// CSQC_UpdateView - Called every rendered frame on the client. Useful for HUD drawing operations. void CSQC_UpdateView(void) { // ALWAYS Clear Current Scene First R_ClearScene(); // Assign Standard Viewflags // Draw the World (and sky) R_SetView(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1); // Draw the Crosshair R_SetView(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 1); // Draw the Engine Status Bar (the default Quake HUD) R_SetView(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 1); // Set the console size vars vid_conwidth = cvar("vid_conwidth"); vid_conheight = cvar("vid_conheight"); // Update the mouse position /* mousepos_x = vid_conwidth; mousepos_y = vid_conheight; mousepos = mousepos*0.5 + getmousepos(); */ // Update the camera /* UpdateCamera(); R_SetView(VF_ORIGIN, self.origin); R_SetView(VF_ANGLES, self.angles); */ // Setup Entities to be Rendered (include all base types; normal, engine and viewmodels) R_AddEntities(MASK_NORMAL | MASK_ENGINE | MASK_ENGINEVIEWMODELS); // Render the Scene R_RenderScene(); // Draw the mouse cursor // NOTE: drawpic must happen after R_RenderScene for some reason //drawpic(mousepos, "gfx/cursor.tga", '11 14 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0); }