/////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu Source File /////////////////////// // This file belongs to dpmod/darkplaces // AK contains all menu functions (especially the required ones) /////////////////////////////////////////////// void() m_updategamestate = { // update isserver and clientstate gamestatus = 0; if( isserver() ) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_ISSERVER; if( clientstate() == CS_CONNECTED ) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_CONNECTED; if( cvar("developer") ) gamestatus = gamestatus | GAME_DEVELOPER; }; void() m_init = { dprint_load(); // init graphic Gfx_Init(); // init cursor Cursor_Init(); Key_Init(); HostCache_Init(); // init menu Menu_Init(); // menu QC is running; make the aliases use its GameCommand() GameCommand_Init(); }; // required menu functions void( float pKey, float pAscii ) m_keydown = { if( !Menu_Active ) return; // actually the menu is the only system that needs to react on key events Menu_Key( pKey, pAscii ); }; void() m_frame = { dprint_load(); Timer_Update(); HostCache_Update(); Key_Update(); // graphic frame Gfx_Update(); // cursor frame Cursor_Update(); // menu frame Menu_Frame(); }; void() m_draw = { m_updategamestate(); if( !Menu_Active ) { // test whether we want to force it to be displayed if( !(gamestatus & GAME_CONNECTED) && !(gamestatus & GAME_DEVELOPER) && cvar_string( "menu_directmenu" ) != "" ) { m_display(); } else { return; } } // call m_frame cause draw is the only menu function called once per frame m_frame(); // now the drawing code Menu_Draw(); // draw the cursor on top of the menu Cursor_Draw(); // and now the gfx drawing code (for special fx) Gfx_Draw(); }; void() m_display = { Menu_Active = true; m_updategamestate(); // let also the snd and gfx know (perhaps for sfx) Gfx_Display(); Cursor_Display(); Key_Display(); // let the menu manager know Menu_PerformReinit(); }; void() m_hide = { Gfx_Hide(); Cursor_Hide(); Key_Hide(); // let the menu manager know Menu_Hide(); Menu_Active = false; }; void() m_toggle = { Timer_Update(); if( Menu_Active ) m_hide(); else m_display(); }; void() m_shutdown = { Timer_Update(); // shutdown menu Menu_Shutdown(); // shutdown timer Timer_Quit(); // shutdown key system Key_Quit(); // shutdown cursor Cursor_Quit(); // shutdown graphic Gfx_Quit(); // make sure everything is reset setkeydest( KEY_GAME ); setmousetarget( MT_CLIENT ); };