// create a new spawnfunc_waypoint and automatically link it to other waypoints, and link // them back to it as well // (suitable for spawnfunc_waypoint editor) entity waypoint_spawn(vector m1, vector m2, float f) { local entity w; local vector org; w = find(world, classname, "waypoint"); if not(f & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL) while (w) { // if a matching spawnfunc_waypoint already exists, don't add a duplicate if (boxesoverlap(m1, m2, w.absmin, w.absmax)) return w; w = find(w, classname, "waypoint"); } w = spawn(); w.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; w.classname = "waypoint"; w.wpflags = f; setorigin(w, (m1 + m2) * 0.5); setsize(w, m1 - w.origin, m2 - w.origin); if (vlen(w.size) > 0) w.wpisbox = TRUE; if(!(f & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)) if(!w.wpisbox) { traceline(w.origin + '0 0 1', w.origin + PL_MIN_z * '0 0 1' - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, w); if (trace_fraction < 1) setorigin(w, trace_endpos - PL_MIN_z * '0 0 1'); // check if the start position is stuck tracebox(w.origin, PL_MIN + '-1 -1 -1', PL_MAX + '1 1 1', w.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, w); if (trace_startsolid) { org = w.origin + '0 0 26'; tracebox(org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { org = w.origin + '2 2 2'; tracebox(org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { org = w.origin + '-2 -2 2'; tracebox(org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { org = w.origin + '-2 2 2'; tracebox(org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { org = w.origin + '2 -2 2'; tracebox(org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { // this WP is in solid, refuse it dprint("Killed a waypoint that was stuck in solid at ", vtos(org), "\n"); remove(w); return world; } } } } } setorigin(w, org * 0.05 + trace_endpos * 0.95); // don't trust the trace fully } tracebox(w.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, w.origin - '0 0 128', MOVE_WORLDONLY, w); if(trace_startsolid) { dprint("Killed a waypoint that was stuck in solid ", vtos(w.origin), "\n"); remove(w); return world; } if (!trace_inwater) { if(trace_fraction == 1) { dprint("Killed a waypoint that was stuck in air at ", vtos(w.origin), "\n"); remove(w); return world; } trace_endpos_z += 0.1; // don't trust the trace fully // dprint("Moved waypoint at ", vtos(w.origin), " by ", ftos(vlen(w.origin - trace_endpos))); // dprint(" direction: ", vtos((trace_endpos - w.origin)), "\n"); setorigin(w, trace_endpos); } } waypoint_clearlinks(w); //waypoint_schedulerelink(w); if (cvar("g_waypointeditor")) { m1 = w.mins; m2 = w.maxs; setmodel(w, "models/runematch/rune.mdl"); w.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; setsize(w, m1, m2); if (w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM) w.colormod = '1 0 0'; else if (w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED) w.colormod = '1 1 0'; else w.colormod = '1 1 1'; } else w.model = ""; return w; }; // add a new link to the spawnfunc_waypoint, replacing the furthest link it already has void waypoint_addlink(entity from, entity to) { local float c; if (from == to) return; if (from.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK) return; if (from.wp00 == to) return;if (from.wp01 == to) return;if (from.wp02 == to) return;if (from.wp03 == to) return; if (from.wp04 == to) return;if (from.wp05 == to) return;if (from.wp06 == to) return;if (from.wp07 == to) return; if (from.wp08 == to) return;if (from.wp09 == to) return;if (from.wp10 == to) return;if (from.wp11 == to) return; if (from.wp12 == to) return;if (from.wp13 == to) return;if (from.wp14 == to) return;if (from.wp15 == to) return; if (from.wp16 == to) return;if (from.wp17 == to) return;if (from.wp18 == to) return;if (from.wp19 == to) return; if (from.wp20 == to) return;if (from.wp21 == to) return;if (from.wp22 == to) return;if (from.wp23 == to) return; if (from.wp24 == to) return;if (from.wp25 == to) return;if (from.wp26 == to) return;if (from.wp27 == to) return; if (from.wp28 == to) return;if (from.wp29 == to) return;if (from.wp30 == to) return;if (from.wp31 == to) return; if (to.wpisbox || from.wpisbox) { // if either is a box we have to find the nearest points on them to // calculate the distance properly local vector v1, v2, m1, m2; v1 = from.origin; m1 = to.absmin; m2 = to.absmax; v1_x = bound(m1_x, v1_x, m2_x); v1_y = bound(m1_y, v1_y, m2_y); v1_z = bound(m1_z, v1_z, m2_z); v2 = to.origin; m1 = from.absmin; m2 = from.absmax; v2_x = bound(m1_x, v2_x, m2_x); v2_y = bound(m1_y, v2_y, m2_y); v2_z = bound(m1_z, v2_z, m2_z); v2 = to.origin; c = vlen(v2 - v1); } else c = vlen(to.origin - from.origin); if (from.wp31mincost < c) return; if (from.wp30mincost < c) {from.wp31 = to;from.wp31mincost = c;return;} from.wp31 = from.wp30;from.wp31mincost = from.wp30mincost; if (from.wp29mincost < c) {from.wp30 = to;from.wp30mincost = c;return;} from.wp30 = from.wp29;from.wp30mincost = from.wp29mincost; if (from.wp28mincost < c) {from.wp29 = to;from.wp29mincost = c;return;} from.wp29 = from.wp28;from.wp29mincost = from.wp28mincost; if (from.wp27mincost < c) {from.wp28 = to;from.wp28mincost = c;return;} from.wp28 = from.wp27;from.wp28mincost = from.wp27mincost; if (from.wp26mincost < c) {from.wp27 = to;from.wp27mincost = c;return;} from.wp27 = from.wp26;from.wp27mincost = from.wp26mincost; if (from.wp25mincost < c) {from.wp26 = to;from.wp26mincost = c;return;} from.wp26 = from.wp25;from.wp26mincost = from.wp25mincost; if (from.wp24mincost < c) {from.wp25 = to;from.wp25mincost = c;return;} from.wp25 = from.wp24;from.wp25mincost = from.wp24mincost; if (from.wp23mincost < c) {from.wp24 = to;from.wp24mincost = c;return;} from.wp24 = from.wp23;from.wp24mincost = from.wp23mincost; if (from.wp22mincost < c) {from.wp23 = to;from.wp23mincost = c;return;} from.wp23 = from.wp22;from.wp23mincost = from.wp22mincost; if (from.wp21mincost < c) {from.wp22 = to;from.wp22mincost = c;return;} from.wp22 = from.wp21;from.wp22mincost = from.wp21mincost; if (from.wp20mincost < c) {from.wp21 = to;from.wp21mincost = c;return;} from.wp21 = from.wp20;from.wp21mincost = from.wp20mincost; if (from.wp19mincost < c) {from.wp20 = to;from.wp20mincost = c;return;} from.wp20 = from.wp19;from.wp20mincost = from.wp19mincost; if (from.wp18mincost < c) {from.wp19 = to;from.wp19mincost = c;return;} from.wp19 = from.wp18;from.wp19mincost = from.wp18mincost; if (from.wp17mincost < c) {from.wp18 = to;from.wp18mincost = c;return;} from.wp18 = from.wp17;from.wp18mincost = from.wp17mincost; if (from.wp16mincost < c) {from.wp17 = to;from.wp17mincost = c;return;} from.wp17 = from.wp16;from.wp17mincost = from.wp16mincost; if (from.wp15mincost < c) {from.wp16 = to;from.wp16mincost = c;return;} from.wp16 = from.wp15;from.wp16mincost = from.wp15mincost; if (from.wp14mincost < c) {from.wp15 = to;from.wp15mincost = c;return;} from.wp15 = from.wp14;from.wp15mincost = from.wp14mincost; if (from.wp13mincost < c) {from.wp14 = to;from.wp14mincost = c;return;} from.wp14 = from.wp13;from.wp14mincost = from.wp13mincost; if (from.wp12mincost < c) {from.wp13 = to;from.wp13mincost = c;return;} from.wp13 = from.wp12;from.wp13mincost = from.wp12mincost; if (from.wp11mincost < c) {from.wp12 = to;from.wp12mincost = c;return;} from.wp12 = from.wp11;from.wp12mincost = from.wp11mincost; if (from.wp10mincost < c) {from.wp11 = to;from.wp11mincost = c;return;} from.wp11 = from.wp10;from.wp11mincost = from.wp10mincost; if (from.wp09mincost < c) {from.wp10 = to;from.wp10mincost = c;return;} from.wp10 = from.wp09;from.wp10mincost = from.wp09mincost; if (from.wp08mincost < c) {from.wp09 = to;from.wp09mincost = c;return;} from.wp09 = from.wp08;from.wp09mincost = from.wp08mincost; if (from.wp07mincost < c) {from.wp08 = to;from.wp08mincost = c;return;} from.wp08 = from.wp07;from.wp08mincost = from.wp07mincost; if (from.wp06mincost < c) {from.wp07 = to;from.wp07mincost = c;return;} from.wp07 = from.wp06;from.wp07mincost = from.wp06mincost; if (from.wp05mincost < c) {from.wp06 = to;from.wp06mincost = c;return;} from.wp06 = from.wp05;from.wp06mincost = from.wp05mincost; if (from.wp04mincost < c) {from.wp05 = to;from.wp05mincost = c;return;} from.wp05 = from.wp04;from.wp05mincost = from.wp04mincost; if (from.wp03mincost < c) {from.wp04 = to;from.wp04mincost = c;return;} from.wp04 = from.wp03;from.wp04mincost = from.wp03mincost; if (from.wp02mincost < c) {from.wp03 = to;from.wp03mincost = c;return;} from.wp03 = from.wp02;from.wp03mincost = from.wp02mincost; if (from.wp01mincost < c) {from.wp02 = to;from.wp02mincost = c;return;} from.wp02 = from.wp01;from.wp02mincost = from.wp01mincost; if (from.wp00mincost < c) {from.wp01 = to;from.wp01mincost = c;return;} from.wp01 = from.wp00;from.wp01mincost = from.wp00mincost; from.wp00 = to;from.wp00mincost = c;return; }; // relink this spawnfunc_waypoint // (precompile a list of all reachable waypoints from this spawnfunc_waypoint) // (SLOW!) void waypoint_think() { local entity e; local vector sv, sm1, sm2, ev, em1, em2, dv; stepheightvec = cvar("sv_stepheight") * '0 0 1'; bot_navigation_movemode = ((cvar("bot_navigation_ignoreplayers")) ? MOVE_NOMONSTERS : MOVE_NORMAL); //dprint("waypoint_think wpisbox = ", ftos(self.wpisbox), "\n"); sm1 = self.origin + self.mins; sm2 = self.origin + self.maxs; for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "waypoint")); ) { if (boxesoverlap(self.absmin, self.absmax, e.absmin, e.absmax)) { waypoint_addlink(self, e); waypoint_addlink(e, self); } else { ++relink_total; if(!checkpvs(self.origin, e)) { ++relink_pvsculled; continue; } sv = e.origin; sv_x = bound(sm1_x, sv_x, sm2_x); sv_y = bound(sm1_y, sv_y, sm2_y); sv_z = bound(sm1_z, sv_z, sm2_z); ev = self.origin; em1 = e.origin + e.mins; em2 = e.origin + e.maxs; ev_x = bound(em1_x, ev_x, em2_x); ev_y = bound(em1_y, ev_y, em2_y); ev_z = bound(em1_z, ev_z, em2_z); dv = ev - sv; dv_z = 0; if (vlen(dv) >= 1050) // max search distance in XY { ++relink_lengthculled; continue; } navigation_testtracewalk = 0; if (!self.wpisbox) { tracebox(sv - PL_MIN_z * '0 0 1', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, sv, FALSE, self); if (!trace_startsolid) { //dprint("sv deviation", vtos(trace_endpos - sv), "\n"); sv = trace_endpos + '0 0 1'; } } if (!e.wpisbox) { tracebox(ev - PL_MIN_z * '0 0 1', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, ev, FALSE, e); if (!trace_startsolid) { //dprint("ev deviation", vtos(trace_endpos - ev), "\n"); ev = trace_endpos + '0 0 1'; } } //traceline(self.origin, e.origin, FALSE, world); //if (trace_fraction == 1) if (!self.wpisbox && tracewalk(self, sv, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, ev, MOVE_NOMONSTERS)) waypoint_addlink(self, e); else relink_walkculled += 0.5; if (!e.wpisbox && tracewalk(e, ev, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, sv, MOVE_NOMONSTERS)) waypoint_addlink(e, self); else relink_walkculled += 0.5; } } navigation_testtracewalk = 0; self.wplinked = TRUE; }; void waypoint_clearlinks(entity wp) { // clear links to other waypoints local float f; f = 10000000; wp.wp00 = wp.wp01 = wp.wp02 = wp.wp03 = wp.wp04 = wp.wp05 = wp.wp06 = wp.wp07 = world; wp.wp08 = wp.wp09 = wp.wp10 = wp.wp11 = wp.wp12 = wp.wp13 = wp.wp14 = wp.wp15 = world; wp.wp16 = wp.wp17 = wp.wp18 = wp.wp19 = wp.wp20 = wp.wp21 = wp.wp22 = wp.wp23 = world; wp.wp24 = wp.wp25 = wp.wp26 = wp.wp27 = wp.wp28 = wp.wp29 = wp.wp30 = wp.wp31 = world; wp.wp00mincost = wp.wp01mincost = wp.wp02mincost = wp.wp03mincost = wp.wp04mincost = wp.wp05mincost = wp.wp06mincost = wp.wp07mincost = f; wp.wp08mincost = wp.wp09mincost = wp.wp10mincost = wp.wp11mincost = wp.wp12mincost = wp.wp13mincost = wp.wp14mincost = wp.wp15mincost = f; wp.wp16mincost = wp.wp17mincost = wp.wp18mincost = wp.wp19mincost = wp.wp20mincost = wp.wp21mincost = wp.wp22mincost = wp.wp23mincost = f; wp.wp24mincost = wp.wp25mincost = wp.wp26mincost = wp.wp27mincost = wp.wp28mincost = wp.wp29mincost = wp.wp30mincost = wp.wp31mincost = f; wp.wplinked = FALSE; }; // tell a spawnfunc_waypoint to relink void waypoint_schedulerelink(entity wp) { if (wp == world) return; // TODO: add some sort of visible box in edit mode for box waypoints if (cvar("g_waypointeditor")) { local vector m1, m2; m1 = wp.mins; m2 = wp.maxs; setmodel(wp, "models/runematch/rune.mdl"); wp.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; setsize(wp, m1, m2); if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM) wp.colormod = '1 0 0'; else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED) wp.colormod = '1 1 0'; else wp.colormod = '1 1 1'; } else wp.model = ""; wp.wpisbox = vlen(wp.size) > 0; wp.enemy = world; if (!(wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL)) wp.owner = world; if (!(wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK)) waypoint_clearlinks(wp); // schedule an actual relink on next frame wp.think = waypoint_think; wp.nextthink = time; wp.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; } // spawnfunc_waypoint map entity void spawnfunc_waypoint() { setorigin(self, self.origin); // schedule a relink after other waypoints have had a chance to spawn waypoint_clearlinks(self); //waypoint_schedulerelink(self); }; // remove a spawnfunc_waypoint, and schedule all neighbors to relink void waypoint_remove(entity e) { // tell all linked waypoints that they need to relink waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp00); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp01); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp02); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp03); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp04); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp05); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp06); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp07); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp08); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp09); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp10); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp11); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp12); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp13); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp14); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp15); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp16); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp17); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp18); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp19); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp20); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp21); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp22); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp23); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp24); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp25); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp26); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp27); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp28); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp29); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp30); waypoint_schedulerelink(e.wp31); // and now remove the spawnfunc_waypoint remove(e); }; // empties the map of waypoints void waypoint_removeall() { local entity head, next; head = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (head) { next = head.chain; remove(head); head = next; } }; // tell all waypoints to relink // (is this useful at all?) void waypoint_schedulerelinkall() { local entity head; relink_total = relink_walkculled = relink_pvsculled = relink_lengthculled = 0; head = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (head) { waypoint_schedulerelink(head); head = head.chain; } }; // Load waypoint links from file float waypoint_load_links() { local string filename, s; local float file, tokens, c, found; local entity wp_from, wp_to; local vector wp_to_pos, wp_from_pos; filename = strcat("maps/", mapname); filename = strcat(filename, ".waypoints.cache"); file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ); if (file < 0) { dprint("waypoint links load from "); dprint(filename); dprint(" failed\n"); return FALSE; } while (1) { s = fgets(file); if (!s) break; tokens = tokenizebyseparator(s, "*"); if (tokens!=2) { // bad file format fclose(file); return FALSE; } wp_from_pos = stov(argv(0)); wp_to_pos = stov(argv(1)); // Search "from" waypoint if(wp_from.origin!=wp_from_pos) { wp_from = findradius(wp_from_pos, 1); found = FALSE; while(wp_from) { if(vlen(wp_from.origin-wp_from_pos)<1) if(wp_from.classname == "waypoint") { found = TRUE; break; } wp_from = wp_from.chain; } if(!found) { // can't find that waypoint fclose(file); return FALSE; } } // Search "to" waypoint wp_to = findradius(wp_to_pos, 1); found = FALSE; while(wp_to) { if(vlen(wp_to.origin-wp_to_pos)<1) if(wp_to.classname == "waypoint") { found = TRUE; break; } wp_to = wp_to.chain; } if(!found) { // can't find that waypoint fclose(file); return FALSE; } ++c; waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to); } fclose(file); dprint("loaded "); dprint(ftos(c)); dprint(" waypoint links from maps/"); dprint(mapname); dprint(".waypoints.cache\n"); botframe_cachedwaypointlinks = TRUE; return TRUE; }; void waypoint_load_links_hardwired() { local string filename, s; local float file, tokens, c, found; local entity wp_from, wp_to; local vector wp_to_pos, wp_from_pos; filename = strcat("maps/", mapname); filename = strcat(filename, ".waypoints.hardwired"); file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ); botframe_loadedforcedlinks = TRUE; if (file < 0) { dprint("waypoint links load from "); dprint(filename); dprint(" failed\n"); return; } for (;;) { s = fgets(file); if (!s) break; if(substring(s, 0, 2)=="//") continue; if(substring(s, 0, 1)=="#") continue; tokens = tokenizebyseparator(s, "*"); if (tokens!=2) continue; wp_from_pos = stov(argv(0)); wp_to_pos = stov(argv(1)); // Search "from" waypoint if(wp_from.origin!=wp_from_pos) { wp_from = findradius(wp_from_pos, 1); found = FALSE; while(wp_from) { if(vlen(wp_from.origin-wp_from_pos)<1) if(wp_from.classname == "waypoint") { found = TRUE; break; } wp_from = wp_from.chain; } if(!found) { print(strcat("NOTICE: Can not find waypoint at ", vtos(wp_from_pos), ". Path skipped\n")); continue; } } // Search "to" waypoint wp_to = findradius(wp_to_pos, 1); found = FALSE; while(wp_to) { if(vlen(wp_to.origin-wp_to_pos)<1) if(wp_to.classname == "waypoint") { found = TRUE; break; } wp_to = wp_to.chain; } if(!found) { print(strcat("NOTICE: Can not find waypoint at ", vtos(wp_to_pos), ". Path skipped\n")); continue; } ++c; waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to); } fclose(file); dprint("loaded "); dprint(ftos(c)); dprint(" waypoint links from maps/"); dprint(mapname); dprint(".waypoints.hardwired\n"); }; // Save all waypoint links to a file void waypoint_save_links() { local string filename, s; local float file, c, i; local entity w, link; filename = strcat("maps/", mapname); filename = strcat(filename, ".waypoints.cache"); file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE); if (file < 0) { print("waypoint links save to "); print(filename); print(" failed\n"); } c = 0; w = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (w) { for(i=0;i<32;++i) { // :S switch(i) { // for i in $(seq -w 0 31); do echo "case $i:link = w.wp$i; break;"; done; case 00:link = w.wp00; break; case 01:link = w.wp01; break; case 02:link = w.wp02; break; case 03:link = w.wp03; break; case 04:link = w.wp04; break; case 05:link = w.wp05; break; case 06:link = w.wp06; break; case 07:link = w.wp07; break; case 08:link = w.wp08; break; case 09:link = w.wp09; break; case 10:link = w.wp10; break; case 11:link = w.wp11; break; case 12:link = w.wp12; break; case 13:link = w.wp13; break; case 14:link = w.wp14; break; case 15:link = w.wp15; break; case 16:link = w.wp16; break; case 17:link = w.wp17; break; case 18:link = w.wp18; break; case 19:link = w.wp19; break; case 20:link = w.wp20; break; case 21:link = w.wp21; break; case 22:link = w.wp22; break; case 23:link = w.wp23; break; case 24:link = w.wp24; break; case 25:link = w.wp25; break; case 26:link = w.wp26; break; case 27:link = w.wp27; break; case 28:link = w.wp28; break; case 29:link = w.wp29; break; case 30:link = w.wp30; break; case 31:link = w.wp31; break; } if(link==world) continue; s = strcat(vtos(w.origin), "*", vtos(link.origin), "\n"); fputs(file, s); ++c; } w = w.chain; } fclose(file); botframe_cachedwaypointlinks = TRUE; print("saved "); print(ftos(c)); print(" waypoints links to maps/"); print(mapname); print(".waypoints.cache\n"); }; // save waypoints to gamedir/data/maps/mapname.waypoints void waypoint_saveall() { local string filename, s; local float file, c; local entity w; filename = strcat("maps/", mapname); filename = strcat(filename, ".waypoints"); file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE); if (file >= 0) { c = 0; w = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (w) { if (!(w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)) { s = strcat(vtos(w.origin + w.mins), "\n"); s = strcat(s, vtos(w.origin + w.maxs)); s = strcat(s, "\n"); s = strcat(s, ftos(w.wpflags)); s = strcat(s, "\n"); fputs(file, s); c = c + 1; } w = w.chain; } fclose(file); bprint("saved "); bprint(ftos(c)); bprint(" waypoints to maps/"); bprint(mapname); bprint(".waypoints\n"); } else { bprint("waypoint save to "); bprint(filename); bprint(" failed\n"); } waypoint_save_links(); botframe_loadedforcedlinks = FALSE; }; // load waypoints from file float waypoint_loadall() { local string filename, s; local float file, cwp, cwb, fl; local vector m1, m2; cwp = 0; cwb = 0; filename = strcat("maps/", mapname); filename = strcat(filename, ".waypoints"); file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ); if (file >= 0) { while (1) { s = fgets(file); if (!s) break; m1 = stov(s); s = fgets(file); if (!s) break; m2 = stov(s); s = fgets(file); if (!s) break; fl = stof(s); waypoint_spawn(m1, m2, fl); if (m1 == m2) cwp = cwp + 1; else cwb = cwb + 1; } fclose(file); dprint("loaded "); dprint(ftos(cwp)); dprint(" waypoints and "); dprint(ftos(cwb)); dprint(" wayboxes from maps/"); dprint(mapname); dprint(".waypoints\n"); } else { dprint("waypoint load from "); dprint(filename); dprint(" failed\n"); } return cwp + cwb; }; void waypoint_spawnforitem_force(entity e, vector org) { local entity w; // Fix the waypoint altitude if necessary traceline(org, org + '0 0 -65535', TRUE, e); if( org_z - trace_endpos_z > PL_MAX_z - PL_MIN_z + 10 // If middle of entiy is above player heigth || org_z - trace_endpos_z < (PL_MAX_z - PL_MIN_z) * 0.5 // or below half player height ) org_z = trace_endpos_z + PL_MAX_z - PL_MIN_z; // don't spawn an item spawnfunc_waypoint if it already exists w = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (w) { if (w.wpisbox) { if (boxesoverlap(org, org, w.absmin, w.absmax)) { e.nearestwaypoint = w; return; } } else { if (vlen(w.origin - org) < 16) { e.nearestwaypoint = w; return; } } w = w.chain; } e.nearestwaypoint = waypoint_spawn(org, org, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM); } void waypoint_spawnforitem(entity e) { if(!bot_waypoints_for_items) return; waypoint_spawnforitem_force(e, e.origin); }; void waypoint_spawnforteleporter(entity e, vector destination, float timetaken) { local entity w; local entity dw; w = waypoint_spawn(e.absmin, e.absmax, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT | WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK); dw = waypoint_spawn(destination, destination, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED); // one way link to the destination w.wp00 = dw; w.wp00mincost = timetaken; // this is just for jump pads // the teleporter's nearest spawnfunc_waypoint is this one // (teleporters are not goals, so this is probably useless) e.nearestwaypoint = w; e.nearestwaypointtimeout = time + 1000000000; }; entity waypoint_spawnpersonal(vector position) { entity w; // drop the waypoint to a proper location: // first move it up by a player height // then move it down to hit the floor with player bbox size traceline(position, position + '0 0 1' * (PL_MAX_z - PL_MIN_z), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, world); tracebox(trace_endpos, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, trace_endpos + '0 0 -1024', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, world); if(trace_fraction < 1) position = trace_endpos; w = waypoint_spawn(position, position, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL); w.nearestwaypoint = world; w.nearestwaypointtimeout = 0; w.owner = self; waypoint_schedulerelink(w); return w; }; void botframe_showwaypointlinks() { local entity player, head, w; if (time < botframe_waypointeditorlightningtime) return; botframe_waypointeditorlightningtime = time + 0.5; player = find(world, classname, "player"); while (player) { if (!player.isbot) if (player.flags & FL_ONGROUND || player.waterlevel > WATERLEVEL_NONE) { //navigation_testtracewalk = TRUE; head = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(player, FALSE); // print("currently selected WP is ", etos(head), "\n"); //navigation_testtracewalk = FALSE; if (head) { w = head ;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, player.origin); w = head.wp00;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp01;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp02;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp03;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp04;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp05;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp06;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp07;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp08;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp09;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp10;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp11;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp12;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp13;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp14;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp15;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp16;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp17;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp18;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp19;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp20;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp21;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp22;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp23;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp24;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp25;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp26;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp27;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp28;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp29;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp30;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); w = head.wp31;if (w) te_lightning2(world, w.origin, head.origin); } } player = find(player, classname, "player"); } };