entity porto; vector polyline[16]; float trace_dphitcontents; float Q3SURFACEFLAG_SLICK = 2; // low friction surface float DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP = 256; // blocks player movement void Porto_Draw() { vector p, dir, ang, q, nextdir; float idx, portal_number, portal1_idx; if(activeweapon != WEP_PORTO) return; dir = view_forward; if(angles_held_status) { makevectors(angles_held); dir = v_forward; } p = view_origin; polyline[0] = p; idx = 1; portal_number = 0; nextdir = dir; for(;;) { dir = nextdir; traceline(p, p + 65536 * dir, TRUE, world); if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) return; nextdir = dir - 2 * (dir * trace_plane_normal) * trace_plane_normal; // mirror dir at trace_plane_normal p = trace_endpos; polyline[idx] = p; ++idx; if(idx >= 16) return; if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SLICK || trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP) continue; ++portal_number; ang = vectoangles2(trace_plane_normal, dir); ang_x = -ang_x; makevectors(ang); if(!CheckWireframeBox(porto, p - 48 * v_right - 48 * v_up + 16 * v_forward, 96 * v_right, 96 * v_up, 96 * v_forward)) return; if(portal_number == 1) portal1_idx = idx; if(portal_number >= 2) break; } while(idx >= 2) { p = polyline[idx-2]; q = polyline[idx-1]; if(idx == 2) p = p - view_up * 16; if(idx-1 >= portal1_idx) { Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '0 0 1', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { Draw_CylindricLine(p, q, 4, "", 1, 0, '1 0 0', 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } --idx; } } float DPCONTENTS_SOLID = 1; // hit a bmodel, not a bounding box float DPCONTENTS_BODY = 32; // hit a bounding box, not a bmodel void Porto_Init() { porto = spawn(); porto.classname = "porto"; porto.draw = Porto_Draw; porto.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; } float drawtime; float tan(float x) { return sin(x) / cos(x); } float atan2(float y, float x) { vector v; v = '1 0 0' * x + '0 1 0' * y; v = vectoangles(v); return v_y * 0.01745329251994329576; } vector GetCurrentFov(float fov) { float zoomsensitivity, zoomspeed, zoomfactor, zoomdir; zoomsensitivity = cvar("cl_zoomsensitivity"); zoomfactor = cvar("cl_zoomfactor"); if(zoomfactor < 1 || zoomfactor > 16) zoomfactor = 2.5; zoomspeed = cvar("cl_zoomspeed"); if(zoomspeed >= 0) if(zoomspeed < 0.5 || zoomspeed > 16) zoomspeed = 3.5; zoomdir = button_zoom; if(getstati(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == WEP_NEX) // do NOT use switchweapon here zoomdir += button_attack2; if(spectatee_status > 0 || isdemo()) { if(spectatorbutton_zoom) zoomdir = 0 + !zoomdir; // do not even THINK about removing this 0 // _I_ know what I am doing // fteqcc does not } if(zoomdir) zoomin_effect = 0; if(zoomin_effect || camera_active) { current_viewzoom = min(1, current_viewzoom + drawframetime); } else { if(zoomspeed < 0) // instant zoom { if(zoomdir) current_viewzoom = 1 / zoomfactor; else current_viewzoom = 1; } else { if(zoomdir) current_viewzoom = 1 / bound(1, 1 / current_viewzoom + drawframetime * zoomspeed * (zoomfactor - 1), zoomfactor); else current_viewzoom = bound(1 / zoomfactor, current_viewzoom + drawframetime * zoomspeed * (1 - 1 / zoomfactor), 1); } } if(almost_equals(current_viewzoom, 1)) current_zoomfraction = 0; else if(almost_equals(current_viewzoom, 1/zoomfactor)) current_zoomfraction = 1; else current_zoomfraction = (current_viewzoom - 1) / (1/zoomfactor - 1); if(zoomsensitivity < 1) setsensitivityscale(pow(current_viewzoom, 1 - zoomsensitivity)); else setsensitivityscale(1); float frustumx, frustumy, fovx, fovy; frustumy = tan(fov * 0.00872664625997164788) * 0.75 * current_viewzoom; frustumx = frustumy * vid_width / vid_height / vid_pixelheight; fovx = atan2(frustumx, 1) / 0.00872664625997164788; fovy = atan2(frustumy, 1) / 0.00872664625997164788; return '1 0 0' * fovx + '0 1 0' * fovy; } void CSQC_common_hud(void); void CSQC_kh_hud(void); void CSQC_ctf_hud(void); void PostInit(void); void CSQC_Demo_Camera(); float Sbar_WouldDrawScoreboard (); float zoomscript_caught; float view_set; float camera_mode; void CSQC_UpdateView(float w, float h) { entity e; float fov; float f; vector v1, v2; dprint_load(); WaypointSprite_Load(); ticrate = getstatf(STAT_SYS_TICRATE) * getstatf(STAT_MOVEVARS_TIMESCALE); // Render the Scene if(!intermission || !view_set) { view_origin = pmove_org + '0 0 1' * getstati(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT); view_angles = input_angles; makevectors(view_angles); view_forward = v_forward; view_right = v_right; view_up = v_up; view_set = 1; } f = floor(cvar("v_flipped")); cvar_set("v_flipped", ftos(!f)); v1 = cs_unproject('-100 -100 1000'); cvar_set("v_flipped", ftos(f)); v2 = cs_unproject('-100 -100 1000'); if(v1 == v2) { // non-supporting engine vid_width = cvar("vid_width"); vid_height = cvar("vid_height"); } else { // supporting engine vid_width = w; vid_height = h; } #ifdef BLURTEST if(time > blurtest_time0 && time < blurtest_time1) { float r, t; t = (time - blurtest_time0) / (blurtest_time1 - blurtest_time0); r = t * blurtest_radius; f = 1 / pow(t, blurtest_power) - 1; cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "1"); cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(r), " ", ftos(f), " 0 0")); } else { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0"); cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0"); } #endif Fog_Force(); drawframetime = max(0.000001, time - drawtime); drawtime = time; // watch for gametype changes here... // in ParseStuffCMD the cmd isn't executed yet :/ // might even be better to add the gametype to TE_CSQC_INIT...? if(!postinit) PostInit(); fov = cvar("fov"); if(button_zoom || fov <= 59.5) { if(!zoomscript_caught) { localcmd("+button4\n"); zoomscript_caught = 1; ignore_plus_zoom += 1; } } else { if(zoomscript_caught) { localcmd("-button4\n"); zoomscript_caught = 0; ignore_minus_zoom += 1; } } sbar_alpha_fg = cvar("sbar_alpha_fg" ); sbar_hudselector = cvar("sbar_hudselector"); ColorTranslateMode = cvar("cl_stripcolorcodes"); activeweapon = getstati(STAT_SWITCHWEAPON); f = cvar("teamplay"); if(f != teamplay) { teamplay = f; Sbar_InitScores(); } if(last_weapon != activeweapon) { weapontime = time; last_weapon = activeweapon; } // ALWAYS Clear Current Scene First R_ClearScene(); // Assign Standard Viewflags // Draw the World (and sky) R_SetView(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1); R_SetView(VF_FOV, GetCurrentFov(fov)); // Camera for demo playback if(camera_active) { if(cvar("camera_enable")) CSQC_Demo_Camera(); else { cvar_set("chase_active", ftos(chase_active_backup)); cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "0"); camera_active = FALSE; } } #ifdef CAMERATEST else if(cvar("camera_enable")) #else else if(cvar("camera_enable") && isdemo()) #endif { // Enable required Darkplaces cvars chase_active_backup = cvar("chase_active"); cvar_set("chase_active", "2"); cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "1"); camera_active = TRUE; camera_mode = FALSE; } // Draw the Crosshair float scoreboard_active; scoreboard_active = Sbar_WouldDrawScoreboard(); R_SetView(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); //Make sure engine crosshairs are always hidden // Draw the Engine Status Bar (the default Quake HUD) R_SetView(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0); // Set the console size vars vid_conwidth = cvar("vid_conwidth"); vid_conheight = cvar("vid_conheight"); vid_pixelheight = cvar("vid_pixelheight"); // fetch this one only once per frame sbar_showbinds = cvar("sbar_showbinds"); sbar_showbinds_limit = cvar("sbar_showbinds_limit"); // Update the mouse position /* mousepos_x = vid_conwidth; mousepos_y = vid_conheight; mousepos = mousepos*0.5 + getmousepos(); */ R_AddEntities(MASK_NORMAL | MASK_ENGINE | MASK_ENGINEVIEWMODELS); e = self; for(self = world; (self = nextent(self)); ) if(self.draw) self.draw(); self = e; R_RenderScene(); // now switch to 2D drawing mode by calling a 2D drawing function // then polygon drawing will draw as 2D stuff, and NOT get queued until the // next R_RenderScene call drawstring('0 0 0', "", '1 1 0', '1 1 1', 0, 0); // crosshair if(!scoreboard_active && !ons_showmap) { string wcross_style; wcross_style = cvar_string("crosshair"); if (wcross_style != "0") { vector wcross_color, wcross_size; string wcross_wep, wcross_name; float wcross_alpha, wcross_sizefloat; wcross_color_x = cvar("crosshair_color_red"); wcross_color_y = cvar("crosshair_color_green"); wcross_color_z = cvar("crosshair_color_blue"); wcross_alpha = cvar("crosshair_color_alpha"); wcross_sizefloat = cvar("crosshair_size"); if (cvar("crosshair_per_weapon")) { e = get_weaponinfo(activeweapon); if (e && e.netname != "") { wcross_wep = e.netname; wcross_style = cvar_string(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep)); if(wcross_style == "") wcross_style = e.netname; if(!cvar("crosshair_color_override")) { wcross_color_x = cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_color_red")); wcross_color_y = cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_color_green")); wcross_color_z = cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_color_blue")); } wcross_alpha *= cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_color_alpha")); wcross_sizefloat *= cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_size")); } } wcross_name = strcat("gfx/crosshair", wcross_style); wcross_size = drawgetimagesize(wcross_name); wcross_size_x *= wcross_sizefloat; wcross_size_y *= wcross_sizefloat; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - wcross_size_x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - wcross_size_y), wcross_name, wcross_size, wcross_color, wcross_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } // Draw the mouse cursor // NOTE: drawpic must happen after R_RenderScene for some reason //drawpic(getmousepos(), "gfx/cursor.tga", '11 14 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); //drawstring('50 50', ftos(game), '10 10 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); //self = edict_num(player_localnum); //drawstring('0 0', vtos(pmove_org), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); //drawstring('0 8', strcat("ORG: ", vtos(self.origin), " state: ", ftos(self.ctf_state), " HP: ", ftos(self.health)), '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); // as long as the ctf part isn't in, this is useless if(menu_visible) menu_show(); /*if(gametype == GAME_CTF) { ctf_view(); } else */ // draw 2D entities e = self; for(self = world; (self = nextent(self)); ) if(self.draw2d) self.draw2d(); self = e; // draw radar if(teamplay || cvar("cl_teamradar") == 2) { if((cvar_string("cl_teamradar") != "0" && !scoreboard_active) || ons_showmap) teamradar_view(); } // draw sbar if(cvar("r_letterbox") == 0) if(cvar("viewsize") < 120) CSQC_common_hud(); } void Sbar_Draw(); void CSQC_common_hud(void) { // Sbar_SortFrags(); done in Sbar_Draw Sbar_Draw(); } // KeyHunt HUD by victim void CSQC_kh_hud(void) { // HUD 0 has the weapons on the right hand side - temporarily shown when needed // HUD 1 has the weapons on the bottom - permanently // use the following two binds to check the icons move correctly // bind g "toggle sbar_flagstatus_right; echo Menu right $sbar_flagstatus_right" // move the icons // bind h "toggle sbar_hudselector; echo HUD $sbar_hudselector" // change the HUD float kh_keys, kh_keys_status, kh_teams_set; float kh_margin_x, kh_margin_y, kh_key_box; string kh_carrying, kh_outline; vector red_pos, blue_pos, yellow_pos, pink_pos, kh_size; vector red, blue, yellow, pink; kh_keys = getstati(STAT_KH_KEYS); kh_keys_status = kh_keys / 256; kh_teams_set = cvar("_teams_available"); // set in keyhunt.qc kh_margin_y = 8; kh_margin_x = (cvar("sbar_flagstatus_right") * sbar_hudselector * (vid_conwidth - 67)) + 10; // sbar_flagstatus_right 0/1; sbar_hudselector 0/1; screen width - key width + margin red_pos_x = blue_pos_x = yellow_pos_x = pink_pos_x = kh_margin_x; kh_key_box = 120; pink_pos_y = kh_margin_y + 0; // top yellow_pos_y = kh_margin_y + kh_key_box; blue_pos_y = kh_margin_y + kh_key_box * 2; red_pos_y = kh_margin_y + kh_key_box * 3; //bottom red = '1 0 0'; blue = '0 0 1'; yellow = '1 1 0'; pink = '1 0 1'; kh_size = '0 0 0'; // don't resize the image kh_carrying = "gfx/sb_kh_full"; kh_outline = "gfx/sb_kh_outline"; // drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) // vector position = '0 0'; // 'x y' 0 0 (the origin) is the top left. X 0 - 799, Y 0 - 599 // vector size = '0 0'; // 'x y' changes the x & y dimensions. '0 0' gives the default pic size // vector rgb = '0 0 0'; // 'r g b' range 0 - 1 if (kh_keys_status & 1) // red drawpic (red_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, red, 0.2, 0); // show 20% alpha key else drawpic (red_pos, kh_outline, kh_size, red, 0.4, 0); // show key outline 40% alpha if (kh_keys & 1) drawpic (red_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, red, 1.0, 0); // show solid key 100% alpha if (kh_keys_status & 2) // blue drawpic (blue_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, blue, 0.2, 0); else drawpic (blue_pos, kh_outline, kh_size, blue, 0.4, 0); if (kh_keys & 2) drawpic (blue_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, blue, 1.0, 0); if (kh_teams_set & 4) // yellow { if (kh_keys_status & 4) drawpic (yellow_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, yellow, 0.2, 0); else drawpic (yellow_pos, kh_outline, kh_size, yellow, 0.4, 0); if (kh_keys & 4) drawpic (yellow_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, yellow, 1.0, 0); } if (kh_teams_set & 8) // pink { if (kh_keys_status & 8) drawpic (pink_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, pink, 0.2, 0); else drawpic (pink_pos, kh_outline, kh_size, pink, 0.4, 0); if (kh_keys & 8) drawpic (pink_pos, kh_carrying, kh_size, pink, 1.0, 0); } } // following vectors must be global to allow seamless switching between camera modes vector camera_offset, current_camera_offset, mouse_angles, current_angles, current_origin, camera_position, current_position; void CSQC_Demo_Camera() { float speed, attenuation, dimensions; vector tmp, delta; if( cvar("camera_reset") || !camera_mode ) { camera_offset = '0 0 0'; current_angles = '0 0 0'; camera_direction = '0 0 0'; camera_offset_z += 30; camera_offset_x += 30 * -cos(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD); camera_offset_y += 30 * -sin(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD); current_origin = view_origin; current_camera_offset = camera_offset; cvar_set("camera_reset", "0"); camera_mode = CAMERA_CHASE; } // Camera angles if( camera_roll ) mouse_angles_z += camera_roll * cvar("camera_speed_roll"); if(cvar("camera_look_player")) { local vector dir; local float n; dir = normalize(view_origin - current_position); n = mouse_angles_z; mouse_angles = vectoangles(dir); mouse_angles_x = mouse_angles_x * -1; mouse_angles_z = n; } else { tmp = getmousepos() * 0.1; if(vlen(tmp)>cvar("camera_mouse_treshold")) { mouse_angles_x += tmp_y * cos(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp_x * sin(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD)); mouse_angles_y -= tmp_x * cos(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp_y * -sin(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD)); } } while (mouse_angles_x < -180) mouse_angles_x = mouse_angles_x + 360; while (mouse_angles_x > 180) mouse_angles_x = mouse_angles_x - 360; while (mouse_angles_y < -180) mouse_angles_y = mouse_angles_y + 360; while (mouse_angles_y > 180) mouse_angles_y = mouse_angles_y - 360; // Fix difference when angles don't have the same sign delta = '0 0 0'; if(mouse_angles_y < -60 && current_angles_y > 60) delta = '0 360 0'; if(mouse_angles_y > 60 && current_angles_y < -60) delta = '0 -360 0'; if(cvar("camera_look_player")) attenuation = cvar("camera_look_attenuation"); else attenuation = cvar("camera_speed_attenuation"); attenuation = 1 / max(1, attenuation); current_angles += (mouse_angles - current_angles + delta) * attenuation; while (current_angles_x < -180) current_angles_x = current_angles_x + 360; while (current_angles_x > 180) current_angles_x = current_angles_x - 360; while (current_angles_y < -180) current_angles_y = current_angles_y + 360; while (current_angles_y > 180) current_angles_y = current_angles_y - 360; // Camera position tmp = '0 0 0'; dimensions = 0; if( camera_direction_x ) { tmp_x = camera_direction_x * cos(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD); tmp_y = camera_direction_x * sin(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD); if( cvar("camera_forward_follows") && !cvar("camera_look_player") ) tmp_z = camera_direction_x * -sin(current_angles_x * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if( camera_direction_y ) { tmp_x += camera_direction_y * -sin(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD); tmp_y += camera_direction_y * cos(current_angles_y * DEG2RAD) * cos(current_angles_z * DEG2RAD); tmp_z += camera_direction_y * sin(current_angles_z * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if( camera_direction_z ) { tmp_z += camera_direction_z * cos(current_angles_z * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if(cvar("camera_free")) speed = cvar("camera_speed_free"); else speed = cvar("camera_speed_chase"); if(dimensions) { speed = speed * sqrt(1 / dimensions); camera_offset += tmp * speed; } current_camera_offset += (camera_offset - current_camera_offset) * attenuation; // Camera modes if( cvar("camera_free") ) { if ( camera_mode == CAMERA_CHASE ) { current_camera_offset = current_origin + current_camera_offset; camera_offset = current_origin + camera_offset; } camera_mode = CAMERA_FREE; current_position = current_camera_offset; } else { if ( camera_mode == CAMERA_FREE ) { current_origin = view_origin; camera_offset = camera_offset - current_origin; current_camera_offset = current_camera_offset - current_origin; } camera_mode = CAMERA_CHASE; if(cvar("camera_chase_smoothly")) current_origin += (view_origin - current_origin) * attenuation; else current_origin = view_origin; current_position = current_origin + current_camera_offset; } R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, current_angles); R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, current_position); }