chain; } rating = rating + random() * 16; if (bestrating < rating) { best = spot; bestrating = rating; } spot = spot.chain; } return best; } /* ============= SelectSpawnPoint Finds a point to respawn ============= */ entity SelectSpawnPoint (float anypoint) { local float teamcheck; local entity spot, firstspot, playerlist; spot = find (world, classname, "testplayerstart"); if (spot) return spot; teamcheck = 0; if(!anypoint && cvar("g_ctf") ) teamcheck = self.team; // get the list of players playerlist = findchain(classname, "player"); // get the entire list of spots firstspot = findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch"); // filter out the bad ones // (note this returns the original list if none survived) firstspot = Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(firstspot, playerlist, 100, teamcheck); // there is 50/50 chance of choosing a random spot or the furthest spot // (this means that roughly every other spawn will be furthest, so you // usually won't get fragged at spawn twice in a row) if (arena_roundbased) { firstspot = Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(firstspot, playerlist, 800, teamcheck); spot = Spawn_RandomPoint(firstspot); } else if (random() > 0.5 || spawn_allbad || spawn_allgood) spot = Spawn_RandomPoint(firstspot); else spot = Spawn_FurthestPoint(firstspot, playerlist); if (!spot) { if(cvar("spawn_debug")) GotoNextMap(); else error ("PutClientInServer: no start points on level"); } return spot; } /* ============= CheckPlayerModel Checks if the argument string can be a valid playermodel. Returns a valid one in doubt. ============= */ string FallbackPlayerModel = "models/player/marine.zym"; string CheckPlayerModel(string plyermodel) { if(strlen(plyermodel) < 4) return FallbackPlayerModel; if( substring(plyermodel,0,14) != "models/player/") return FallbackPlayerModel; else if(cvar("sv_servermodelsonly")) { if(substring(plyermodel,strlen(plyermodel)-4,4) != ".zym") return FallbackPlayerModel; if(!fexists(plyermodel)) return FallbackPlayerModel; } return plyermodel; } /* ============= Client_customizeentityforclient LOD reduction ============= */ float Client_customizeentityforclient() { #ifdef ALLOW_VARIABLE_LOD // self: me // other: the player viewing me float distance; float f; if(self.flags & FL_NOTARGET) // we don't need LOD for spectators return TRUE; if(other.cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction <= 0) { if(other.cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction <= -2) self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod2; else if(other.cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction <= -1) self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod1; else self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod0; } else { distance = vlen(self.origin - other.origin); f = (distance + 100.0) * other.cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction; if(f > 10000) self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod2; else if(f > 5000) self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod1; else self.modelindex = self.modelindex_lod0; } #endif return TRUE; } void setmodel_lod(entity e, string modelname) { #ifdef ALLOW_VARIABLE_LOD string s; s = strcat(substring(modelname, 0, strlen(modelname) - 4), "_1.zym"); if(fexists(s)) { precache_model(s); setmodel(e, s); // players have high precision self.modelindex_lod1 = self.modelindex; } else self.modelindex_lod1 = -1; s = strcat(substring(modelname, 0, strlen(modelname) - 4), "_2.zym"); if(fexists(s)) { precache_model(s); setmodel(e, s); // players have high precision self.modelindex_lod2 = self.modelindex; } else self.modelindex_lod2 = -1; precache_model(modelname); setmodel(e, modelname); // players have high precision self.modelindex_lod0 = self.modelindex; if(self.modelindex_lod1 < 0) self.modelindex_lod1 = self.modelindex; if(self.modelindex_lod2 < 0) self.modelindex_lod2 = self.modelindex; #else precache_model(modelname); setmodel(e, modelname); // players have high precision #endif } /* ============= PutObserverInServer putting a client as observer in the server ============= */ void PutObserverInServer (void) { entity spot; spot = SelectSpawnPoint (FALSE); RemoveGrapplingHook(self); // Wazat's Grappling Hook if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { msg_entity = self; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self); } DropAllRunes(self); kh_Key_DropAll(self, TRUE); if(self.flagcarried) DropFlag(self.flagcarried); WaypointSprite_PlayerDead(); DistributeFragsAmongTeam(self, self.team, 1); if(self.frags <= 0 && self.frags > -666 && cvar("g_lms") && self.killcount != -666) bprint ("^4", self.netname, "^4 has no more lives left\n"); else if(self.killcount != -666) bprint ("^4", self.netname, "^4 is spectating now\n"); self.classname = "observer"; self.health = -666; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; self.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET; self.armorvalue = 666; self.effects = 0; self.armorvalue = cvar("g_balance_armor_start"); self.pauserotarmor_finished = 0; self.pauserothealth_finished = 0; self.pauseregen_finished = 0; self.damageforcescale = 0; self.death_time = 0; self.dead_time = 0; self.dead_frame = 0; self.die_frame = 0; self.deaths = 0; self.alpha = 0; self.scale = 0; self.fade_time = 0; self.pain_frame = 0; self.pain_finished = 0; self.strength_finished = 0; self.invincible_finished = 0; self.pushltime = 0; self.think = SUB_Null; self.nextthink = 0; self.hook_time = 0; self.runes = 0; self.deadflag = DEAD_NO; self.angles = spot.angles; self.angles_z = 0; self.fixangle = TRUE; self.crouch = FALSE; self.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS; setorigin (self, spot.origin); setsize (self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); self.oldorigin = self.origin; self.items = 0; self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; self.weapon = 0; self.weaponmodel = ""; self.weaponentity = world; self.killcount = -666; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.punchangle = '0 0 0'; self.punchvector = '0 0 0'; self.oldvelocity = self.velocity; self.customizeentityforclient = Client_customizeentityforclient; if(cvar("g_arena")) { if(self.frags != -2) { Spawnqueue_Insert(self); } else { Spawnqueue_Unmark(self); Spawnqueue_Remove(self); } } else if(!cvar("g_lms")) self.frags = -666; } /* ============= PutClientInServer Called when a client spawns in the server ============= */ void PutClientInServer (void) { if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) { self.classname = "player"; } else if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { msg_entity = self; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self); } // player is dead and becomes observer if(cvar("g_lms") && self.frags < 1) self.classname = "observer"; if(cvar("g_arena")) if(!self.spawned) self.classname = "observer"; if(self.classname == "player") { entity spot; spot = SelectSpawnPoint (FALSE); RemoveGrapplingHook(self); // Wazat's Grappling Hook self.classname = "player"; self.iscreature = TRUE; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.flags = FL_CLIENT; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; self.effects = 0; self.air_finished = time + 12; self.dmg = 2; self.ammo_shells = start_ammo_shells; self.ammo_nails = start_ammo_nails; self.ammo_rockets = start_ammo_rockets; self.ammo_cells = start_ammo_cells; self.health = start_health; self.armorvalue = start_armorvalue; self.items = start_items; self.switchweapon = start_switchweapon; self.weapon = 0; self.jump_interval = time; self.spawnshieldtime = time + cvar("g_spawnshieldtime"); self.pauserotarmor_finished = time + cvar("g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn"); self.pauserothealth_finished = time + cvar("g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn"); self.pauseregen_finished = time + cvar("g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn"); self.damageforcescale = 2; self.death_time = 0; self.dead_time = 0; self.dead_frame = 0; self.die_frame = 0; self.alpha = 0; self.scale = 0; self.fade_time = 0; self.pain_frame = 0; self.pain_finished = 0; self.strength_finished = 0; self.invincible_finished = 0; self.pushltime = 0; //self.speed_finished = 0; //self.slowmo_finished = 0; // players have no think function self.think = SUB_Null; self.nextthink = 0; self.hook_time = 0; self.runes = 0; self.deadflag = DEAD_NO; self.angles = spot.angles; self.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to self.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.punchangle = '0 0 0'; self.punchvector = '0 0 0'; self.oldvelocity = self.velocity; self.viewzoom = 0.6; self.has_zoomed = 0; self.customizeentityforclient = Client_customizeentityforclient; if(cvar("sv_defaultcharacter") == 1) { local string defaultmodel; defaultmodel = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel"); setmodel_lod (self, defaultmodel); self.skin = stof(cvar_string("sv_defaultplayerskin")); } else { self.playermodel = CheckPlayerModel(self.playermodel); setmodel_lod (self, self.playermodel); if(teams_matter) { float s; s = stof(self.playerskin); if(s >= 0 && s < 3) self.skin = s; else if(s == 6) self.skin = 6; else self.skin = 0; } else self.skin = stof(self.playerskin); } if(!teams_matter) if(strlen(cvar_string("sv_defaultplayercolors"))) setcolor(self, cvar("sv_defaultplayercolors")); self.crouch = FALSE; self.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS; setsize (self, PL_MIN, PL_MAX); self.spawnorigin = spot.origin; setorigin (self, spot.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - self.mins_z - 24)); // don't reset back to last position, even if new position is stuck in solid self.oldorigin = self.origin; if(cvar("g_arena")) { Spawnqueue_Remove(self); Spawnqueue_Mark(self); } self.event_damage = PlayerDamage; self.bot_attack = TRUE; self.statdraintime = time + 5; self.button0 = self.button1 = self.button2 = self.button3 = 0; if(self.killcount == -666) { self.killcount = 0; if(!cvar("g_arena")) if(!cvar("g_lms")) self.frags = 0; } self.cnt = WEP_LASER; self.nixnex_lastchange_id = -1; CL_SpawnWeaponentity(); self.alpha = default_player_alpha; self.exteriorweaponentity.alpha = default_weapon_alpha; self.lms_nextcheck = time + cvar("g_lms_campcheck_interval")*2; self.lms_traveled_distance = 0; if(cvar("spawn_debug")) { sprint(self, strcat("spawnpoint origin: ", vtos(spot.origin), "\n")); remove(spot); // usefull for checking if there are spawnpoints, that let drop through the floor } //stuffcmd(self, "chase_active 0"); //stuffcmd(self, "set viewsize $tmpviewsize \n"); if (cvar("g_spawnsound")) sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "misc/spawn.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else if(self.classname == "observer") { PutObserverInServer (); } } /* ============= SetNewParms ============= */ void SetNewParms (void) { } /* ============= SetChangeParms ============= */ void SetChangeParms (void) { } /* ============= ClientKill Called when a client types 'kill' in the console ============= */ void ClientKill (void) { Damage(self, self, self, 100000, DEATH_KILL, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } void FixClientCvars(entity e) { // send prediction settings to the client stuffcmd(e, "\nin_bindmap 0 0\n"); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_gravity ", ftos(cvar("sv_gravity")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_accelerate ", ftos(cvar("sv_accelerate")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_friction ", ftos(cvar("sv_friction")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_maxspeed ", ftos(cvar("sv_maxspeed")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_airaccelerate ", ftos(cvar("sv_airaccelerate")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_maxairspeed ", ftos(cvar("sv_maxairspeed")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_stopspeed ", ftos(cvar("sv_stopspeed")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_jumpvelocity ", ftos(cvar("sv_jumpvelocity")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("cl_movement_stepheight ", ftos(cvar("sv_stepheight")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("set cl_movement_friction_on_land ", ftos(cvar("sv_friction_on_land")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("set cl_movement_airaccel_qw ", ftos(cvar("sv_airaccel_qw")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, strcat("set cl_movement_airaccel_sideways_friction ", ftos(cvar("sv_airaccel_sideways_friction")), "\n")); stuffcmd(e, "cl_movement_edgefriction 1\n"); } /* ============= ClientConnect Called when a client connects to the server ============= */ string ColoredTeamName(float t); //void dom_player_join_team(entity pl); void ClientConnect (void) { local string s; if(Ban_IsClientBanned(self)) { s = strcat("^1NOTE:^7 banned client ", self.netaddress, " just tried to enter\n"); dropclient(self); bprint(s); return; } self.classname = "player_joining"; self.flags = self.flags | FL_CLIENT; self.version_nagtime = time + 10 + random() * 10; if(player_count<0) { dprint("BUG player count is lower than zero, this cannot happen!\n"); player_count = 0; } bot_clientconnect(); //if(cvar("g_domination")) // dom_player_join_team(self); //JoinBestTeam(self, FALSE); if((cvar("sv_spectate") == 1 && !cvar("g_lms")) || cvar("g_campaign")) { self.classname = "observer"; } else { self.classname = "player"; campaign_bots_may_start = 1; } self.playerid = (playerid_last = playerid_last + 1); if(cvar("sv_eventlog")) { if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) s = "player"; else s = "bot"; GameLogEcho(strcat(":join:", ftos(self.playerid), ":", s, ":", self.netname), TRUE); s = strcat(":team:", ftos(self.playerid), ":"); s = strcat(s, ftos(self.team)); GameLogEcho(s, FALSE); } //stuffcmd(self, "set tmpviewsize $viewsize \n"); bprint ("^4",self.netname); bprint ("^4 connected"); if(cvar("g_domination") || cvar("g_ctf")) { bprint(" and joined the "); bprint(ColoredTeamName(self.team)); } bprint("\n"); self.welcomemessage_time = 0; stuffcmd(self, strcat("exec maps/", mapname, ".cfg\n")); // TODO: is this being used for anything else than cd tracks? // Remember: SVC_CDTRACK exists. Maybe it should be used. FixClientCvars(self); // waypoint sprites WaypointSprite_InitClient(self); // Wazat's grappling hook SetGrappleHookBindings(); // get autoswitch state from player when he toggles it stuffcmd(self, "alias autoswitch \"set cl_autoswitch $1 ; cmd autoswitch $1\"\n"); // get version info from player stuffcmd(self, "cmd clientversion $gameversion\n"); // get other cvars from player GetCvars(0); // set cvar for team scoreboard if (teams_matter) { local float t; t = cvar("teamplay"); // we have to stuff the correct teamplay value because if this is a listen server, this changes the teamplay mode of the server itself, which is bad stuffcmd(self, strcat("set teamplay ", ftos(t), "\n")); } else stuffcmd(self, "set teamplay 0\n"); if(cvar("g_lms")) { self.frags = cvar("fraglimit"); // no fraglimit was set, so player gets 999 lives if(self.frags < 1) self.frags = 999; self.frags = LMS_NewPlayerLives(); if(!self.frags) { self.frags = -666; } } else if(cvar("g_arena")) { self.classname = "observer"; Spawnqueue_Insert(self); } bot_relinkplayerlist(); self.jointime = time; } /* ============= ClientDisconnect Called when a client disconnects from the server ============= */ void(entity e) DropFlag; .entity chatbubbleentity; .entity teambubbleentity; void ClientDisconnect (void) { float save; if(cvar("sv_eventlog")) GameLogEcho(strcat(":part:", ftos(self.playerid)), FALSE); bprint ("^4",self.netname); bprint ("^4 disconnected\n"); if (self.chatbubbleentity) { remove (self.chatbubbleentity); self.chatbubbleentity = world; } if (self.teambubbleentity) { remove (self.teambubbleentity); self.teambubbleentity = world; } WaypointSprite_PlayerGone(); DropAllRunes(self); kh_Key_DropAll(self, TRUE); if(self.flagcarried) DropFlag(self.flagcarried); DistributeFragsAmongTeam(self, self.team, 1); save = self.flags; self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_CLIENT); bot_relinkplayerlist(); self.flags = save; // remove laserdot if(self.weaponentity) if(self.weaponentity.lasertarget) remove(self.weaponentity.lasertarget); if(cvar("g_arena")) { Spawnqueue_Unmark(self); Spawnqueue_Remove(self); } // free cvars GetCvars(-1); } .float buttonchat; void() ChatBubbleThink = { self.nextthink = time; if (!self.owner.modelindex || self.owner.chatbubbleentity != self) { self.owner.chatbubbleentity = world; remove(self); return; } setorigin(self, self.owner.origin + '0 0 15' + self.owner.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); if (self.owner.buttonchat && !self.owner.deadflag) self.model = self.mdl; else self.model = ""; }; void() UpdateChatBubble = { if (!self.modelindex) return; // spawn a chatbubble entity if needed if (!self.chatbubbleentity) { self.chatbubbleentity = spawn(); self.chatbubbleentity.owner = self; self.chatbubbleentity.exteriormodeltoclient = self; self.chatbubbleentity.think = ChatBubbleThink; self.chatbubbleentity.nextthink = time; setmodel(self.chatbubbleentity, "models/misc/chatbubble.spr"); // precision set below setorigin(self.chatbubbleentity, self.origin + '0 0 15' + self.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); self.chatbubbleentity.mdl = self.chatbubbleentity.model; self.chatbubbleentity.model = ""; self.chatbubbleentity.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; } } void() TeamBubbleThink = { self.nextthink = time; if (!self.owner.modelindex || self.owner.teambubbleentity != self) { self.owner.teambubbleentity = world; remove(self); return; } // setorigin(self, self.owner.origin + '0 0 15' + self.owner.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); // bandwidth hog. setattachment does this now if (self.owner.buttonchat || self.owner.deadflag) self.model = ""; else self.model = self.mdl; }; float() TeamBubble_customizeentityforclient { return (self.owner != other && self.owner.team == other.team && other.killcount > -666); } void() UpdateTeamBubble = { if (!self.modelindex || !cvar("teamplay")) return; // spawn a teambubble entity if needed if (!self.teambubbleentity && cvar("teamplay")) { self.teambubbleentity = spawn(); self.teambubbleentity.owner = self; self.teambubbleentity.exteriormodeltoclient = self; self.teambubbleentity.think = TeamBubbleThink; self.teambubbleentity.nextthink = time; setmodel(self.teambubbleentity, "models/misc/teambubble.spr"); // precision set below // setorigin(self.teambubbleentity, self.origin + '0 0 15' + self.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(self.teambubbleentity, self.teambubbleentity.origin + '0 0 15' + self.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); setattachment(self.teambubbleentity, self, ""); // sticks to moving player better, also conserves bandwidth self.teambubbleentity.mdl = self.teambubbleentity.model; self.teambubbleentity.model = self.teambubbleentity.mdl; self.teambubbleentity.customizeentityforclient = TeamBubble_customizeentityforclient; self.teambubbleentity.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; } } // LordHavoc: this hack will be removed when proper _pants/_shirt layers are // added to the model skins /*void() UpdateColorModHack = { local float c; c = self.clientcolors & 15; // LordHavoc: only bothering to support white, green, red, yellow, blue if (teamplay == 0) self.colormod = '0 0 0'; else if (c == 0) self.colormod = '1.00 1.00 1.00'; else if (c == 3) self.colormod = '0.10 1.73 0.10'; else if (c == 4) self.colormod = '1.73 0.10 0.10'; else if (c == 12) self.colormod = '1.22 1.22 0.10'; else if (c == 13) self.colormod = '0.10 0.10 1.73'; else self.colormod = '1 1 1'; };*/ void respawn(void) { CopyBody(1); PutClientInServer(); } void player_powerups (void) { if (cvar("g_minstagib")) { self.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT; if (self.items & IT_STRENGTH) { if (time > self.strength_finished) { self.alpha = default_player_alpha; self.exteriorweaponentity.alpha = default_weapon_alpha; self.items = self.items - (self.items & IT_STRENGTH); sprint(self, "^3Invisibility has worn off\n"); } } else { if (time < self.strength_finished) { self.alpha = cvar("g_minstagib_invis_alpha"); self.exteriorweaponentity.alpha = cvar("g_minstagib_invis_alpha"); self.items = self.items | IT_STRENGTH; sprint(self, "^3You are invisible\n"); } } if (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE) { if (time > self.invincible_finished) { self.items = self.items - (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE); sprint(self, "^3Speed has worn off\n"); } } else { if (time < self.invincible_finished) { self.items = self.items | IT_INVINCIBLE; sprint(self, "^3You are on speed\n"); } } return; } self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & (EF_RED | EF_BLUE | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT)); if (self.items & IT_STRENGTH) { self.effects = self.effects | (EF_BLUE | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); if (time > self.strength_finished) { self.items = self.items - (self.items & IT_STRENGTH); sprint(self, "^3Strength has worn off\n"); } } else { if (time < self.strength_finished) { self.items = self.items | IT_STRENGTH; sprint(self, "^3Strength infuses your weapons with devastating power\n"); } } if (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE) { self.effects = self.effects | (EF_RED | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); if (time > self.invincible_finished) { self.items = self.items - (self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE); sprint(self, "^3Shield has worn off\n"); } } else { if (time < self.invincible_finished) { self.items = self.items | IT_INVINCIBLE; sprint(self, "^3Shield surrounds you\n"); } } if (cvar("g_fullbrightplayers")) self.effects = self.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT; // midair gamemode: damage only while in the air // if in midair mode, being on ground grants temporary invulnerability // (this is so that multishot weapon don't clear the ground flag on the // first damage in the frame, leaving the player vulnerable to the // remaining hits in the same frame) if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) if (cvar("g_midair")) self.spawnshieldtime = max(self.spawnshieldtime, time + cvar("g_midair_shieldtime")); if (time < self.spawnshieldtime) self.effects = self.effects | (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); } float CalcRegen(float current, float stable, float regenfactor) { if(current > stable) return current; else if(current > stable - 0.25) // when close enough, "snap" return stable; else return min(stable, current + (stable - current) * regenfactor * frametime); } void player_regen (void) { float maxh, maxa, limith, limita, max_mod, regen_mod, rot_mod, limit_mod; maxh = cvar("g_balance_health_stable"); maxa = cvar("g_balance_armor_stable"); limith = cvar("g_balance_health_limit"); limita = cvar("g_balance_armor_limit"); if (cvar("g_minstagib") || (cvar("g_lms") && !cvar("g_lms_regenerate"))) return; max_mod = regen_mod = rot_mod = limit_mod = 1; if (self.runes & RUNE_REGEN) { if (self.runes & CURSE_VENOM) // do we have both rune/curse? { regen_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_combo_regenrate"); max_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_combo_hpmod"); limit_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_combo_limitmod"); } else { regen_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_regenrate"); max_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_hpmod"); limit_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_limitmod"); } } else if (self.runes & CURSE_VENOM) { max_mod = cvar("g_balance_curse_venom_hpmod"); if (self.runes & RUNE_REGEN) // do we have both rune/curse? rot_mod = cvar("g_balance_rune_regen_combo_rotrate"); else rot_mod = cvar("g_balance_curse_venom_rotrate"); limit_mod = cvar("g_balance_curse_venom_limitmod"); //if (!self.runes & RUNE_REGEN) // rot_mod = cvar("g_balance_curse_venom_rotrate"); } maxh = maxh * max_mod; //maxa = maxa * max_mod; limith = limith * limit_mod; limita = limita * limit_mod; if (self.armorvalue > maxa) { if (time > self.pauserotarmor_finished) { self.armorvalue = max(maxa, self.armorvalue + (maxa - self.armorvalue) * cvar("g_balance_armor_rot") * frametime); self.armorvalue = max(maxa, self.armorvalue - cvar("g_balance_armor_rotlinear") * frametime); } } else if (self.armorvalue < maxa) { if (time > self.pauseregen_finished) { self.armorvalue = CalcRegen(self.armorvalue, maxa, cvar("g_balance_armor_regen")); self.armorvalue = min(maxa, self.armorvalue + cvar("g_balance_armor_regenlinear") * frametime); } } if (self.health > maxh) { if (time > self.pauserothealth_finished) { self.health = max(maxh, self.health + (maxh - self.health) * rot_mod*cvar("g_balance_health_rot") * frametime); self.health = max(maxh, self.health - rot_mod*cvar("g_balance_health_rotlinear") * frametime); } } else if (self.health < maxh) { if (time > self.pauseregen_finished) { self.health = CalcRegen(self.health, maxh, regen_mod * cvar("g_balance_health_regen")); self.health = min(maxh, self.health + regen_mod*cvar("g_balance_health_regenlinear") * frametime); } } if (self.health > limith) self.health = limith; if (self.armorvalue > limita) self.armorvalue = limita; // if player rotted to death... die! if(self.health < 1) self.event_damage(self, self, 1, DEATH_ROT, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } /* ====================== spectate mode routines ====================== */ void SpectateCopy(entity spectatee) { self.armortype = spectatee.armortype; self.armorvalue = spectatee.armorvalue; self.currentammo = spectatee.currentammo; self.effects = spectatee.effects; self.health = spectatee.health; self.impulse = 0; self.items = spectatee.items; self.punchangle = spectatee.punchangle; self.view_ofs = spectatee.view_ofs; self.v_angle = spectatee.v_angle; self.viewzoom = spectatee.viewzoom; setorigin(self, spectatee.origin); setsize(self, spectatee.mins, spectatee.maxs); } void SpectateUpdate() { if(!self.enemy) PutObserverInServer(); if (self != self.enemy) { if(self.enemy.flags & FL_NOTARGET) PutObserverInServer(); SpectateCopy(self.enemy); self.dmg_take = self.enemy.dmg_take; self.dmg_save = self.enemy.dmg_save; self.dmg_inflictor = self.enemy.dmg_inflictor; self.fixangle = TRUE; self.angles = self.enemy.v_angle; //msg_entity = self; //WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLE); //WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.enemy.v_angle_x); //WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.enemy.v_angle_y); //WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.enemy.v_angle_z); } } float SpectateNext() { other = find(self.enemy, classname, "player"); if (!other) { other = find(other, classname, "player"); } if (other) { self.enemy = other; } if(self.enemy.classname == "player") { msg_entity = self; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self.enemy); //stuffcmd(self, "set viewsize $tmpviewsize \n"); SpectateUpdate(); return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* ============= ShowRespawnCountdown() Update a respawn countdown display. ============= */ void ShowRespawnCountdown() { float number; if(self.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // just respawned? return; else { number = ceil(self.death_time - time); if(number <= 0) return; if(number <= self.respawn_countdown) { self.respawn_countdown = number - 1; if(ceil(self.death_time - (time + 0.5)) == number) // only say it if it is the same number even in 0.5s; to prevent overlapping sounds play2(self, strcat("announcer/robotic/", ftos(number), ".ogg")); } } } void LeaveSpectatorMode() { if(!cvar("teamplay") || cvar("g_campaign") || cvar("g_balance_teams")) { self.classname = "player"; if(cvar("g_campaign") || cvar("g_balance_teams")) JoinBestTeam(self, 0); if(cvar("g_campaign")) campaign_bots_may_start = 1; PutClientInServer(); if(!(self.flags & FL_NOTARGET)) bprint ("^4", self.netname, "^4 is playing now\n"); centerprint(self,""); return; } else { stuffcmd(self,"menu_showteamselect\n"); return; } } /* ============= PlayerPreThink Called every frame for each client before the physics are run ============= */ void() ctf_setstatus; .float vote_nagtime; void PlayerPreThink (void) { // version nagging if(self.version_nagtime) if(self.cvar_g_nexuizversion) if(time > self.version_nagtime) { if(strstr(self.cvar_g_nexuizversion, "svn", 0) < 0) if(self.cvar_g_nexuizversion != cvar_string("g_nexuizversion")) { dprint("^1NOTE^7 to ", self.netname, "^7 - the server is running ^3Nexuiz ", cvar_string("g_nexuizversion"), "^7, you have ^3Nexuiz ", self.cvar_g_nexuizversion, "\n"); sprint(self, strcat("\{1}^1NOTE: ^7the server is running ^3Nexuiz ", cvar_string("g_nexuizversion"), "^7, you have ^3Nexuiz ", self.cvar_g_nexuizversion, "\n")); } self.version_nagtime = 0; } // vote nagging if(self.cvar_scr_centertime) if(time > self.vote_nagtime) { VoteNag(); self.vote_nagtime = time + self.cvar_scr_centertime * 0.6; } // GOD MODE info if(!(self.flags & FL_GODMODE)) if(self.max_armorvalue) { sprint(self, strcat("godmode saved you ", ftos(self.max_armorvalue), " units of damage, cheater!\n")); self.max_armorvalue = 0; } if(self.classname == "player") { local vector m1, m2; // if(self.netname == "Wazat") // bprint(self.classname, "\n"); CheckRules_Player(); if(self.button7) PrintWelcomeMessage(self); if(cvar("g_lms") || !cvar("sv_spectate")) if((time - self.jointime) <= cvar("welcome_message_time")) PrintWelcomeMessage(self); if (intermission_running) { IntermissionThink (); // otherwise a button could be missed between return; // the think tics } if(time > self.teleport_time) { self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_NODRAW); if(self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity.flags = self.weaponentity.flags - (self.weaponentity.flags & EF_NODRAW); } Nixnex_GiveCurrentWeapon(); UpdateSelectedPlayer(); if (self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { float button_pressed, force_respawn; player_anim(); button_pressed = (self.button0 || self.button2 || self.button3 || self.button6 || self.buttonuse); force_respawn = (cvar("g_lms") || cvar("g_forced_respawn")); if (self.deadflag == DEAD_DYING) { if(force_respawn) self.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; else if(!button_pressed) self.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; } else if (self.deadflag == DEAD_DEAD) { if(button_pressed) self.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNABLE; } else if (self.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNABLE) { if(!button_pressed) self.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; } else if (self.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNING) { if(time > self.death_time) respawn(); } ShowRespawnCountdown(); return; } if(cvar("g_lms") && !self.deadflag && cvar("g_lms_campcheck_interval")) { vector dist; // calculate player movement (in 2 dimensions only, so jumping on one spot doesn't count as movement) dist = self.oldorigin - self.origin; dist_z = 0; self.lms_traveled_distance += fabs(vlen(dist)); if(cvar("g_campaign")) if(!campaign_bots_may_start) { self.lms_nextcheck = time + cvar("g_lms_campcheck_interval")*2; self.lms_traveled_distance = 0; } if(time > self.lms_nextcheck) { //sprint(self, "distance: ", ftos(self.lms_traveled_distance), "\n"); if(self.lms_traveled_distance < cvar("g_lms_campcheck_distance")) { centerprint(self, cvar_string("g_lms_campcheck_message")); // FIXME KadaverJack: gibbing player here causes playermodel to bounce around, instead of eye.md3 // I wasn't able to find out WHY that happens, so I put a workaround in place that shall prevent players from being gibbed :( Damage(self, self, self, bound(0, cvar("g_lms_campcheck_damage"), self.health + self.armorvalue * cvar("g_balance_armor_blockpercent") + 5), DEATH_CAMP, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } self.lms_nextcheck = time + cvar("g_lms_campcheck_interval"); self.lms_traveled_distance = 0; } } if (self.button5 && !self.hook.state) { if (!self.crouch) { self.crouch = TRUE; self.view_ofs = PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS; setsize (self, PL_CROUCH_MIN, PL_CROUCH_MAX); } } else { if (self.crouch) { tracebox(self.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, self.origin, FALSE, self); if (!trace_startsolid) { self.crouch = FALSE; self.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS; setsize (self, PL_MIN, PL_MAX); } } } if(cvar("sv_defaultcharacter") == 1) { local string defaultmodel; defaultmodel = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel"); if (defaultmodel != self.model) { m1 = self.mins; m2 = self.maxs; setmodel_lod (self, defaultmodel); setsize (self, m1, m2); } if (self.skin != cvar("sv_defaultplayerskin")) self.skin = cvar("sv_defaultplayerskin"); } else { if (self.playermodel != self.model) { self.playermodel = CheckPlayerModel(self.playermodel); m1 = self.mins; m2 = self.maxs; setmodel_lod (self, self.playermodel); setsize (self, m1, m2); } if(teams_matter) { if (self.skin != math_mod(stof(self.playerskin), NUM_PLAYERSKINS_TEAMPLAY)) self.skin = math_mod(stof(self.playerskin), NUM_PLAYERSKINS_TEAMPLAY); } else { if (self.skin != stof(self.playerskin)) self.skin = stof(self.playerskin); } } if(!teams_matter) if(strlen(cvar_string("sv_defaultplayercolors"))) if(self.clientcolors != cvar("sv_defaultplayercolors")) setcolor(self, cvar("sv_defaultplayercolors")); GrapplingHookFrame(); W_WeaponFrame(); { float zoomfactor, zoomspeed, zoomdir; zoomfactor = self.cvar_cl_zoomfactor; if(zoomfactor < 1 || zoomfactor > 16) zoomfactor = 2.5; zoomspeed = self.cvar_cl_zoomspeed; if(zoomspeed >= 0) // < 0 is instant zoom if(zoomspeed < 0.5 || zoomspeed > 16) zoomspeed = 3.5; zoomdir = self.button4; if(self.button3) if(self.weapon == WEP_NEX) if(!cvar("g_minstagib")) zoomdir = 1; if(zoomdir) self.has_zoomed = 1; if(self.has_zoomed) { if(zoomspeed <= 0) // instant zoom { if(zoomdir) self.viewzoom = 1 / zoomfactor; else self.viewzoom = 1; } else { // geometric zoom would be: // self.viewzoom = bound(1 / zoomfactor, self.viewzoom * pow(zoomfactor, (zoomdir ? -1 : 1) * frametime * zoomspeed), 1); // however, testing showed that arithmetic/harmonic zoom works better if(zoomdir) // self.viewzoom = 1 / bound(1, 1 / self.viewzoom + (zoomdir ? 1 : -1) * frametime * zoomspeed * (zoomfactor - 1), zoomfactor); // zoom in = arithmetic: 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, ..., 8x self.viewzoom = 1 / bound(1, 1 / self.viewzoom + frametime * zoomspeed * (zoomfactor - 1), zoomfactor); else // self.viewzoom = bound(1 / zoomfactor, self.viewzoom + (zoomdir ? -1 : 1) * frametime * zoomspeed * (1 - 1 / zoomfactor), 1); // zoom out = harmonic: 8/1x, 8/2x, 8/3x, 8/4x, ..., 8/8x self.viewzoom = bound(1 / zoomfactor, self.viewzoom + frametime * zoomspeed * (1 - 1 / zoomfactor), 1); } } else self.viewzoom = min(1, self.viewzoom + frametime); // spawn zoom-in } player_powerups(); player_regen(); player_anim(); if (cvar("g_minstagib")) minstagib_ammocheck(); ctf_setstatus(); kh_setstatus(); //self.angles_y=self.v_angle_y + 90; // temp //if (TetrisPreFrame()) return; } else if(gameover) { if (intermission_running) IntermissionThink (); // otherwise a button could be missed between return; } else if(self.classname == "observer") { if (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) { if (self.button2 && self.version == cvar("gameversion")) { self.welcomemessage_time = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_JUMPRELEASED; LeaveSpectatorMode(); return; } else if(self.button0 && self.version == cvar("gameversion")) { self.welcomemessage_time = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(SpectateNext() == 1) { self.classname = "spectator"; } } } else { if (!(self.button0 || self.button2)) { self.flags = self.flags | FL_JUMPRELEASED; } } PrintWelcomeMessage(self); } else if(self.classname == "spectator") { if (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) { if (self.button2 && self.version == cvar("gameversion")) { self.welcomemessage_time = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_JUMPRELEASED; LeaveSpectatorMode(); return; } else if(self.button0) { self.welcomemessage_time = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(SpectateNext() == 1) { self.classname = "spectator"; } else { self.classname = "observer"; PutClientInServer(); } } else if (self.button3) { self.welcomemessage_time = 0; self.flags = self.flags - FL_JUMPRELEASED; self.classname = "observer"; PutClientInServer(); } else { SpectateUpdate(); } } else { if (!(self.button0 || self.button3)) { self.flags = self.flags | FL_JUMPRELEASED; } } PrintWelcomeMessage(self); self.flags = self.flags | FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET; } } /* ============= PlayerPostThink Called every frame for each client after the physics are run ============= */ void PlayerPostThink (void) { // Savage: Check for nameless players if (strlen(self.netname) < 1) { self.netname = "Player"; stuffcmd(self, "seta _cl_name Player\n"); } if(self.classname == "player") { CheckRules_Player(); UpdateChatBubble(); UpdateTeamBubble(); if (self.impulse) ImpulseCommands (); if (intermission_running) return; // intermission or finale //PrintWelcomeMessage(self); //if (TetrisPostFrame()) return; } else if (self.classname == "observer") { //do nothing } else if (self.classname == "spectator") { //do nothing } Arena_Warmup(); }