float RUNE_FIRST = 1; float RUNE_STRENGTH = 1; float RUNE_DEFENSE = 2; float RUNE_REGEN = 4; float RUNE_SPEED = 8; float RUNE_VAMPIRE = 16; float RUNE_LAST = 16; float CURSE_FIRST = 8192; float CURSE_WEAK = 8192; float CURSE_VULNER = 16384; float CURSE_VENOM = 32768; float CURSE_SLOW = 65536; float CURSE_EMPATHY = 131072; float CURSE_LAST = 131072; /* rune ideas: Doom/Death Rune: When you damage enemies, you have a slight chance of instant-killing them (porportional to damage dealt / their health) Curse: When you are damaged, you have a chance of being instant-killed Vengence/Slothful Rune: The lower your health below 100, the more damage you deal (does not decrease your damage if you're above 100) Curse: The higher your health (up to 100), the less damage you deal (at 100 hp deal 1/5th damage) */ /*QUAKED runematch_spawn_point (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24) spawn point for runes in runematch */ void runematch_spawn_point() { if(!cvar("g_runematch")) { remove(self); return; } droptofloor(); setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 35'); } string RuneName(float r) { if(r == RUNE_STRENGTH) return "^1Strength^7"; if(r == RUNE_DEFENSE) return "^4Defense^7"; if(r == RUNE_REGEN) return "^2Vitality^7"; if(r == RUNE_SPEED) return "^3Speed^7"; if(r == RUNE_VAMPIRE) return "^6Vampire^7"; if(r == CURSE_WEAK) return "^1Weakness^7"; if(r == CURSE_VULNER) return "^4Vulnerability^7"; if(r == CURSE_VENOM) return "^2Venom^7"; if(r == CURSE_SLOW) return "^3Slow^7"; if(r == CURSE_EMPATHY) return "^6Empathy^7"; return strcat("^8[unnamed", ftos(r), "]^7"); } vector RuneColormod(float r) { vector _color; if(r == RUNE_STRENGTH) _color = '255 0 0'; if(r == RUNE_DEFENSE) _color = '0 0 255';//'0 102 255';// if(r == RUNE_REGEN) _color = '0 204 0';//'0 255 0'; if(r == RUNE_SPEED) _color = 0.35*'185 185 0';//255 230 0';//'255 255 0'; if(r == RUNE_VAMPIRE) _color = '64 0 128';//'108 0 217';//'128 0 255';//'179 0 204';// if(r == CURSE_WEAK) _color = '255 0 0'; if(r == CURSE_VULNER) _color = '0 0 255';//'0 102 255';// if(r == CURSE_VENOM) _color = '0 204 0';//'0 255 0'; if(r == CURSE_SLOW) _color = 0.5*'185 185 0';//'255 255 0'; if(r == CURSE_EMPATHY) _color = '179 0 204';//'128 0 255'; return _color * (1 / 255) * cvar("g_runematch_rune_color_strength"); } float count_rune_spawnpoints() { float num; entity e; num = 0; e = findchain(classname, "runematch_spawn_point"); while(e) { num = num + 1; e = e.chain; } return num; } entity rune_find_spawnpoint(float num, float r) { entity e; e = world; do { e = find(e, classname, "runematch_spawn_point"); if(!e) e = find(e, classname, "runematch_spawn_point"); if(!e) break; if(r < 0) { return e; // emergency: prevent crash } if(e.owner != world)//e.wait > time) // already taken continue; if(r <= 1) { return e; } r = r - 1; }while(e); return world; } void rune_respawn(); void RuneCarriedThink() { float rcount, rnum; vector ang; entity rune; if(self.owner.classname != "player") { rune_respawn(); return; } self.nextthink = time + 0.1; // count runes my owner holds rcount = 0; rune = find(world, classname, "rune"); while(rune) { if(rune.owner == self.owner) rcount = rcount + 1; if(rune == self) rnum = rcount; rune = find(rune, classname, "rune"); } ang_y = rnum*(360 / rcount) + math_mod(time, 360)*45;//180; makevectors(ang); //setorigin(self, v_forward*32); self.view_ofs = v_forward*32; } void rune_touch() { if(other.classname != "player" || other.health < 2) return; if(self.wait > time) return; // "notouch" time isn't finished // detach from the spawn point you're on if(self.owner.classname == "runematch_spawn_point") { self.owner.owner = world; self.owner = world; } self.owner = other; self.enemy.owner = other; //setattachment(self, other, ""); setattachment(self, world, ""); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; self.aiment = other; self.view_ofs = other.origin; setorigin(self, '0 0 0'); other.runes = other.runes | self.runes | self.enemy.runes; //self.think = SUB_Null; //self.nextthink = 0; self.think = RuneCarriedThink; self.nextthink = time; self.touch = SUB_Null; self.solid = SOLID_NOT; setorigin(self, self.origin); //sprint(other, strcat("^3You have picked up ", // RuneName(self.runes & (RUNE_LAST*2-1)), " and ")); //sprint(other, strcat(RuneName(self.enemy.runes & (CURSE_WEAK | CURSE_VULNER | CURSE_VENOM | CURSE_SLOW | CURSE_EMPATHY)), "\n")); bprint(strcat("^3", other.netname, "^7 has picked up ", RuneName(self.runes & (RUNE_LAST*2-1)), "^7 and ")); bprint(strcat(RuneName(self.enemy.runes & (CURSE_WEAK | CURSE_VULNER | CURSE_VENOM | CURSE_SLOW | CURSE_EMPATHY)), "\n")); } void rune_respawn() { float num, r; entity spot; num = count_rune_spawnpoints(); r = ceil(random()*num); if(self.owner.classname == "runematch_spawn_point") { self.owner.owner = world; self.owner = world; } spot = rune_find_spawnpoint(num, r); if(!spot) { bprint("Warning: couldn't find spawn spot for rune respawn\n"); return; } self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; setorigin(self, spot.origin); self.owner = spot; spot.owner = self; self.touch = rune_touch; self.think = rune_respawn; self.nextthink = time + cvar("g_runematch_shuffletime");//30 + random()*5; // fixme: cvar } entity FindRune(entity own, string clname, float r) { entity rune; float _count, c; c = _count = 0; rune = world; do { rune = find(rune, classname, clname); if(!rune) rune = find(rune, classname, clname); if(!rune) break; if(rune.owner == own) { _count = _count + 1; if(_count >= r) return rune; if(r <= 1) return rune; } c = c + 1; }while(c < 30); return world; } void DropRune(entity pl, entity e) { //entity pl; //pl = e.owner; // detach from player setattachment(e, world, ""); e.owner = world; e.enemy.owner = world; // don't instantly touch player again e.wait = time + 1; // "notouch" time e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // reposition itself if not picked up soon e.think = rune_respawn; e.nextthink = time + cvar("g_runematch_respawntime");//15 + random()*5; // fixme: cvar e.touch = rune_touch; pl.runes = pl.runes - (pl.runes & (e.runes | e.enemy.runes)); // toss from player setorigin(e, pl.origin + '0 0 10'); e.velocity = '0 0 200' + '0 100 0'*crandom() + '100 0 0'*crandom(); bprint(strcat("^3", pl.netname, "^7 has lost ", RuneName(e.runes & (RUNE_LAST*2-1)), "^7 and ")); bprint(strcat(RuneName(e.enemy.runes & (CURSE_WEAK | CURSE_VULNER | CURSE_VENOM | CURSE_SLOW | CURSE_EMPATHY)), "\n")); } float RuneMatchesCurse(float r, float c) { float cr; if(r & RUNE_STRENGTH) cr = CURSE_WEAK; else if(r & RUNE_DEFENSE) cr = CURSE_VULNER; else if(r & RUNE_REGEN) cr = CURSE_VENOM; else if(r & RUNE_SPEED) cr = CURSE_SLOW; else if(r & RUNE_VAMPIRE) cr = CURSE_EMPATHY; else return FALSE; // fixme: error? if(c & cr) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // player died, drop runes // each rune should pair up with a random curse and then be tossed from the player void DropAllRunes(entity pl) { entity rune, curse; float rcount, ccount, r, c, rand, prevent_same, numtodrop, tries; entity c1, r1, c2, r2; rune = curse = world; rcount = ccount = r = c = 0; rune = find(rune, classname, "rune"); while(rune) { if(rune.owner == pl) rcount = rcount + 1; rune = find(rune, classname, "rune"); } curse = find(curse, classname, "curse"); while(curse) { if(curse.owner == pl) ccount = ccount + 1; curse = find(curse, classname, "curse"); } numtodrop = cvar("g_runematch_drop_runes_max"); prevent_same = !cvar("g_runematch_allow_same"); rune = curse = world; do { rune = find(rune, classname, "rune"); if(!rune) break; if(rune.owner != pl) continue; // find a random curse tries = 15; if(ccount > 1 && prevent_same) { // avoid pairing runes and curses that match each other do{ rand = ceil(random()*ccount); curse = FindRune(pl, "curse", rand); tries = tries - 1; }while(RuneMatchesCurse(rune.runes, curse.runes) && tries > 0); if(tries <= 0) { bprint("warning: couldn't prevent same rune\n"); } } else { rand = ceil(random()*ccount); curse = FindRune(pl, "curse", rand); } if(!curse) error("Couldn't fine curse to bind rune to\n"); // pair rune and curse r1 = rune; c1 = curse; r2 = c1.enemy; c2 = r1.enemy; if(r1 != r2) // not already attached to each other { r1.enemy = c1; c1.enemy = r1; setattachment(c1, r1, ""); r2.enemy = c2; c2.enemy = r2; setattachment(c2, r2, ""); //DropRune(pl, r2); //ccount = ccount - 1; //rcount = rcount - 1; } DropRune(pl, r1); if(numtodrop <=0) { r1.think = rune_respawn; r1.nextthink = time; } numtodrop = numtodrop - 1; ccount = ccount - 1; rcount = rcount - 1; }while(rune); } void spawn_default_runespawnpoints() { entity spot, e; spot = find(world, classname, "info_player_deathmatch"); while(spot) { e = spawn(); e.classname = "runematch_spawn_point"; e.origin = spot.origin; spot = find(spot, classname, "info_player_deathmatch"); } } void spawn_runes() { float r, num, max_num, rn, cs, numrunes, runes_left, curses_left, tries, prevent_same; entity e, spot; if(self) remove(self); // fixme: instead of placing them all now, why not // simply create them all and let them call rune_respawn() as their think? runes_left = RUNE_STRENGTH | RUNE_DEFENSE | RUNE_REGEN | RUNE_SPEED | RUNE_VAMPIRE; curses_left = CURSE_WEAK | CURSE_VULNER | CURSE_VENOM | CURSE_SLOW | CURSE_EMPATHY; numrunes = 5; max_num = num = count_rune_spawnpoints(); if(num < numrunes) { spawn_default_runespawnpoints(); } prevent_same = !cvar("g_runematch_allow_same"); max_num = num = count_rune_spawnpoints(); if(num < numrunes) error(strcat("not enough spawn points for runematch, need ", ftos(numrunes), " but found ", ftos(num), "\n")); while(numrunes > 0) { r = ceil(random()*numrunes); if(r == 1) rn = RUNE_STRENGTH; else if(r == 2) rn = RUNE_DEFENSE; else if(r == 3) rn = RUNE_REGEN; else if(r == 4) rn = RUNE_SPEED; else rn = RUNE_VAMPIRE; if(curses_left > 1 && prevent_same) { tries = 15; // avoid pairing runes and curses that match each other do{ r = ceil(random()*numrunes); if(r == 1) cs = CURSE_WEAK; else if(r == 2) cs = CURSE_VULNER; else if(r == 3) cs = CURSE_VENOM; else if(r == 4) cs = CURSE_SLOW; else cs = CURSE_EMPATHY; tries = tries - 1; }while(RuneMatchesCurse(rn, cs) && tries > 0); if(tries <= 0) { bprint("warning: couldn't prevent same rune\n"); } } else { r = ceil(random()*numrunes); if(r == 1) cs = CURSE_WEAK; else if(r == 2) cs = CURSE_VULNER; else if(r == 3) cs = CURSE_VENOM; else if(r == 4) cs = CURSE_SLOW; else cs = CURSE_EMPATHY; } if(num <= 1) r = 1; else r = ceil(random()*num*1.25); spot = rune_find_spawnpoint(num, r); if(spot == world) { error("failed to find runematch spawnpoint!\n"); } // choose and spawn rune /* //rn = RUNE_FIRST; while(!runes_left & rn && rn <= RUNE_LAST) rn = rn * 2; if(rn > RUNE_LAST) error("couldn't select rune\n"); runes_left = runes_left - rn; //cs = CURSE_FIRST; while(!curses_left & cs && cs <= CURSE_LAST) cs = cs * 2; if(cs > CURSE_LAST) error("couldn't select rune\n"); curses_left = curses_left - cs; */ while(!runes_left & rn) { rn = rn * 2; if(rn > RUNE_LAST) rn = RUNE_FIRST; } runes_left = runes_left - rn; while(!curses_left & cs) { cs = cs * 2; if(cs > CURSE_LAST) cs = CURSE_FIRST; } curses_left = curses_left - cs; e = spawn(); e.runes = rn; e.classname = "rune"; e.touch = rune_touch; e.think = rune_respawn; e.nextthink = time + random(); e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; e.flags = FL_ITEM; setmodel(e, "models/runematch/rune.mdl"); setorigin(e, spot.origin); setsize(e, '0 0 -35', '0 0 0'); e.enemy = spawn(); e.enemy.enemy = e; e.enemy.classname = "curse"; e.enemy.runes = cs; //e.enemy.avelocity = '300 500 200'; setmodel(e.enemy, "models/runematch/curse.mdl"); setorigin(e, '0 0 0'); setattachment(e.enemy, e, ""); e.colormod = RuneColormod(rn); e.enemy.colormod = RuneColormod(cs); e.alpha = e.enemy.alpha = cvar("g_runematch_rune_alpha");//0.78; e.effects = e.enemy.effects = cvar("g_runematch_rune_effects");//EF_ADDITIVE;// | EF_FULLBRIGHT; // Savage: Save some bandwidth self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; //e.glow_size = e.enemy.glow_size = cvar("g_runematch_rune_glow_size"); //e.glow_color = e.enemy.glow_color = cvar("g_runematch_rune_glow_color"); // this spot is taken spot.owner = e; e.owner = spot; //rn = RUNE_FIRST; //cs = CURSE_FIRST; numrunes = numrunes - 1; num = num - 1; } } void runematch_init() { if(!cvar("g_runematch")) return; entity e; e = spawn(); e.think = spawn_runes; e.nextthink = time + 0.1; } float runematch_point_time; // give points to players who are holding runes void RuneMatchGivePoints() { entity rune; if(!cvar("g_runematch") || !cvar("g_runematch_pointamt")) return; if(gameover) return; if(runematch_point_time > time) return; runematch_point_time = time + cvar("g_runematch_pointrate"); rune = world; do { rune = find(rune, classname, "rune"); if(!rune) return; if(rune.owner.classname == "player") { UpdateFrags(rune.owner, cvar("g_runematch_pointamt")); } }while(rune); } float RunematchHandleFrags(entity attacker, entity targ, float f) { entity head; float arunes, trunes, newfrags; if(f <= 0) return f; if(attacker == targ) return f; arunes = trunes = 0; head = find(world, classname, "rune"); while(head) { if(head.owner == attacker) { arunes = arunes + 1; } else if(head.owner == targ) { trunes = trunes + 1; } head = find(head, classname, "rune"); } if(!arunes && !trunes) return f - 1 + cvar("g_runematch_frags_norune"); // don't give points to players when no runes are involved. if(arunes) { // got a kill while holding runes newfrags = newfrags + cvar("g_runematch_frags_killedby_runeholder");//5; } if(trunes) { // killed an enemy holding runes newfrags = newfrags + cvar("g_runematch_frags_killed_runeholder");//5; } if(newfrags) f = f - 1 + newfrags; return f; }