float maxspawned; float numspawned; float arena_roundbased; .float spawned; .entity spawnqueue_next; .entity spawnqueue_prev; .float spawnqueue_in; entity spawnqueue_first; entity spawnqueue_last; entity champion; float warmup; void PutObserverInServer(); void PutClientInServer(); void(entity e) DropFlag; void(entity e) ReturnFlag; void(entity e) removedecor; void reset_map() { if(cvar("g_arena_warmup")) warmup = time + cvar("g_arena_warmup"); self = nextent(world); while(self) { if(self.classname == "droppedweapon" // cleanup || self.classname == "gib" || self.classname == "body") { remove(self); } else if(self.flags & FL_ITEM) // reset items { self.model = self.mdl; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; setorigin (self, self.origin); self.think = SUB_Null; self.nextthink = 0; self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_STARDUST); } else if(self.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) // remove any projectiles left { sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/null.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); remove(self); } else if(self.isdecor) { removedecor(self); } else if(self.flags & FL_CLIENT) // reset all players { if(self.spawned) PutClientInServer(); else PutObserverInServer(); } self = nextent(self); } if(champion) UpdateFrags(champion, +1); } void Spawnqueue_Insert(entity e) { if(e.spawnqueue_in) return; dprint(strcat("Into queue: ", e.netname, "\n")); e.spawnqueue_in = TRUE; e.spawnqueue_prev = spawnqueue_last; e.spawnqueue_next = world; if(spawnqueue_last) spawnqueue_last.spawnqueue_next = e; spawnqueue_last = e; if(!spawnqueue_first) spawnqueue_first = e; } void Spawnqueue_Remove(entity e) { if(!e.spawnqueue_in) return; dprint(strcat("Out of queue: ", e.netname, "\n")); e.spawnqueue_in = FALSE; if(e == spawnqueue_first) spawnqueue_first = e.spawnqueue_next; if(e == spawnqueue_last) spawnqueue_last = e.spawnqueue_prev; if(e.spawnqueue_prev) e.spawnqueue_prev.spawnqueue_next = e.spawnqueue_next; if(e.spawnqueue_next) e.spawnqueue_next.spawnqueue_prev = e.spawnqueue_prev; e.spawnqueue_next = world; e.spawnqueue_prev = world; } void Spawnqueue_Unmark(entity e) { if(!e.spawned) return; e.spawned = FALSE; numspawned = numspawned - 1; } void Spawnqueue_Mark(entity e) { if(e.spawned) return; e.spawned = TRUE; numspawned = numspawned + 1; } void Arena_Warmup() { float f; string msg; if(!arena_roundbased) return; f = rint(warmup - time); msg = newlines; if(time < warmup && self.spawned) { if(champion) msg = strcat(msg, "The Champion is ", champion.netname, "^7\n\n\n"); if(f) msg = strcat(msg, "Round will start in ", ftos(f)); else { if(self.spawned) msg = strcat(msg, "^1Fight!"); } centerprint(self, msg); if(self.spawned) self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.movement = '0 0 0'; //self.fixangle = TRUE; } else if(self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE) { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; centerprint(self, "\n"); } } float next_round; void Spawnqueue_Check() { if(time < warmup + 1) return; if(!next_round) if(numspawned < 2) next_round = time + 3; if(!arena_roundbased || (next_round && next_round < time && player_count > 1)) { next_round = 0; if(arena_roundbased) { champion = find(world, classname, "player"); while(champion && champion.deadflag) champion = find(champion, classname, "player"); reset_map(); } while(numspawned < maxspawned && spawnqueue_first) { self = spawnqueue_first; bprint ("^4", self.netname, "^4 is the next challenger\n"); Spawnqueue_Remove(self); Spawnqueue_Mark(self); self.classname = "player"; PutClientInServer(); } } }