float MAPINFO_TYPE_DEATHMATCH = 1; float MAPINFO_TYPE_TEAM_DEATHMATCH = 2; float MAPINFO_TYPE_DOMINATION = 4; float MAPINFO_TYPE_CTF = 8; float MAPINFO_TYPE_RUNEMATCH = 16; float MAPINFO_TYPE_LMS = 32; float MAPINFO_TYPE_ARENA = 64; float MAPINFO_TYPE_KEYHUNT = 128; float MAPINFO_TYPE_ASSAULT = 256; float MAPINFO_TYPE_ONSLAUGHT = 512; float MAPINFO_TYPE_ALL = 65535; // this has to include all above bits float MAPINFO_FEATURE_WEAPONS = 1; // not defined for minstagib-only maps float MapInfo_count; // info about a map that MapInfo loads string MapInfo_Map_title; string MapInfo_Map_description; float MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes; float MapInfo_Map_supportedFeatures; float MapInfo_Map_diameter; float MapInfo_Map_spawnpoints; // load MapInfo_count; generate mapinfo for maps that miss them, and clear the // cache; you need to call MapInfo_FilterGametype afterwards! void MapInfo_Enumerate(); // filter the info by game type mask (updates MapInfo_count) float MapInfo_FilterGametype(float gametype, float features); // 1 on success, 0 on temporary failure (call it again next frame then) float MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(); // retrieves currently required features from cvars float MapInfo_CurrentGametype(); // retrieves current gametype from cvars // load info about the i-th map into the MapInfo_Map_* globals float MapInfo_Get_ByID(float i); // 1 on success, 0 on failure // load info about a map by name into the MapInfo_Map_* globals float MapInfo_Get_ByName(string s, float allowGenerate); // 1 on success, 0 on failure, 2 if it autogenerated a mapinfo file // look for a map by a prefix, returns the actual map name on success, string_null on failure or ambigous match string MapInfo_FixName(string s); // play a map float MapInfo_CheckMap(string s); // returns 0 if the map can't be played with the current settings void MapInfo_LoadMap(string s);