#include "havocbot.qh" #include "role_ctf.qc" #include "role_onslaught.qc" #include "role_keyhunt.qc" #include "roles.qc" void havocbot_ai() { if(self.draggedby) return; if(bot_execute_commands()) return; if (bot_strategytoken == self) if (!bot_strategytoken_taken) { if(self.havocbot_blockhead) { self.havocbot_blockhead = FALSE; } else { self.havocbot_role(); } // TODO: tracewalk() should take care of this job (better path finding under water) // if we don't have a goal and we're under water look for a waypoint near the "shore" and push it if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) if(self.goalcurrent==world) if(self.waterlevel==WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING || self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER) { // Look for the closest waypoint out of water local entity newgoal, head; local float bestdistance, distance; newgoal = world; bestdistance = 10000; for (head = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); head; head = head.chain) { distance = vlen(head.origin - self.origin); if(distance>10000) continue; if(head.origin_z < self.origin_z) continue; if(head.origin_z - self.origin_z - self.view_ofs_z > 100) continue; if (pointcontents(head.origin + head.maxs + '0 0 1') != CONTENT_EMPTY) continue; traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs , head.origin, TRUE, head); if(trace_fraction<1) continue; if(distance= 4.5, all cases allowed if (keyboard_x > trigger) { keyboard_x = 1; if (sk < 2.5) keyboard_y = 0; } else if (keyboard_x < trigger1 && sk > 1.5) { keyboard_x = -1; if (sk < 4.5) keyboard_y = 0; } else { keyboard_x = 0; if (sk < 1.5) keyboard_y = 0; } if (sk < 4.5) keyboard_z = 0; if (keyboard_y > trigger) keyboard_y = 1; else if (keyboard_y < trigger1) keyboard_y = -1; else keyboard_y = 0; if (keyboard_z > trigger) keyboard_z = 1; else if (keyboard_z < trigger1) keyboard_z = -1; else keyboard_z = 0; self.havocbot_keyboard = keyboard * maxspeed; if (self.havocbot_ducktime>time) self.BUTTON_CROUCH=TRUE; keyboard = self.havocbot_keyboard; blend = bound(0,vlen(destorg-self.origin)/cvar("bot_ai_keyboard_distance"),1); // When getting close move with 360 degree //dprint("movement ", vtos(self.movement), " keyboard ", vtos(keyboard), " blend ", ftos(blend), "\n"); self.movement = self.movement + (keyboard - self.movement) * blend; }; void havocbot_bunnyhop(vector dir) { local float bunnyhopdistance; local vector deviation; local float maxspeed; if(cvar("g_midair")) return; // Don't jump when using some weapons if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_ATTACKING) if(self.weapon & WEP_CAMPINGRIFLE) return; if(self.goalcurrent.classname == "player") return; maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed"); if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_DANGER_AHEAD) { self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_RUNNING; self.BUTTON_JUMP = FALSE; self.bot_canruntogoal = 0; self.bot_timelastseengoal = 0; return; } if(self.waterlevel > WATERLEVEL_WETFEET) { self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_RUNNING; return; } if(self.bot_lastseengoal != self.goalcurrent && !(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_RUNNING)) { self.bot_canruntogoal = 0; self.bot_timelastseengoal = 0; } bunnyhopdistance = vlen(self.origin - self.goalcurrent.origin); // Run only to visible goals if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) if(self.speed==maxspeed) if(checkpvs(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.goalcurrent)) { self.bot_lastseengoal = self.goalcurrent; // seen it before if(self.bot_timelastseengoal) { // for a period of time if(time - self.bot_timelastseengoal > cvar("bot_ai_bunnyhop_firstjumpdelay")) { local float checkdistance; checkdistance = TRUE; // don't run if it is too close if(self.bot_canruntogoal==0) { if(bunnyhopdistance > cvar("bot_ai_bunnyhop_startdistance")) self.bot_canruntogoal = 1; else self.bot_canruntogoal = -1; } if(self.bot_canruntogoal != 1) return; if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_ROAMING) if(self.goalcurrent.classname=="waypoint") if not(self.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL) if(fabs(self.goalcurrent.origin_z - self.origin_z) < self.maxs_z - self.mins_z) if(self.goalstack01!=world) { deviation = vectoangles(self.goalstack01.origin - self.origin) - vectoangles(self.goalcurrent.origin - self.origin); while (deviation_y < -180) deviation_y = deviation_y + 360; while (deviation_y > 180) deviation_y = deviation_y - 360; if(fabs(deviation_y) < 20) if(bunnyhopdistance < vlen(self.origin - self.goalstack01.origin)) if(fabs(self.goalstack01.origin_z - self.goalcurrent.origin_z) < self.maxs_z - self.mins_z) { if(vlen(self.goalcurrent.origin - self.goalstack01.origin) > cvar("bot_ai_bunnyhop_startdistance")) if(checkpvs(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.goalstack01)) { checkdistance = FALSE; } } } if(checkdistance) { self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_RUNNING; if(bunnyhopdistance > cvar("bot_ai_bunnyhop_stopdistance")) self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; } else { self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_RUNNING; self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; } } } else { self.bot_timelastseengoal = time; } } else { self.bot_timelastseengoal = 0; } // Release jump button if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND == 0) { if(self.velocity_z < 0 || vlen(self.velocity)maxspeed) { deviation = vectoangles(dir) - vectoangles(self.velocity); while (deviation_y < -180) deviation_y = deviation_y + 360; while (deviation_y > 180) deviation_y = deviation_y - 360; if(fabs(deviation_y)>10) self.movement_x = 0; if(deviation_y>10) self.movement_y = maxspeed * -1; else if(deviation_y<10) self.movement_y = maxspeed; } } }; void havocbot_movetogoal() { local vector destorg; local vector diff; local vector dir; local vector flatdir; local vector m1; local vector m2; local vector evadeobstacle; local vector evadelava; local float s; local float maxspeed; //local float dist; local vector dodge; //if (self.goalentity) // te_lightning2(self, self.origin, (self.goalentity.absmin + self.goalentity.absmax) * 0.5); self.movement = '0 0 0'; maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed"); // Jetpack navigation if(self.goalcurrent) if(self.navigation_jetpack_goal) if(self.goalcurrent==self.navigation_jetpack_goal) if(self.ammo_fuel) { #ifdef DEBUG_BOT_GOALSTACK debuggoalstack(); te_wizspike(self.navigation_jetpack_point); #endif // Take off if not(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_JETPACK_FLYING) { // Brake almost completely so it can get a good direction if(vlen(self.velocity)>10) return; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_JETPACK_FLYING; } makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); dir = normalize(self.navigation_jetpack_point - self.origin); // Landing if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_JETPACK_LANDING) { // Calculate brake distance in xy float db, v, d; vector dxy; dxy = self.origin - self.goalcurrent.origin; dxy_z = 0; d = vlen(dxy); v = vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity_z * '0 0 1'); db = (pow(v,2) / (cvar("g_jetpack_acceleration_side") * 2)) + 100; // dprint("distance ", ftos(ceil(d)), " velocity ", ftos(ceil(v)), " brake at ", ftos(ceil(db)), "\n"); if(d < db || d < 500) { // Brake if(fabs(self.velocity_x)>maxspeed*0.3) { self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * -maxspeed; return; } // Switch to normal mode self.navigation_jetpack_goal = world; self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_JETPACK_LANDING; self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_JETPACK_FLYING; return; } } else if(checkpvs(self.origin,self.goalcurrent)) { // If I can see the goal switch to landing code self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_JETPACK_FLYING; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_JETPACK_LANDING; return; } // Flying self.BUTTON_HOOK = TRUE; if(self.navigation_jetpack_point_z - PL_MAX_z + PL_MIN_z < self.origin_z) { self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * maxspeed; self.movement_y = dir * v_right * maxspeed; } return; } // Handling of jump pads if(self.jumppadcount) { if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { self.jumppadcount = FALSE; if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_JUMPPAD) self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_OUT_JUMPPAD; } // If got stuck on the jump pad try to reach the farther visible item if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_JUMPPAD) { if(fabs(self.velocity_z)<50) { local entity head, newgoal; local float distance, bestdistance; for (head = findchainfloat(bot_pickup, TRUE); head; head = head.chain) { if(head.classname=="worldspawn") continue; distance = vlen(head.origin - self.origin); if(distance>1000) continue; traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs , head.origin, TRUE, world); if(trace_fraction<1) continue; if(distance>bestdistance) { newgoal = head; bestdistance = distance; } } if(newgoal) { self.ignoregoal = self.goalcurrent; self.ignoregoaltime = time + cvar("bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout"); navigation_clearroute(); navigation_routetogoal(newgoal, self.origin); self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_OUT_JUMPPAD; } } else return; } else { if(self.velocity_z>0) { local float threshold; threshold = maxspeed * 0.2; if(fabs(self.velocity_x) < threshold && fabs(self.velocity_y) < threshold) self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_OUT_JUMPPAD; return; } } } // If there is a trigger_hurt right below try to use the jetpack or make a rocketjump if(skill>6) if not(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) { tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + '0 0 -65536', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_endpos )) if(self.items & IT_JETPACK) { tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + '0 0 65536', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_endpos + '0 0 1' )) { if(self.velocity_z<0) { self.BUTTON_HOOK = TRUE; } } else self.BUTTON_HOOK = TRUE; // If there is no goal try to move forward if(self.goalcurrent==world) dir = v_forward; else dir = normalize(self.goalcurrent.origin - self.origin); local vector xyvelocity = self.velocity; xyvelocity_z = 0; local float xyspeed = xyvelocity * dir; if(xyspeed < (maxspeed / 2)) { makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + (dir * maxspeed * 3), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(trace_fraction==1) { self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * maxspeed; self.movement_y = dir * v_right * maxspeed; if (skill < 10) havocbot_keyboard_movement(self.origin + dir * 100); } } self.havocbot_blockhead = TRUE; return; } else if(self.health>cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage")*0.5) { if(self.velocity_z < 0) if(client_hasweapon(self, WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE)) { self.movement_x = maxspeed; if(self.rocketjumptime) { if(time > self.rocketjumptime) { self.BUTTON_ATCK2 = TRUE; self.rocketjumptime = 0; } return; } self.switchweapon = WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; self.v_angle_x = 90; self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; self.rocketjumptime = time + cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_detonatedelay"); return; } } else { // If there is no goal try to move forward if(self.goalcurrent==world) self.movement_x = maxspeed; } } // If we are under water with no goals, swim up if(self.waterlevel) if(self.goalcurrent==world) { dir = '0 0 0'; if(self.waterlevel>WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING) dir_z = 1; else if(self.velocity_z >= 0 && !(self.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_WETFEET && self.watertype == CONTENT_WATER)) self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; else self.BUTTON_JUMP = FALSE; makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * maxspeed; self.movement_y = dir * v_right * maxspeed; self.movement_z = dir * v_up * maxspeed; } // if there is nowhere to go, exit if (self.goalcurrent == world) return; if (self.goalcurrent) navigation_poptouchedgoals(); // if ran out of goals try to use an alternative goal or get a new strategy asap if(self.goalcurrent == world) { self.bot_strategytime = 0; return; } #ifdef DEBUG_BOT_GOALSTACK debuggoalstack(); #endif m1 = self.goalcurrent.origin + self.goalcurrent.mins; m2 = self.goalcurrent.origin + self.goalcurrent.maxs; destorg = self.origin; destorg_x = bound(m1_x, destorg_x, m2_x); destorg_y = bound(m1_y, destorg_y, m2_y); destorg_z = bound(m1_z, destorg_z, m2_z); diff = destorg - self.origin; //dist = vlen(diff); dir = normalize(diff); flatdir = diff;flatdir_z = 0; flatdir = normalize(flatdir); //if (self.bot_dodgevector_time < time) { // self.bot_dodgevector_time = time + cvar("bot_ai_dodgeupdateinterval"); // self.bot_dodgevector_jumpbutton = 1; evadeobstacle = '0 0 0'; evadelava = '0 0 0'; if (self.waterlevel) { if(self.waterlevel>WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING) { // flatdir_z = 1; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER; } else { if(self.velocity_z >= 0 && !(self.watertype == CONTENT_WATER && self.goalcurrent.origin_z < self.origin_z) && ( !(self.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_WETFEET && self.watertype == CONTENT_WATER) || self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER)) self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; else self.BUTTON_JUMP = FALSE; } dir = normalize(flatdir); makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); } else { if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER) self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER; // jump if going toward an obstacle that doesn't look like stairs we // can walk up directly tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + self.velocity * 0.2, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction < 1) if (trace_plane_normal_z < 0.7) { s = trace_fraction; tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 16', self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + self.velocity * 0.2 + '0 0 16', FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction < s + 0.01) if (trace_plane_normal_z < 0.7) { s = trace_fraction; tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 48', self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + self.velocity * 0.2 + '0 0 48', FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction > s) self.BUTTON_JUMP = 1; } } // avoiding dangers and obstacles local vector dst_ahead, dst_down; makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); dst_ahead = self.origin + self.view_ofs + (self.velocity * 0.4) + (v_forward * 32 * 3); dst_down = dst_ahead + '0 0 -1500'; // Look ahead traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs , dst_ahead, TRUE, world); // Check head-banging against walls if(vlen(self.origin + self.view_ofs - trace_endpos) < 25 && !(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER)) { self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; if(self.facingwalltime && time > self.facingwalltime) { self.ignoregoal = self.goalcurrent; self.ignoregoaltime = time + cvar("bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout"); self.bot_strategytime = 0; return; } else { self.facingwalltime = time + 0.05; } } else { self.facingwalltime = 0; if(self.ignoregoal != world && time > self.ignoregoaltime) { self.ignoregoal = world; self.ignoregoaltime = 0; } } // Check for water/slime/lava and dangerous edges // (only when the bot is on the ground or jumping intentionally) self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_DANGER_AHEAD; if(trace_fraction == 1) if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND || self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_RUNNING || self.BUTTON_JUMP == TRUE) { // Look downwards traceline(dst_ahead , dst_down, TRUE, world); // te_lightning2(world, self.origin, dst_ahead); // Draw "ahead" look // te_lightning2(world, dst_ahead, dst_down); // Draw "downwards" look if(trace_endpos_z < self.origin_z + self.mins_z) { s = pointcontents(trace_endpos + '0 0 1'); if (s != CONTENT_SOLID) if (s == CONTENT_LAVA || s == CONTENT_SLIME) evadelava = normalize(self.velocity) * -1; else if (s == CONTENT_SKY) evadeobstacle = normalize(self.velocity) * -1; else if (!boxesoverlap(dst_ahead - self.view_ofs + self.mins, dst_ahead - self.view_ofs + self.maxs, self.goalcurrent.absmin, self.goalcurrent.absmax)) { // if ain't a safe goal with "holes" (like the jumpad on soylent) // and there is a trigger_hurt below if(tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(dst_ahead, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_endpos)) { // Remove dangerous dynamic goals from stack if (self.goalcurrent.classname == "player" || self.goalcurrent.classname == "droppedweapon") navigation_poproute(); // try to stop flatdir = '0 0 0'; evadeobstacle = normalize(self.velocity) * -1; } } } } dir = flatdir; evadeobstacle_z = 0; evadelava_z = 0; makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0'); if(evadeobstacle!='0 0 0'||evadelava!='0 0 0') self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_DANGER_AHEAD; } dodge = havocbot_dodge(); dodge = dodge * bound(0,0.5+(skill+self.bot_dodgeskill)*0.1,1); evadelava = evadelava * bound(1,3-(skill+self.bot_dodgeskill),3); //Noobs fear lava a lot and take more distance from it traceline(self.origin, self.enemy.origin, TRUE, world); if(trace_ent.classname == "player") dir = dir * bound(0,(skill+self.bot_dodgeskill)/7,1); dir = normalize(dir + dodge + evadeobstacle + evadelava); // self.bot_dodgevector = dir; // self.bot_dodgevector_jumpbutton = self.BUTTON_JUMP; } if(time < self.ladder_time) { if(self.goalcurrent.origin_z + self.goalcurrent.mins_z > self.origin_z + self.mins_z) { if(self.origin_z + self.mins_z < self.ladder_entity.origin_z + self.ladder_entity.maxs_z) dir_z = 1; } else { if(self.origin_z + self.mins_z > self.ladder_entity.origin_z + self.ladder_entity.mins_z) dir_z = -1; } } //dir = self.bot_dodgevector; //if (self.bot_dodgevector_jumpbutton) // self.BUTTON_JUMP = 1; self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * maxspeed; self.movement_y = dir * v_right * maxspeed; self.movement_z = dir * v_up * maxspeed; // Emulate keyboard interface if (skill < 10) havocbot_keyboard_movement(destorg); // Bunnyhop! // if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_ROAMING) if(self.goalcurrent) if(skill+self.bot_moveskill >= cvar("bot_ai_bunnyhop_skilloffset")) havocbot_bunnyhop(dir); if ((dir * v_up) >= cvar("sv_jumpvelocity")*0.5 && (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) self.BUTTON_JUMP=1; if (((dodge * v_up) > 0) && random()*frametime >= 0.2*bound(0,(10-skill-self.bot_dodgeskill)*0.1,1)) self.BUTTON_JUMP=TRUE; if (((dodge * v_up) < 0) && random()*frametime >= 0.5*bound(0,(10-skill-self.bot_dodgeskill)*0.1,1)) self.havocbot_ducktime=time+0.3/bound(0.1,skill+self.bot_dodgeskill,10); }; void havocbot_chooseenemy() { local entity head, best, head2; local float rating, bestrating, i, f; local vector eye, v; if (cvar("bot_nofire") || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(self)) { self.enemy = world; return; } if (self.enemy) { if (!bot_shouldattack(self.enemy)) { // enemy died or something, find a new target self.enemy = world; self.havocbot_chooseenemy_finished = time; } else if (self.havocbot_stickenemy) { // tracking last chosen enemy // if enemy is visible // and not really really far away // and we're not severely injured // then keep tracking for a half second into the future traceline(self.origin+self.view_ofs, self.enemy.origin+self.enemy.view_ofs*0.5,FALSE,world); if (trace_ent == self.enemy || trace_fraction == 1) if (vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin) < 1000) if (self.health > 30) { // remain tracking him for a shot while (case he went after a small corner or pilar self.havocbot_chooseenemy_finished = time + cvar("bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval"); return; } // enemy isn't visible, or is far away, or we're injured severely // so stop preferring this enemy // (it will still take a half second until a new one is chosen) self.havocbot_stickenemy = 0; } } if (time < self.havocbot_chooseenemy_finished) return; self.havocbot_chooseenemy_finished = time + cvar("bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval"); eye = self.origin + self.view_ofs; best = world; bestrating = 100000000; head = head2 = findchainfloat(bot_attack, TRUE); // Search for enemies, if no enemy can be seen directly try to look through transparent objects for(;;) { while (head) { v = (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5; rating = vlen(v - eye); if (rating rating) if (bot_shouldattack(head)) { traceline(eye, v, TRUE, self); if (trace_ent == head || trace_fraction >= 1) { best = head; bestrating = rating; } } head = head.chain; } // I want to do a second scan if no enemy was found or I don't have weapons // TODO: Perform the scan when using the rifle (requires changes on the rifle code) if(best || self.weapons) // || self.weapon == WEP_CAMPINGRIFLE break; if(i) break; // Set flags to see through transparent objects f = self.dphitcontentsmask; self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE; head = head2; ++i; } // Restore hit flags if needed if(i) self.dphitcontentsmask = f; self.enemy = best; self.havocbot_stickenemy = TRUE; }; void havocbot_chooseweapon() { local float i; // ;) if(g_weaponarena == WEPBIT_TUBA) { self.switchweapon = WEP_TUBA; return; } // TODO: clean this up by moving it to weapon code if(self.enemy==world) { // If no weapon was chosen get the first available weapon if(self.weapon==0) for(i=WEP_LASER + 1; i < WEP_COUNT ; ++i) { if(client_hasweapon(self, i, TRUE, FALSE)) { self.switchweapon = i; return; } } return; } // Do not change weapon during the next second after a combo i = time - self.lastcombotime; if(i < 1) return; // Workaround for rifle reloading (..) if(self.weapon == WEP_CAMPINGRIFLE) if(i < cvar("g_balance_campingrifle_reloadtime") + 1) return; local float w; local float rocket ; rocket =-1000; local float nex ; nex =-1000; local float hagar ; hagar =-1000; local float grenade ; grenade =-1000; local float electro ; electro =-1000; local float crylink ; crylink =-1000; local float uzi ; uzi =-1000; local float shotgun ; shotgun =-1000; local float campingrifle ; campingrifle =-1000; local float laser ; laser =-1000; local float minstanex ; minstanex =-1000; local float bestscore; bestscore = 0; local float bestweapon; bestweapon=self.switchweapon; local float distance; distance=bound(10,vlen(self.origin-self.enemy.origin)-200,10000); local float maxdelaytime=0.5; local float spreadpenalty=10; // Should it do a weapon combo? local float af, ct, combo_time, combo; af = ATTACK_FINISHED(self); ct = cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold"); // Bots with no skill will be 4 times more slower than "godlike" bots when doing weapon combos // Ideally this 4 should be calculated as longest_weapon_refire / bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold combo_time = time + ct + (ct * ((-0.3*(skill+self.bot_weaponskill))+3)); combo = FALSE; if(cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo")) if(self.weapon == self.lastfiredweapon) if(af > combo_time) { combo = TRUE; self.lastcombotime = time; } distance *= pow(2, self.bot_rangepreference); // Custom weapon list based on distance to the enemy if(bot_custom_weapon){ // Choose weapons for far distance if ( distance > bot_distance_far ) { for(i=0; i < WEP_COUNT && bot_weapons_far[i] != -1 ; ++i){ w = bot_weapons_far[i]; if ( client_hasweapon(self, w, TRUE, FALSE) ){ if ( self.weapon == w && combo) continue; self.switchweapon = w; return; } } } // Choose weapons for mid distance if ( distance > bot_distance_close) { for(i=0; i < WEP_COUNT && bot_weapons_mid[i] != -1 ; ++i){ w = bot_weapons_mid[i]; if ( client_hasweapon(self, w, TRUE, FALSE) ){ if ( self.weapon == w && combo) continue; self.switchweapon = w; return; } } } // Choose weapons for close distance for(i=0; i < WEP_COUNT && bot_weapons_close[i] != -1 ; ++i){ w = bot_weapons_close[i]; if ( client_hasweapon(self, w, TRUE, FALSE) ){ if ( self.weapon == w && combo) continue; self.switchweapon = w; return; } } } #ifdef 0 // TODO: This disabled code is not working well and got replaced by custom weapon priorities. // However, this logic should be refactored and moved to weapons code so each new weapon can be // evaluated dynamically by bots without updating the "ai" or config files. --mand1nga float s, distancefromfloor, currentscore; // Formula: // (Damage/Sec * Weapon spefic change to get that damage) // *(Time to get to target * weapon specfic hitchange bonus) / (in a time of maxdelaytime) // *(Spread change of hit) // if it applies // *(Penality for target beeing in air) // %weaponaddpoint traceline(self.enemy.origin,self.enemy.origin-'0 0 1000',TRUE,world); distancefromfloor = self.enemy.origin_z - trace_endpos_z; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_MINSTANEX, TRUE, FALSE)) minstanex = (1000/cvar("g_balance_minstanex_refire")*1.0) * (0.5); if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && af > combo_time ) ) rocket = (cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage")/cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire")*0.75) * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.5; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_NEX, TRUE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_NEX && af > combo_time ) ) nex = (cvar("g_balance_nex_damage")/cvar("g_balance_nex_refire")*1.0) * (0.5); if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_HAGAR, TRUE, FALSE) ) // && // !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_HAGAR && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_refire") )) hagar = (cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*0.2; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER && af > combo_time ) ) grenade = (cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.1; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_ELECTRO, TRUE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_ELECTRO && af > combo_time ) ) electro = (cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_refire")*0.75) * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.0; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_CRYLINK, TRUE, FALSE) ) // && // !( self.weapon == WEP_CRYLINK && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_refire") )) crylink = (cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*(64/(32+cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_spread")*distance))*1.0; if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_UZI, TRUE, FALSE) ) // && // !( self.weapon == WEP_UZI && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire") )) uzi = (cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_damage")/cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,32/(32+cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_spread")*distance),1); if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_SHOTGUN, TRUE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_SHOTGUN && af > combo_time ) ) shotgun = (cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage")*cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets")/cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,32/(32+cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread")*distance),1); if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_LASER, FALSE, FALSE) && !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_LASER && af > combo_time ) ) laser = (cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_refire")*1.0) * bound(0,cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime,1); if((self.enemy.flags & FL_ONGROUND)==FALSE){ rocket = rocket * (1.5-bound(0, distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius" ),0.9)); //slight bigger change grenade = grenade * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius"),0.95)); electro = electro * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_radius" ),0.95)); laser = laser * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_radius" ),0.95)); } /* dprint("Floor distance: ",ftos(distancefromfloor),"\n"); dprint("Rocket: " , ftos(rocket ), "\n"); dprint("Nex: " , ftos(nex ), "\n"); dprint("Hagar: " , ftos(hagar ), "\n"); dprint("Grenade: ", ftos(grenade ), "\n"); dprint("Electro: ", ftos(electro ), "\n"); dprint("Crylink: ", ftos(crylink ), "\n"); dprint("Uzi: " , ftos(uzi ), "\n"); dprint("Shotgun :", ftos(shotgun ), "\n"); dprint("Laser :", ftos(laser ), "\n\n"); */ currentscore = -1; w = WEP_MINSTANEX ;s = minstanex;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ;s = rocket ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_NEX ;s = nex ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_HAGAR ;s = hagar ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER ;s = grenade ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_ELECTRO ;s = electro ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_CRYLINK ;s = crylink ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_UZI ;s = uzi ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_SHOTGUN ;s = shotgun ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; w = WEP_LASER ;s = laser ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s; // switch if the best weapon would provide a significant damage increase if (bestscore > currentscore*1.5){ self.switchweapon = bestweapon; // buys time for detonating the rocket. not tested yet if ( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && bestweapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ) self.bot_chooseweapontime += (distance / cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed")); } #endif }; void havocbot_aim() { local vector selfvel, enemyvel; // if(self.flags & FL_INWATER) // return; if (time < self.nextaim) return; self.nextaim = time + 0.1; selfvel = self.velocity; if (!self.waterlevel) selfvel_z = 0; if (self.enemy) { enemyvel = self.enemy.velocity; if (!self.enemy.waterlevel) enemyvel_z = 0; lag_additem(time + self.ping, 0, 0, self.enemy, self.origin, selfvel, self.enemy.origin, enemyvel); } else lag_additem(time + self.ping, 0, 0, world, self.origin, selfvel, self.goalcurrent.origin, '0 0 0'); }; float havocbot_moveto_refresh_route() { // Refresh path to goal if necessary entity wp; wp = self.havocbot_personal_waypoint; navigation_goalrating_start(); navigation_routerating(wp, 10000, 10000); navigation_goalrating_end(); return self.navigation_hasgoals; } float havocbot_moveto(vector pos) { local entity wp; if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING) { // Step 4: Move to waypoint if(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint==world) { dprint("Error: ", self.netname, " trying to walk to a non existent personal waypoint\n"); self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING; return CMD_STATUS_ERROR; } if (!bot_strategytoken_taken) if(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint_searchtime= 30) { dprint("Warning: can't walk to the personal waypoint located at ", vtos(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint.origin),"\n"); self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_LINKING; remove(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint); return CMD_STATUS_ERROR; } else dprint(self.netname, " can't walk to its personal waypoint (after ", ftos(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint_failcounter), " failed attempts), trying later\n"); } } #ifdef DEBUG_BOT_GOALSTACK debuggoalstack(); #endif // Heading local vector dir = self.goalcurrent.origin - (self.origin + self.view_ofs); dir_z = 0; bot_aimdir(dir, -1); // Go! havocbot_movetogoal(); if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_REACHED) { // Step 5: Waypoint reached dprint(self.netname, "'s personal waypoint reached\n"); remove(self.havocbot_personal_waypoint); self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_REACHED; return CMD_STATUS_FINISHED; } return CMD_STATUS_EXECUTING; } // Step 2: Linking waypoint if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_LINKING) { // Wait until it is linked if(!self.havocbot_personal_waypoint.wplinked) { dprint(self.netname, " waiting for personal waypoint to be linked\n"); return CMD_STATUS_EXECUTING; } self.havocbot_personal_waypoint_searchtime = time; // so we set the route next frame self.aistatus &~= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_LINKING; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_GOING; // Step 3: Route to waypoint dprint(self.netname, " walking to its personal waypoint\n"); return CMD_STATUS_EXECUTING; } // Step 1: Spawning waypoint wp = waypoint_spawnpersonal(pos); if(wp==world) { dprint("Error: Can't spawn personal waypoint at ",vtos(pos),"\n"); return CMD_STATUS_ERROR; } self.havocbot_personal_waypoint = wp; self.havocbot_personal_waypoint_failcounter = 0; self.aistatus |= AI_STATUS_WAYPOINT_PERSONAL_LINKING; // if pos is inside a teleport, then let's mark it as teleport waypoint entity head; for(head = world; (head = find(head, classname, "trigger_teleport")); ) { entity s, o; s = self; o = other; self = head; other = s; if(ExactTriggerHit()) wp.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT; self = s; other = o; } return CMD_STATUS_EXECUTING; } float havocbot_resetgoal() { navigation_clearroute(); return CMD_STATUS_FINISHED; } void havocbot_setupbot() { self.bot_ai = havocbot_ai; self.cmd_moveto = havocbot_moveto; self.cmd_resetgoal = havocbot_resetgoal; havocbot_chooserole(); } vector havocbot_dodge() { // LordHavoc: disabled because this is too expensive return '0 0 0'; /* local entity head; local vector dodge, v, n; local float danger, bestdanger, vl, d; dodge = '0 0 0'; bestdanger = -20; // check for dangerous objects near bot or approaching bot head = findchainfloat(bot_dodge, TRUE); while(head) { if (head.owner != self) { vl = vlen(head.velocity); if (vl > sv_maxspeed * 0.3) { n = normalize(head.velocity); v = self.origin - head.origin; d = v * n; if (d > (0 - head.bot_dodgerating)) if (d < (vl * 0.2 + head.bot_dodgerating)) { // calculate direction and distance from the flight path, by removing the forward axis v = v - (n * (v * n)); danger = head.bot_dodgerating - vlen(v); if (bestdanger < danger) { bestdanger = danger; // dodge to the side of the object dodge = normalize(v); } } } else { danger = head.bot_dodgerating - vlen(head.origin - self.origin); if (bestdanger < danger) { bestdanger = danger; dodge = normalize(self.origin - head.origin); } } } head = head.chain; } return dodge; */ };