: * Closed bug #885 (raiseOnFocus is flawed) * Closed bug #887 (Mouse-wheel scrolling only changes 1 desktop when using "dialog" option) * Closed bug #888 (some random coredump) * Closed bug #889 (focus follow mouse not following) * Closed bug #892 (client_under_pointer() doesn't check DESKTOP_ALL) * Avoid the focus flicker when switching desktops * Free the XML DOM trees properly, fixes mem leak 3.0-rc1: * Closed bug #875 (RaiseLower fails to funtion on windows with dialogs) * Added the option for moving dock apps around inside the dock. (Closes bug #798) * Made the "Desktop" action show the pager/desktop dialog * Add the option to the Desktop and Focus switching actions * No longer iconify fullscreen windows when they lose focus (Closes bug #876) * When not using focusLast, when a focused transient is closed, focus will still fallback to its parent or transient siblings * Improved intelligence for focus cycling with modal transients * Removed the focusLast option * Added the placement-policy option to select if windows are placed under the mouse pointer * Children inherit their window icon from their parent * Closed bug #878 (minimal resizing of mplayer makes openbox crash) * Fix case where opening a menu would leave Openbox in a locked state * Upstream updates for TheBear theme 3.0-beta6: * Added _OB_WM_STATE_UNDECORATED hint, which can be read and controlled by external applications * Closed bug #874 (libtool won't install libobrender.la) * Launch ObConf when selecting GNOME's Desktop Preferences for Windows * Focus new children always if their direct parent is focused 3.0-beta5: * Initial release.