string GotoMap(string m); void make_mapinfo_Think() { if(MapInfo_FilterGametype(MAPINFO_TYPE_ALL, 0, 1)) { print("Done rebuiling mapinfos.\n"); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), 0); remove(self); } else { self.think = make_mapinfo_Think; self.nextthink = time; } } void GameCommand(string command) { float argc; argc = tokenize(command); if(argv(0) == "help" || argc == 0) { print("Usage: sv_cmd COMMAND..., where possible commands are:\n"); print(" adminmsg clientnumber \"message\"\n"); print(" teamstatus\n"); print(" printstats\n"); print(" make_mapinfo\n"); print(" gametype dm|ctf|...\n"); print(" savedb filename\n"); print(" dumpdb filename\n"); print(" loaddb filename\n"); GameCommand_Ban("help"); GameCommand_Generic("help"); return; } if(GameCommand_Ban(command)) return; if(GameCommand_Generic(command)) return; if(argv(0) == "teamstatus") { PrintScoreboard(world); return; } if(argv(0) == "printstats") { DumpStats(FALSE); return; } if(argv(0) == "make_mapinfo") { entity e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "make_mapinfo"; e.think = make_mapinfo_Think; e.nextthink = time; MapInfo_Enumerate(); return; } if(argv(0) == "warp") if(argc == 2) if(cvar("g_campaign")) { CampaignLevelWarp(stof(argv(1))); return; } if(argv(0) == "gotomap") if(argc == 2) { print(GotoMap(argv(1)), "\n"); return; } #ifdef MAPINFO if(argv(0) == "gametype") if(argc == 2) { float t, tsave; string s; s = argv(1); t = MapInfo_Type_FromString(s); tsave = MapInfo_CurrentGametype(); if(t) { MapInfo_SwitchGameType(t); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), 0); if(MapInfo_count > 0) { bprint("Game type successfully switched to ", s, "\n"); } else { bprint("Cannot use this game type: no map for it found\n"); MapInfo_SwitchGameType(tsave); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), 0); } } else bprint("Game type switch to ", s, " failed: this type does not exist!\n"); return; } #endif if(argv(0) == "adminmsg") if(argc == 3) { entity client; float entno; entno = stof(argv(1)); for(client = world; entno > 0; --entno, client = nextent(client)) ; if(client.flags & FL_CLIENT) { centerprint_atprio(client, CENTERPRIO_ADMIN, strcat("^3SERVER ADMIN:\n\n^7", argv(2))); sprint(client, strcat("\{1}\{13}^3SERVER ADMIN^7: ", argv(2), "\n")); print("Message sent to ", client.netname, "\n"); } else print("Client not found\n"); return; } if(argv(0) == "savedb") if(argc == 2) { db_save(ServerProgsDB, argv(1)); print("DB saved.\n"); return; } if(argv(0) == "dumpdb") if(argc == 2) { db_dump(ServerProgsDB, argv(1)); print("DB dumped.\n"); return; } if(argv(0) == "loaddb") if(argc == 2) { db_close(ServerProgsDB); ServerProgsDB = db_load(argv(1)); print("DB loaded.\n"); return; } print("Invalid command. For a list of supported commands, try sv_cmd help.\n"); }