// Property of Alientrap/AK // // creategame/game.menu Item Layout Misc { size '800 585' origin '200 50' flag [FlagEmbedded] Item ScrollWindow ScrollWindow { size '780 535' flag [FlagEmbedded] Item Arrangement Arrangement { direction [Nex_DefaultVertDirection] alignment [AlignFirst] flag [FlagEmbedded] // hack to make the arrangement have a set width Item Window FixWidth { size '800 0' Derive Nex_Void Left { pos '0 0' size '400 0' } Derive Nex_Void Right { pos '400 0' size '400 0' } } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox JoinMessageTime { text "Join Message Display Time" target "Data::Game::Misc::JoinMessageTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SpawnShieldTime { text "Invulnerability time after spawning" target "Data::Game::Misc::SpawnShieldTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Grapple { text "Grappling Hook Enabled" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Grapple::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox GrappleFireSpeed { text "Grappling Hook Fire Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::GrappleFireSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox GrapplePullSpeed { text "Grappling Hook Pull Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::GrapplePullSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorWeapons {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartLaser { text "Start with Laser" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartLaser::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartShotgun { text "Start with Shotgun" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartShotgun::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartUzi { text "Start with Machinegun" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartUzi::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartGrenadelauncher { text "Start with Grenadelauncher" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartGrenadelauncher::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartElectro { text "Start with Electro" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartElectro::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartCrylink { text "Start with Crylink" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartCrylink::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartNex { text "Start with Nex" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartNex::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartHagar { text "Start with Hagar" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartHagar::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch StartRocketlauncher { text "Start with Rocketlauncher" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartRocketlauncher::Switch" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorAmmo {} Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StartShells { text "Starting Shells" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartShells::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StartNails { text "Starting Bullets" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartNails::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StartRockets { text "Starting Rockets" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartRockets::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox StartCells { text "Starting Cells" target "::Data::Game::Misc::StartCells::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorItems {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch UseAmmunition { text "Use ammunition" target "::Data::Game::Misc::UseAmmunition::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch PickupItems { text "Pickup items" target "::Data::Game::Misc::PickupItems::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Superhealth { text "Superhealth" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Superhealth::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Strength { text "Strength" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Strength::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Shield { text "Shield" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Shield::Switch" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorGamemodes {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch Instagib { text "Simple Instagib" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Instagib::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Rocketarena { text "Rocket Arena" target "::Data::Game::Misc::RocketArena::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch Vampire { text "Vampire Mode" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Vampire::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch LaserguidedRocket { text "Laser-Guided Rockets" target "::Data::Game::Misc::LaserguidedRockets::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch NoRecoil { text "No Recoil" target "::Data::Game::Misc::NoRecoil::Switch" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorMidAir {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch MidAir { text "MidAir" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MidAir::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MidAirShieldTime { text "Invuln. time after leaving floor" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MidAirShieldTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorMinstagib {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch MinstaGibMode { text "MinstaGib (improved Instagib)" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MinstaGibMode::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MinstaGibLives { text "Extra Lives per powerup" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MinstaGibLives::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MinstaGibAmmoStart { text "Starting ammo" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MinstaGibAmmoStart::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MinstaGibAmmoDrop { text "Ammo dropped or picked up" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MinstaGibAmmoDrop::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox MinstaGibInvisAlpha { text "Transparency for invisible players" target "::Data::Game::Misc::MinstaGibInvisAlpha::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorNixNex {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch NixNex { text "NixNex (No Items Nexuiz)" target "::Data::Game::Misc::NixNex::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch NixNexWithLaser { text "Always carry laser" target "::Data::Game::Misc::NixNexWithLaser::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox NixNexRoundTime { text "Time between weapon switches" target "::Data::Game::Misc::NixNexRoundTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox NixNexIncrTime { text "Time between ammo increments" target "::Data::Game::Misc::NixNexIncrTime::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorOthers {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch Casings { text "Bullet Casings" target "::Data::Game::Misc::Casings::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox HealthStart { text "Starting Health" target "Data::Game::Misc::HealthStart::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox HealthRot { text "Health Rot" target "Data::Game::Misc::HealthRot::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox HealthStable { text "Health Stable" target "Data::Game::Misc::HealthStable::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Gravity { text "Level Gravity" target "Data::Game::Misc::Gravity::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Maxspeed { text "Player Maxspeed" target "Data::Game::Misc::MaxSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Gamespeed { text "Game Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::GameSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Maxairspeed { text "Max Air Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::MaxAirSpeed::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox JumpHeight { text "Jump height" target "Data::Game::Misc::JumpHeight::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox HealthRegeneration { text "Health Regeneration Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::HealthRegeneration::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox ArmorRott { text "Armor Rot Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::ArmorRott::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox ArmorRegen { text "Armor Regeneration Speed" target "Data::Game::Misc::ArmorRegen::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox ArmorStable { text "Armor Stable" target "Data::Game::Misc::ArmorStable::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox ArmorStart { text "Armor Start" target "Data::Game::Misc::ArmorStart::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox SelfDamagePercent { text "Self Damage Percent" target "Data::Game::Misc::SelfDamagePercent::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox WeaponSwitchDelay { text "Weapon Switch Delay" target "Data::Game::Misc::WeaponSwitchDelay::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Friction { text "Player Friction" target "Data::Game::Misc::Friction::Text" } Derive Nex_Option_EditBox Accelerate { text "Player Accelerate" target "Data::Game::Misc::Accelerate::Text" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorSpec {} Derive Nex_Option_Switch SpecMode { text "Spectate" target "Data::Game::Misc::SpecMode::Switch" } Derive Nex_Option_Switch DefaultModel { text "Defaultmodel" target "Data::Game::Misc::DefaultModel::Switch" } Derive Nex_Line SeperatorReset {} Derive TextButton Reset { normal "Reset to default" init Nex_Action_ResetData target "::Data::Game::Misc" } } } Item VScrollBar Scroller { pos '780 0' size '20 100' target "##prev" } }