var void remove(entity e); void objerror(string s); void droptofloor(); .vector dropped_origin; void() spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch; // needed for the other spawnpoints void() spawnpoint_use; string ColoredTeamName(float t); float DistributeEvenly_amount; float DistributeEvenly_totalweight; void DistributeEvenly_Init(float amount, float totalweight) { if (DistributeEvenly_amount) { dprint("DistributeEvenly_Init: UNFINISHED DISTRIBUTION (", ftos(DistributeEvenly_amount), " for "); dprint(ftos(DistributeEvenly_totalweight), " left!)\n"); } if (totalweight == 0) DistributeEvenly_amount = 0; else DistributeEvenly_amount = amount; DistributeEvenly_totalweight = totalweight; } float DistributeEvenly_Get(float weight) { float f; if (weight <= 0) return 0; f = floor(0.5 + DistributeEvenly_amount * weight / DistributeEvenly_totalweight); DistributeEvenly_totalweight -= weight; DistributeEvenly_amount -= f; return f; } void move_out_of_solid_expand(entity e, vector by) { float eps = 0.0625; tracebox(e.origin, e.mins - '1 1 1' * eps, e.maxs + '1 1 1' * eps, e.origin + by, MOVE_WORLDONLY, e); if (trace_startsolid) return; if (trace_fraction < 1) { // hit something // adjust origin in the other direction... e.origin = e.origin - by * (1 - trace_fraction); } } float move_out_of_solid(entity e) { vector o, m0, m1; o = e.origin; traceline(o, o, MOVE_WORLDONLY, e); if (trace_startsolid) return 0; tracebox(o, e.mins, e.maxs, o, MOVE_WORLDONLY, e); if (!trace_startsolid) return 1; m0 = e.mins; m1 = e.maxs; e.mins = '0 0 0'; e.maxs = '0 0 0'; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '1 0 0' * m0_x); e.mins_x = m0_x; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '1 0 0' * m1_x); e.maxs_x = m1_x; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '0 1 0' * m0_y); e.mins_y = m0_y; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '0 1 0' * m1_y); e.maxs_y = m1_y; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '0 0 1' * m0_z); e.mins_z = m0_z; move_out_of_solid_expand(e, '0 0 1' * m1_z); e.maxs_z = m1_z; setorigin(e, e.origin); tracebox(e.origin, e.mins, e.maxs, e.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, e); if (trace_startsolid) { setorigin(e, o); return 0; } return 1; } string STR_PLAYER = "player"; string STR_SPECTATOR = "spectator"; string STR_OBSERVER = "observer"; #if 0 #define FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) for(v = world; (v = findflags(v, flags, FL_CLIENT)) != world; ) #define FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(v) FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) if(clienttype(v) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) #define FOR_EACH_PLAYER(v) for(v = world; (v = find(v, classname, STR_PLAYER)) != world; ) #define FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(v) FOR_EACH_PLAYER(v) if(clienttype(v) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) #else #define FOR_EACH_CLIENTSLOT(v) for(v = world; (v = nextent(v)) && (num_for_edict(v) <= maxclients); ) #define FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) FOR_EACH_CLIENTSLOT(v) if(v.flags & FL_CLIENT) #define FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(v) FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) if(clienttype(v) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) #define FOR_EACH_PLAYER(v) FOR_EACH_CLIENT(v) if(v.classname == STR_PLAYER) #define FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(v) FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(v) if(v.classname == STR_PLAYER) #endif // copies a string to a tempstring (so one can strunzone it) string strcat1(string s) = #115; // FRIK_FILE float logfile_open; float logfile; void bcenterprint(string s) { // TODO replace by MSG_ALL (would show it to spectators too, though)? entity head; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if (clienttype(head) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) centerprint(head, s); } void GameLogEcho(string s) { string fn; float matches; if (cvar("sv_eventlog_files")) { if (!logfile_open) { logfile_open = TRUE; matches = cvar("sv_eventlog_files_counter") + 1; cvar_set("sv_eventlog_files_counter", ftos(matches)); fn = ftos(matches); if (strlen(fn) < 8) fn = strcat(substring("00000000", 0, 8 - strlen(fn)), fn); fn = strcat(cvar_string("sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix"), fn, cvar_string("sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix")); logfile = fopen(fn, FILE_APPEND); fputs(logfile, ":logversion:3\n"); } if (logfile >= 0) { if (cvar("sv_eventlog_files_timestamps")) fputs(logfile, strcat(":time:", strftime(TRUE, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "\n", s, "\n"))); else fputs(logfile, strcat(s, "\n")); } } if (cvar("sv_eventlog_console")) { print(s, "\n"); } } void GameLogInit() { logfile_open = 0; // will be opened later } void GameLogClose() { if (logfile_open && logfile >= 0) { fclose(logfile); logfile = -1; } } float spawnpoint_nag; void relocate_spawnpoint() { // nudge off the floor setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 1'); tracebox(self.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, self.origin, TRUE, self); if (trace_startsolid) { vector o; o = self.origin; self.mins = PL_MIN; self.maxs = PL_MAX; if (!move_out_of_solid(self)) objerror("could not get out of solid at all!"); print("^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING. Spawnpoint at ", vtos(o - '0 0 1')); print(" needs to be moved out of solid, e.g. by '", ftos(self.origin_x - o_x)); print(" ", ftos(self.origin_y - o_y)); print(" ", ftos(self.origin_z - o_z), "'\n"); if (cvar("g_spawnpoints_auto_move_out_of_solid")) { if (!spawnpoint_nag) print("\{1}^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING (it contains spawnpoints in solid, see server log)\n"); spawnpoint_nag = 1; } else { self.origin = o; self.mins = self.maxs = '0 0 0'; objerror("player spawn point in solid, mapper sucks!\n"); return; } } if (cvar("g_spawnpoints_autodrop")) { setsize(self, PL_MIN, PL_MAX); droptofloor(); } self.use = spawnpoint_use; self.team_saved =; if (!self.cnt) self.cnt = 1; if (g_ctf || g_assault || g_onslaught || g_domination || g_nexball) if ( have_team_spawns = 1; if (cvar("r_showbboxes")) { // show where spawnpoints point at too makevectors(self.angles); entity e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "info_player_foo"; setorigin(e, self.origin + v_forward * 24); setsize(e, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8'); e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; } } #define strstr strstrofs /* // NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION TOO OFTEN. // IT WILL MOST PROBABLY DESTROY _ALL_ OTHER TEMP // STRINGS AND TAKE QUITE LONG. haystack and needle MUST // BE CONSTANT OR strzoneD! float strstr(string haystack, string needle, float offset) { float len, endpos; string found; len = strlen(needle); endpos = strlen(haystack) - len; while(offset <= endpos) { found = substring(haystack, offset, len); if(found == needle) return offset; offset = offset + 1; } return -1; } */ float NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES = 4; entity nearest_entity[NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES]; float nearest_length[NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES]; entity findnearest(vector point, .string field, string value, vector axismod) { entity localhead; float i; float j; float len; vector dist; float num_nearest; num_nearest = 0; localhead = find(world, field, value); while (localhead) { if ((localhead.items == IT_KEY1 || localhead.items == IT_KEY2) && == "###item###") dist = localhead.oldorigin; else dist = localhead.origin; dist = dist - point; dist = dist_x * axismod_x * '1 0 0' + dist_y * axismod_y * '0 1 0' + dist_z * axismod_z * '0 0 1'; len = vlen(dist); for (i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { if (len < nearest_length[i]) break; } // now i tells us where to insert at // INSERTION SORT! YOU'VE SEEN IT! RUN! if (i < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) { for (j = NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES - 1; j >= i; --j) { nearest_length[j + 1] = nearest_length[j]; nearest_entity[j + 1] = nearest_entity[j]; } nearest_length[i] = len; nearest_entity[i] = localhead; if (num_nearest < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) num_nearest = num_nearest + 1; } localhead = find(localhead, field, value); } // now use the first one from our list that we can see for (i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { traceline(point, nearest_entity[i].origin, TRUE, world); if (trace_fraction == 1) { if (i != 0) { dprint("Nearest point ("); dprint(nearest_entity[0].netname); dprint(") is not visible, using a visible one.\n"); } return nearest_entity[i]; } } if (num_nearest == 0) return world; dprint("Not seeing any location point, using nearest as fallback.\n"); /* DEBUGGING CODE: dprint("Candidates were: "); for(j = 0; j < num_nearest; ++j) { if(j != 0) dprint(", "); dprint(nearest_entity[j].netname); } dprint("\n"); */ return nearest_entity[0]; } void spawnfunc_target_location() { self.classname = "target_location"; // location name in netname // eventually support: count, teamgame selectors, line of sight? }; void spawnfunc_info_location() { self.classname = "target_location"; self.message = self.netname; }; string NearestLocation(vector p) { entity loc; string ret; ret = "somewhere"; loc = findnearest(p, classname, "target_location", '1 1 1'); if (loc) { ret = loc.message; } else { loc = findnearest(p, target, "###item###", '1 1 4'); if (loc) ret = loc.netname; } return ret; } string formatmessage(string msg) { float p, p1, p2; float n; string escape; string replacement; p = 0; n = 7; while (1) { if (n < 1) break; // too many replacements n = n - 1; p1 = strstr(msg, "%", p); // NOTE: this destroys msg as it's a tempstring! p2 = strstr(msg, "\\", p); // NOTE: this destroys msg as it's a tempstring! if (p1 < 0) p1 = p2; if (p2 < 0) p2 = p1; p = min(p1, p2); if (p < 0) break; replacement = substring(msg, p, 2); escape = substring(msg, p + 1, 1); if (escape == "%") replacement = "%"; else if (escape == "\\") replacement = "\\"; else if (escape == "n") replacement = "\n"; else if (escape == "a") replacement = ftos(floor(self.armorvalue)); else if (escape == "h") replacement = ftos(floor(; else if (escape == "l") replacement = NearestLocation(self.origin); else if (escape == "y") replacement = NearestLocation(self.cursor_trace_endpos); else if (escape == "d") replacement = NearestLocation(self.death_origin); else if (escape == "w") { float wep; wep = self.weapon; if (!wep) wep = self.switchweapon; if (!wep) wep = self.cnt; replacement = W_Name(wep); } else if (escape == "W") { if (self.items & IT_SHELLS) replacement = "shells"; else if (self.items & IT_NAILS) replacement = "bullets"; else if (self.items & IT_ROCKETS) replacement = "rockets"; else if (self.items & IT_CELLS) replacement = "cells"; else replacement = "batteries"; // ;) } else if (escape == "x") { replacement = self.cursor_trace_ent.netname; if (!replacement || !self.cursor_trace_ent) replacement = "nothing"; } else if (escape == "p") { if (self.last_selected_player) replacement = self.last_selected_player.netname; else replacement = "(nobody)"; } msg = strcat(substring(msg, 0, p), replacement, substring(msg, p+2, strlen(msg) - (p+2))); p = p + strlen(replacement); } return msg; } /* ============= GetCvars ============= Called with: 0: sends the request >0: receives a cvar from name=argv(f) value=argv(f+1) */ void GetCvars_handleString(string thisname, float f, .string field, string name) { if (f < 0) { if (self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = string_null; } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { if (self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(argv(f + 1)); } } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(string thisname, float f, .string field, string name, string(string) func) { GetCvars_handleString(thisname, f, field, name); if (f >= 0) // also initialize to the fitting value for "" when sending cvars out if (thisname == name) { string s; s = func(strcat1(self.field)); if (s != self.field) { strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(s); } } } void GetCvars_handleFloat(string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) self.field = stof(argv(f + 1)); } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleFloatOnce(string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { if(!self.field) { self.field = stof(argv(f + 1)); if(!self.field) self.field = -1; } } } else { if(!self.field) stuffcmd(self, strcat("sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } } string W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete(string s); string W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete(string s); float w_getbestweapon(entity e); void GetCvars(float f) { string s; if (f > 0) s = strcat1(argv(f)); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, autoswitch, "cl_autoswitch"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_playerdetailreduction, "cl_playerdetailreduction"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_scr_centertime, "scr_centertime"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_shownames, "cl_shownames"); GetCvars_handleString(s, f, cvar_g_nexuizversion, "g_nexuizversion"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_handicap, "cl_handicap"); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriority, "cl_weaponpriority", W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[0], "cl_weaponpriority0", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[1], "cl_weaponpriority1", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[2], "cl_weaponpriority2", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[3], "cl_weaponpriority3", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[4], "cl_weaponpriority4", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[5], "cl_weaponpriority5", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[6], "cl_weaponpriority6", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[7], "cl_weaponpriority7", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[8], "cl_weaponpriority8", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[9], "cl_weaponpriority9", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_autotaunt, "cl_autotaunt"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_voice_directional, "cl_voice_directional"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, "cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_hitsound, "cl_hitsound"); #ifdef ALLOW_FORCEMODELS GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_forceplayermodels, "cl_forceplayermodels"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_forceplayermodelsfromnexuiz, "cl_forceplayermodelsfromnexuiz"); #endif GetCvars_handleFloatOnce(s, f, cvar_cl_gunalign, "cl_gunalign"); // fixup of switchweapon (needed for LMS or when spectating is disabled, as PutClientInServer comes too early) if (f > 0) { if (s == "cl_weaponpriority") self.switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(self); } } float fexists(string f) { float fh; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; fclose(fh); return TRUE; } void backtrace(string msg) { float dev; dev = cvar("developer"); cvar_set("developer", "1"); dprint("\n"); dprint("--- CUT HERE ---\nWARNING: "); dprint(msg); dprint("\n"); remove(world); // isn't there any better way to cause a backtrace? dprint("\n--- CUT UNTIL HERE ---\n"); cvar_set("developer", ftos(dev)); } string Team_ColorCode(float teamid) { if (teamid == COLOR_TEAM1) return "^1"; else if (teamid == COLOR_TEAM2) return "^4"; else if (teamid == COLOR_TEAM3) return "^3"; else if (teamid == COLOR_TEAM4) return "^6"; else return "^7"; } string Team_ColorName(float t) { // fixme: Search for team entities and get their .netname's! if (t == COLOR_TEAM1) return "Red"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM2) return "Blue"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM3) return "Yellow"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM4) return "Pink"; return "Neutral"; } string Team_ColorNameLowerCase(float t) { // fixme: Search for team entities and get their .netname's! if (t == COLOR_TEAM1) return "red"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM2) return "blue"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM3) return "yellow"; if (t == COLOR_TEAM4) return "pink"; return "neutral"; } #define CENTERPRIO_POINT 1 #define CENTERPRIO_SPAM 2 #define CENTERPRIO_VOTE 4 #define CENTERPRIO_NORMAL 5 #define CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING 7 #define CENTERPRIO_MAPVOTE 9 #define CENTERPRIO_IDLEKICK 50 #define CENTERPRIO_ADMIN 99 .float centerprint_priority; .float centerprint_expires; void centerprint_atprio(entity e, float prio, string s) { if (intermission_running) if (prio < CENTERPRIO_MAPVOTE) return; if (time > e.centerprint_expires) e.centerprint_priority = 0; if (prio >= e.centerprint_priority) { e.centerprint_priority = prio; if (timeoutStatus == 2) e.centerprint_expires = time + (e.cvar_scr_centertime * TIMEOUT_SLOWMO_VALUE); else e.centerprint_expires = time + e.cvar_scr_centertime; centerprint_builtin(e, s); } } void centerprint_expire(entity e, float prio) { if (prio == e.centerprint_priority) { e.centerprint_priority = 0; centerprint_builtin(e, ""); } } void centerprint(entity e, string s) { centerprint_atprio(e, CENTERPRIO_NORMAL, s); } // decolorizes and team colors the player name when needed string playername(entity p) { string t; if (teams_matter && !intermission_running && p.classname == "player") { t = Team_ColorCode(; return strcat(t, strdecolorize(p.netname)); } else return p.netname; } vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2) { local vector v; m2 = m2 - m1; v_x = m2_x * random() + m1_x; v_y = m2_y * random() + m1_y; v_z = m2_z * random() + m1_z; return v; }; float g_pickup_shells; float g_pickup_shells_max; float g_pickup_nails; float g_pickup_nails_max; float g_pickup_rockets; float g_pickup_rockets_max; float g_pickup_cells; float g_pickup_cells_max; float g_pickup_fuel; float g_pickup_fuel_jetpack; float g_pickup_fuel_max; float g_pickup_armorsmall; float g_pickup_armorsmall_max; float g_pickup_armormedium; float g_pickup_armormedium_max; float g_pickup_armorbig; float g_pickup_armorbig_max; float g_pickup_armorlarge; float g_pickup_armorlarge_max; float g_pickup_healthsmall; float g_pickup_healthsmall_max; float g_pickup_healthmedium; float g_pickup_healthmedium_max; float g_pickup_healthlarge; float g_pickup_healthlarge_max; float g_pickup_healthmega; float g_pickup_healthmega_max; float g_weaponarena; string g_weaponarena_list; float g_weaponspeedfactor; float g_weaponratefactor; float g_weapondamagefactor; float g_weaponforcefactor; float start_weapons; float start_items; float start_ammo_shells; float start_ammo_nails; float start_ammo_rockets; float start_ammo_cells; float start_ammo_fuel; float start_health; float start_armorvalue; float warmup_start_weapons; float warmup_start_ammo_shells; float warmup_start_ammo_nails; float warmup_start_ammo_rockets; float warmup_start_ammo_cells; float warmup_start_ammo_fuel; float warmup_start_health; float warmup_start_armorvalue; float g_weapon_stay; entity get_weaponinfo(float w); float NixNex_CanChooseWeapon(float wpn); void readplayerstartcvars() { entity e; float i, j, t; string s; // initialize starting values for players start_weapons = 0; start_items = 0; start_ammo_shells = 0; start_ammo_nails = 0; start_ammo_rockets = 0; start_ammo_cells = 0; start_health = cvar("g_balance_health_start"); start_armorvalue = cvar("g_balance_armor_start"); g_weaponarena = 0; s = cvar_string("g_weaponarena"); if (s == "0") { } else if (s == "all") { g_weaponarena_list = "All Weapons"; for (j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); g_weaponarena |= e.weapons; weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } } else if (s == "most") { g_weaponarena_list = "Most Weapons"; for (j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if (e.spawnflags & WEPSPAWNFLAG_NORMAL) { g_weaponarena |= e.weapons; weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } } } else if (s == "none") { g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons"; g_weaponarena = WEPBIT_ALL + 1; // this supports no single weapon bit! } else { t = tokenize_console(s); g_weaponarena_list = ""; for (i = 0; i < t; ++i) { s = argv(i); for (j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if (e.netname == s) { g_weaponarena |= e.weapons; weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); g_weaponarena_list = strcat(g_weaponarena_list, e.message, " & "); break; } } if (j > WEP_LAST) { print("The weapon mutator list contains an unknown weapon ", s, ". Skipped.\n"); } } g_weaponarena_list = strzone(substring(g_weaponarena_list, 0, strlen(g_weaponarena_list) - 3)); } if (g_nixnex) { start_weapons = 0; // will be done later for (i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) if (NixNex_CanChooseWeapon(i)) weapon_action(i, WR_PRECACHE); if(!cvar("g_use_ammunition")) start_items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; } else if (g_weaponarena) { start_weapons = g_weaponarena; if (g_weaponarena & (WEPBIT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER | WEPBIT_HAGAR | WEPBIT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)) start_ammo_rockets = 999; if (g_weaponarena & WEPBIT_SHOTGUN) start_ammo_shells = 999; if (g_weaponarena & (WEPBIT_ELECTRO | WEPBIT_CRYLINK | WEPBIT_NEX | WEPBIT_MINSTANEX | WEPBIT_HLAC | WEPBIT_HOOK)) start_ammo_cells = 999; if (g_weaponarena & (WEPBIT_UZI | WEPBIT_CAMPINGRIFLE)) start_ammo_nails = 999; if (g_weaponarena & WEPBIT_HOOK) start_ammo_fuel = 999; start_items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; } else if (g_minstagib) { start_health = 100; start_armorvalue = 0; start_weapons = WEPBIT_MINSTANEX; weapon_action(WEP_MINSTANEX, WR_PRECACHE); start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_minstagib_ammo_start"); g_minstagib_invis_alpha = cvar("g_minstagib_invis_alpha"); start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_start_ammo_fuel"); if (g_minstagib_invis_alpha <= 0) g_minstagib_invis_alpha = -1; } else { if (g_lms) { start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_shells"); start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_nails"); start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_rockets"); start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_cells"); start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_fuel"); start_health = cvar("g_lms_start_health"); start_armorvalue = cvar("g_lms_start_armor"); } else if (cvar("g_use_ammunition")) { start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_start_ammo_shells"); start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_start_ammo_nails"); start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_start_ammo_rockets"); start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_start_ammo_cells"); start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_start_ammo_fuel"); } else { start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_pickup_shells_max"); start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_pickup_nails_max"); start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_pickup_rockets_max"); start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_pickup_cells_max"); start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_pickup_fuel_max"); start_items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; } for (i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { e = get_weaponinfo(i); if (!(e.weapon)) continue; t = cvar(strcat("g_start_weapon_", e.netname)); if (t < 0) // "default" weapon selection { if (g_lms) t = (e.spawnflags & WEPSPAWNFLAG_NORMAL); else if (g_race || g_cts) t = (i == WEP_LASER); else if (g_nexball) t = 0; // weapon is set a few lines later else t = (i == WEP_LASER || i == WEP_SHOTGUN); if (g_grappling_hook) // if possible, redirect off-hand hook to on-hand hook t += (i == WEP_HOOK); } if (g_nexball && i == WEP_PORTO) t=1; if (t) { start_weapons |= e.weapons; weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } } } if (inWarmupStage) { warmup_start_ammo_shells = start_ammo_shells; warmup_start_ammo_nails = start_ammo_nails; warmup_start_ammo_rockets = start_ammo_rockets; warmup_start_ammo_cells = start_ammo_cells; warmup_start_ammo_fuel = start_ammo_fuel; warmup_start_health = start_health; warmup_start_armorvalue = start_armorvalue; warmup_start_weapons = start_weapons; if (!g_weaponarena && !g_nixnex && !g_minstagib) { if (cvar("g_use_ammunition")) { warmup_start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_shells"); warmup_start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_cells"); warmup_start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_nails"); warmup_start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets"); warmup_start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel"); } warmup_start_health = cvar("g_warmup_start_health"); warmup_start_armorvalue = cvar("g_warmup_start_armor"); if (cvar("g_warmup_allguns")) { for (i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { e = get_weaponinfo(i); if (!(e.weapon)) continue; if (e.spawnflags & WEPSPAWNFLAG_NORMAL) { warmup_start_weapons |= e.weapons; weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } } } } } if (g_jetpack || (g_grappling_hook && (start_weapons & WEPBIT_HOOK))) { g_grappling_hook = 0; // these two can't coexist, as they use the same button start_items |= IT_FUEL_REGEN; start_ammo_fuel = max(start_ammo_fuel, cvar("g_balance_fuel_rotstable")); warmup_start_ammo_fuel = max(warmup_start_ammo_fuel, cvar("g_balance_fuel_rotstable")); } if (g_jetpack) start_items |= IT_JETPACK; if (g_weapon_stay == 2) { if (!start_ammo_shells) start_ammo_shells = g_pickup_shells; if (!start_ammo_nails) start_ammo_nails = g_pickup_nails; if (!start_ammo_cells) start_ammo_cells = g_pickup_cells; if (!start_ammo_rockets) start_ammo_rockets = g_pickup_rockets; if (!start_ammo_fuel) start_ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel; if (!warmup_start_ammo_shells) warmup_start_ammo_shells = g_pickup_shells; if (!warmup_start_ammo_nails) warmup_start_ammo_nails = g_pickup_nails; if (!warmup_start_ammo_cells) warmup_start_ammo_cells = g_pickup_cells; if (!warmup_start_ammo_rockets) warmup_start_ammo_rockets = g_pickup_rockets; if (!warmup_start_ammo_fuel) warmup_start_ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel; } start_ammo_shells = max(0, start_ammo_shells); start_ammo_nails = max(0, start_ammo_nails); start_ammo_cells = max(0, start_ammo_cells); start_ammo_rockets = max(0, start_ammo_rockets); start_ammo_fuel = max(0, start_ammo_fuel); warmup_start_ammo_shells = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_shells); warmup_start_ammo_nails = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_nails); warmup_start_ammo_cells = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_cells); warmup_start_ammo_rockets = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_rockets); warmup_start_ammo_fuel = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_fuel); } float g_bugrigs; float g_bugrigs_planar_movement; float g_bugrigs_planar_movement_car_jumping; float g_bugrigs_reverse_spinning; float g_bugrigs_reverse_speeding; float g_bugrigs_reverse_stopping; float g_bugrigs_air_steering; float g_bugrigs_angle_smoothing; float g_bugrigs_friction_floor; float g_bugrigs_friction_brake; float g_bugrigs_friction_air; float g_bugrigs_accel; float g_bugrigs_speed_ref; float g_bugrigs_speed_pow; float g_bugrigs_steer; float g_touchexplode; float g_touchexplode_radius; float g_touchexplode_damage; float g_touchexplode_edgedamage; float g_touchexplode_force; float sv_autotaunt; float sv_taunt; void readlevelcvars(void) { g_bugrigs = cvar("g_bugrigs"); g_bugrigs_planar_movement = cvar("g_bugrigs_planar_movement"); g_bugrigs_planar_movement_car_jumping = cvar("g_bugrigs_planar_movement_car_jumping"); g_bugrigs_reverse_spinning = cvar("g_bugrigs_reverse_spinning"); g_bugrigs_reverse_speeding = cvar("g_bugrigs_reverse_speeding"); g_bugrigs_reverse_stopping = cvar("g_bugrigs_reverse_stopping"); g_bugrigs_air_steering = cvar("g_bugrigs_air_steering"); g_bugrigs_angle_smoothing = cvar("g_bugrigs_angle_smoothing"); g_bugrigs_friction_floor = cvar("g_bugrigs_friction_floor"); g_bugrigs_friction_brake = cvar("g_bugrigs_friction_brake"); g_bugrigs_friction_air = cvar("g_bugrigs_friction_air"); g_bugrigs_accel = cvar("g_bugrigs_accel"); g_bugrigs_speed_ref = cvar("g_bugrigs_speed_ref"); g_bugrigs_speed_pow = cvar("g_bugrigs_speed_pow"); g_bugrigs_steer = cvar("g_bugrigs_steer"); g_touchexplode = cvar("g_touchexplode"); g_touchexplode_radius = cvar("g_touchexplode_radius"); g_touchexplode_damage = cvar("g_touchexplode_damage"); g_touchexplode_edgedamage = cvar("g_touchexplode_edgedamage"); g_touchexplode_force = cvar("g_touchexplode_force"); #ifdef ALLOW_FORCEMODELS sv_clforceplayermodels = cvar("sv_clforceplayermodels"); #endif sv_loddistance1 = cvar("sv_loddistance1"); sv_loddistance2 = cvar("sv_loddistance2"); if(sv_loddistance2 <= sv_loddistance1) sv_loddistance2 = 1073741824; // enough to turn off LOD 2 reliably sv_clones = cvar("sv_clones"); sv_cheats = cvar("sv_cheats"); sv_gentle = cvar("sv_gentle"); sv_foginterval = cvar("sv_foginterval"); g_cloaked = cvar("g_cloaked"); g_jump_grunt = cvar("g_jump_grunt"); g_footsteps = cvar("g_footsteps"); g_grappling_hook = cvar("g_grappling_hook"); g_jetpack = cvar("g_jetpack"); g_laserguided_missile = cvar("g_laserguided_missile"); g_midair = cvar("g_midair"); g_minstagib = cvar("g_minstagib"); g_nixnex = cvar("g_nixnex"); g_nixnex_with_laser = cvar("g_nixnex_with_laser"); g_norecoil = cvar("g_norecoil"); g_vampire = cvar("g_vampire"); g_bloodloss = cvar("g_bloodloss"); sv_maxidle = cvar("sv_maxidle"); sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle = cvar("sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle"); sv_pogostick = cvar("sv_pogostick"); sv_doublejump = cvar("sv_doublejump"); g_ctf_reverse = cvar("g_ctf_reverse"); sv_autotaunt = cvar("sv_autotaunt"); sv_taunt = cvar("sv_taunt"); inWarmupStage = cvar("g_warmup"); g_warmup_limit = cvar("g_warmup_limit"); g_warmup_allguns = cvar("g_warmup_allguns"); g_warmup_allow_timeout = cvar("g_warmup_allow_timeout"); if ((g_race && g_race_qualifying == 2) || g_runematch || g_arena || g_assault || cvar("g_campaign")) inWarmupStage = 0; // these modes cannot work together, sorry g_pickup_respawntime_weapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_weapon"); g_pickup_respawntime_ammo = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_ammo"); g_pickup_respawntime_short = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_short"); g_pickup_respawntime_medium = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_medium"); g_pickup_respawntime_long = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_long"); g_pickup_respawntime_powerup = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_powerup"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long"); g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup"); if (g_minstagib) g_nixnex = g_weaponarena = 0; if (g_nixnex) g_weaponarena = 0; g_weaponarena = 0; g_weaponspeedfactor = cvar("g_weaponspeedfactor"); g_weaponratefactor = cvar("g_weaponratefactor"); g_weapondamagefactor = cvar("g_weapondamagefactor"); g_weaponforcefactor = cvar("g_weaponforcefactor"); g_pickup_shells = cvar("g_pickup_shells"); g_pickup_shells_max = cvar("g_pickup_shells_max"); g_pickup_nails = cvar("g_pickup_nails"); g_pickup_nails_max = cvar("g_pickup_nails_max"); g_pickup_rockets = cvar("g_pickup_rockets"); g_pickup_rockets_max = cvar("g_pickup_rockets_max"); g_pickup_cells = cvar("g_pickup_cells"); g_pickup_cells_max = cvar("g_pickup_cells_max"); g_pickup_fuel = cvar("g_pickup_fuel"); g_pickup_fuel_jetpack = cvar("g_pickup_fuel_jetpack"); g_pickup_fuel_max = cvar("g_pickup_fuel_max"); g_pickup_armorsmall = cvar("g_pickup_armorsmall"); g_pickup_armorsmall_max = cvar("g_pickup_armorsmall_max"); g_pickup_armormedium = cvar("g_pickup_armormedium"); g_pickup_armormedium_max = cvar("g_pickup_armormedium_max"); g_pickup_armorbig = cvar("g_pickup_armorbig"); g_pickup_armorbig_max = cvar("g_pickup_armorbig_max"); g_pickup_armorlarge = cvar("g_pickup_armorlarge"); g_pickup_armorlarge_max = cvar("g_pickup_armorlarge_max"); g_pickup_healthsmall = cvar("g_pickup_healthsmall"); g_pickup_healthsmall_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthsmall_max"); g_pickup_healthmedium = cvar("g_pickup_healthmedium"); g_pickup_healthmedium_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthmedium_max"); g_pickup_healthlarge = cvar("g_pickup_healthlarge"); g_pickup_healthlarge_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthlarge_max"); g_pickup_healthmega = cvar("g_pickup_healthmega"); g_pickup_healthmega_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthmega_max"); g_pinata = cvar("g_pinata"); g_weapon_stay = cvar("g_weapon_stay"); if (!g_weapon_stay && (cvar("deathmatch") == 2)) g_weapon_stay = 1; if not(inWarmupStage) game_starttime = cvar("g_start_delay"); readplayerstartcvars(); } /* // TODO sound pack system string soundpack; string precache_sound_builtin (string s) = #19; void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound_builtin = #8; string precache_sound(string s) { return precache_sound_builtin(strcat(soundpack, s)); } void play2(entity e, string filename) { stuffcmd(e, strcat("play2 ", soundpack, filename, "\n")); } void sound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { sound_builtin(e, chan, strcat(soundpack, samp), vol, atten); } */ // Sound functions string precache_sound (string s) = #19; void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound_builtin = #8; float precache_sound_index (string s) = #19; #define SND_VOLUME 1 #define SND_ATTENUATION 2 #define SND_LARGEENTITY 8 #define SND_LARGESOUND 16 float sound_allowed(float dest, entity e) { // sounds from world may always pass for (;;) { if (e.classname == "body") e = e.enemy; if (e.owner && e.owner != e) e = e.owner; else break; } // sounds to self may always pass if (dest == MSG_ONE) if (e == msg_entity) return TRUE; // sounds by players can be removed if (cvar("bot_sound_monopoly")) if (clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) return FALSE; // anything else may pass return TRUE; } void sound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return; sound_builtin(e, chan, samp, vol, atten); } void soundtoat(float dest, entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { float entno, idx; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; entno = num_for_edict(e); idx = precache_sound_index(samp); float sflags; sflags = 0; atten = floor(atten * 64); vol = floor(vol * 255); if (vol != 255) sflags |= SND_VOLUME; if (atten != 64) sflags |= SND_ATTENUATION; if (entno >= 8192) sflags |= SND_LARGEENTITY; if (idx >= 256) sflags |= SND_LARGESOUND; WriteByte(dest, SVC_SOUND); WriteByte(dest, sflags); if (sflags & SND_VOLUME) WriteByte(dest, vol); if (sflags & SND_ATTENUATION) WriteByte(dest, atten); if (sflags & SND_LARGEENTITY) { WriteShort(dest, entno); WriteByte(dest, chan); } else { WriteShort(dest, entno * 8 + chan); } if (sflags & SND_LARGESOUND) WriteShort(dest, idx); else WriteByte(dest, idx); WriteCoord(dest, o_x); WriteCoord(dest, o_y); WriteCoord(dest, o_z); } void soundto(float dest, entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { vector o; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; o = e.origin + 0.5 * (e.mins + e.maxs); soundtoat(dest, e, o, chan, samp, vol, atten); } void soundat(entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { soundtoat(MSG_BROADCAST, e, o, chan, samp, vol, atten); } void stopsoundto(float dest, entity e, float chan) { float entno; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; entno = num_for_edict(e); if (entno >= 8192) { float idx, sflags; idx = precache_sound_index("misc/null.wav"); sflags = SND_LARGEENTITY; if (idx >= 256) sflags |= SND_LARGESOUND; WriteByte(dest, SVC_SOUND); WriteByte(dest, sflags); WriteShort(dest, entno); WriteByte(dest, chan); if (sflags & SND_LARGESOUND) WriteShort(dest, idx); else WriteByte(dest, idx); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin_x); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin_y); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin_z); } else { WriteByte(dest, SVC_STOPSOUND); WriteShort(dest, entno * 8 + chan); } } void stopsound(entity e, float chan) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return; stopsoundto(MSG_BROADCAST, e, chan); // unreliable, gets there fast stopsoundto(MSG_ALL, e, chan); // in case of packet loss } void play2(entity e, string filename) { //stuffcmd(e, strcat("play2 ", filename, "\n")); msg_entity = e; soundtoat(MSG_ONE, world, '0 0 0', CHAN_AUTO, filename, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); } .float announcetime; float announce(entity player, string msg) { if (time > player.announcetime) if (clienttype(player) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { player.announcetime = time + 0.8; play2(player, msg); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // use this one if you might be causing spam (e.g. from touch functions that might get called more than once per frame) float spamsound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return FALSE; if (time > e.announcetime) { e.announcetime = time; sound(e, chan, samp, vol, atten); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void play2team(float t, string filename) { local entity head; if (cvar("bot_sound_monopoly")) return; FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(head) { if ( == t) play2(head, filename); } } void play2all(string samp) { if (cvar("bot_sound_monopoly")) return; sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, samp, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); } void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f); void precache_all_models(string pattern) { float globhandle, i, n; string f; globhandle = search_begin(pattern, TRUE, FALSE); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); if(sv_loddistance1) precache_model(f); if(substring(f, -9,5) == "_lod1") continue; if(substring(f, -9,5) == "_lod2") continue; if(!sv_loddistance1) precache_model(f); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(f, ".sounds")); } search_end(globhandle); } void precache() { // gamemode related things precache_model ("models/misc/chatbubble.spr"); precache_model ("models/misc/teambubble.spr"); if (g_runematch) { precache_model ("models/runematch/curse.mdl"); precache_model ("models/runematch/rune.mdl"); } #ifdef TTURRETS_ENABLED if (cvar("g_turrets")) turrets_precash(); #endif // Precache all player models if desired if (cvar("sv_precacheplayermodels")) { PrecachePlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds"); precache_all_models("models/player/*.zym"); precache_all_models("models/player/*.dpm"); precache_all_models("models/player/*.md3"); precache_all_models("models/player/*.psk"); //precache_model("models/player/carni.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/crash.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/grunt.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/headhunter.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/insurrectionist.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/jeandarc.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/lurk.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/lycanthrope.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/marine.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/nexus.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/pyria.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/shock.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/skadi.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/specop.zym"); //precache_model("models/player/visitant.zym"); } if (cvar("sv_defaultcharacter")) { string s; s = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel_red"); if (s != "") { precache_model(s); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(s, ".sounds")); } s = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel_blue"); if (s != "") { precache_model(s); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(s, ".sounds")); } s = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow"); if (s != "") { precache_model(s); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(s, ".sounds")); } s = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel_pink"); if (s != "") { precache_model(s); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(s, ".sounds")); } s = cvar_string("sv_defaultplayermodel"); if (s != "") { precache_model(s); PrecachePlayerSounds(strcat(s, ".sounds")); } } if (g_footsteps) { PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_step = "misc/footstep0 6")); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_metalstep = "misc/metalfootstep0 6")); } // gore and miscellaneous sounds //precache_sound ("misc/h2ohit.wav"); precache_model ("models/hook.md3"); precache_sound ("misc/armorimpact.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/bodyimpact1.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/bodyimpact2.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat01.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat02.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat03.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat04.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/hit.wav"); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_fall = "misc/hitground 4")); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_metalfall = "misc/metalhitground 4")); precache_sound ("misc/null.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/spawn.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/talk.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/teleport.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/poweroff.wav"); precache_sound ("player/lava.wav"); precache_sound ("player/slime.wav"); if (g_jetpack) precache_sound ("misc/jetpack_fly.wav"); // announcer sounds - male precache_sound ("announcer/male/electrobitch.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/airshot.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/03kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/05kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/10kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/15kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/20kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/25kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/30kills.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/botlike.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/yoda.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/amazing.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/awesome.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/headshot.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/male/impressive.wav"); // announcer sounds - robotic precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/prepareforbattle.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/begin.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/timeoutcalled.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/1fragleft.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/2fragsleft.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/3fragsleft.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/terminated.wav"); if (g_minstagib) { precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/lastsecond.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/narrowly.wav"); } precache_model ("models/sprites/0.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/1.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/2.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/3.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/4.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/5.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/6.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/7.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/8.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/9.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/10.spr32"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/1.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/2.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/3.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/4.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/5.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/6.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/7.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/8.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/9.wav"); precache_sound ("announcer/robotic/10.wav"); // common weapon precaches precache_sound ("weapons/weapon_switch.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/weaponpickup.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/unavailable.wav"); if (g_grappling_hook) { precache_sound ("weapons/hook_fire.wav"); // hook precache_sound ("weapons/hook_impact.wav"); // hook } if (cvar("sv_precacheweapons") || g_nixnex) { //precache weapon models/sounds local float wep; wep = WEP_FIRST; while (wep <= WEP_LAST) { weapon_action(wep, WR_PRECACHE); wep = wep + 1; } } precache_model("models/elaser.mdl"); precache_model("models/laser.mdl"); precache_model("models/ebomb.mdl"); #if 0 // Disabled this code because it simply does not work (e.g. ignores bgmvolume, overlaps with "cd loop" controlled tracks). if (!self.noise && // quake 3 uses the music field self.noise =; // plays music for the level if there is any if (self.noise) { precache_sound (self.noise); ambientsound ('0 0 0', self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); } #endif } // sorry, but using \ in macros breaks line numbers #define WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(varname,statement) entity varname; varname = msg_entity; FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(msg_entity == varname || (msg_entity.classname == STR_SPECTATOR && msg_entity.enemy == varname)) statement msg_entity = varname #define WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE(statement) WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(oldmsg_entity, statement) #define WRITESPECTATABLE(msg,statement) if(msg == MSG_ONE) { WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE(statement); } else statement float WRITESPECTATABLE_workaround = 0 vector ExactTriggerHit_mins; vector ExactTriggerHit_maxs; float ExactTriggerHit_Recurse() { float s; entity se; float f; tracebox('0 0 0', ExactTriggerHit_mins, ExactTriggerHit_maxs, '0 0 0', MOVE_NORMAL, other); if not(trace_ent) return 0; if (trace_ent == self) return 1; se = trace_ent; s = se.solid; se.solid = SOLID_NOT; f = ExactTriggerHit_Recurse(); se.solid = s; return f; } float ExactTriggerHit() { float f, s; if not(self.modelindex) return 1; s = self.solid; self.solid = SOLID_BSP; ExactTriggerHit_mins = other.absmin; ExactTriggerHit_maxs = other.absmax; f = ExactTriggerHit_Recurse(); self.solid = s; return f; } // WARNING: this kills the trace globals #define EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH if not(ExactTriggerHit()) return #define EXACTTRIGGER_INIT InitSolidBSPTrigger(); self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER #define INITPRIO_FIRST 0 #define INITPRIO_GAMETYPE 0 #define INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK 1 #define INITPRIO_CVARS 5 #define INITPRIO_FINDTARGET 10 #define INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR 20 #define INITPRIO_SETLOCATION 90 #define INITPRIO_LINKDOORS 91 #define INITPRIO_LAST 99 .void(void) initialize_entity; .float initialize_entity_order; .entity initialize_entity_next; entity initialize_entity_first; void make_safe_for_remove(entity e) { if (e.initialize_entity) { entity ent, prev; for (ent = initialize_entity_first; ent; ) { if ((ent == e) || ((ent.classname == "initialize_entity") && (ent.enemy == e))) { //print("make_safe_for_remove: getting rid of initializer ", etos(ent), "\n"); // skip it in linked list if (prev) { prev.initialize_entity_next = ent.initialize_entity_next; ent = prev.initialize_entity_next; } else { initialize_entity_first = ent.initialize_entity_next; ent = initialize_entity_first; } } else { prev = ent; ent = ent.initialize_entity_next; } } } } void objerror(string s) { make_safe_for_remove(self); objerror_builtin(s); } void remove_unsafely(entity e) { remove_builtin(e); } void remove_safely(entity e) { make_safe_for_remove(e); remove_builtin(e); } void InitializeEntity(entity e, void(void) func, float order) { entity prev, cur; if (!e || e.initialize_entity) { // make a proxy initializer entity entity e_old; e_old = e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "initialize_entity"; e.enemy = e_old; } e.initialize_entity = func; e.initialize_entity_order = order; cur = initialize_entity_first; for (;;) { if (!cur || cur.initialize_entity_order > order) { // insert between prev and cur if (prev) prev.initialize_entity_next = e; else initialize_entity_first = e; e.initialize_entity_next = cur; return; } prev = cur; cur = cur.initialize_entity_next; } } void InitializeEntitiesRun() { entity startoflist; startoflist = initialize_entity_first; initialize_entity_first = world; for (self = startoflist; self; ) { entity e; var void(void) func; e = self.initialize_entity_next; func = self.initialize_entity; self.initialize_entity_order = 0; self.initialize_entity = func_null; self.initialize_entity_next = world; if (self.classname == "initialize_entity") { entity e_old; e_old = self.enemy; remove_builtin(self); self = e_old; } //dprint("Delayed initialization: ", self.classname, "\n"); func(); self = e; } } .float uncustomizeentityforclient_set; .void(void) uncustomizeentityforclient; void(void) SUB_Nullpointer = #0; void UncustomizeEntitiesRun() { entity oldself; oldself = self; for (self = world; (self = findfloat(self, uncustomizeentityforclient_set, 1)); ) self.uncustomizeentityforclient(); self = oldself; } void SetCustomizer(entity e, float(void) customizer, void(void) uncustomizer) { e.customizeentityforclient = customizer; e.uncustomizeentityforclient = uncustomizer; e.uncustomizeentityforclient_set = (uncustomizer != SUB_Nullpointer); } .float nottargeted; #define IFTARGETED if(!self.nottargeted && self.targetname != "") void() SUB_Remove; void Net_LinkEntity(entity e, float docull, float dt, float(entity, float) sendfunc) { vector mi, ma; if (e.classname == "") e.classname = "net_linked"; if (e.model == "" || self.modelindex == 0) { mi = e.mins; ma = e.maxs; setmodel(e, "null"); setsize(e, mi, ma); } e.SendEntity = sendfunc; e.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; if (!docull) e.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if (dt) { e.nextthink = time + dt; e.think = SUB_Remove; } } void adaptor_think2touch() { entity o; o = other; other = world; self.touch(); other = o; } void adaptor_think2use() { entity o, a; o = other; a = activator; activator = world; other = world; self.use(); other = o; activator = a; } // deferred dropping void DropToFloor_Handler() { droptofloor_builtin(); self.dropped_origin = self.origin; } void droptofloor() { InitializeEntity(self, DropToFloor_Handler, INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR); } float trace_hits_box_a0, trace_hits_box_a1; float trace_hits_box_1d(float end, float thmi, float thma) { if (end == 0) { // just check if x is in range if (0 < thmi) return FALSE; if (0 > thma) return FALSE; } else { // do the trace with respect to x // 0 -> end has to stay in thmi -> thma trace_hits_box_a0 = max(trace_hits_box_a0, min(thmi / end, thma / end)); trace_hits_box_a1 = min(trace_hits_box_a1, max(thmi / end, thma / end)); if (trace_hits_box_a0 > trace_hits_box_a1) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } float trace_hits_box(vector start, vector end, vector thmi, vector thma) { end -= start; thmi -= start; thma -= start; // now it is a trace from 0 to end trace_hits_box_a0 = 0; trace_hits_box_a1 = 1; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end_x, thmi_x, thma_x)) return FALSE; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end_y, thmi_y, thma_y)) return FALSE; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end_z, thmi_z, thma_z)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } float tracebox_hits_box(vector start, vector mi, vector ma, vector end, vector thmi, vector thma) { return trace_hits_box(start, end, thmi - ma, thma - mi); } float SUB_NoImpactCheck() { // zero hitcontents = this is not the real impact, but either the // mirror-impact of something hitting the projectile instead of the // projectile hitting the something, or a touchareagrid one. Neither of // these stop the projectile from moving, so... if(trace_dphitcontents == 0) { dprint("A hit happened with zero hit contents... DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Projectile will self-destruct.\n"); checkclient(); } if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) return 1; if (other == world && self.size != '0 0 0') { vector tic; tic = self.velocity * sys_ticrate; tic = tic + normalize(tic) * vlen(self.maxs - self.mins); traceline(self.origin - tic, self.origin + tic, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if (trace_fraction >= 1) { dprint("Odd... did not hit...?\n"); } else if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) { dprint("Detected and prevented the sky-grapple bug.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } #define SUB_OwnerCheck() (other && (other == self.owner)) #define PROJECTILE_TOUCH do { if(SUB_OwnerCheck()) return; if(SUB_NoImpactCheck()) { remove(self); return; } if(trace_ent && trace_ent.solid > SOLID_TRIGGER) UpdateCSQCProjectileNextFrame(self); } while(0) float MAX_IPBAN_URIS = 16; float URI_GET_DISCARD = 0; float URI_GET_IPBAN = 1; float URI_GET_IPBAN_END = 16; void URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data) { dprint("Received HTTP request data for id ", ftos(id), "; status is ", ftos(status), "\nData is:\n"); dprint(data); dprint("\nEnd of data.\n"); if (id == URI_GET_DISCARD) { // discard } else if (id >= URI_GET_IPBAN && id <= URI_GET_IPBAN_END) { // online ban list OnlineBanList_URI_Get_Callback(id, status, data); } else { print("Received HTTP request data for an invalid id ", ftos(id), ".\n"); } } void print_to(entity e, string s) { if (e) sprint(e, strcat(s, "\n")); else print(s, "\n"); } string getrecords() { float rec; string h; float r; float i; string s; rec = 0; s = ""; if (g_ctf) { for (i = 0; i < MapInfo_count; ++i) { if (MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) { r = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/captimerecord/time"))); if (r == 0) continue; h = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/captimerecord/netname")); s = strcat(s, strpad(32, MapInfo_Map_bspname), " ", strpad(-6, ftos_decimals(r, 2)), " ", h, "\n"); ++rec; } } } if (g_race) { for (i = 0; i < MapInfo_count; ++i) { if (MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) { r = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/racerecord/time"))); if (r == 0) continue; h = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/racerecord/netname")); s = strcat(s, strpad(32, MapInfo_Map_bspname), " ", strpad(-8, mmsss(r)), " ", h, "\n"); ++rec; } } } if (g_cts) { for (i = 0; i < MapInfo_count; ++i) { if (MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) { r = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/ctsrecord/time"))); if (r == 0) continue; h = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, "/ctsrecord/netname")); s = strcat(s, strpad(32, MapInfo_Map_bspname), " ", strpad(-8, mmsss(r)), " ", h, "\n"); ++rec; } } } MapInfo_ClearTemps(); if (s == "") return "No records are available on this server.\n"; else return strcat("Records on this server:\n", s); } float MoveToRandomMapLocation(entity e, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, float attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance) { float m, i; vector start, org, delta, end, enddown, mstart; m = e.dphitcontentsmask; e.dphitcontentsmask = goodcontents | badcontents; org = world.mins; delta = world.maxs - world.mins; for (i = 0; i < attempts; ++i) { start_x = org_x + random() * delta_x; start_y = org_y + random() * delta_y; start_z = org_z + random() * delta_z; // rule 1: start inside world bounds, and outside // solid, and don't start from somewhere where you can // fall down to evil tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, start - '0 0 1' * delta_z, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; if (trace_startsolid) continue; if (trace_dphitcontents & badcontents) continue; if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & badsurfaceflags) continue; // rule 2: if we are too high, lower the point if (trace_fraction * delta_z > maxaboveground) start = trace_endpos + '0 0 1' * maxaboveground; enddown = trace_endpos; // rule 3: make sure we aren't outside the map. This only works // for somewhat well formed maps. A good rule of thumb is that // the map should have a convex outside hull. // these can be traceLINES as we already verified the starting box mstart = start + 0.5 * (e.mins + e.maxs); traceline(mstart, mstart + '1 0 0' * delta_x, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; traceline(mstart, mstart - '1 0 0' * delta_x, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 1 0' * delta_y, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; traceline(mstart, mstart - '0 1 0' * delta_y, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 0 1' * delta_z, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; // find a random vector to "look at" end_x = org_x + random() * delta_x; end_y = org_y + random() * delta_y; end_z = org_z + random() * delta_z; end = start + normalize(end - start) * vlen(delta); // rule 4: start TO end must not be too short tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_startsolid) continue; if (trace_fraction < minviewdistance / vlen(delta)) continue; // rule 5: don't want to look at sky if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) continue; // rule 6: we must not end up in trigger_hurt if (tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(start, e.mins, e.maxs, enddown)) { dprint("trigger_hurt! ouch! and nothing else could find it!\n"); continue; } break; } e.dphitcontentsmask = m; if (i < attempts) { setorigin(e, start); e.angles = vectoangles(end - start); dprint("Needed ", ftos(i + 1), " attempts\n"); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void zcurveparticles(float effectno, vector start, vector end, float end_dz, float spd) { WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, TE_CSQC_ZCURVEPARTICLES); WriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, effectno); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, start_x); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, start_y); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, start_z); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, end_x); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, end_y); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, end_z); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, end_dz); WriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, spd / 16); } void zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(float effectno, vector start, vector end, vector vel) { float end_dz; vector vecxy, velxy; vecxy = end - start; vecxy_z = 0; velxy = vel; velxy_z = 0; if (vlen(velxy) < 0.000001 * fabs(vel_z)) { trailparticles(world, effectno, start, end); return; } end_dz = vlen(vecxy) / vlen(velxy) * vel_z - (end_z - start_z); zcurveparticles(effectno, start, end, end_dz, vlen(vel)); } string GetGametype(); // g_world.qc void write_recordmarker(entity pl, float tstart, float dt) { GameLogEcho(strcat(":recordset:", ftos(pl.playerid), ":", ftos(dt))); // also write a marker into demo files for demotc-race-record-extractor to find stuffcmd(pl, strcat( strcat("//", strconv(2, 0, 0, GetGametype()), " RECORD SET ", mmsss(dt * 10)), " ", ftos(tstart), " ", ftos(dt), "\n")); } vector shotorg_adjustfromclient(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float allowcenter) { switch(self.owner.cvar_cl_gunalign) { case 1: // right break; case 2: // left vecs_y = -vecs_y; break; default: case 3: if(allowcenter) // 2: allow center handedness { // center vecs_y = 0; vecs_z -= 4; } else { // right } break; case 4: if(allowcenter) // 2: allow center handedness { // center vecs_y = 0; vecs_z -= 4; } else { // left vecs_y = -vecs_y; } break; } return vecs; } vector shotorg_adjust(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float visual) { string s; vector v; if (cvar("g_shootfromeye")) { if (visual) { vecs = shotorg_adjustfromclient(vecs, y_is_right, TRUE); } else { vecs_y = 0; vecs_z = 0; } } else if (cvar("g_shootfromcenter")) { if (visual) { vecs = shotorg_adjustfromclient(vecs, y_is_right, TRUE); } else { vecs_y = 0; vecs_z -= 4; } } else if (cvar("g_shootfromclient")) { vecs = shotorg_adjustfromclient(vecs, y_is_right, (cvar("g_shootfromclient") >= 2)); } else if ((s = cvar_string("g_shootfromfixedorigin")) != "") { v = stov(s); if (y_is_right) v_y = -v_y; if (v_x != 0) vecs_x = v_x; vecs_y = v_y; vecs_z = v_z; } return vecs; } void attach_sameorigin(entity e, entity to, string tag) { vector org, t_forward, t_left, t_up, e_forward, e_up; vector org0, ang0; float tagscale; ang0 = e.angles; org0 = e.origin; org = e.origin - gettaginfo(to, gettagindex(to, tag)); tagscale = pow(vlen(v_forward), -2); // undo a scale on the tag t_forward = v_forward * tagscale; t_left = v_right * -tagscale; t_up = v_up * tagscale; e.origin_x = org * t_forward; e.origin_y = org * t_left; e.origin_z = org * t_up; // current forward and up directions if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles_x = -e.angles_x; fixedmakevectors(e.angles); // untransform forward, up! e_forward_x = v_forward * t_forward; e_forward_y = v_forward * t_left; e_forward_z = v_forward * t_up; e_up_x = v_up * t_forward; e_up_y = v_up * t_left; e_up_z = v_up * t_up; e.angles = fixedvectoangles2(e_forward, e_up); if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles_x = -e.angles_x; setattachment(e, to, tag); setorigin(e, e.origin); } void detach_sameorigin(entity e) { vector org; org = gettaginfo(e, 0); e.angles = fixedvectoangles2(v_forward, v_up); if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles_x = -e.angles_x; e.origin = org; setattachment(e, world, ""); setorigin(e, e.origin); } void follow_sameorigin(entity e, entity to) { e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; // make the hole follow e.aiment = to; // make the hole follow bmodel e.punchangle = to.angles; // the original angles of bmodel e.view_ofs = e.origin - to.origin; // relative origin e.v_angle = e.angles - to.angles; // relative angles } void unfollow_sameorigin(entity e) { e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; } entity gettaginfo_relative_ent; vector gettaginfo_relative(entity e, float tag) { if (!gettaginfo_relative_ent) { gettaginfo_relative_ent = spawn(); gettaginfo_relative_ent.effects = EF_NODRAW; } gettaginfo_relative_ent.model = e.model; gettaginfo_relative_ent.modelindex = e.modelindex; gettaginfo_relative_ent.frame = e.frame; return gettaginfo(gettaginfo_relative_ent, tag); } void SoundEntity_StartSound(entity pl, float chan, string samp, float vol, float attn) { float p; p = pow(2, chan); if (pl.soundentity.cnt & p) return; soundtoat(MSG_ALL, pl.soundentity, gettaginfo(pl.soundentity, 0), chan, samp, vol, attn); pl.soundentity.cnt |= p; } void SoundEntity_StopSound(entity pl, float chan) { float p; p = pow(2, chan); if (pl.soundentity.cnt & p) { stopsoundto(MSG_ALL, pl.soundentity, chan); pl.soundentity.cnt &~= p; } } void SoundEntity_Attach(entity pl) { pl.soundentity = spawn(); pl.soundentity.classname = "soundentity"; pl.soundentity.owner = pl; setattachment(pl.soundentity, pl, ""); setmodel(pl.soundentity, "null"); } void SoundEntity_Detach(entity pl) { float i; for (i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) SoundEntity_StopSound(pl, i); } float ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken; entity GetCommandPlayerSlotTargetFromTokenizedCommand(float tokens, float idx) // idx = start index { string s; entity e, head; float n; s = string_null; ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken = -1; if (tokens > idx) { if (substring(argv(idx), 0, 1) == "#") { s = substring(argv(idx), 1, -1); ++idx; if (s == "") if (tokens > idx) { s = argv(idx); ++idx; } ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken = idx; if (s == ftos(stof(s))) { e = edict_num(stof(s)); if (e.flags & FL_CLIENT) return e; } } else { // it must be a nick name s = argv(idx); ++idx; ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken = idx; n = 0; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(head) if (head.netname == s) { e = head; ++n; } if (n == 1) return e; s = strdecolorize(s); n = 0; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(head) if (strdecolorize(head.netname) == s) { e = head; ++n; } if (n == 1) return e; } } return world; } .float scale2; float modeleffect_SendEntity(entity to, float sf) { float f; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT); f = 0; if(self.velocity != '0 0 0') f |= 1; if(self.angles != '0 0 0') f |= 2; if(self.avelocity != '0 0 0') f |= 4; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.modelindex); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.frame); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_z); if(f & 1) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_z); } if(f & 2) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_z); } if(f & 4) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity_z); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.scale * 256.0); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.scale2 * 256.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.teleport_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.fade_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.alpha * 255.0); return TRUE; } void modeleffect_spawn(string m, float s, float f, vector o, vector v, vector ang, vector angv, float s0, float s2, float a, float t1, float t2) { entity e; float sz; e = spawn(); e.classname = "modeleffect"; setmodel(e, m); e.frame = f; setorigin(e, o); e.velocity = v; e.angles = ang; e.avelocity = angv; e.alpha = a; e.teleport_time = t1; e.fade_time = t2; = s; if(s0 >= 0) e.scale = s0 / max6(-e.mins_x, -e.mins_y, -e.mins_z, e.maxs_x, e.maxs_y, e.maxs_z); else e.scale = -s0; if(s2 >= 0) e.scale2 = s2 / max6(-e.mins_x, -e.mins_y, -e.mins_z, e.maxs_x, e.maxs_y, e.maxs_z); else e.scale2 = -s2; sz = max(e.scale, e.scale2); setsize(e, e.mins * sz, e.maxs * sz); Net_LinkEntity(e, FALSE, 0.1, modeleffect_SendEntity); } void shockwave_spawn(string m, vector org, float sz, float t1, float t2) { return modeleffect_spawn(m, 0, 0, org, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0, sz, 1, t1, t2); }