/////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu Source File /////////////////////// // This file belongs to dpmod/darkplaces // AK contains all menu functions (especially the required ones) /////////////////////////////////////////////// float mouseButtonsPressed; vector menuMousePos; float menuShiftState; float menuPrevTime; float menuAlpha; float menuLogoAlpha; float prevMenuAlpha; float menuLoadedMaplist; float menuNotTheFirstFrame; string campaign_name_previous; float campaign_won_previous; void SUB_Null() { }; void() m_init = { dprint_load(); } void UpdateConWidthHeight() { float conwidth_s, conheight_s; conwidth_s = conwidth; conheight_s = conheight; conwidth = cvar("vid_conwidth"); conheight = cvar("vid_conheight"); if(conwidth < 800) { conheight *= 800 / conwidth; conwidth = 800; } if(conheight < 600) { conwidth *= 600 / conheight; conheight = 600; } if(main) { if(conwidth_s != conwidth || conheight_s != conheight) { draw_reset(); main.resizeNotify(main, '0 0 0', eX * conwidth + eY * conheight, '0 0 0', eX * conwidth + eY * conheight); } } } void() m_init_delayed = { float fh; string s; dprint_load(); menuLoadedMaplist = 0; MapInfo_Enumerate(); if(!MapInfo_FilterGametype(MAPINFO_TYPE_ALL, 0, 1)) return; menuLoadedMaplist = 1; GameCommand_Init(); fh = -1; if(cvar_string("menu_skin") != "") { draw_currentSkin = strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin")); fh = fopen(strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/skinvalues.txt"), FILE_READ); } if(fh < 0) { draw_currentSkin = "gfx/menu/default"; fh = fopen(strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/skinvalues.txt"), FILE_READ); } draw_currentSkin = strzone(draw_currentSkin); while((s = fgets(fh))) if(tokenize(s) == 2) Skin_ApplySetting(argv(0), argv(1)); fclose(fh); draw_setMousePointer("cursor", SKINSIZE_CURSOR, SKINOFFSET_CURSOR); conwidth = conheight = -1; draw_reset(); UpdateConWidthHeight(); main = spawnMainWindow(); main.configureMainWindow(main); main.resizeNotify(main, '0 0 0', eX * conwidth + eY * conheight, '0 0 0', eX * conwidth + eY * conheight); main.focused = 1; menuShiftState = 0; menuMousePos = '0.5 0.5 0'; if(Menu_Active) m_display(); // delayed menu display }; void(float key, float ascii) m_keyup = { if(!menuLoadedMaplist) return; if(!Menu_Active) return; draw_reset(); main.keyUp(main, key, ascii, menuShiftState); if(key >= K_MOUSE1 && key <= K_MOUSE3) { --mouseButtonsPressed; if(!mouseButtonsPressed) main.mouseRelease(main, menuMousePos); if(mouseButtonsPressed < 0) { mouseButtonsPressed = 0; print("Warning: released an already released button\n"); } } if(key == K_ALT) menuShiftState -= (menuShiftState & S_ALT); if(key == K_CTRL) menuShiftState -= (menuShiftState & S_CTRL); if(key == K_SHIFT) menuShiftState -= (menuShiftState & S_SHIFT); }; void(float key, float ascii) m_keydown = { if(!menuLoadedMaplist) return; if(!Menu_Active) return; if(keyGrabber) { entity e; e = keyGrabber; keyGrabber = NULL; e.keyGrabbed(e, key, ascii); } else { draw_reset(); if(!main.keyDown(main, key, ascii, menuShiftState)) if(key == K_ESCAPE) if(gamestatus & (GAME_ISSERVER | GAME_CONNECTED)) // don't back out to console only m_hide(); // disable menu on unhandled ESC if(key >= K_MOUSE1 && key <= K_MOUSE3) if(!mouseButtonsPressed) main.mousePress(main, menuMousePos); } if(key >= K_MOUSE1 && key <= K_MOUSE3) { ++mouseButtonsPressed; if(mouseButtonsPressed > 10) { mouseButtonsPressed = 10; print("Warning: pressed an already pressed button\n"); } } if(key == K_ALT) menuShiftState |= S_ALT; if(key == K_CTRL) menuShiftState |= S_CTRL; if(key == K_SHIFT) menuShiftState |= S_SHIFT; }; void() m_draw = { float t; float realFrametime; if(main) UpdateConWidthHeight(); if(!menuNotTheFirstFrame) { menuNotTheFirstFrame = 1; if(Menu_Active) if(!cvar("menu_video_played")) { localcmd("set menu_video_played 1; cd loop 1; play sound/announcer/male/welcome.ogg\n"); menuLogoAlpha = -0.8; // no idea why, but when I start this at zero, it jumps instead of fading } } if(!menuLoadedMaplist) { // TODO draw an info image about this situation m_init_delayed(); return; } t = gettime(); realFrametime = frametime = min(0.2, t - menuPrevTime); menuPrevTime = t; time += frametime; if not(campaign_name_previous) campaign_name_previous = strzone(strcat(campaign_name, "x")); // force unequal if(campaign_name == campaign_name_previous) { if(cvar(strcat("g_campaign", campaign_name, "_won"))) { if(!campaign_won_previous) { m_display(); DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(NULL, main.winnerDialog, '0 0 0', '1 1 0'); } campaign_won_previous = 1; } else campaign_won_previous = 0; } else { strunzone(campaign_name_previous); campaign_name_previous = strzone(campaign_name); campaign_won_previous = cvar(strcat("g_campaign", campaign_name, "_won")); } if(Menu_Active) { if(getmousetarget() == MT_MENU && (getkeydest() == KEY_MENU || getkeydest() == KEY_MENU_GRABBED)) setkeydest(keyGrabber ? KEY_MENU_GRABBED : KEY_MENU); else m_hide(); } if(cvar("cl_capturevideo")) frametime = 1 / cvar("cl_capturevideo_fps"); // make capturevideo work smoothly dprint_load(); gamestatus = 0; if(isserver()) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_ISSERVER; if(clientstate() == CS_CONNECTED) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_CONNECTED; if(cvar("developer")) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_DEVELOPER; prevMenuAlpha = menuAlpha; if(Menu_Active) { if(menuAlpha == 0 && menuLogoAlpha < 2) { menuLogoAlpha = menuLogoAlpha + frametime * 2; } else { menuAlpha = min(1, menuAlpha + frametime * 5); menuLogoAlpha = 2; } } else { menuAlpha = max(0, menuAlpha - frametime * 5); menuLogoAlpha = 2; } draw_reset(); if(!(gamestatus & (GAME_CONNECTED | GAME_ISSERVER)) && menuLogoAlpha > 0) { vector sz; vector isz; sz = draw_PictureSize(SKINGFX_BACKGROUND); // keep aspect of image if(sz_x * draw_scale_y >= sz_y * draw_scale_x) { // that is, sz_x/sz_y >= draw_scale_x/draw_scale_y // match up the height isz_y = 1; isz_x = isz_y * (sz_x / sz_y) * (draw_scale_y / draw_scale_x); } else { // that is, sz_x/sz_y <= draw_scale_x/draw_scale_y // match up the width isz_x = 1; isz_y = isz_x * (sz_y / sz_x) * (draw_scale_x / draw_scale_y); } draw_Picture('0.5 0.5 0' - 0.5 * isz, SKINGFX_BACKGROUND, isz, '1 1 1', bound(0, menuLogoAlpha, 1)); if(menuAlpha <= 0 && SKINALPHA_CURSOR_INTRO > 0) { draw_alpha = SKINALPHA_CURSOR_INTRO * bound(0, menuLogoAlpha, 1); draw_drawMousePointer(menuMousePos); draw_alpha = 1; } } if(menuAlpha <= 0) { if(prevMenuAlpha > 0) main.initializeDialog(main, main.firstChild); return; } draw_alpha *= menuAlpha; if(frametime > 0) { vector dMouse; dMouse = getmousepos() * (frametime / realFrametime); // for capturevideo if(dMouse != '0 0 0') { dMouse = globalToBoxSize(dMouse, draw_scale); menuMousePos += dMouse * 1; // TODO use a cvar here menuMousePos_x = bound(0, menuMousePos_x, 1); menuMousePos_y = bound(0, menuMousePos_y, 1); if(mouseButtonsPressed) main.mouseDrag(main, menuMousePos); else main.mouseMove(main, menuMousePos); } } main.draw(main); draw_alpha = max(draw_alpha, SKINALPHA_CURSOR_INTRO * bound(0, menuLogoAlpha, 1)); draw_drawMousePointer(menuMousePos); frametime = 0; }; void() m_display = { Menu_Active = true; setkeydest(KEY_MENU); setmousetarget(MT_MENU); if(!menuLoadedMaplist) return; if(mouseButtonsPressed) main.mouseRelease(main, menuMousePos); mouseButtonsPressed = 0; main.focusEnter(main); main.showNotify(main); }; void() m_hide = { Menu_Active = false; setkeydest(KEY_GAME); setmousetarget(MT_CLIENT); if(!menuLoadedMaplist) return; main.focusLeave(main); main.hideNotify(main); }; void() m_toggle = { if(Menu_Active) m_hide(); else m_display(); }; void() m_shutdown = { m_hide(); }; void(string itemname) m_goto = { entity e; if(!menuLoadedMaplist) return; if(itemname == "") // this can be called by GameCommand { if(gamestatus & (GAME_ISSERVER | GAME_CONNECTED)) m_hide(); else { main.initializeDialog(main, main.firstChild); m_display(); } } else { e = findstring(NULL, name, itemname); if(e && e.parent == main) { m_hide(); main.initializeDialog(main, e); m_display(); } } }