// rough simulation of walking from one point to another to test if a path // can be traveled, used for waypoint linking and havocbot float tracewalk(entity e, vector start, vector m1, vector m2, vector end, float movemode) { local vector org; local vector move; local vector dir; local float dist; local float totaldist; local float stepdist; local float yaw; local float ignorehazards; local float swimming; #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugresetnodes(); debugnode(start); #endif move = end - start; move_z = 0; org = start; dist = totaldist = vlen(move); dir = normalize(move); stepdist = 32; ignorehazards = FALSE; // Analyze starting point traceline(start, start, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_dpstartcontents & (DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA)) ignorehazards = TRUE; else { traceline( start, start + '0 0 -65536', MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_dpstartcontents & (DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA)) { ignorehazards = TRUE; swimming = TRUE; } } tracebox(start, m1, m2, start, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, e); if (trace_startsolid) { // Bad start #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(start, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL); #endif //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " is a bad start\n"); return FALSE; } // Movement loop yaw = vectoyaw(move); move = end - org; for (;;) { if (boxesoverlap(end, end, org + m1 + '-1 -1 -1', org + m2 + '1 1 1')) { // Succeeded #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_SUCCESS); #endif //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " can reach ", vtos(end), "\n"); return TRUE; } #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnode(org); #endif if (dist <= 0) break; if (stepdist > dist) stepdist = dist; dist = dist - stepdist; traceline(org, org, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (!ignorehazards) { if (trace_dpstartcontents & (DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA)) { // hazards blocking path #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL); #endif //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " hits a hazard when trying to reach ", vtos(end), "\n"); return FALSE; } } if (trace_dpstartcontents & DPCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK) { move = normalize(end - org); tracebox(org, m1, m2, org + move * stepdist, movemode, e); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnode(trace_endpos); #endif if (trace_fraction < 1) { swimming = TRUE; org = trace_endpos - normalize(org - trace_endpos) * stepdist; for(; org_z < end_z + self.maxs_z; org_z += stepdist) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnode(org); #endif if(pointcontents(org) == CONTENT_EMPTY) break; } if not (pointcontents(org + '0 0 1') == CONTENT_EMPTY) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL); #endif return FALSE; //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " failed under water\n"); } continue; } else org = trace_endpos; } else { move = dir * stepdist + org; tracebox(org, m1, m2, move, movemode, e); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnode(trace_endpos); #endif // hit something if (trace_fraction < 1) { // check if we can walk over this obstacle tracebox(org + stepheightvec, m1, m2, move + stepheightvec, movemode, e); if (trace_fraction < 1 || trace_startsolid) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(trace_endpos, DEBUG_NODE_WARNING); #endif // check for doors traceline( org, move, movemode, e); if ( trace_ent.classname == "door_rotating" || trace_ent.classname == "door") { local vector nextmove; move = trace_endpos; while(trace_ent.classname == "door_rotating" || trace_ent.classname == "door") { nextmove = move + (dir * stepdist); traceline( move, nextmove, movemode, e); move = nextmove; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(trace_endpos, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL); #endif //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " hit something when trying to reach ", vtos(end), "\n"); //te_explosion(trace_endpos); //print(ftos(e.dphitcontentsmask), "\n"); return FALSE; // failed } } else move = trace_endpos; } else move = trace_endpos; // trace down from stepheight as far as possible and move there, // if this starts in solid we try again without the stepup, and // if that also fails we assume it is a wall // (this is the same logic as the Quake walkmove function used) tracebox(move, m1, m2, move + '0 0 -65536', movemode, e); // moved successfully if(swimming) { local float c; c = pointcontents(org + '0 0 1'); if not(c == CONTENT_WATER || c == CONTENT_LAVA || c == CONTENT_SLIME) swimming = FALSE; else continue; } org = trace_endpos; } } //print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " did not arrive at ", vtos(end), " but at ", vtos(org), "\n"); // moved but didn't arrive at the intended destination #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL); #endif return FALSE; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // goal stack ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // completely empty the goal stack, used when deciding where to go void navigation_clearroute() { //print("bot ", etos(self), " clear\n"); self.navigation_hasgoals = FALSE; self.goalcurrent = world; self.goalstack01 = world; self.goalstack02 = world; self.goalstack03 = world; self.goalstack04 = world; self.goalstack05 = world; self.goalstack06 = world; self.goalstack07 = world; self.goalstack08 = world; self.goalstack09 = world; self.goalstack10 = world; self.goalstack11 = world; self.goalstack12 = world; self.goalstack13 = world; self.goalstack14 = world; self.goalstack15 = world; self.goalstack16 = world; self.goalstack17 = world; self.goalstack18 = world; self.goalstack19 = world; self.goalstack20 = world; self.goalstack21 = world; self.goalstack22 = world; self.goalstack23 = world; self.goalstack24 = world; self.goalstack25 = world; self.goalstack26 = world; self.goalstack27 = world; self.goalstack28 = world; self.goalstack29 = world; self.goalstack30 = world; self.goalstack31 = world; }; // add a new goal at the beginning of the stack // (in other words: add a new prerequisite before going to the later goals) void navigation_pushroute(entity e) { //print("bot ", etos(self), " push ", etos(e), "\n"); self.goalstack31 = self.goalstack30; self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack29; self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack28; self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack27; self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack26; self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack25; self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack24; self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack23; self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack22; self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack21; self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack20; self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack19; self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack18; self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack17; self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack16; self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack15; self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack14; self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack13; self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack12; self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack11; self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack10; self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack09; self.goalstack09 = self.goalstack08; self.goalstack08 = self.goalstack07; self.goalstack07 = self.goalstack06; self.goalstack06 = self.goalstack05; self.goalstack05 = self.goalstack04; self.goalstack04 = self.goalstack03; self.goalstack03 = self.goalstack02; self.goalstack02 = self.goalstack01; self.goalstack01 = self.goalcurrent; self.goalcurrent = e; }; // remove first goal from stack // (in other words: remove a prerequisite for reaching the later goals) // (used when a spawnfunc_waypoint is reached) void navigation_poproute() { //print("bot ", etos(self), " pop\n"); self.goalcurrent = self.goalstack01; self.goalstack01 = self.goalstack02; self.goalstack02 = self.goalstack03; self.goalstack03 = self.goalstack04; self.goalstack04 = self.goalstack05; self.goalstack05 = self.goalstack06; self.goalstack06 = self.goalstack07; self.goalstack07 = self.goalstack08; self.goalstack08 = self.goalstack09; self.goalstack09 = self.goalstack10; self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack11; self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack12; self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack13; self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack14; self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack15; self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack16; self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack17; self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack18; self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack19; self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack20; self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack21; self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack22; self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack23; self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack24; self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack25; self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack26; self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack27; self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack28; self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack29; self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack30; self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack31; self.goalstack31 = world; }; // find the spawnfunc_waypoint near a dynamic goal such as a dropped weapon entity navigation_findnearestwaypoint(entity ent, float walkfromwp) { local entity waylist, w, best; local float dist, bestdist; local vector v, org, pm1, pm2; pm1 = ent.origin + PL_MIN; pm2 = ent.origin + PL_MAX; waylist = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); // do two scans, because box test is cheaper w = waylist; while (w) { // if object is touching spawnfunc_waypoint if(w != ent) if (boxesoverlap(pm1, pm2, w.absmin, w.absmax)) return w; w = w.chain; } org = ent.origin + (ent.mins_z - PL_MIN_z) * '0 0 1'; if(ent.tag_entity) org = org + ent.tag_entity.origin; if (navigation_testtracewalk) te_plasmaburn(org); best = world; bestdist = 1050; // box check failed, try walk w = waylist; while (w) { // if object can walk from spawnfunc_waypoint if(w != ent) { if (w.wpisbox) { local vector wm1, wm2; wm1 = w.origin + w.mins; wm2 = w.origin + w.maxs; v_x = bound(wm1_x, org_x, wm2_x); v_y = bound(wm1_y, org_y, wm2_y); v_z = bound(wm1_z, org_z, wm2_z); } else v = w.origin; dist = vlen(v - org); if (bestdist > dist) { traceline(v, org, TRUE, ent); if (trace_fraction == 1) { if (walkfromwp) { //print("^1can I reach ", vtos(org), " from ", vtos(v), "?\n"); if (tracewalk(ent, v, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, org, bot_navigation_movemode)) { bestdist = dist; best = w; } } else { if (tracewalk(ent, org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, v, bot_navigation_movemode)) { bestdist = dist; best = w; } } } } } w = w.chain; } return best; } // finds the waypoints near the bot initiating a navigation query float navigation_markroutes_nearestwaypoints(entity waylist, float maxdist) { local entity head; local vector v, m1, m2, diff; local float c; // navigation_testtracewalk = TRUE; c = 0; head = waylist; while (head) { if (!head.wpconsidered) { if (head.wpisbox) { m1 = head.origin + head.mins; m2 = head.origin + head.maxs; v = self.origin; v_x = bound(m1_x, v_x, m2_x); v_y = bound(m1_y, v_y, m2_y); v_z = bound(m1_z, v_z, m2_z); } else v = head.origin; diff = v - self.origin; diff_z = max(0, diff_z); if (vlen(diff) < maxdist) { head.wpconsidered = TRUE; if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, v, bot_navigation_movemode)) { head.wpnearestpoint = v; head.wpcost = vlen(v - self.origin) + head.dmg; head.wpfire = 1; head.enemy = world; c = c + 1; } } } head = head.chain; } //navigation_testtracewalk = FALSE; return c; } // updates a path link if a spawnfunc_waypoint link is better than the current one void navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(entity w, entity wp, float cost2, vector p) { local vector m1; local vector m2; local vector v; if (wp.wpisbox) { m1 = wp.absmin; m2 = wp.absmax; v_x = bound(m1_x, p_x, m2_x); v_y = bound(m1_y, p_y, m2_y); v_z = bound(m1_z, p_z, m2_z); } else v = wp.origin; cost2 = cost2 + vlen(v - p); if (wp.wpcost > cost2) { wp.wpcost = cost2; wp.enemy = w; wp.wpfire = 1; wp.wpnearestpoint = v; } }; // queries the entire spawnfunc_waypoint network for pathes leading away from the bot void navigation_markroutes() { local entity w, wp, waylist; local float searching, cost, cost2; local vector p; w = waylist = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); while (w) { w.wpconsidered = FALSE; w.wpnearestpoint = '0 0 0'; w.wpcost = 10000000; w.wpfire = 0; w.enemy = world; w = w.chain; } // try a short range search for the nearest waypoints, and expand the search repeatedly if none are found // as this search is expensive we will use lower values if the bot is on the air local float i, increment, maxdistance; if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { increment = 750; maxdistance = 50000; } else { increment = 500; maxdistance = 1500; } for(i=increment;!navigation_markroutes_nearestwaypoints(waylist, i)&&i cost2 + w.wp00mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp01;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp01mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp02;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp02mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp03;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp03mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp04;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp04mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp05;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp05mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp06;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp06mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp07;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp07mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp08;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp08mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp09;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp09mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp10;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp10mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp11;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp11mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp12;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp12mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp13;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp13mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp14;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp14mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp15;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp15mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp16;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp16mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp17;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp17mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp18;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp18mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp19;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp19mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp20;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp20mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp21;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp21mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp22;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp22mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp23;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp23mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp24;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp24mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp25;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp25mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp26;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp26mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp27;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp27mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp28;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp28mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp29;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp29mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp30;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp30mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); wp = w.wp31;if (wp){cost2 = cost + wp.dmg;if (wp.wpcost > cost2 + w.wp31mincost) navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(w, wp, cost2, p); }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} } w = w.chain; } } }; void navigation_bestgoals_reset() { local float i; bestgoalswindex = 0; bestgoalsrindex = 0; for(i=0;i>MAX_BESTGOALS-1;++i) { navigation_bestgoals[i] = world; } } void navigation_add_bestgoal(entity goal) { if(bestgoalsrindex>0) { ++bestgoalsrindex; if(bestgoalsrindex==MAX_BESTGOALS) bestgoalsrindex = 0; } if(bestgoalswindex==MAX_BESTGOALS) { bestgoalswindex=0; if(bestgoalsrindex==0) bestgoalsrindex=1; } navigation_bestgoals[bestgoalswindex] = goal; ++bestgoalswindex; } entity navigation_get_bestgoal() { local entity ent; ent = navigation_bestgoals[bestgoalsrindex]; navigation_bestgoals[bestgoalsrindex] = world; ++bestgoalsrindex; if(bestgoalsrindex==MAX_BESTGOALS) bestgoalsrindex = 0; return ent; } // updates the best goal according to a weighted calculation of travel cost and item value of a new proposed item void navigation_routerating(entity e, float f, float rangebias) { entity nwp; if (!e) return; // Evaluate path using jetpack if(g_jetpack) if(self.items & IT_JETPACK) if(cvar("bot_ai_navigation_jetpack")) if(vlen(self.origin - e.origin) > cvar("bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance")) { vector pointa, pointb; // dprint("jetpack ai: evaluating path for ", e.classname,"\n"); // Point A traceline(self.origin, self.origin + '0 0 65535', MOVE_NORMAL, self); pointa = trace_endpos - '0 0 1'; // Point B traceline(e.origin, e.origin + '0 0 65535', MOVE_NORMAL, e); pointb = trace_endpos - '0 0 1'; // Can I see these two points from the sky? traceline(pointa, pointb, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_fraction==1) { // dprint("jetpack ai: can bridge these two points\n"); // Lower the altitude of these points as much as possible local float zdistance, xydistance, cost, t, fuel; local vector down, npa, npb; down = '0 0 -1' * (PL_MAX_z - PL_MIN_z) * 10; do{ npa = pointa + down; npb = pointb + down; if(npa_z<=self.absmax_z) break; if(npb_z<=e.absmax_z) break; traceline(npa, npb, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_fraction==1) { pointa = npa; pointb = npb; } } while(trace_fraction == 1); // Rough estimation of fuel consumption // (ignores acceleration and current xyz velocity) xydistance = vlen(pointa - pointb); zdistance = fabs(pointa_z - self.origin_z); t = zdistance / cvar("g_jetpack_maxspeed_up"); t += xydistance / cvar("g_jetpack_maxspeed_side"); fuel = t * cvar("g_jetpack_fuel") * 0.8; // dprint("jetpack ai: required fuel ", ftos(fuel), " self.ammo_fuel ", ftos(self.ammo_fuel),"\n"); // enough fuel ? if(self.ammo_fuel>fuel) { // Estimate cost // (as onground costs calculation is mostly based on distances, here we do the same establishing some relationship // - between air and ground speeds) cost = xydistance / (cvar("g_jetpack_maxspeed_side")/cvar("sv_maxspeed")); cost += zdistance / (cvar("g_jetpack_maxspeed_up")/cvar("sv_maxspeed")); cost *= 1.5; // Compare against other goals f = f * rangebias / (rangebias + cost); if (navigation_bestrating < f) { // dprint("jetpack path: added goal", e.classname, " (with rating ", ftos(f), ")\n"); navigation_bestrating = f; navigation_add_bestgoal(e); self.navigation_jetpack_goal = e; self.navigation_jetpack_point = pointb; } return; } } } //te_wizspike(e.origin); //bprint(etos(e)); //bprint("\n"); // update the cached spawnfunc_waypoint link on a dynamic item entity if(e.classname == "waypoint" && !(e.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL)) { nwp = e; } else { if (time > e.nearestwaypointtimeout) { e.nearestwaypoint = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(e, TRUE); // TODO: Cleaner solution, probably handling this timeout from ctf.qc if(e.classname=="item_flag_team") e.nearestwaypointtimeout = time + 2; else e.nearestwaypointtimeout = time + random() * 3 + 5; } nwp = e.nearestwaypoint; } //dprint("-- checking ", e.classname, " (with cost ", ftos(nwp.wpcost), ")\n"); if (nwp) if (nwp.wpcost < 10000000) { //te_wizspike(nwp.wpnearestpoint); // dprint(e.classname, " ", ftos(f), "/(1+", ftos((nwp.wpcost + vlen(e.origin - nwp.wpnearestpoint))), "/", ftos(rangebias), ") = "); f = f * rangebias / (rangebias + (nwp.wpcost + vlen(e.origin - nwp.wpnearestpoint))); //dprint("considering ", e.classname, " (with rating ", ftos(f), ")\n"); //dprint(ftos(f)); if (navigation_bestrating < f) { // dprint("ground path: added goal ", e.classname, " (with rating ", ftos(f), ")\n"); navigation_bestrating = f; navigation_add_bestgoal(e); } } //dprint("\n"); }; // adds an item to the the goal stack with the path to a given item float navigation_routetogoal(entity e, vector startposition) { self.goalentity = e; // if there is no goal, just exit if (!e) return FALSE; self.navigation_hasgoals = TRUE; // put the entity on the goal stack navigation_pushroute(e); if(g_jetpack) if(e==self.navigation_jetpack_goal) return TRUE; // if it can reach the goal there is nothing more to do if (tracewalk(self, startposition, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, e.origin, bot_navigation_movemode)) return TRUE; // see if there are waypoints describing a path to the item if(e.classname != "waypoint" || (e.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL)) e = e.nearestwaypoint; else e = e.enemy; // we already have added it, so... if(e == world) return FALSE; for (;;) { // add the spawnfunc_waypoint to the path navigation_pushroute(e); e = e.enemy; if(e==world) break; } return FALSE; }; void navigation_routetogoals() { entity g1, g2; navigation_clearroute(); g1 = navigation_get_bestgoal(); for(;;) { if(g2==world) g2 = navigation_get_bestgoal(); if(g2==world) { navigation_routetogoal(g1, self.origin); return; } if(navigation_routetogoal(g1, g2.origin)) { g1 = g2; g2 = world; continue; } navigation_clearroute(); g1 = g2; g2 = world; } } // removes any currently touching waypoints from the goal stack // (this is how bots detect if they reached a goal) void navigation_poptouchedgoals() { local vector org, m1, m2; org = self.origin; m1 = org + self.mins; m2 = org + self.maxs; if(self.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT) { if(self.lastteleporttime>0) if(time-self.lastteleporttime<0.15) { navigation_poproute(); return; } } // Loose goal touching check when running if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_RUNNING) if(self.goalcurrent.classname=="waypoint") { if(vlen(self.origin - self.goalcurrent.origin)<150) { traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs , self.goalcurrent.origin, TRUE, world); if(trace_fraction==1) { // Detect personal waypoints if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING) if(self.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL && self.goalcurrent.owner==self) { self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_REACHED; } navigation_poproute(); } } } while (self.goalcurrent && boxesoverlap(m1, m2, self.goalcurrent.absmin, self.goalcurrent.absmax)) { // Detect personal waypoints if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING) if(self.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL && self.goalcurrent.owner==self) { self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_REACHED; } navigation_poproute(); } } // begin a goal selection session (queries spawnfunc_waypoint network) void navigation_goalrating_start() { self.navigation_jetpack_goal = world; navigation_bestrating = -1; self.navigation_hasgoals = FALSE; navigation_bestgoals_reset(); navigation_markroutes(); }; // ends a goal selection session (updates goal stack to the best goal) void navigation_goalrating_end() { navigation_routetogoals(); // dprint("best goal ", self.goalcurrent.classname , "\n"); // Hack: if it can't walk to any goal just move blindly to the first visible waypoint if not (self.navigation_hasgoals) { dprint(self.netname, " can't walk to any goal, going to a near waypoint\n"); entity head; RandomSelection_Init(); head = findradius(self.origin,1000); while(head) { if(head.classname=="waypoint") if(!(head.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)) if(vlen(self.origin-head.origin)>100) if(checkpvs(self.view_ofs,head)) RandomSelection_Add(head, 0, string_null, 1 + (vlen(self.origin-head.origin)<500), 0); head = head.chain; } if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) navigation_routetogoal(RandomSelection_chosen_ent, self.origin); self.navigation_hasgoals = FALSE; // Reset this value } }; void botframe_updatedangerousobjects(float maxupdate) { local entity head, bot_dodgelist; local vector m1, m2, v; local float c, d, danger; c = 0; bot_dodgelist = findchainfloat(bot_dodge, TRUE); botframe_dangerwaypoint = find(botframe_dangerwaypoint, classname, "waypoint"); while (botframe_dangerwaypoint != world) { danger = 0; m1 = botframe_dangerwaypoint.mins; m2 = botframe_dangerwaypoint.maxs; head = bot_dodgelist; while (head) { v = head.origin; v_x = bound(m1_x, v_x, m2_x); v_y = bound(m1_y, v_y, m2_y); v_z = bound(m1_z, v_z, m2_z); d = head.bot_dodgerating - vlen(head.origin - v); if (d > 0) { traceline(head.origin, v, TRUE, world); if (trace_fraction == 1) danger = danger + d; } head = head.chain; } botframe_dangerwaypoint.dmg = danger; c = c + 1; if (c >= maxupdate) break; botframe_dangerwaypoint = find(botframe_dangerwaypoint, classname, "waypoint"); } }; #ifdef DEBUG_TRACEWALK void debugresetnodes() { debuglastnode = '0 0 0'; } void debugnode(vector node) { if not(self.classname=="player") return; if(debuglastnode=='0 0 0') { debuglastnode = node; return; } te_lightning2(world, node, debuglastnode); debuglastnode = node; } void debugnodestatus(vector position, float status) { vector color; switch (status) { case DEBUG_NODE_SUCCESS: color = '0 15 0'; break; case DEBUG_NODE_WARNING: color = '15 15 0'; break; case DEBUG_NODE_FAIL: color = '15 0 0'; break; default: color = '15 15 15'; } te_customflash(position, 40, 2, color); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_BOT_GOALSTACK .float goalcounter; .vector lastposition; // Debug the goal stack visually void debuggoalstack() { local entity target; local vector org; if(self.goalcounter==0)target=self.goalcurrent; else if(self.goalcounter==1)target=self.goalstack01; else if(self.goalcounter==2)target=self.goalstack02; else if(self.goalcounter==3)target=self.goalstack03; else if(self.goalcounter==4)target=self.goalstack04; else if(self.goalcounter==5)target=self.goalstack05; else if(self.goalcounter==6)target=self.goalstack06; else if(self.goalcounter==7)target=self.goalstack07; else if(self.goalcounter==8)target=self.goalstack08; else if(self.goalcounter==9)target=self.goalstack09; else if(self.goalcounter==10)target=self.goalstack10; else if(self.goalcounter==11)target=self.goalstack11; else if(self.goalcounter==12)target=self.goalstack12; else if(self.goalcounter==13)target=self.goalstack13; else if(self.goalcounter==14)target=self.goalstack14; else if(self.goalcounter==15)target=self.goalstack15; else if(self.goalcounter==16)target=self.goalstack16; else if(self.goalcounter==17)target=self.goalstack17; else if(self.goalcounter==18)target=self.goalstack18; else if(self.goalcounter==19)target=self.goalstack19; else if(self.goalcounter==20)target=self.goalstack20; else if(self.goalcounter==21)target=self.goalstack21; else if(self.goalcounter==22)target=self.goalstack22; else if(self.goalcounter==23)target=self.goalstack23; else if(self.goalcounter==24)target=self.goalstack24; else if(self.goalcounter==25)target=self.goalstack25; else if(self.goalcounter==26)target=self.goalstack26; else if(self.goalcounter==27)target=self.goalstack27; else if(self.goalcounter==28)target=self.goalstack28; else if(self.goalcounter==29)target=self.goalstack29; else if(self.goalcounter==30)target=self.goalstack30; else if(self.goalcounter==31)target=self.goalstack31; if(target==world) { self.goalcounter = 0; self.lastposition='0 0 0'; return; } if(self.lastposition=='0 0 0') org = self.origin; else org = self.lastposition; te_lightning2(world, org, target.origin); self.lastposition = target.origin; self.goalcounter++; } #endif