=========== D2X =========== Linux: ====== Required tools: * GCC 2.95 * SDL 1.0 (get it from http://www.devolution.com/~slouken/projects/SDL/) * NASM 0.98 (OPTIONAL but RECOMMENDED, not sure, try your linux distribution) * A thread safe X server. * Make, sed, etc... Build instructions: Install all of the components above. Next, from the d2x directory: ./configure (./configure --help will show you the available options) For OpenGL support, try configuring with --with-opengl. Your mileage may vary (but basically, you need an accelerated Mesa sitting somewhere where d2x cab see it)... The OpenGL support isn't perfect, but it works... make Hopefully d2x will build. Do not be concerned about warnings, they are fairly unimportant. Known bugs/issues: * Serial support doesn't work. (UDP and IPX networking does) * Movies (unlikely ever to be supported) * Sound glitches (due to stuff I haven't implemented) * The mouse support is at the same level as it was in d1x (as in, it kind of works) * Something went screwy with the control config system, it kinda got "d1xed"... * OpenGL leaks memory like it is going out of fashion. It leaked about 64meg in a few minutes for me. I need to debug this =) MS-DOS: ======= Required tools: * DJGPP v2 The following DJGPP packages are ALL REQUIRED (newer versions are ok)! v2/ djdev203.zip v2gnu/ bnu281b.zip gcc2952b.zip mak3781b.zip bsh1147b.zip sed302b.zip m4-14b.zip acnf213b.zip gwk304b.zip txt20b.zip grep22b.zip dif272b.zip So many packages are needed to support the autoconf build system that d2x uses. (Sorry! =) * NASM v0.98 or better is REQUIRED Build instructions: Install all of the djgpp packages above. Make sure that DJGPP is properly configure (see the DJGPP docs for more information). Make a copy of bash.exe in your djgpp bin/ directory. Call it "sh.exe". This step is VERY IMPORTANT (otherwise all the scripts will fail). Now, run the following from the d2x directory: djgpp.bat make Hopefully things will work out and the package will build correctly for you. Known bugs/issues: * Serial and network support missing. * Sound support missing. * Movie support missing Reporting bugs/feedback: ======================== There are two ways to report bugs and give feedback: 1) Get on the descent-source mailing list by sending an email to majordomo@warpcore.org with the body as: "subscribe descent-source ". Discussions about the source code in general are available here, and is the main list that d2x and d1x, a similar project for descent 1 is discussed on. Patches and questions can be posted there, as well. 2) Send feedback directly to me, peterhawkins@ozemail.com.au. I'll try to get back to you ASAP, depending on real-life concerns =) /* THE OLD README FOLLOWS */ Legal Stuff: THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We make no warranties as to the usability or correctness of this code. ============================================ Message from Matt Toschlog & Mike Kulas: Descent fans: Here, finally, is the source for Descent II. We've been so busy with Descent 3, Mercenary, FreeSpace, FreeSpace 2, and several other projects that we haven't given much thought to this old code. But we know that many of you are eager to get it, so here you go. We were amazed and impressed at the cool things people did with the Descent source we released a few years ago. It touches us deeply how devoted some people are to the Descent series, and we look forward to seeing what people can do with this Descent II source. Matt Toschlog Mike Kulas Outrage Entertainment Volition, Inc. ============================================ About the Source Code: Included is almost all the source code to Descent 2, ver. 1.2. We removed all code to which we did not own the copyright. This mainly involved low- level sound and modem code and the movie code. The Descent Network has agreed to provide a list of mirror locations where this code can be downloaded. The location is: http://www.descent2.com/ddn/sources/descent2 The following tools were used in the development of Descent: Watcom C/C++, version 9.5 Microsoft Macro Assembler, version 6.1x Opus Make, version 6.01 Have fun with the code! Parallax Software Corporation 12/14/1999 As Packaged the code currently will not compile. Some code had to be removed to release it, therefore you will get some missing file errors when building. Much of this code is very close to the Descent 1 source code. Many people have put effort into porting that code, so if you are interested in porting D2, you should be able to take advantage of some of that work. A few good web sites to check out are: The D1X Project: http://d1x.warpcore.org The Descent Network: http://www.descent-network.com