********************************* *************QC****************** -ANIMATION/PLAYER- - Jumping animation - Taunting animation - Use of player_skin -BUGS/OTHER- - Jumping underwater should move the player up - Add drowning (quake1 style) - Slime should cause damage - User not dying when falling into the black -BOTS- - Make waypoints for all levels - Personalitys for the bots (names for bots with certain models) - fix HORRIBLE use of weapons - Secondary weapon support -SOUNDS- - Add a sound when hitting with uzi/shotgun, hit.wav. Use armorimpact if the enemy has armor - Add electro_fly (for secondary fire) - Add missile_fly (for rocket and hagar) ********************************* ************Engine*************** -2D GRAPHICS- - Don't show monsters/secrets on the bottom of the scoreboard - Different text colors depending on the info (white for chatting, red for deaths) - Different text sizes depending on the info (deaths are slighly larger) - Graphic over the user to show they are typing a message/in the console/in the menu -PARTICLE EFFECTS- - Small Explosion (used for hagar) (see Explosion.jpg for example of the type of explosion wanted, this should be altered for the various sizes) - Medium Explosion (used for mortar) - Large Explosion (used for rocket) - basic spark effect for levels - Smoke effect for levels - Tracers for Machine gun ********************************* ************ Art **************** -Textures- - Slime textures for Slime Pit - Water texture for oil rig - Lava texture -SKINS- - carni - grunt - headhunter - female shock - specop -ANIMATION- - Adding 'flying' directions for the models (they feet should sway whatever way they are going in the air) -MODELS- - Electro secondary explosion animation - 3 Gib models - Large piece of flesh - Medium piece of flesh - Very small piece of flesh to create more blood and fade quickly ********************************* ************Menu **************** disconnect button -Create Game- -map lists -create server 'Game Options' menu - Select of game's .dat to use - Sv_gravity, sv_accer, sv_friction, sv_maxspeed options -Join Game- - Lan listing - Scrolling through the server list (it might show hundreds) -Options- -GAME- - Sbar alpha (slider, change both bg and fg) - Jpeg Screenshots - Text Shadow - Show Framerate - Show Time` - Show Date -PLAYER- - Crosshair - FOV (slider) - Team color (choose one of 3, red, blue, green) -INPUT- - Invert Mouse (negate m_pitch) - Mouse Speed -EFFECTS- - Three main settings, high quality, medium quality, and low quality (name the cfg files whatever and i'll place them in later) Sliders: - Bloom (r_bloom_intensity) (only if bloom is on) - Gloss (r_shadow_gloss (1.0-2.0) (only if realtime lights are on) - Bumpmap scale (r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 1-10) (only if realtime lights are on) - Blood Opacity - Particles Quality -Decals -Blood -Bloom (r_bloom) -Coronas (r_coronas) -Realtime lights (r_shadow_realtime_world AND r_shadow_realtime_dlight) -Realtime Shadows (r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows 0) (only if realtime lights are on) ********************************* ************GAMECFG ************* 1; /// everyone gets the nex gun with infinite ammo - done 2; /// Spawn Protection (user is invicible for 3 seconds) 4; /// Strength gain 8; /// Fast health regeneration - done 16; /// Rocket Arena - done 32; /// no self damage, so rocket jumping and such can be used a lot more 64; /// turns off air control 128; /// Weapons Stay 256; /// makes the players model fullbright - done 512; /// Teamplay ********************************* ************GAME MODS *********** When a final version of the gamecode is made, the game will be given out to many quake1 mod authors to create their own nexuiz gamemode to be included in the final release. These may support the normal deathmatch gamecfg options or not.