// Nexuiz version (formatted for humans) set g_nexuizversion 2.4svn // changes a cvar and reports it to the server (for the menu to notify the // server about changes) alias setreport "set \"$1\" \"$2\" ; sendcvar \"$1\"" // detect dedicated server alias "_detect_dedicated_$qport" "$*" alias "_detect_dedicated_0" "" alias if_dedicated "_detect_dedicated_$qport $*" // Configuration file version (used to upgrade settings) // 0: first run, or previous start was <2.4.1 // later, it's overridden by config.cfg, version ranges are defined in config_update.cfg seta g_configversion 0 // Nexuiz version (formatted for machines) // used to determine if a client version is compatible // this doesn't have to be bumped with every release // bump when clients become incompatible or any other perfectly good reason // (e.g. game data incompatibility, engine version incompatibility, etc // note: this automatically filters the server browser, clients of the new // version won't see old servers, and clients of the old version won't see new // servers either // // e.g. Nexuiz 1.5.1 RC1 will be 15101 gameversion 20000 // say aliases alias asay_ctf_flagcarrier "say_team flag carrier at %y" alias asay_ctf_haveflag "say_team (%l) have the flag" alias asay_willgo "say_team will go to %y" alias asay_support "say_team (%l) need help, %h%%" alias asay_killed "say_team got killed at %d" alias asay_noammo "say_team (%l) need %W for %w" alias asay_drop "say_team (%l) dropped %w ; impulse 17" // other aliases alias +hook +button6 alias -hook -button6 alias ready "cmd ready" alias lockteams "sv_cmd lockteams" alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams" alias nospectators "sv_cmd nospectators" alias calltimeout "cmd calltimeout" //use this command to call a timeout alias resumegame "cmd resumegame" //use this command if you don't need the remaining time of the timeout anymore alias bsp "ls maps/*.bsp" alias chmap "changelevel $*" alias gotomap "sv_cmd gotomap \"$1\"" alias rec "record demos/$1" alias ply "playdemo $1" alias tdem "timedemo $1" alias dropweapon "impulse 17" alias +show_info +button7 alias -show_info -button7 alias team_red "cmd selectteam red; cmd join" alias team_blue "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join" alias team_pink "cmd selectteam pink; cmd join" alias team_yellow "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join" alias team_auto "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join" bind f6 team_auto alias movetoteam_red "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 red" alias movetoteam_blue "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 blue" alias movetoteam_pink "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 pink" alias movetoteam_yellow "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 yellow" alias movetoteam_auto "sv_cmd movetoteam $1 auto" // merge lightmaps up to 1024x1024 textures // the default of 2048x2048 is too heavy for my rig (SavageX) mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower 3 // player defaults _cl_color 102 _cl_name Player _cl_playermodel models/player/marine.zym _cl_playerskin 0 crosshair 5 fov 90 seta cl_zoomfactor 5 // how much +zoom will zoom (1-16) seta cl_zoomspeed 3.5 // how fast it will zoom (0.5-16), negative values mean instant zoom seta cl_zoomsensitivity 0 // how zoom changes sensitivity (0 = weakest, 1 = strongest) freelook 1 sensitivity 6 v_gamma 1.125000 viewsize 110 bgmvolume 1 volume 0.5 // fullscreen 1024x768x32bit vid_bitsperpixel 32 vid_fullscreen 1 vid_width 1024 vid_height 768 // 2D resolution 800x600 vid_conwidth 800 vid_conheight 600 set sbar_hudselector 0 // use the old nexuiz hud layout v_deathtilt 0 // needed for spectators (who are dead to avoid prediction) // these settings determine how much the view is affected by movement/damage cl_bobcycle 0 // how long the cycle of up/down view movement takes (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 0.6 cl_bob 0.02 // how much view moves up/down when moving (does not move if cl_bobcycle is 0, but still enables cl_bobmodel), default is 0.02 cl_bobmodel 1 // whether to have gun model move around on screen when moving (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 1 cl_rollangle 0 // amount of view tilt when strafing, default is 2.0 v_kicktime 0 // how long damage kicks of the view last, default is 0.5 seconds gl_polyblend 1 // whether to use screen tints, default is 1 // nexuiz-linux-*.sh will use this seta vid_x11_display "" // This can have three possible settings: // "" run as usual // ":n" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed // ":n/layout" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed with ServerLayout layout cl_autodemo_nameformat demos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M // server settings hostname "Nexuiz Server" set sv_mapchange_delay 5 set minplayers 0 sv_cullentities_trace 1 r_cullentities_trace 1 // restart server if all players hit "ready"-button set sv_ready_restart 0 set sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 //if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown set sv_ready_restart_repeatable 0 //allows the players to restart the game as often as needed //nifreks lockonrestart feature, used in team-based game modes, if set to 1 and all players readied up no other player can then join the game anymore, useful to block spectators from joining set teamplay_lockonrestart 0 set g_maxplayers 0 //maximum number of players allowed to play at the same time, set to 0 to all players to join the game set g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime 5 //if the players voted for the "nospectators" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before he gets kicked //tournament mod set g_warmup 0 //split the game into a warmup- and match-stage if_dedicated set g_warmup 1 set g_warmup_limit 60 //if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage, otherwise warmup will be limited to this time (useful for public matches) set g_warmup_allow_timeout 0 //if set to 0 you cannot use the calltimeout command during the warmup-stage but only during the match stage set g_warmup_allguns 0 //if set players start with all guns in warmup mode set g_warmup_start_health 250 //starting values when being in warmup-stage set g_warmup_start_armor 100 set g_warmup_start_ammo_shells 50 set g_warmup_start_ammo_nails 150 set g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets 50 set g_warmup_start_ammo_cells 50 set g_chat_nospectators 0 //if set the chat sent by spectators or observers while being in match-stage can only seen by other specs/observers set sv_vote_nospectators 0 //if set only players can call a vote during the match-stage (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote then) alias g_tourney "g_tourney_$1" alias g_tourney_1 "g_warmup 1; g_chat_nospectators 1; sv_vote_nospectators 1" alias g_tourney_0 "g_warmup 0; g_chat_nospectators 0; sv_vote_nospectators 0" set sv_timeout 0 //allows a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time set sv_timeout_length 120 //how long the game will be paused at max, in seconds set sv_timeout_number 2 //how many timeouts one player is allowed to call (gets reset after a restart) set sv_timeout_leadtime 4 //how long the players will be informed that a timeout was calledbefore it starts, in seconds set sv_timeout_resumetime 3 //how long the remaining timeout-time will be after a player called the resumegame command // use default physics exec physicsQBR.cfg set sv_pogostick 0 // don't require releasing the space bar for jumping again set sv_doublejump 0 // allow Quake 2-style double jumps seta sv_precacheplayermodels 1 seta sv_precacheweapons 0 seta sv_precacheitems 0 set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5 seta sv_spectate 1 seta sv_defaultcharacter 0 seta sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym seta sv_defaultplayerskin 0 seta sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" // "" means see sv_defaultplayermodel seta sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0 seta sv_defaultplayermodel_blue "" seta sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0 seta sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow "" seta sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0 seta sv_defaultplayermodel_pink "" seta sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0 seta sv_defaultplayercolors "" // set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to "" to disable set sv_autoscreenshot 0 net_messagetimeout 300 net_connecttimeout 30 sv_jumpstep 1 // step up stairs while jumping, makes it easier to reach ledges set ekg 0 cl_movement 1 cl_stairsmoothspeed 200 cl_forwardspeed $sv_maxspeed cl_backspeed $sv_maxspeed cl_sidespeed $sv_maxspeed cl_upspeed $sv_maxspeed cl_movement_accelerate $sv_accelerate cl_movement_airaccel_qw $sv_airaccel_qw cl_movement_airaccel_sideways_friction $sv_airaccel_sideways_friction cl_movement_airaccelerate $sv_airaccelerate cl_movement_edgefriction $edgefriction cl_movement_friction $sv_friction cl_movement_jumpvelocity $sv_jumpvelocity cl_movement_maxairspeed $sv_maxairspeed cl_movement_maxspeed $sv_maxspeed cl_movement_stepheight $sv_stepheight cl_movement_stopspeed $sv_stopspeed cl_movement_track_canjump 0 // till DP bug gets fixed cl_movement_wallfriction $sv_wallfriction cl_movement_wateraccelerate $sv_wateraccelerate cl_movement_waterfriction $sv_waterfriction seta cl_autoswitch 1 alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch $1 ; cmd autoswitch $1" seta cl_playerdetailreduction 0 // the higher, the less detailed set bot_number 0 // number of bots in server seta bot_usemodelnames 0 // whether bots should be named after the models set bot_nofire 0 // makes bots not attack at all, mainly for testing in g_waypointeditor mode seta bot_prefix [BOT] seta bot_suffix "" seta skill_auto 0 // when 1, "skill" gets adjusted to match the best player on the map // general bot AI cvars set bot_ai_thinkinterval 0.05 set bot_ai_strategyinterval 2 set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval 0.5 set bot_ai_dodgeupdateinterval 0.1 set bot_ai_chooseweaponinterval 0.3 set bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval 0.1 set bot_ai_dangerdetectionupdates 64 set bot_ai_aimskill_blendrate 2 set bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate 15 set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_distdegrees 180 set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_mindegrees 2 set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_maxdegrees 45 set bot_ai_aimskill_mouse 1 set bot_ai_keyboard_distance 250 set bot_ai_keyboard_treshold 0.57 set bot_ai_aimskill_offset 1 set bot_ai_aimskill_think 1 // Better don't touch these, there are hard to tweak! set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_1st 0.01 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_2nd 0.1 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_3th 0.01 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_4th 0.05 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_5th 0.01 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_1st 0.2 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_2nd 0.2 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_3th 0.05 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_4th 0.25 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_5th 0.3 // waypoint editor enable set g_waypointeditor 0 set bot_ignore_bots 0 set bot_join_empty 0 set bot_vs_human 0 // set to positive value to make an all-bot blue team, set to negative value to make an all-bot red team, the absolute value is the ratio bots vs humans (1 for equal count) alias g_waypointeditor_spawn "impulse 103" alias g_waypointeditor_remove "impulse 104" alias g_waypointeditor_relinkall "impulse 105" alias g_waypointeditor_saveall "impulse 106" locs_enable 0 pausable 0 set g_antilag 2 // 1: re-aim to enemy that was aimed at in the past, 2: shoot completely in the past, 3: client-side hitscan set g_shootfromeye 0 set g_shootfromcenter 0 set g_weapon_stay 0 set g_powerup_superhealth 1 set g_powerup_strength 1 set g_powerup_shield 1 set g_use_ammunition 1 set g_pickup_items 1 set g_minstagib 0 // enable minstagib set g_minstagib_extralives 2 // how many extra lives you will get per powerup set g_minstagib_ammo_start 10 // starting ammo set g_minstagib_ammo_drop 5 // how much ammo you'll get for weapons or cells set g_minstagib_invis_alpha 0.05 set g_minstagib_speed_jumpheight 1.8 set g_minstagib_speed_moverate 1.25 set g_rocketarena 0 set g_vampire 0 set g_shocknex 0 set g_laserguided_missile 0 set g_midair 0 set g_midair_shieldtime 0.3 set g_spawnshieldtime 0 set g_spawnsound 1 set g_spawnpoints_autodrop 0 set g_spawnpoints_auto_move_out_of_solid 0 set g_forced_respawn 0 set g_fullbrightplayers 0 set g_fullbrightitems 0 set g_casings 0 set g_norecoil 0 set g_throughfloor 1 set g_maplist_mostrecent "" seta g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 // number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again seta g_maplist "aggressor aneurysm basement basementctf bleach bloodprison bloodprisonctf bluesky darkzone dieselpower dismal downer evilspace farewell final_rage reslimed ruiner runningman_1on1remix runningman runningmanctf silvercity skyway slimepit soylent starship stormkeep strength toxic warfare" seta g_maplist_index 0 // this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle seta g_maplist_selectrandom 0 // if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle seta g_maplist_shuffle 1 // new randomization method: like selectrandom, but avoid playing the same maps in short succession. This works by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list. // timeout for kill credit when your damage knocks someone into a death trap set g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // when 1, maps are skipped if there currently are bots, but the map has no waypoints set g_maxpushtime 8.0 set g_cloaked 0 set g_player_alpha 1 set g_player_brightness 0 // set to 2 for brighter players seta g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25 set welcome_message_time 8 alias clearmap "disconnect" set g_grappling_hook 0 set g_balance_grapplehook_health 130 exec newhook.cfg // this means that timelimit can be overidden globally and fraglimit can be overidden for each game mode: DM/TDM, Domination, CTF, and Runematch. seta timelimit_override -1 seta fraglimit_override -1 seta capturelimit_override -1 // actual captures, if g_ctf_win_mode 0 or 1 seta g_ctf_capture_limit -1 // points, if g_ctf_win_mode 2 seta g_domination_point_limit -1 seta g_runematch_point_limit -1 seta g_keyhunt_point_limit -1 seta g_race_laps_limit -1 seta g_ctf_win_mode 2 // 0: captures only, 1: captures, then points, 2: points only seta g_ctf_ignore_frags 0 // 1: regular frags give no points // 50% of the spawns shall be far away from any players set g_spawn_furthest 0.5 // respawn delay set g_respawn_delay 2 set g_respawn_waves 0 // when variables are set to 0, they take over the global setting... // to force disable delay or waves, set them to 0.125 set g_ctf_respawn_delay 0 set g_ctf_respawn_waves 0 set g_dm_respawn_delay 0 set g_dm_respawn_waves 0 set g_dom_respawn_delay 0 set g_dom_respawn_waves 0 set g_lms_respawn_delay 0 set g_lms_respawn_waves 0 set g_rune_respawn_delay 0 set g_rune_respawn_waves 0 set g_tdm_respawn_delay 0 set g_tdm_respawn_waves 0 // honor g_respawn_mapsettings_delay and g_respawn_mapsettings_waves set g_respawn_mapsettings 1 // maximum overtime seta timelimit_maxovertime 5 // common team values set g_tdm 0 seta teamplay_default 4 // default teamplay setting in team games // 1 = no friendly fire, self damage // 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled // 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled // 4 = obey the following two cvars seta g_mirrordamage 0.2 // for teamplay 4: mirror damage factor seta g_friendlyfire 0.0 // for teamplay 4: fiendly fire factor set deathmatch_force_teamplay 0 // always play TDM on dm maps seta g_balance_teams 0 // automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team seta g_balance_teams_force 0 // automatically balance out teams when players move or disconnect seta g_balance_teams_complain 0 // when 1, complain when team balance is off seta g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0 // prevent players from changing to larger teams seta g_tdm_teams 2 // how many teams are in team deathmatch set g_changeteam_banned 0 // not allowed to change team set g_changeteam_fragtransfer 0 // % of frags you get to keep when you change teams (rounded down) // dm set g_dm 1 set gamecfg 1 // deathmatch // ctf set g_ctf 0 set g_ctf_flag_returntime 30 set g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfdamage 1 set g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfforce 1 set g_ctf_fullbrightflags 1 set g_ctf_allow_drop 0 // dropping allows circumventing carrierkill score, so enable this with care! set g_ctf_reverse 0 // when 1, bases/flags are switched :P you have to capture your OWN flag by bringing it to the ENEMY's set g_balance_ctf_delay_collect 1.0 set g_balance_ctf_damageforcescale 1 exec ctfscoring-nex242.cfg // runematch set g_runematch 0 set g_runematch_pointrate 5 set g_runematch_pointamt 1 set g_runematch_shuffletime 30 // how often runes change position set g_runematch_respawntime 15 // how soon after being dropped to respawn set g_runematch_frags_killedby_runeholder 4 set g_runematch_frags_killed_runeholder 5 set g_runematch_frags_norune 0 set g_runematch_drop_runes_max 2 // only drop up to 2 runes, the rest should respawn set g_runematch_allow_same 0 // allow matching rune-curse pairs set g_runematch_rune_alpha 0.78 set g_runematch_rune_effects 544 // EF_ADDITIVE + EF_FULLBRIGHT set g_runematch_rune_glow_size 0 set g_runematch_rune_glow_color 0 set g_runematch_rune_color_strength 1.0 //1.5 // strength/weakness set g_balance_rune_strength_damage 2.0 //1.5 set g_balance_rune_strength_force 1.5 set g_balance_curse_weak_damage 0.5 //0.6 set g_balance_curse_weak_force 0.6 set g_balance_rune_strength_combo_damage 0.9 set g_balance_rune_strength_combo_force 1.0 // defense/vulner set g_balance_rune_defense_takedamage 0.5 set g_balance_curse_vulner_takedamage 2.0 set g_balance_rune_defense_combo_takedamage 1.0 // vampire/empathy set g_balance_rune_vampire_absorb 0.4 set g_balance_curse_empathy_takedamage -0.4 set g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_absorb -0.1 set g_balance_rune_vampire_maxhealth 500 set g_balance_curse_empathy_minhealth 20 set g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_minhealth 40 // regen/venom set g_balance_rune_regen_hpmod 1.75 set g_balance_curse_venom_hpmod 0.6 set g_balance_rune_regen_combo_hpmod 0.9 set g_balance_rune_regen_regenrate 3.0 set g_balance_curse_venom_rotrate 3.0 //2 set g_balance_rune_regen_combo_regenrate 0.5 set g_balance_rune_regen_combo_rotrate 1.5 set g_balance_rune_regen_limitmod 1 set g_balance_curse_venom_limitmod 1 set g_balance_rune_regen_combo_limitmod 1 // speed/slow set g_balance_rune_speed_atkrate 0.66 set g_balance_curse_slow_atkrate 1.5 set g_balance_rune_speed_combo_atkrate 1.2 set g_balance_rune_speed_moverate 1.25 set g_balance_curse_slow_moverate 0.8 set g_balance_rune_speed_combo_moverate 0.9 set g_balance_rune_speed_jumpheight 1.4 set g_balance_curse_slow_jumpheight 1.0 set g_balance_rune_speed_combo_jumpheight 1.0 // domination set g_domination 0 set g_domination_default_teams 2 // default number of teams for maps that aren't domination-specific set g_domination_disable_frags 0 // players can't get frags normally, only get points from kills set g_domination_point_amt 0 // override: how many points to get per ping set g_domination_point_rate 0 // override: how often to give those points set g_domination_point_capturetime 0.1 // how long it takes to capture a point (given no interference) set g_domination_point_glow 0 // domination point glow (warning, slow) //set g_domination_balance_team_points 1 // # of points received is based on team sizes // last man standing set g_lms 0 set g_lms_lives_override -1 set g_lms_start_health 250 set g_lms_start_armor 100 set g_lms_start_ammo_shells 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_nails 150 set g_lms_start_ammo_rockets 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_cells 50 set g_lms_regenerate 0 set g_lms_campcheck_interval 10 set g_lms_campcheck_message "^1Don't camp!" set g_lms_campcheck_damage 100 set g_lms_campcheck_distance 1800 set g_lms_last_join 3 // if g_lms_join_anytime is false, new players can only join if the worst active player has more than (fraglimit - g_lms_last_join) lives set g_lms_join_anytime 1 // if true, new players can join, but get same amount of lives as the worst player // arena set g_arena 0 set g_arena_maxspawned 2 // maximum number of players to spawn at once (the rest is spectating, waiting for their turn) set g_arena_roundbased 1 // if disabled, the next player will spawn as soon as someone dies set g_arena_warmup 5 // time, newly spawned players have to prepare themselves in round based matches set g_arena_powerups 0 // enables powerups (superhealth, strength and shield), which are removed by default // onslaught set g_onslaught 0 set g_onslaught_gen_health 10000 set g_onslaught_cp_health 1000 // assault set g_assault 0 // race set g_race 0 set g_race_qualifying 1 // Qualifying uses timelimit, and the one with the best time wins. Fraglimit is nonfunctional then. // Normal race uses fraglimit as a limit for the laps. // Special mode: g_race_qualifying 2. First runs a qualifying, after // ready-restart it turns into a race. TODO not done yet (e.g. timing display) set g_race_teams 0 // when 2, 3, or 4, the race is played as a team game (the team members can add up their laps) // server game balance settings set g_balance_armor_regen 0 set g_balance_armor_rot 0.1 set g_balance_armor_regenlinear 0 set g_balance_armor_rotlinear 0 set g_balance_armor_stable 100 set g_balance_armor_limit 999 set g_balance_armor_start 0 set g_balance_armor_blockpercent 0.6 set g_balance_health_regen 0.1 set g_balance_health_rot 0.1 set g_balance_health_regenlinear 0 set g_balance_health_rotlinear 0 set g_balance_health_stable 100 set g_balance_health_limit 999 set g_balance_health_start 150 set g_balance_selfdamagepercent 0.6 set g_balance_weaponswitchdelay 0.15 // powerup balance settings set g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage 0.2 set g_balance_powerup_invincible_time 30 set g_balance_powerup_strength_damage 3 set g_balance_powerup_strength_force 4 set g_balance_powerup_strength_time 30 set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage 1.5 set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce 1.5 // weapon balance settings follow exec weapons.cfg set g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed 150 set g_balance_falldamage_minspeed 1400 set g_balance_falldamage_factor 0.15 set g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage 25 set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 5 set g_balance_pause_health_rot 5 set g_balance_pause_health_regen 5 set g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn 10 set g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn 10 set g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn 0 set g_footsteps 0 // serverside footstep sounds // effects r_picmipsprites 0 // Nexuiz uses sprites that should never be picmipped (team mate, typing, waypoints) r_mipsprites 1 r_mipskins 1 r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 1 seta r_ambient 4 cl_decals_fadetime 1 cl_decals_time 2 seta cl_nogibs 0 cl_stainmaps 0 cl_particles_smoke 1 r_glsl 1 r_glsl_deluxemapping 1 r_glsl_offsetmapping 0 r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping 0 r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale 0.02 // execute normal.cfg to make sure that all effect settings are reset alias menu_sync "" // will be re-aliased later exec normal.cfg // misc fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions 1 // makes patches able to delete files scr_conalpha 0.8 scr_conbrightness 0.2 scr_screenshot_jpeg 1 scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality 0.9 sv_maxvelocity 1000000000 cl_sound_wizardhit "" cl_sound_hknighthit "" cl_sound_tink1 weapons/tink1.wav cl_sound_ric1 weapons/ric1.wav cl_sound_ric2 weapons/ric2.wav cl_sound_ric3 weapons/ric3.wav cl_sound_r_exp3 "" sv_sound_land "" sv_sound_watersplash "" // startmap_dm is used when running with the -listen or -dedicated commandline options alias startmap_dm "set _sv_init 1; map aggressor" // aliases: alias +attack2 +button3 alias -attack2 -button3 alias +zoom +button4 alias -zoom -button4 alias +crouch +button5 alias -crouch -button5 alias weapnext "_weapnext_${_supports_weaponpriority}${sbar_hudselector}${cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling}" alias _weapnext_000 "impulse 10" alias _weapnext_001 "impulse 10" alias _weapnext_010 "impulse 10" alias _weapnext_011 "impulse 10" alias _weapnext_100 "impulse 10" alias _weapnext_101 "impulse 15" alias _weapnext_110 "impulse 18" alias _weapnext_111 "impulse 15" alias weaplast "impulse 11" alias weapprev "_weapprev_${_supports_weaponpriority}${sbar_hudselector}${cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling}" alias _weapprev_000 "impulse 12" alias _weapprev_001 "impulse 12" alias _weapprev_010 "impulse 12" alias _weapprev_011 "impulse 12" alias _weapprev_100 "impulse 12" alias _weapprev_101 "impulse 16" alias _weapprev_110 "impulse 19" alias _weapprev_111 "impulse 16" set _supports_weaponpriority 0 // set to 1 by csqc if supported, and to 0 on disconnect alias weapbest "impulse 13" // movement bind w +forward bind a +moveleft bind s +back bind d +moveright bind UPARROW +forward bind LEFTARROW +moveleft bind DOWNARROW +back bind RIGHTARROW +moveright bind SHIFT +crouch bind ENTER +jump bind SPACE +jump // weapons bind 1 "impulse 1" bind 2 "impulse 2" bind 3 "impulse 3" bind 4 "impulse 4" bind 5 "impulse 5" bind 6 "impulse 6" bind 7 "impulse 7" bind 8 "impulse 8" bind 9 "impulse 9" bind 0 "impulse 14" // cycles the superweapons bind MOUSE1 +attack bind MOUSE2 +attack2 bind MOUSE3 +zoom bind MOUSE4 weaplast bind MOUSE5 +hook bind MWHEELUP weapnext bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev bind BACKSPACE dropweapon bind g dropweapon bind f +use // misc bind e +hook bind ` toggleconsole bind ~ toggleconsole bind TAB +showscores bind ESCAPE togglemenu bind r messagemode2 bind t messagemode bind y messagemode2 bind i +show_info bind PAUSE pause bind F10 quit bind F11 disconnect bind F12 screenshot bind F4 ready // Gamepad defaults. Tested with Logitech Rumblepad 2, I hope similar ones works as well. bind JOY1 "+crouch" bind JOY2 "+jump" bind JOY3 "weapprev" bind JOY4 "weapnext" bind JOY5 "+attack2" bind JOY6 "+attack" bind JOY7 "+zoom" bind JOY8 "dropweapon" bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect" bind JOY10 "+show_info" bind JOY11 "+showscores" bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize" set joyadvanced "1" set joyadvaxisr "2" set joyadvaxisx "3" set joyadvaxisy "1" set joyadvaxisz "4" set joysidesensitivity "1.0" set joypitchsensitivity "0.9" set joyyawsensitivity "-1.8" // SDL only set joy_deadzoneforward "0.05" set joy_deadzonepitch "0.05" set joy_deadzoneside "0.05" set joy_deadzoneup "0.05" set joy_deadzoneyaw "0.05" set joy_sensitivitypitch "0.9" set joy_sensitivityyaw "-1.8" // team say bind kp_ins messagemode bind kp_del messagemode2 bind kp_end "+userbind 1" bind kp_downarrow "+userbind 2" bind kp_pgdn "+userbind 3" bind kp_leftarrow "+userbind 4" bind kp_5 "+userbind 6" bind kp_rightarrow "+userbind 7" bind kp_home "+userbind 9" bind kp_uparrow "+userbind 10" bind kp_pgup "+userbind 11" bind kp_multiply "+userbind 12" bind kp_slash "+userbind 13" bind kp_enter "+userbind 15" bind kp_plus "+userbind 16" bind kp_minus "+userbind 17" // these commands can be voted set sv_vote_commands "restart timelimit fraglimit chmap gotomap g_grappling_hook sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_green sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_red sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_orange sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_off endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready" // users can call a vote for the above commands set sv_vote_call 1 // users can call a vote to become master set sv_vote_master 1 // when set, users can use "vdo login (password)" to log in as master set sv_vote_master_password "" // set to 1 to allow to change you vote/mind set sv_vote_change 0 // set to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote set sv_vote_singlecount 0 // a vote will timeout after this many seconds set sv_vote_timeout 60 // a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds set sv_vote_wait 120 // which quotient of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (try: 0.667, 0.75 when using the above) set sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5 // which quotient of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (0 = off, otherwise it must be higher than or equal to sv_vote_majority_factor) set sv_vote_simple_majority_factor 0 // note: set these two equal to JUST support simple majorities // when disabled, don't allow game type changes set sv_vote_override_mostrecent 0 alias vhelp "cmd vote help" alias vstatus "cmd vote status" alias vcall "cmd vote call $*" alias vmap "vcall gotomap $1" alias vstop "cmd vote stop" alias vmaster "cmd vote master" alias vlogin "cmd vote login $*" alias vdo "cmd vote do $*" alias vdomap "vdo gotomap $1" alias vyes "cmd vote yes" alias vno "cmd vote no" alias vdontcare "cmd vote dontcare" alias vabstain "cmd vote abstain" alias lsmaps "cmd lsmaps" // lists all maps on server (for vmap, suggestmap) bind F1 vyes bind F2 vno //used for spectate/observer mode alias spec "cmd spectate" bind F3 spec // alias for switching the teamselect menu alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect" alias menu_sync "menu_cmd sync" bind f5 menu_showteamselect // NixNex (No-Items x Nexuiz) - at each time, everyone uses the same weapon, // and in regular intervals, this weapon is cycled set g_nixnex 0 set g_nixnex_with_laser 0 // TODO these need balancing: set g_balance_nixnex_roundtime 25 set g_balance_nixnex_incrtime 1.6 // initial ammo set g_balance_nixnex_ammo_shells 15 set g_balance_nixnex_ammo_nails 45 set g_balance_nixnex_ammo_rockets 15 set g_balance_nixnex_ammo_cells 15 // ammo increment per second set g_balance_nixnex_ammoincr_shells 2 set g_balance_nixnex_ammoincr_nails 6 set g_balance_nixnex_ammoincr_rockets 2 set g_balance_nixnex_ammoincr_cells 2 // score log set sv_logscores_console 0 // print scores to server console set sv_logscores_file 0 // print scores to file set sv_logscores_filename scores.log // filename set sv_logscores_bots 0 // exclude bots by default // spam (frag/capture) log set sv_eventlog 0 // the master switch for efficiency reasons set sv_eventlog_console 1 set sv_eventlog_files 0 set sv_eventlog_files_timestamps 1 seta sv_eventlog_files_counter 0 set sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix nexuiz set sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix .log set nextmap "" // override the maplist when switching to the next map set lastlevel "" set quit_when_empty 0 // set to 1, then the server exits when the next level would start but is empty set quit_and_redirect "" // set to an IP to redirect all players at the end of the match to another server. Set to "self" to let all players reconnect at the end of the match (use it to make seamless engine updates) // singleplayer campaign set g_campaign 0 seta g_campaign_name "" seta g_campaign_index 0 set g_campaign_skill 0 alias singleplayer_start "g_campaign_index 0; set scmenu_campaign_goto 0" alias singleplayer_continue "set scmenu_campaign_goto -1" alias singleplayer_levellist "set scmenu_campaign_dump 1; togglemenu; wait; togglemenu" // Green's fullbright skins alias player_fbskin_green "playermodel models/player/nexus.zym; playerskin 6; color 3 3" alias player_fbskin_red "playermodel models/player/nexus.zym; playerskin 6; color 4 4" alias player_fbskin_orange "playermodel models/player/nexus.zym; playerskin 6; color 14 14" alias player_fbskin_off "playermodel models/player/nexus.zym; playerskin 0" alias sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_green "g_fullbrightplayers 1; sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym; sv_defaultplayerskin 6; sv_defaultplayercolors 51" alias sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_red "g_fullbrightplayers 1; sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym; sv_defaultplayerskin 6; sv_defaultplayercolors 68" alias sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_orange "g_fullbrightplayers 1; sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym; sv_defaultplayerskin 6; sv_defaultplayercolors 238" alias sv_defaultplayer_fbskin_off "g_fullbrightplayers 0; sv_defaultcharacter 0; sv_defaultplayerskin 0; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\"" seta sv_servermodelsonly 1 cl_curl_enabled 1 cl_curl_maxspeed 300 sv_curl_defaulturl "http://www.nexuiz.com/contentdownload/getmap.php?file=" set sv_motd "" seta cl_shownames 1 // show player names pointed to (0: never, 1: teamplay only, 2: always) set sv_allow_shownames 1 net_banlist "" seta _alientrap_net_banlist "" set g_waypoints_for_items 1 // make waypoints out of items, values: 0 = never, 1 = unless the mapper prevents it by worldspawn.spawnflags & 1, 2 = always set g_projectiles_newton_style 2 // possible values: // 0: absolute velocity projectiles (like Quake) // 1: relative velocity projectiles, "Newtonian" (like Tribes 2) // 2: relative velocity projectiles, but aim is precorrected so projectiles hit the crosshair (note: strafe rockets then are SLOWER than ones shot while standing, happens in 1 too when aiming correctly which is hard) // 3: absolute velocity + player velocity component in shot direction (note: does NOT yield the right relative velocity, but may be good enough, but it is somewhat prone to sniper rockets) // 4: just add the player velocity length to the absolute velocity (tZork's sniper rockets) seta g_maplist_votable 5 seta g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 15 seta g_maplist_votable_timeout 30 // note: must be below 50 seconds! seta g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2 seta g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0 seta g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1 // nodetail only shows total count instead of all vote counts per map, so votes don't influence others that much seta g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 // when 1, you can abstain from your vote seta g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir "maps" // where to look for map screenshots seta g_maplist_textonly 0 // use old style centerprint alias suggestmap "cmd suggestmap $1" set g_chat_flood_spl 3 // seconds between lines to not count as flooding set g_chat_flood_lmax 2 // maximum number of lines per chat message at once set g_chat_flood_burst 2 // allow bursts of so many chat lines set g_chat_flood_spl_team 1 // \ set g_chat_flood_lmax_team 2 // } same for say_team set g_chat_flood_burst_team 2 // / set g_chat_flood_notify_flooder 1 // when 0, the flooder still can see his own message set g_chat_teamcolors 0 // colorize nicknames in team color for chat set g_waypointsprite_normdistance 512 set g_waypointsprite_minscale 1 set g_waypointsprite_minalpha 0.4 set g_waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent 2 set g_waypointsprite_timealphaexponent 1 set g_waypointsprite_deployed_lifetime 10 set g_waypointsprite_deadlifetime 1 set g_waypointsprite_limitedrange 5120 set g_waypointsprite_stuffbinds 0 set g_waypointsprite_scale 1 alias "g_waypointsprite_personal" "impulse 30" alias "g_waypointsprite_personal_p" "impulse 31" alias "g_waypointsprite_personal_d" "impulse 32" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_helpme" "impulse 33" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here" "impulse 34" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here_p" "impulse 35" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here_d" "impulse 36" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger" "impulse 37" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p" "impulse 38" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger_d" "impulse 39" alias "g_waypointsprite_clear_personal" "impulse 47" alias "g_waypointsprite_clear" "impulse 48" alias "g_waypointsprite_toggle" "impulse 49" // key for that? seta cl_hidewaypoints 0 // command extension alias qc_cmd "sv_cmd $*" // menu QC will override this to menu_cmd alias adminmsg "sv_cmd adminmsg $*" alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus; sv_cmd teamstatus" // yes, it is broken on listen servers that way, but well, who cares :P alias printstats "sv_cmd printstats" // print status on demand alias g_maplist_add "qc_cmd maplist add $*" alias g_maplist_remove "qc_cmd maplist remove $*" alias g_maplist_putfirst "qc_cmd maplist remove $* ; qc_cmd maplist add $*" alias g_maplist_shufflenow "qc_cmd maplist shuffle" alias gametype "sv_cmd gametype $*" // key hunt set g_keyhunt 0 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_return 60 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_round 5 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_tracking 10 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_fadeout 2 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_collect 1.5 set g_balance_keyhunt_delay_drop 0.4 set g_balance_keyhunt_maxdist 150 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_collect 3 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_carrierfrag 2 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_capture 100 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_push 60 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_destroyed 50 set g_balance_keyhunt_score_destroyed_ownfactor 1 set g_balance_keyhunt_dropvelocity 300 set g_balance_keyhunt_throwvelocity 400 set g_balance_keyhunt_protecttime 0.8 set g_balance_keyhunt_damageforcescale 1 set g_keyhunt_teams_override 0 set g_keyhunt_teams 0 // so it can be stuffcmd-ed still set cl_gravity 800 // but ignored anyway set g_ban_default_bantime 5400 // 90 minutes set g_ban_default_masksize 3 // whole networks (set to 4 for single IPs) set g_banned_list "" // format: 1 ip remainingtime ip remainingtime ... alias bans "sv_cmd bans" alias ban "sv_cmd ban $*" // usage: ban address(maybe incomplete, like 1.2.3) bantime(seconds) alias kickban "sv_cmd kickban $*" // usage: kickban # playerno bantime(seconds) masksize(bytes) alias unban "sv_cmd unban $*" // usage: unban 3 (number from bans) r_labelsprites_scale 0.40625 // labels sprites get displayed at 0.5x from 640x480 to 1280x1024, and at 1x from 1600x1200 onwards // settemp subsystem. Do not touch. Usage: settemp variable value, next map resets it. set settemp_list 0 set settemp_var _settemp_x alias settemp "settemp_list \"1 $1 $settemp_var $settemp_list\"; set $settemp_var \"${$1}\"; settemp_var ${settemp_var}x; $1 \"$2\"" alias settemp_restore "_settemp_restore_${settemp_list asis}" alias _settemp_restore_0 "set settemp_var _settemp_x; set settemp_list 0" alias _settemp_restore_1 "$1 \"${$2}\"; _settemp_restore_${3- asis}" // usercommands. These can be edited and bound by the menu. seta "userbind1_press" "say_team quad soon"; seta "userbind1_release" ""; seta "userbind1_description" "team: quad soon" seta "userbind2_press" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind2_release" ""; seta "userbind2_description" "team: free item, icon" seta "userbind3_press" "say_team took item (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind3_release" ""; seta "userbind3_description" "team: took item, icon" seta "userbind4_press" "say_team negative"; seta "userbind4_release" ""; seta "userbind4_description" "team: negative" seta "userbind5_press" "say_team positive"; seta "userbind5_release" ""; seta "userbind5_description" "team: positive" seta "userbind6_press" "say_team need help (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp"; seta "userbind6_release" ""; seta "userbind6_description" "team: need help, icon" seta "userbind7_press" "say_team enemy seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming"; seta "userbind7_release" ""; seta "userbind7_description" "team: enemy seen, icon" seta "userbind8_press" "say_team flag seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag"; seta "userbind8_release" ""; seta "userbind8_description" "team: flag seen, icon" seta "userbind9_press" "say_team defending (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind9_release" ""; seta "userbind9_description" "team: defending, icon" seta "userbind10_press" "say_team roaming (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind10_release" ""; seta "userbind10_description" "team: roaming, icon" seta "userbind11_press" "say_team attacking (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind11_release" ""; seta "userbind11_description" "team: attacking, icon" seta "userbind12_press" "say_team killed flagcarrier (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_p"; seta "userbind12_release" ""; seta "userbind12_description" "team: killed flag, icon" seta "userbind13_press" "say_team dropped flag (l:%d^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_d"; seta "userbind13_release" ""; seta "userbind13_description" "team: dropped flag, icon" seta "userbind14_press" "say_team dropped gun %w (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; dropweapon"; seta "userbind14_release" ""; seta "userbind14_description" "team: drop, icon" seta "userbind15_press" "say :-) / nice one"; seta "userbind15_release" ""; seta "userbind15_description" "chat: nice one" seta "userbind16_press" "say good game"; seta "userbind16_release" ""; seta "userbind16_description" "chat: good game" seta "userbind17_press" "say hi / good luck and have fun"; seta "userbind17_release" ""; seta "userbind17_description" "chat: hi / good luck" seta "userbind18_press" "+showscores; +con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind18_release" "-showscores; -con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind18_description" "scoreboard / chat history" seta "userbind19_press" "toggle cl_capturevideo"; seta "userbind19_release" ""; seta "userbind19_description" "toggle recording .avi" seta "userbind20_press" "toggle vid_fullscreen; vid_restart"; seta "userbind20_release" ""; seta "userbind20_description" "toggle fullscreen" seta "userbind21_press" ""; seta "userbind21_release" ""; seta "userbind21_description" "" seta "userbind22_press" ""; seta "userbind22_release" ""; seta "userbind22_description" "" seta "userbind23_press" ""; seta "userbind23_release" ""; seta "userbind23_description" "" seta "userbind24_press" ""; seta "userbind24_release" ""; seta "userbind24_description" "" seta "userbind25_press" ""; seta "userbind25_release" ""; seta "userbind25_description" "" seta "userbind26_press" ""; seta "userbind26_release" ""; seta "userbind26_description" "" seta "userbind27_press" ""; seta "userbind27_release" ""; seta "userbind27_description" "" seta "userbind28_press" ""; seta "userbind28_release" ""; seta "userbind28_description" "" seta "userbind29_press" ""; seta "userbind29_release" ""; seta "userbind29_description" "" seta "userbind30_press" ""; seta "userbind30_release" ""; seta "userbind30_description" "" seta "userbind31_press" ""; seta "userbind31_release" ""; seta "userbind31_description" "" seta "userbind32_press" ""; seta "userbind32_release" ""; seta "userbind32_description" "" alias _userbind_call "${$1}" alias +userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_press" alias -userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_release" seta menu_skin "wickedblack" set menu_slowmo 1 // loadfont console gfx/vera-mono // loadfont sbar gfx/vera-mono loadfont notify gfx/vera-sans loadfont chat gfx/vera-sans // loadfont centerprint gfx/vera-mono // loadfont infobar gfx/vera-mono loadfont user0 gfx/vera-sans r_textbrightness 0.2 r_textcontrast 0.8 r_textshadow 1 // good settings for these fonts con_chat 5 con_chatpos -7 con_chatsize 10 con_chatwidth 0.6 con_notifysize 10 sbar_alpha_bg 0.4 sbar_flagstatus_pos 115 // for menu server list (eventually make them have engine support?) seta menu_slist_showfull 1 seta menu_slist_showempty 1 // Q3A set sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap 0 // settemp this in mapinfo for instant Q3A map conversion seta menu_maxplayers 8 // maxplayers value when the menu starts a game // useful vote aliases set timelimit_increment 5 set timelimit_decrement 5 set timelimit_min 5 set timelimit_max 60 alias extendmatchtime "sv_cmd rpn /timelimit timelimit timelimit_max timelimit timelimit_increment add bound def" alias reducematchtime "sv_cmd rpn /timelimit timelimit timelimit_decrement sub timelimit_min timelimit bound def" alias endmatch "timelimit -1" // useful keybind to maximize the chat area temporarily set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0 alias _restore_con_chatvars_0 "" alias _restore_con_chatvars_1 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0; con_chatpos $_backup_con_chatpos; con_chat $_backup_con_chat; con_notify $_backup_con_notify; con_chattime $_backup_con_chattime; cl_deathscoreboard $_backup_cl_deathscoreboard; sbar_flagstatus_right $_backup_sbar_flagstatus_right; scr_centertime $_backup_scr_centertime;r_track_sprites $_backup_r_track_sprites" alias _restore_con_chatvars "_restore_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" alias _backup_con_chatvars_0 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 1; set _backup_con_chatpos $con_chatpos; set _backup_con_chat $con_chat; set _backup_con_notify $con_notify; set _backup_con_chattime $con_chattime; set _backup_cl_deathscoreboard $cl_deathscoreboard; set _backup_sbar_flagstatus_right $sbar_flagstatus_right; set _backup_scr_centertime $scr_centertime;set _backup_r_track_sprites $r_track_sprites" alias _backup_con_chatvars_1 "" alias _backup_con_chatvars "_backup_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" alias +con_chat_maximize "_backup_con_chatvars; con_chatpos -7; con_chat 100; con_notify 0; con_chattime 3600; cl_deathscoreboard 0; sbar_flagstatus_right 1; scr_centertime 0; r_track_sprites 0" alias -con_chat_maximize "_restore_con_chatvars" // tab completion set con_completion_playdemo *.dem set con_completion_timedemo *.dem set con_completion_ply *.dem set con_completion_tdem *.dem set con_completion_exec *.cfg set con_completion_chmap map set con_completion_gotomap map set con_completion_vmap map set con_completion_vdomap map // these non-saved engine cvars shall be savedG seta cl_port $cl_port seta r_showsurfaces $r_showsurfaces seta r_ambient $r_ambient seta skill $skill seta gl_finish $gl_finish seta v_kicktime $v_kicktime // ticrate // engine default is too CPU intensive on 16p servers, so let's go back sys_ticrate 0.05 // delay for "kill" to prevent abuse set g_balance_kill_delay 5 // this feature is currently buggy in the engine (it appears to PREVENT any dropping in lots of maps, leading to weirdly aligned entities, and in some cases even CAUSES them to drop through solid, like in facing worlds nex) sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0 gl_texturecompression_color 1 gl_texturecompression_gloss 1 gl_texturecompression_glow 1 gl_texturecompression_lightcubemaps 1 gl_texturecompression_q3bsplightmaps 0 gl_texturecompression_sky 1 set menu_mouse_absolute 0 // TODO make this seta if the engine understands this right seta menu_mouse_speed 1 // force fog for people who turn it off in game (set this to like 5 if you suspect people are "cheating" that way) set sv_foginterval 0 // Audio track names (for old-style "cd loop NUMBER" usage) cd remap digital-pursuit breakdown-easy brainsukker chaos-fog infight neuronal-diving subcities thru-the-mirror calling-bogus beast-of-insanity set sv_intermission_cdtrack brainsukker set menu_cdtrack digital-pursuit // maxidle (in seconds): kick players idle for more than that amount of time set sv_maxidle 0 // when sv_maxidle is not 0, assume spectators are idle too set sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle 0 // CTF capture limit placeholder cvar set capturelimit 0 // sbar: font size seta sbar_fontsize 11 seta sbar_width 480 alias sbar_font "loadfont user1 $*; loadfont user2 ${*}-big; sbar_columns_set" seta sbar_columns default sbar_font gfx/vera-sans seta sbar_showbinds 1 // 0 disables display of keybinds, 1 enables it, 2 displays longer strings seta sbar_showbinds_limit 2 // display so many found keybinds, 0 for unlimited // these entities are not referenced by anything directly, they just represent // teams and are found by find() when needed prvm_leaktest_ignore_classnames "ctf_team dom_team tdm_team" sv_allowdownloads_inarchive 1 // for csprogs.dat set g_jump_grunt 0 // Do you make a grunting noise every time you jump? Is it the same grunting noise every time? alias allready "sv_cmd allready" seta cl_weaponpriority "9 8 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 12" // default porto and hook as LOW priority, use the weapon key numbers otherwise seta cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling 0 // impulse 200, 210, 220: seta cl_weaponpriority0 "9 8 4" // explosives (RL Hagar Mortar) // impulse 201, 211, 221: seta cl_weaponpriority1 "7 6 5 1" // energy (Nex Crylink Electro Laser) seta cl_weaponpriority2 "7 3" // hitscan exact (Nex MG) seta cl_weaponpriority3 "7 3 2" // hitscan all (Nex MG Shotgun) seta cl_weaponpriority4 "8 6 5 2" // spam (Hagar Crylink Electro Shotgun) seta cl_weaponpriority5 "1 12 10" // for moving (Laser Hook Port-O-Launch) seta cl_weaponpriority6 "" seta cl_weaponpriority7 "" seta cl_weaponpriority8 "" // impulse 209, 219, 229: seta cl_weaponpriority9 "" // NOTE: this only replaces weapons on the map // use g_start_weapon_* to also replace the on-startup weapons! // example: g_weaponreplace_7 "7 11", then Nexes become MinstaNexes 50% of the times // set the cvars to 0 to totally disable a weapon set g_weaponreplace_1 "" set g_weaponreplace_2 "" set g_weaponreplace_3 "" set g_weaponreplace_4 "" set g_weaponreplace_5 "" set g_weaponreplace_6 "" set g_weaponreplace_7 "" set g_weaponreplace_8 "" set g_weaponreplace_9 "" set g_weaponreplace_10 "" set g_weaponreplace_11 "" set g_weaponreplace_12 "" seta sv_status_privacy 1 // hide IP addresses from "status" replies shown to clients // workaround for broken subdivisions in DP // remove this once DP can subdivide nearby/touching patches the same way r_subdivisions_mintess 3 r_subdivisions_maxtess 3 r_subdivisions_tolerance 1000000 seta cl_teamradar 1 seta cl_teamradar_background_alpha 0.4 // set to -1 to disable seta cl_teamradar_foreground_alpha 0.8 // alpha of the map seta cl_teamradar_scale 4096 seta cl_teamradar_rotation 0 // rotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north seta cl_teamradar_size "128 128" seta cl_teamradar_position "0 0" // 1 1 would be lower right corner, 0.5 0.5 the center (ARGH) :P seta cl_teamradar_zoommode 0 // zoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out alias cl_teamradar_rotate "toggle cl_teamradar_rotation 0 1 2 3 4" set g_maplist_allow_hidden 1 // allow hidden maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist