]> icculus.org git repositories - divverent/nexuiz.git/blob - menusrc/background.menu
marked two todo items as done (velocity for damage, blow away casings and gibs)
[divverent/nexuiz.git] / menusrc / background.menu
1 /*
2 Property of Alientrap
4 Background description
5 */
6 // background of the normal menu
7 {
8         type            ITEM_WINDOW
9         name            background
10         origin          "0 0 0"
11 }
12 {
13         type            ITEM_RECTANGLE
14         name            background_rect
15         parent          background
16         pos                     "0 0 0"
17         size            "1024 768 0"
18         color           "0.5 0.5 0.5"
19         drawflag        2       // DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE
20 }
21 {
22         type            ITEM_PICTURE
23         name            background_pic
24         parent          background
25         picture         "gfx/m_background"
26         size            "1024 768 0"
27         pos                     "0 0 0"
28         drawflag        0
29 }
30 // developer stuff
31 {
32         type            ITEM_TEXT
33         name            background_x
34         parent          background
35         orderpos        100
36         pos                     "954 748"
37         font_size       "10 10 0"
38         text            "000"
39         refresh         nex_text_cur_x
40         alignment       2       // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT
41         flag            2080
42 }
43 {
44         type            ITEM_TEXT
45         name            background_y
46         parent          background
47         orderpos        101
48         pos                     "994 748"
49         font_size       "10 10 0"
50         text            "000"
51         refresh         nex_text_cur_y
52         alignment       2       // TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT
53         flag            2080
54 }