; THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX ; SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO ; END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ; ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS ; IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS ; SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE ; FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE ; CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS ; AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. ; COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** ;***** ***** ;***** T I M E R . A S M ***** ;***** ***** ;***** ***** ;***** PROCEDURES ***** ;***** ***** ;***** ***** ;***** ***** ;***** VARIABLES ***** ;***** ***** ;***** ***** ;***** CONSTANTS ***** ;***** ***** ;***** ***** ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** .386 ;************************************************************************ ;**************** FLAT MODEL DATA SEGMENT STUFF ************************* ;************************************************************************ _DATA SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC USE32 'DATA' rcsid db "$Id: timer.asm,v 2001-01-19 03:30:14 bradleyb Exp $" TDATA EQU 40h TCOMMAND EQU 43h PIC EQU 020h STACK_SIZE EQU 4096 ; A 4K stack TIMER_DATA STRUCT in_timer db 0 nested_counter dd 0 _timer_cnt dd 65536 dos_timer dd ? joystick_poller dd 0 user_function df 0 org_interrupt df 0 saved_stack df 0 new_stack df 0 tick_count dd 0 Installed db 0 TimerStack db STACK_SIZE dup (?) TIMER_DATA ENDS TimerData TIMER_DATA <> _DATA ENDS DGROUP GROUP _DATA ;************************************************************************ ;**************** FLAT MODEL CODE SEGMENT STUFF ************************* ;************************************************************************ _TEXT SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC USE32 'CODE' ASSUME ds:_DATA ASSUME cs:_TEXT INCLUDE PSMACROS.INC INCLUDE FIX.INC TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_START: extn atexit_ PUBLIC timer_get_stamp64 timer_get_stamp64: ; Return a 64-bit stamp that is the number of 1.19Mhz pulses ; since the time was initialized. Returns in EDX:EAX. ; Also, interrupts must be disabled. xor eax, eax ; Clear all of EAX out TCOMMAND, al ; Tell timer to latch mov al, 0ah ; Find if interrupt pending out PIC, al jmp @f @@: in al, PIC and eax, 01b jz NoInterrupt in al, TDATA ; Read in lo byte mov dl, al in al, TDATA ; Read in hi byte mov dh, al and edx, 0ffffh mov eax, TimerData._timer_cnt shl eax, 1 sub eax, edx push ebx mov ebx, eax mov eax, TimerData.tick_count imul TimerData._timer_cnt ; edx:eax = Number of 1.19 MHz ticks elapsed... add eax, ebx adc edx, 0 pop ebx ret NoInterrupt: in al, TDATA ; Read in lo byte mov ah, al in al, TDATA ; Read in hi byte xchg ah, al ; arrange em correctly mov edx, TimerData._timer_cnt sub dx, ax ; BX = timer ticks mov ax, dx push ebx mov ebx, eax mov eax, TimerData.tick_count imul TimerData._timer_cnt ; edx:eax = Number of 1.19 MHz ticks elapsed... add eax, ebx adc edx, 0 pop ebx ret PUBLIC timer_get_fixed_seconds_ timer_get_fixed_seconds_: push ebx push edx cli call timer_get_stamp64 sti ; Timing in fixed point (16.16) seconds. ; Can be used for up to 1000 hours shld edx, eax, 16 ; Keep 32+11 bits shl eax, 16 ; edx:eax = number of 1.19Mhz pulses elapsed. mov ebx, 1193180 ; Make sure we won't divide overflow. Make time wrap at about 9 hours sub_again: sub edx, ebx ; subtract until negative... jns sub_again ; ...to prevent divide overflow... add edx, ebx ; ...then add in to get correct value. div ebx ; eax = fixed point seconds elapsed... pop edx pop ebx ret PUBLIC timer_get_fixed_secondsX_ timer_get_fixed_secondsX_: push ebx push edx call timer_get_stamp64 ; Timing in fixed point (16.16) seconds. ; Can be used for up to 1000 hours shld edx, eax, 16 ; Keep 32+11 bits shl eax, 16 ; edx:eax = number of 1.19Mhz pulses elapsed. mov ebx, 1193180 xsub_again: sub edx, ebx ; subtract until negative... jns xsub_again ; ...to prevent divide overflow... add edx, ebx ; ...then add in to get correct value. div ebx ; eax = fixed point seconds elapsed... pop edx pop ebx ret PUBLIC timer_get_approx_seconds_ timer_get_approx_seconds_: push ebx push edx mov eax, TimerData.tick_count imul TimerData._timer_cnt ; edx:eax = Number of 1.19 MHz ticks elapsed... shld edx, eax, 16 ; Keep 32+16 bits, for conversion to fixed point shl eax, 16 ; edx:eax = number of 1.19Mhz pulses elapsed. mov ebx, 1193180 approx_sub_again: sub edx, ebx ; subtract until negative... jns approx_sub_again ; ...to prevent divide overflow... add edx, ebx ; ...then add in to get correct value. div ebx ; eax = fixed point seconds elapsed... pop edx pop ebx ret ;extern void timer_set_rate(int count_val); ;extern void timer_set_function( void _far * function ); PUBLIC timer_set_rate_ timer_set_rate_: ; eax = rate pushad ; Make sure eax below or equal to 65535 and above 0 ; if its not, make it be 65536 which is normal dos ; timing. cmp eax, 65535 jbe @f mov eax, 65536 @@: cmp eax, 0 jne @f mov eax, 65536 @@: ; Set the timer rate to eax cli mov TimerData.tick_count, 0 mov TimerData._timer_cnt, eax mov al, 34h ; count in binary, mode 2, load low byte then hi byte, counter 0: 00 11 010 0 out TCOMMAND, al ; Reset PIT channel 0 mov eax, TimerData._timer_cnt out TDATA, al mov al, ah out TDATA, al sti popad ret PUBLIC timer_set_function_ timer_set_function_: ; dx:eax = far pointer to user function pushad cli mov dword ptr TimerData.user_function[0], eax ; offset mov word ptr TimerData.user_function[4], dx ; selector sti popad ret PUBLIC timer_set_joyhandler_ timer_set_joyhandler_: cli mov TimerData.joystick_poller, eax sti ret PUBLIC timer_delay_ timer_delay_: pushad mov edx, 18 mov ecx, [ds:046Ch] ; Get Current DOS Ticks fixmul edx add ecx, eax timeloop: cmp ecx, [ds:046ch] jg timeloop popad ret ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ ;***** ***** ;***** T I M E R _ H A N D L E R ***** ;***** ***** ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ timer_handler: push ds push es push eax mov ax, DGROUP ; Interrupt, so point to our data segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; Increment time counter... inc TimerData.tick_count mov eax, TimerData._timer_cnt add TimerData.dos_timer, eax ; Increment DOS timer cmp TimerData.dos_timer, 65536 jb NoChainToOld ; See if we need to chain to DOS 18.2 and TimerData.dos_timer, 0ffffh ; ; Call the original DOS handler.... ; pushfd call fword ptr [TimerData.org_interrupt] jmp NoReset ;old handler has reset, so we don't NoChainToOld: ; Reset controller mov al, 20h ; Reset interrupt controller out 20h, al NoReset: cmp TimerData.in_timer, 0 jne ExitInterrupt mov TimerData.in_timer, 1 ; Mark that we're in a timer interrupt... ; Reenable interrupts sti ; Reenable interrupts cmp word ptr TimerData.user_function[4], 0 ; Check the selector... je NoUserFunction ; Switch stacks while calling the user-definable function... pushad push fs push gs mov dword ptr TimerData.saved_stack[0], esp mov word ptr TimerData.saved_stack[4], ss lss esp, TimerData.new_stack ; Switch to new stack call fword ptr [TimerData.user_function] ; Call new function lss esp, TimerData.saved_stack ; Switch back to original stack pop gs pop fs popad NoUserFunction: cmp dword ptr TimerData.joystick_poller, 0 je NoJoyPolling mov eax, TimerData._timer_cnt mov dword ptr TimerData.saved_stack[0], esp mov word ptr TimerData.saved_stack[4], ss lss esp, TimerData.new_stack ; Switch to new stack call dword ptr TimerData.joystick_poller lss esp, TimerData.saved_stack ; Switch back to original stack NoJoyPolling: cli mov TimerData.in_timer, 0 ExitInterrupt: ;;mov al, 20h ; Reset interrupt controller ;;out 20h, al pop eax pop es pop ds iretd ; Return from timer interrupt TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_STOP: ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ ;***** ***** ;***** T I M E R _ I N I T ***** ;***** ***** ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ PUBLIC timer_init_ timer_init_: pushad push ds push es cmp TimerData.Installed, 1 je AlreadyInstalled mov TimerData._timer_cnt, 65536 ; Set to BIOS's normal 18.2 Hz mov TimerData.dos_timer, 0 ; clear DOS Interrupt counter mov dword ptr TimerData.user_function[0], 0 ; offset of user function mov word ptr TimerData.user_function[4], 0 ; selector of user function lea eax, ds:[TimerData.TimerStack] ; Use EAX as temp stack pointer add eax, STACK_SIZE ; Top of stack minus space for saving old ss:esp mov dword ptr TimerData.new_stack[0], eax mov word ptr TimerData.new_stack[4], ds ;--------------- lock data used in interrupt mov eax, SIZEOF TIMER_DATA mov esi, eax shr esi, 16 mov edi, eax and edi, 0ffffh ; si:di = length of region to lock in bytes lea ebx, ds:TimerData lea ecx, ds:TimerData shr ebx, 16 and ecx, 0ffffh ; bx:cx = start of linear address to lock mov eax, 0600h ; DPMI lock address function int 31h ; call dpmi jnc @f int 3 ; LOCK FAILED!! @@: ;--------------- lock code used in interrupt lea eax, cs:TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_STOP lea ecx, cs:TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_START sub eax, ecx inc eax ; EAX = size of timer interrupt handler mov esi, eax shr esi, 16 mov edi, eax and edi, 0ffffh ; si:di = length of region to lock in bytes lea ebx, cs:TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_START lea ecx, cs:TIMER_LOCKED_CODE_START shr ebx, 16 and ecx, 0ffffh ; bx:cx = start of linear address to lock mov eax, 0600h ; DPMI lock address function int 31h ; call dpmi jnc @f int 3 ; LOCK FAILED!! @@: ;************************************************************** ;******************* SAVE OLD INT8 HANDLER ******************** ;************************************************************** mov eax, 03508h ; DOS Get Vector 08h int 21h ; Call DOS mov dword ptr TimerData.org_interrupt[0], ebx ; offset of user function mov word ptr TimerData.org_interrupt[4], es ; selector of user function ;************************************************************** ;***************** INSTALL NEW INT8 HANDLER ******************* ;************************************************************** cli mov al, 34h ; count in binary, mode 2, load low byte then hi byte, counter 0: 00 11 010 0 out TCOMMAND, al ; Reset PIT channel 0 mov eax, TimerData._timer_cnt out TDATA, al mov al, ah out TDATA, al mov TimerData.tick_count, 0 mov TimerData.Installed,1 mov eax, 02508h ; DOS Set Vector 08h mov edx, offset timer_handler ; Point DS:EDX to new handler mov bx, cs push ds mov ds, bx int 21h pop ds sti lea eax, cs:timer_close_ call atexit_ AlreadyInstalled: pop es pop ds popad ret ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ ;***** ***** ;***** T I M E R _ C L O S E _ ***** ;***** ***** ;************************************************************************ ;************************************************************************ PUBLIC timer_close_ timer_close_: push eax push edx push ds cmp TimerData.Installed, 0 je NotInstalled mov TimerData.Installed, 0 ;************************************************************** ;***************** RESTORE OLD INT9 HANDLER ******************* ;************************************************************** cli mov al, 36h ; count in binary, mode 3, load low byte then hi byte, counter 0: 00 11 011 0 out TCOMMAND, al ; Reser PIT channel 0 mov ax, 0h out TDATA, al mov al, ah out TDATA, al push ds mov eax, 02508h ; DOS Set Vector 08h mov edx, dword ptr TimerData.org_interrupt[0] mov ds, word ptr TimerData.org_interrupt[4] int 21h pop ds sti cmp TimerData.nested_counter, 0 je NoNestedInterrupts mov eax, TimerData.nested_counter ;int 3 ; Get John!! NoNestedInterrupts: NotInstalled: pop ds pop edx pop eax ret _TEXT ENDS END